Chapter 14



Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 65

The thenar eminence shows the state of the Stomach. Chapter 10 of the ‘Spiritual Axis’ relates the colour of the thenar eminence to the state of the Stomach and says: ‘When the Stomach has Cold, the thenar eminence is bluish; when the Stomach has Heat, the thenar eminence is reddish; if it is suddenly black, it indicates chronic Painful Obstruction Syndrome; if it is sometimes red, sometimes dark and sometimes bluish it indicates alternation of Heat and Cold; if it is bluish and short, it indicates deficiency of Qi.’3 Chapter 74 of the same book says: ‘When the thenar eminence has bluish venules, it indicates Cold in the Stomach.’4

Bluish or bluish-purple venules on the thenar eminence generally indicate Cold in the Stomach; if they are bluish but short they indicate deficiency of Qi or Empty-Cold from Stomach-Yang deficiency. Reddish venules indicate either Full-Heat or Empty-Heat (usually of the Stomach and/or Lungs), if they are reddish-purple they may indicate Blood stasis in the Stomach; and if yellowish-red, there is Damp-Heat in the Stomach.


Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 65

Tremor of the hands is a sign of internal Wind, which may be of the Full or Empty type. Internal Wind is always related to the Liver, and Liver-Wind or Wind-Phlegm in the Liver are the most frequent cause of tremor of the hands. Empty-Wind of the Liver causes a fine tremor of the hands; it may derive from Blood or Yin deficiency. Internal Wind, which may develop suddenly following a deep shock or a great fright, may also cause tremor of the hands.

In alcoholics, a fine tremor of the hands is caused by Phlegm-Heat. In rare cases, retention of Dampness in the muscles and sinews of the hands may also cause a fine tremor.

Box 14.1 summarizes patterns underlying hand tremor.

Apr 15, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE | Comments Off on OBSERVATION OF THE HANDS

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