3 Musculature: Topographical Anatomy
3.1 The Muscles of the Medial and Anterior Thigh, Hip, and Gluteal Region

A The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, medial view.
B The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, anterior view.
a The fascia lata of the thigh (see p. 551) has been removed as far as the lateral iliotibial tract.
b Portions of the sartorius and rectus femoris have also been removed.
3.2 The Muscles of the Anterior Thigh, Hip, and Gluteal Region: Origins and Insertions

A The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, anterior view. The origins and insertions of the muscles are indicated by color shading (red = origin, blue = insertion).
a The iliopsoas and tensor fasciae latae have been partially removed. The sartorius, rectus femoris, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis have been completely removed.
b The quadriceps femoris, iliopsoas, tensor fasciae latae, and pectineus have been completely removed. The midportion of the adductor longus has been removed.
B The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, anterior view. The origins and insertions of the muscles are indicated by color shading (red = origin, blue = insertion).
a All of the muscles have been removed except for adductor magnus and quadratus femoris.
b All of the muscles have been removed.
Note the adductor hiatus, through which the femoral artery and vein enter the popliteal fossa of the leg.
3.3 The Muscles of the Lateral and Posterior Thigh, Hip, and Gluteal Region

A The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, lateral view.Note the tensor fasciae latae and gluteus maximus muscles, whose tendons of insertion strengthen and thicken the lateral part of the fascia lata. This thickened band, called the iliotibial tract because it runs between the iliac crest and the lateral side of the upper tibia, functions mechanically as a tension band to reduce the bending loads on the proximal femur (after Pauwels, see also p. 417).
B The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, posterior view.
a The fascia lata has been removed as far as the iliotibial tract (the portion over the buttock is called the gluteal fascia).
b The gluteus maximus and gluteus medius have been partially removed.
3.4 The Muscles of the Posterior Thigh, Hip, and Gluteal Region: Origins and Insertions

A The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, posterior view. The origins and insertions of the muscles are indicated by color shading (red = origin, blue = insertion).
a The semitendinosus and biceps femoris have been partially removed. The gluteus maximus and medius have been completely removed.
b The hamstrings (semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris) and gluteus minimus have been completely removed.
B The muscles of the thigh, hip, and gluteal region
Right side, posterior view. The origins and insertions of the muscles are indicated by color shading (red = origin, blue = insertion).
a All muscles have been removed except for the adductor brevis, adductor longus, gemellus superior and inferior, and obturator externus.
b All of the muscles have been removed.