We will learn how muscles work and develop macroscopic, microscopic, and nanoscopic models of them [50, 52, 53, 60, 70, 82]. We will also re-examine some of the assumptions we made in earlier chapters involving muscle forces. In the next chapter we will learn more about how energy is used in muscles.
5.1 Skeletal Muscles in the Body
Figure 1.8 shows many of the main skeletal muscles in the body.
Skeletal muscles account for
of the typical body mass, or
30 kg of a 70 kg person. At rest, they use
18% of the body energy consumption rate (which is called the basal metabolic rate or BMR); they use much more during activities, such as motion. Of the total energy “burned” by skeletal muscle, only
25% is used for work, and this is the muscular efficiency. The other
75% is released as heat. (This inefficiency of the body does have a positive purpose—it is a consistent and very important source of body heat.)

The maximum muscle force
or tension T that a muscle can develop is
PCA, where PCA is the physiological cross-sectional area of the muscle. The range of the maximum values of
is 20–100 N/cm
during isometric (constant length) conditions; the larger values are for muscles with the pinnate fiber structure that is described below. (See Fig. 5.46 below and Problem 5.2.) In the quadriceps, the forces are up to
70 N/cm
during running and jumping and
100 N/cm
under isometric conditions. We will discuss this more later.

Countermovements before sudden motion are known to increase athletic performance [63]. Quickly squatting before squat jumps leads to higher jumps. It is not known whether this pre-stretching allows more time for muscles to become active, optimizes sarcomere lengths and forces (see below), induces the activation of other muscles, or stores elastic energy in tendons, ligaments or the elastic components of muscles. This countermovement may be the reason why balls can be thrown faster with a windup during baseball pitching, and this might be due to the storage and subsequent release of elastic energy.
Sometimes the estimate that a maximum of
250–500 W are generated per kg of active muscle for isotonic conditions (constant tension) is used in calculations of motion (and
this with pre-stretching) [13, 25, 78, 79]. Because this is averaged over the areas, lengths and speeds of the muscles that cause motion, we will usually use the muscle force per unit area in analysis.

Many muscles that cross the hip, knee, and ankle joints are important in locomotion. The relative significance of these leg muscles depends on the locations of their points of origin and insertion, lengths, and their PCAs. Quite a few of these muscles are depicted in Figs. 3.3, 3.4, 3.5. (Analogous sets of musclesare involved in controlling our arms and hands, as seen below in Figs. 5.22 and 5.23.) The relative PCAs are given in Tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3. In general, longer muscles enable larger angles of rotation about joints. The larger the muscle PCA, the more the muscle strength. Muscles with smaller PCAs can be important in providing stability.
Table 5.1
Percent PCA of muscles crossing the hip joint
Muscle | %PCA |
Iliopsoas | 9 |
Sartorius | 1 |
Pectineus | 1 |
Rectus femoris | 7 |
Gluteus maximus | 16 |
Gluteus medius | 12 |
Gluteus minimus | 6 |
Adductor magnus | 11 |
Adductor longus | 3 |
Adductor brevis | 3 |
Tensor fasciae latae | 1 |
Biceps femoris (long) | 6 |
Semitendinosus | 3 |
Semimembranosus | 8 |
Piriformis | 2 |
Lateral rotators | 13 |
Table 5.2
Percent PCA of muscles crossing the knee joint
Muscle | %PCA |
Gastrocnemius | 19 |
Biceps femoris (small) | 3 |
Biceps femoris (long) | 7 |
Semitendinosus | 3 |
Semimembranosus | 10 |
Vastus lateralis | 20 |
Vastus medialis | 15 |
Vastus intermedius | 13 |
Rectus femoris | 8 |
Sartorius | 1 |
Gracilis | 1 |
Table 5.3
Percent PCA of muscles crossing the ankle joint
Muscle | %PCA |
Soleus | 41 |
Gastrocnemius | 22 |
Flexor hallucis longus | 6 |
Flexor digitorum longus | 3 |
Tibialis posterior | 10 |
Peroneus brevis | 9 |
Tiabialis anterior | 5 |
Extensor digitorum longus | 3 |
Extensor hallucis longus | 1 |

Fig. 5.2
Three major biarticulate muscles of the leg, from left to right the gastrocnemius, hamstrings, and rectus femoris, along with moment-arm lengths about the joints at their proximal and distal ends. (From [81]. Reprinted with permission of Wiley)
As is clear from Figs. 1.8 and 3.2 and from Tables 5.1, 5.2, 5.3, many of these leg muscles pass over more than one joint. Figure 5.2 shows the three such major biarticulate (two joint) muscles in the leg. The forces exerted by the muscles on the bones at the points of origin and insertion are the same (Newton’s Third Law), but the torques are different at the proximal and distal joints because the moment arms are different. As seen in Fig. 5.2, the gastrocnemius is a knee flexor and ankle plantarflexor (extensor), with the torque about the latter joint greater because of its larger moment arm (5 cm vs. 3.5 cm). During stance the net effect of this muscle is to cause the leg to rotate posteriorly and to prevent the knee from collapsing. The hamstrings are extensors of the hip and flexors of the knee, with hip extension having twice the moment of knee flexion. During stance, this causes the thigh to rotate posteriorly and prevents the knee from collapsing. The rectus femoris of the quadriceps is a hip flexor and knee extensor, with a slightly larger moment about the hip. However, the major action of the quadriceps is knee extension because 84% of the quadriceps PCA is from other muscles, the uniarticulate knee extensors (and all of these muscles fire simultaneously). The net effect of these three major biarticulate muscles is the extension of all three leg joints, and they help prevent against collapse due to gravity. Coordinated motion of these muscles, such as the lengthening of one of these muscles and shortening of another, is needed to achieve the full range of rotation of these joints because of the limited change of muscle length of any one of them [81].
5.1.1 Types of Muscle Activity
Muscles can be activated under a wide range of conditions. When the muscle length changes, the angle of the joint for this inserted muscle changes, and there is motion at the end of the bone emanating from the joint. Because there is motion, mechanical work is done. This can be called “dynamic” work. When the muscle length does not change, i.e., isometric conditions, there is no rotation of the joint and no mechanical work is done. This is important because tension is still supplied by the muscle to resist outside forces, as needed in holding objects or standing upright. Energy is still expended by the muscle (for such “static” work) to produce the tension that resists the load.
Mechanical work is performed with joint motion for nonisometric contractions. In concentric contractions, the muscle develops enough tension to overcome the load and the muscle length shortens, causing joint movement. In ascending stairs the quadriceps contract and the leg straightens as a result of this concentric contraction. In eccentric contractions, the muscle does not develop enough tension to overcome the load and the muscle length still lengthens, sometimes slowing joint movement (on purpose). In descending stairs the quadriceps are activated but they still extend during this essential controlled (eccentric) braking of knee flexion in fighting gravity. Therefore , the same flexor muscles that contract concentrically during flexion can contract eccentrically during extension to decelerate the extension. Concentric contractions are said to do positive (mechanical) work, while eccentric contractions do negative work.
During isokinetic contraction, the velocity of muscle shortening or lengthening, and consequently also the angular speed of the joint, are constant. During isoinertial contraction, the resistive load on the muscle—due to the gravity force, applied forces, etc.—is constant. During isotonic contraction, the tension is constant. (This is an idealized condition because the muscle tension actually changes with length.)
In elbow flexion the biceps brachii and brachialis muscles contract and they are the agonists or prime movers of the action. The brachioradialis is a synergist muscle in the motion; such synergist muscles assist the motion and sometimes add fine tuning. The triceps brachii are the antagonists of this action, and oppose the prime movers.
During walking and running the quadriceps act eccentrically during early stance to prevent the collapse of the knee angle, and then concentrically to extend the knee as the leg rotates over the foot in midstance (and this is more so in walking). The ankle plantarflexors fire eccentrically during stance to help advance the leg rotation over the foot controllably, and then concentrically to assist push off.
5.2 The Structure of Muscles
Muscles have a fiber structure with successive levels of fiber-like substructures called fasciculi (fuh-sik’-you-lie). (A single one is a fasciculus (fuh-sik’-you-lus).) On a macroscopic basis, these fibers are arranged in one of several ways. This is illustrated in Fig. 5.3. It appears that the forces generated by individual muscle fibers and muscles can be added independently [65, 66].

Fig. 5.3
Types of fiber arrangements in skeletal muscles, with a parallel and b pinnate fibers. (Based on [53])
In fusiform muscles the muscle fibers are parallel and they narrow and blend into tendons that attach to the skeleton. In parallel muscles the fibers are also parallel. They tend to be long, such as the sartorius—the longest muscle in the body, which spans from the hip to the tibia (Figs. 1.8 and 5.4). (The fibers are also parallel in the rectus abdominis (the “abs”).) We will usually not differentiate between fusiform and parallel muscles because of their similar arrangement of muscle fibers. These muscles consist of many sarcomere components in series (see below), and as such they can become much shorter to produce much movement of bones for motion about joints, and they can do so quickly. In unipinnate muscles, parallel muscle fibers attach to tendons at an angle, such as with the flexor policis longus (poe-lee’-cis) in the lower hand/thumb and the extensor digitorium longus (di-gi-tor’-ee-um) in the lower leg/foot. In bipinnate muscles, such parallel muscle fibers attach to a tendon in two different directions, such as with the rectus femoris (fe-more’-is) in the thigh. These pinnate (or pennate or pinnation) structures resemble the structure of feathers and of some leaves on branches. The fibers attach on the central tendon at several angles in the multipinnate deltoid (shoulder) muscles. Many short muscle fibers can attach to such short tendons in pinnate muscles, leading to larger forces than for parallel muscles and more movement, but with less efficient use of the muscles forces (see below and Problem 5.17). The orbicularis oculi (or-bee-queue-lar’-is ok’-you-lie) about the eye are circular muscles, in which the muscle fibers are in a circle about the object. The pectoralis major (pec-tor-al’-is) in the upper chest (the “pects”) is a convergent muscle; such muscles are broad at their origin and narrow at insertion, leading to large forces near the insertion point. Examples of each of these muscle types in the body are shown in Fig. 5.4.
The way the forces from muscle fibers add to give the total force on the attaching tendon differs for these different muscle structures. In parallel, fusiform muscles, all the force of the fibers is transmitted to the tendon. In pinnate muscles, the fibers are attached to the tendon at an angle
, and only
of the force
of each fiber is effectively transmitted. While this is a distinct disadvantage of the pinnate design, it has other relative advantages. Because the geometry allows fibers to attach along part of the length of the tendon (Fig. 5.5), many more fibers can be attached to the tendon. Also, this geometry allows the central tendon to move a longer distance than in the fusiform scheme, so the bones attached to the tendon can move more. This overcomes the limited change in length in the muscles that can limit the range of angular motion of bones about joints. These and related issues are addressed in Problem 5.17. The mass, fiber length, PCA, and pinnation angle
for several muscles are given in Table 5.4.

Fig. 5.5
Muscle fibers in pinnate muscles a before and b after fiber contraction with accompanying tendon movement
Table 5.4
Properties of some muscles
Muscle | Mass (g) | Fiber length (cm) | PCA (cm ![]() | Pinnation angle ( ![]() |
Sartorius | 75 | 38 | 1.9 | 0 |
Biceps femoris (long) | 150 | 9 | 15.8 | 0 |
Semitendinosus | 75 | 16 | 4.4 | 0 |
Soleus | 215 | 3.0 | 58 | 30 |
Gastrocnemius | 158 | 4.8 | 30 | 15 |
Tibialis posterior | 55 | 2.4 | 21 | 15 |
Tibialis anterior | 70 | 7.3 | 9.1 | 5 |
Rectus femoris | 90 | 6.8 | 12.5 | 5 |
Vastus lateralis | 210 | 6.7 | 30 | 5 |
Vastus medialis | 200 | 7.2 | 26 | 5 |
Vastus intermedius | 180 | 6.8 | 25 | 5 |
The microscopic components of the fibers are illustrated in Figs. 5.6 and 5.7, where the muscle belly of a fusiform muscle is seen to be composed of many parallel fasciculi. Each fasiculus is composed of many parallel muscle fibers (or muscle cells). Each muscle fiber is composed of many parallel myofibrils. Each myofibril is composed of myofilaments arranged into
m long units called sarcomeres (sar’-koe-meres). There are thick myofilaments with a serial arrangement of many myosin (my’-oh-sin) molecules and thin myofilaments with globules of F-actin (or actin) molecules that form twisting strands, which are surrounded by two other proteins: tropomyosin—which forms strands that twist about the actin strands—and troponin-T—which attaches at regular intervals to the actin and tropomyosin strands. Theinteraction between the myosin and actin proteins on adjacent myofilaments is the fundamental, chemical-induced, force-producing interaction in the muscle, which involves the hydrolysis of ATP and the change in conformation of the myosin.

In the large limb of an adult the muscle fibers are
m in diameter. This diameter can double with weight training. Depending on the type of muscle, there are
muscle fibers per muscle (Table 5.5). There are
sarcomeres per muscle fiber, depending on the type of muscle (Table 5.6).

Fig. 5.7
a Structure and substructure of the myofibril shown in Fig. 5.6, with the banded structure of sarcomeres (whose periodicity is denoted by the arrows). b The scanning electron micrograph of skeletal muscle shows the structure of bands and lines in sarcomeres. This is associated with the thick and thin filaments in (c) from the longitudinal perspective of (a) and (b), the transverse cross-section is seen in (d). (From [67])
The electron micrograph in Fig. 5.7 shows the banded myofilament structure that is also sketched in the figure. The A band is a wide dark, anisotropic region, while the I band is a wide light, isotropic region. There is a lighter H zone or band in the middle of the dark A band, and a darker M line in the middle of the H zone. The dark Z lines run through the light I bands.
Table 5.5
Number of muscle fibers in human muscles
Muscle | Number of muscle fibers |
First lumbrical | 10,250 |
External rectus | 27,000 |
Platysma | 27,000 |
First dorsal interosseous | 40,500 |
Sartorius | 128,150 |
Brachioradialis | 129,200 |
Tiabialis anterior | 271,350 |
Medial gastrocnemius | 1,033,000 |
Table 5.6
Number of sarcomeres in human muscles
Muscle | Number of sarcomeres per fiber ( ![]() ![]() | ||
Person I | Person II | Person III | |
Tibialis posterior | 1.1 | 1.5 | 0.8 |
Soleus | 1.4 | – | – |
Medial gastrocnemius | 1.6 | 1.5 | 1.5 |
Semitendinosus | 5.8 | 6.6 | – |
Gracilis | 8.1 | 9.3 | 8.4 |
Sartorius | 15.3 | 17.4 | 13.5 |
Each sarcomere is bound between the adjacent Z lines. The dark A band in the center of each sarcomere consists of thick (myosin) myofilaments (or thick filaments), which are connected to each other in the central M line within the H zone. They are overlapped to some degree by the thin (actin) myofilaments (or thin filaments). There are thick filaments but no thin filaments in the central H zone. The light I band regions next tox the Z lines are the thin myofilaments in regions where they do not overlap the thick myofilaments; they are bound to each other at the Z line. This is shown schematically in Fig. 5.7.
5.3 Activating Muscles: Macroscopic View
Electrical stimuli lead to twitches in the muscles that temporarily increase the force exerted by them. These twitches are delayed by about 15 ms after the electrical stimulus. They peak
40 ms later, and then decay to zero
50 ms later (Fig. 5.8a, Table 5.7). The shape of a twitch can be modeled as

with twitch time T.

Table 5.7
Twitch time T, in ms
Muscle | Typical mean time | Range of times |
Triceps brachii | 44.5 | 16–68 |
Biceps brachii | 52.0 | 16–85 |
Tibialis anterior | 58.0 | 38–80 |
Soleus | 74.0 | 52–100 |
Medial gastrocnemius | 79.0 | 40–110 |
By increasing the frequency of these stimuli and consequently of the twitches, there is an increase in the force exerted by the muscle (Fig. 5.8b, c). At a large enough frequency the twitches overlap to produce an almost steady level of force called unfused tetanus, and at an even higher frequency they produce a force that is constant in time called tetanus (Fig. 5.9). Roughly 50–60 electrical shocks per second are required to fully tetanize mammalian muscles at room temperature. This varies from about
30/s for the soleus muscle to
s for eye muscles. (Also see Fig. 5.11 below.)

Fig. 5.9
A twitch, and then a series of twitches leading to unfused tetanus, and at an even higher frequency leading to tetanus. (Based on [53])
There are three different types of muscle fibers, which differ in how fast they contract and their resistance to fatigue. They appear in different types of muscles in varying proportions (Fig. 5.10). For a given muscle type, their relative concentrations can be different in different people. Slow-twitch (ST) red fibers (Type I) have a long contraction time (
110 ms) and are very resistant to fatigue because they are aerobic, i.e., they use oxygen to produce ATP. These fibers are red because they have blood to supply oxygen. Fast-twitch (FT) fibers generally can create more force than ST fibers, and reach a peak tension in less time (
50 ms). FT red intermediate fibers (Type IIA) have a relatively short contraction time, an intermediate fatiguing rate, and aerobic generation of ATP. FT white fibers (Type IIB) have a short contraction time and fatigue quickly because they use anaerobic (i.e., no oxygen) processes to produce ATP. One of the reasons for the faster response of the fast twitch muscle is the larger neuron exciting it.

Fig. 5.10
Photomicrograph of stained muscle cells from a human vastus lateralis muscle, showing ST Type I (dark) and FT Type II (lightly stained) cells, with fine lines showing boundaries added. (From [20]. Used with permission)

Fig. 5.11
Duration of isometric responses for different muscles with different FT and ST muscle fibers. (Based on [26])
The “average” muscle has roughly 50% ST fibers and 25% red and white FT fibers. The contraction time of a muscle depends on the proportion of FT and ST fibers. Figure 5.11 shows the twitch response for three types of muscles. The ocular muscles in the eye have mostly FT muscles and a response time of
s. The gastrocnemius (gas-trok-nee’-mee-us) muscle has many FT muscles and a response time of
s. The soleus (soh’-lee-us) muscle has many ST muscles and a response time of

All of this makes sense in terms of the body’s needs. The eye muscles must be fast for our needed rapid eye reflex. The gastrocnemius and soleus muscles in the upper calf are both connected to the Achilles (calcaneal) tendon in the foot, which is connected to the calcaneus bone in the heel. The soleus muscle is a broad calf muscle that is deep relative to the medial and lateral heads of the gastrocnemius muscle (see Figs. 1.8b and 3.5). The soleus muscle is used more for standing and stability, for which endurance and resistance to fatigue are important and a fast response is not very important. The gastrocnemius muscle is used mostly for jumping and running, for which a fast response is necessary, even at the expense of endurance. The relative fraction of ST and FT muscles in the knee for trained athletes is depicted in Fig. 5.12 and Table 5.8. Clearly, athletes in sports that require endurance—such as marathon runners—have a higher fraction of ST muscle fibers in muscles used in running, while those in sports that require speed and strength—such as sprint runners and weightlifters—have a higher fraction of FT muscles in those muscles heavily used in these activities. There is a similar correlation for the cross-sectional areas of these different muscle fibers.

Table 5.8
Percentages of ST and FT muscle fibers in selected muscles in male (M) and female (F) athletes, along with the cross-sectional areas of these muscle fibers
Athlete | Gender | Muscle | %ST | %FT | ST area ( ![]() ![]() | FT area ( ![]() ![]() |
Sprint runners | M | Gastrocnemius | 24 | 76 | 5,878 | 6,034 |
F | Gastrocnemius | 27 | 73 | 3,752 | 3,930 | |
Distance runners | M | Gastrocnemius | 79 | 21 | 8,342 | 6,485 |
F | Gastrocnemius | 69 | 31 | 4,441 | 4,128 | |
Cyclists | M | Vastus lateralis | 57 | 43 | 6,333 | 6,116 |
F | Vastus lateralis | 51 | 49 | 5,487 | 5,216 | |
Swimmers | M | Posterior deltoid | 67 | 33 | – | – |
Weightlifters | M | Gastrocnemius | 44 | 56 | 5,060 | 8,910 |
M | Deltoid | 53 | 47 | 5,010 | 8,450 | |
Triathletes | M | Posterior deltoid | 60 | 40 | – | – |
M | Vastus lateralis | 63 | 37 | – | – | |
M | Gastrocnemius | 59 | 41 | – | – | |
Canoeists | M | Posterior deltoid | 71 | 29 | 4,920 | 7,040 |
Shot-putters | M | Gastrocnemius | 38 | 62 | 6,367 | 6,441 |
Nonathletes | M | Vastus lateralis | 47 | 53 | 4,722 | 4,709 |
F | Gastrocnemius | 52 | 48 | 3,501 | 3,141 |
5.3.1 Mechanical Model of the Active State of Muscles
We now develop a macroscopic model of muscles in the active state due to electrical stimulation by using the type of spring–dashpot models we employed to characterize viscoelasticity in Chap. 4. This model includes springs and dashpots to account for the passive properties of the muscle and tension generators to characterize the active state. While it mathematically characterizes the mechanical features of skeletal muscles acting against loads quite well, the individual components of the model may or may not describe muscle properties microscopically. For example, the viscosity represented by the dashpot does not model the effect of the viscosity of the fluid in a muscle very well. The parallel elastic element may, in fact, be due to the sarcolemma, which is the outer membrane surrounding the muscle fiber. The highly elastic protein, titin (see Fig. 5.18 below), forms a net-like structure about the thick and thin filaments, and may also contribute to this element. The hinge regions of myosin may contribute to a series elastic element. (In cardiac muscle, it is believed that connective tissue is the major part of the parallel elastic element.)
Figure 5.13a shows a mechanical model with a unit composed of a tension generator
in parallel with a dashpot with viscosity c and a spring with spring constant
, that is in series with another spring with spring constant
. The total length of the muscle is
, where
is the equilibrium length and x is the displacement.

One can show that this model (which is also depicted in Fig. 5.14a) is mathematically equivalent to the model shown in Fig. 5.14b in which there is a unit with a spring in series with a tension generator in parallel with a dashpot, and this unit is in parallel with another spring. They are mathematically equivalent in the sense that combinations of the components give the same model predictions. The spring constants and viscosity coefficients in the two models are not equal to each other, but are related to each other (see Problem 5.10). This representation of the model in (a) is exactly the same as the Kelvin/standard linear model, except that the dashpot is in parallel with the tension generator.
We will examine the state of the muscle by solving a slightly simpler model, with only the spring with
(now called k for simplicity) in Fig. 5.15. Without the tension generator, this reduces to the Maxwell model . The tension generator supplies a tension that could depend on muscle length x and time t,
. We will also assume that the total length of the muscle does not change, i.e., isometric conditions. This means that
is constant, where
is the length of the dashpot/tension generator and
is the length of the spring. For isometric conditions , we know that
. Consequently, the tension generator
. We will say this generator supplies the tension
for specific durations of time.

The total length of the dashpot/tension generator can be subdivided into the equilibrium length and the displacement
; for the spring we see that
. The force generated across the muscle is
. This is equal to the tension across the spring

and is also equal to the sum of the tensions across the tension generator and dashpot, and so

(Refer to the discussions of the Maxwell and Voigt models of viscoelasticity in Chap. 4 for a more detailed explanation.)


is constant, we see that
. Also, because the equilibrium distances are constant

Equation (5.3) gives
and the first derivative of (5.2) gives
, and so (5.4) becomes


is the relaxation time. T(t) is a function of t driven by




The general solution to this with
(a constant) for
, with tension T(0) at
, is

This can be proved by substituting this in (5.6) and checking the solution at
. (See Appendix C.)


Before the tension generator turns on,
. At
for a period of time, during which time (5.7) is

as shown in Fig. 5.16a.

If the tension generator turns off at time
, so

and (5.7) (now with
) shows that the tension then decays at a rate
, where
. Therefore, for 


This is the model of a single twitch. We can consider sequences of two twitches separated in time one right after the other (see Fig. 5.16c). Say the activation is off for a time
and is on again at
for a time
). Then the tension at the start of the second twitch is

, the tension evolves as given by (5.7) with (5.11) used for the initial tension,
, with t replaced by
on the right hand side of the equation (which is a new definition of the starting time). Therefore,
![$$\begin{aligned} T(t)= & {} T_{0}\{1+[\exp (-t_{2}/\tau )-\exp (-(t_{1}+t_{2})/\tau )-1]\exp (-(t-(t_{1}+t_{2}))/\tau )\}\end{aligned}$$](https://i0.wp.com/basicmedicalkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/A114622_2_En_5_Chapter_Equ12.gif?w=960)

At the end of the second twitch
, so

![$$\begin{aligned}= & {} T_{0}[1-\exp (-t_{1}/\tau )][1+\exp (-(t_{1}+t_{2})/\tau )], \end{aligned}$$](https://i0.wp.com/basicmedicalkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/A114622_2_En_5_Chapter_Equ15.gif?w=960)
which is
larger than at the end of the first twitch.


![$$\begin{aligned} T(t)= & {} T_{0}\{1+[\exp (-t_{2}/\tau )-\exp (-(t_{1}+t_{2})/\tau )-1]\exp (-(t-(t_{1}+t_{2}))/\tau )\}\end{aligned}$$](https://i0.wp.com/basicmedicalkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/A114622_2_En_5_Chapter_Equ12.gif?w=960)


![$$\begin{aligned}= & {} T_{0}[1-\exp (-t_{1}/\tau )][1+\exp (-(t_{1}+t_{2})/\tau )], \end{aligned}$$](https://i0.wp.com/basicmedicalkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/A114622_2_En_5_Chapter_Equ15.gif?w=960)

At the end of N such twitches, the tension is larger than at the end of the first twitch by a factor
, which for large N approaches
. (The geometric sum
) Therefore the total developed tension in the tetanized state is

If the pulses come right after each other, so
, this equation becomes
, which makes sense.

![$$1/[1-\exp (-(t_{1}+t_{2})/\tau )]$$](https://i0.wp.com/basicmedicalkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/A114622_2_En_5_Chapter_IEq97.gif?w=960)
