Chapter 3 Plant nomenclature and taxonomy
Before the time of Linnaeus (1707–1778) many plants were known by a double Latin title; however, it is to this great Swedish biologist that we owe the general adoption of the present binomial system, in which the first name denotes the genus, while the second (specific) name denotes the species. All specific names may be written with small initial letters although formerly capitals were used where species were named after persons. Thus the species of Cinchona named after Charles Ledger, who brought its seeds from Brazil in 1865, is now written Cinchona ledgeriana rather than Cinchona Ledgeriana.
The branches of the genealogical tree differ so much in size that it is not easy to decide which are of equal systematic importance, and what one biologist may consider as a family another may regard as a subfamily. Similarly, the species of one botanist may be the subspecies or variety of another. The main hierarchical subdivisions of a division, arranged according to Engler’s scheme, may be illustrated by the following example showing the systematic position of peppermint.
Division | Angiospermae |
Class | Dicotyledoneae |
Subclass | Sympetalae |
Order | Tubiflorae |
Suborder | Verbenineae |
Family | Labiatae (Lamiaceae) |
Subfamily | Stachydoideae |
Tribe | Satureieae |
Genus | Mentha |
Species | Mentha piperita Linnaeus (Peppermint) |
Varieties | Mentha piperita var. officinalis Sole (White Peppermint) |
Mentha piperita var. vulgaris Sole (Black Peppermint) |
During the last 100 years a considerable number of phylogenetic systems of classification have been propounded; these systems arrange taxa (any groups used for classification such as orders, families, genera, etc.) to indicate the possible relationship of one taxon to another. Such systems are clearly susceptible to change with increasing knowledge, and no final system acceptable to all taxonomists is in sight; indeed, for some practical purposes a stable, workable phenetic system is often preferable. A close examination of the phylogenetic systems reveals that certain taxa form precise groups, others have less well-defined boundaries and other groups are difficult to accommodate phylogenetically. The work of Engler (1844–1930) in association with other German systematists is still adhered to in this connection. Engler’s scheme of classification largely embodied the fundamental concepts of Eichler (1839–87) and was exemplified in the 20-volume work (1887–89) Die natürlichen Pflanzenfamilien, by Engler and Prantl. Subsequent to this, there appeared many editions of Engler’s Syllabus der Pflanzenfamilien, the eleventh by Engler and Diels in 1936. The last version of the Syllabus, produced by Melchoir as two volumes, was published in 1964; the plant families in Chapter 5 of this textbook are arranged in this order. The immediate popularity of Engler’s works was due to their applicability to plants of the whole world; they afforded a means of identifying all known genera.
Obviously, large works such as the above are not easily compiled and many taxonomists have produced phylogenetic schemes directed at various levels of classification without the complete systematics of the Engler series. Of the schemes, those of Cronquist (1981) and Takhtajan (1959) are generally similar whereas that of Hutchinson (1992) differs in that the dicotyledons are divided into two large groups—those characteristically and primitively woody (Lignosae) and those characteristically and primitively herbaceous (Herbaceae). These schemes incorporate data often not accessible to the earlier taxonomists; thus Cronquist, while emphasizing classical morphological characters and following the strobilar theory of Angiosperm evolution also takes account of micromorphological data (e.g. embryology and pollen structure), chemical data (e.g. secondary metabolites and serology) and the fossil record.