Other therapies


Eaton L, Doherty K, Widrick R. A review of research and methods use to establish art therapy as an effective treatment method for traumatised children. Arts in Psychotherapy. 2007;34(3):256-262.

Feen-Calligan H. The use of art therapy in detoxification from chemical addiction. Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal. 2007;20(1):2-15.

Freiherr-von-Hornstein W, Gruber H. Art therapy and symptom control: a team approach. European Journal of Palliative Care. 2006;13(3):124-126.

Gussak D. Effects of art therapy with prison inmates: a follow up study. Arts in Psychotherapy. 2006;33(3):188-198.

Joseph C. Creative alliance: the healing power of art therapy. Art Therapy. 2006;23(1):30-33.

Lloyd C, Petchkovsky Wong S. Art and recovery in mental health: a qualitative investigation. British Journal of Occupational Therapy. 2007;70(5):207-214.

McElroy S, Warren A. Home-based art therapy for older adults with mental health needs: view of clients and caregivers. Art Therapy. 2006;23(2):52-58.

Orr P. Art therapy with children after disaster: a content analysis. Arts in Psychotherapy. 2007;34(4):350-361.

Reynolds F, Prior S. The role of art making in identity maintenance: case studies of people living with cancer. European Journal of Cancer Care. 2006;15(4):33-41.

Smeijsters H, Cleven G. The treatment of aggression using art therapies in forensic psychiatry: results of a qualitative inquiry. Arts in Psychotherapy. 2006;33(10):37-58.

Tobin B. Art therapy meets EMDR: processing the paper based image with eye movement. Canadian Art Therapy Association Journal. 2006;19(2):27-38.

Wood M. The benefits of artistic expression in healing. Practice Nurse. 2007;18(5):228-234.

Callahan technique/thought field therapy

Mar 14, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on O

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