methods associated with the phytochemical investigation of herbal products

Chapter 17 General methods associated with the phytochemical investigation of herbal products

Before about 1800 only slow progress was made in phytochemistry. A few compounds such as cane-sugar, starch, camphor and benzoic acid had long been known, as their preparation was extremely simple; also complex mixtures such as fats, fixed oils, volatile oils, tars and resins had been prepared and used, although virtually nothing was known of their composition. The early scientific workers in the phytochemical field failed to appreciate the extreme complexity of the materials they were trying to investigate and almost entirely lacked the techniques necessary for real progress. Many hundreds of plants were burnt to yield ashes and these early investigators were disappointed to find no significant differences between the ashes of poisonous and those of non-poisonous plants. Expression, aqueous extraction and evaporation had long been used for the preparation of sugar from sugar-cane and the French apothecary Nicholas Leméry (1645–1715) extended the use of extraction processes and made use of alcohol as a solvent. Robert Boyle (1627–91) disposed of the ancient theory of Aristotle that matter was composed of four elements, and although he never isolated an alkaloid, he was obviously moving in the right direction when he treated opium with potassium carbonate and alcohol. In 1747 sucrose was isolated from many plants, including sugarbeet, by the German apothecary A. S. Marggraf (1709–80). K. W. Scheele (1742–86) was highly successful in the phytochemical field and isolated citric, gallic, malic, oxalic, tartaric and prussic acids.

In the nineteenth century progress became more rapid. In 1803 narcotine, the first alkaloid, was isolated; morphine, strychnine, emetine and many others followed rapidly. Between 1813 and 1823 Chevreul elucidated the chemical nature of fats and fixed oils. Until well into the middle of the twentieth century the main emphasis in natural- product chemistry remained the isolation and structure determination of a wide variety of compounds. At this point it became apparent that the principal structural types commonly found in plants had been largely elucidated. Indeed, by this time the attention of natural-product chemists was turning to the elucidation of the actual biosynthetic pathways found in the plant. Such studies were made possible by the introduction of new techniques of separation and analysis. This emphasis has continued until today, when most of the major pathways, including stereochemical aspects, have been studied in some depth. Interest has now moved on to plant biochemistry involving enzymatic and DNA studies related to the biosynthesis of natural products. There has also developed a renewed interest in the patterns of occurrence of compounds in plants (comparative phytochemistry).

Not all the chemical compounds elaborated by plants are of equal interest to the pharmacognosist. Until relatively recently the so-called ‘active’ principles were frequently alkaloids or specific glycosides usually with pronounced pharmacological properties; these therefore received special attention, and in large measure constituted the principal plant drugs of the allopathic system of medicine. It is now realized that many other constituents of plants, particularly those associated with herbal medicine, have medicinal properties which manifest themselves in more subtle and less dramatic ways than the obviously poisonous plants. This has considerably widened the scope of plant metabolites considered worthy of more detailed investigation. Other groups such as carbohydrates, fats and proteins are of dietetic importance, and many such as starches and gums are used in pharmacy but lack any marked pharmacological action. Substances, such as calcium oxalate, silica, lignin and colouring matters, may be of assistance in the identification of drugs and the detection of adulteration.

As a result of the recent interest in the plant kingdom as a potential source of new drugs, strategies for the fractionation of plant extracts based on biological activity rather than on a particular class of compound, have been developed. The chemical examination follows after the isolation of the active fraction.

The phytochemical investigation of a plant may thus involve the following: authentication and extraction of the plant material; separation and isolation of the constituents of interest; characterization of the isolated compounds; investigation of the biosynthetic pathways to particular compounds; and quantitative evaluations. Parallel to this may be the pharmacological assessment of the separated components, which may, in some investigations, precede the characterization.


All plant material used should be properly authenticated, as much time and money can be wasted on the examination of material of doubtful origin. The choice of extraction procedure depends on the nature of the plant material and the components to be isolated. Dried materials are usually powdered before extraction, whereas fresh plants (leaves, etc.) can be homogenized or macerated with a solvent such as alcohol. The latter is also particularly useful for stabilizing fresh leaves by dropping them into the boiling solvent. Alcohol is a general solvent for many plant constituents (most fixed oils excepted) and as such may give problems in the subsequent elimination of pigments, resins, etc. Water-immiscible solvents are widely used—light petroleum (essential and fixed oils, steroids), ether and chloroform (alkaloids, quinones). The extraction of organic bases (e.g. alkaloids) usually necessitates basification of the plant material if a water-immiscible solvent is to be used; for aromatic acids and phenols acidification may be required. Extraction itself may be performed by repeated maceration with agitation, percolation or by continuous extraction (e.g. in a Soxhlet extractor, Fig. 16.2). Special methods for volatile oils, such as the enfleurage process, are considered in Chapter 22. Ultrasound may enhance the extraction process for some plant materials and the BP uses this in the preparation of a 50% ethanolic solution of opium for the assay of alkaloids and in the assay procedure of Agnus Castus. Its use has been studied for the extraction of atropine from Hyoscyamus muticus using various solvent systems (A. Djilana and B. Legseir Fitoterapia, 2005, 76, 148).

Supercritical fluid extraction

The use of supercritical fluids for the extraction of a range of materials including plant products of medicinal, flavouring and cosmetic interest has, during the last decade, become of increasing economic and research interest.

In 1822, Cagniard de la Tour reported that above a certain temperature, and pressure, single substances do not condense or evaporate but exist as a fluid. Under these conditions the gas and liquid phases both possess the same density and no division exists between the two phases. This is the critical state. For water, the critical conditions for temperature (tc) and pressure (pc) are 374°C and 220 atmospheres respectively and for carbon dioxide tc = 31°C and pc = 74 atm. In practice conditions somewhat above the critical temperature and pressure for a particular substance are usually used and these supercritical fluids exhibit properties intermediate between those of the liquid and gaseous phases. In phytochemistry these properties can be exploited to maximize the extraction of plant constituents. For industrial purposes supercritical fluid carbon dioxide has an environmental advantage over many common organic solvents and leaves no solvent residues in the product. It also allows a low temperature process and has proved of value for the extraction of labile expensive fragrances and medicinal phytochemicals. To render it more polar a small amount of modifier, e.g. methanol, may be added to the carbon dioxide. The high pressures, and for some substances the high temperatures, involved in supercritical fluid extraction are the principal disadvantages of the technique.

Pioneer work on medicinal plants was carried out by Stahl and coworkers (Planta Med., 1980, 40, 12, and references cited therein). They studied the use of liquefied and supercritical carbon dioxide and liquefied nitrous oxide for the extraction of various plant constituents, including various types of alkaloids, the pyrethrins and the components of chamomile. With pyrethrum flower extract, the content of pyrethrins is substantially higher (up to 50%) than in commercially available petroleum ether extracts. By a two-step precipitation the active ingredients can be raised to up to 60% without decomposition of the thermolabile pyrethrins.

Further examples involving the extraction of phytochemicals with supercritical carbon dioxide follow:

For additional information on the method, consult the ‘Further reading’.


As the instrumentation for the structure elucidation of organic compounds becomes ever more effective, and allows the use of increasingly small amounts of material, the most difficult operation in phytochemical research becomes that of the isolation and purification of plant constituents. Although the chemical properties of functional groups and moieties contained in compounds such as acids, aldehydes, phenols and alkaloids can be exploited for their separation from other materials, such methods might not fractionate components of the same class; it is in this latter area that new techniques are constantly being developed.

Adsorption chromatography

Of the various methods of separating and isolating plant constituents, the ‘chromatographic procedure’ originated by Tswett is one of the most useful techniques of general application. The use of charcoal for the decolorization and clarification of solutions is well known; coloured impurities are adsorbed by the charcoal and a colourless solution results on filtration. All finely divided solids have the power to adsorb other substances on their surfaces to a greater or lesser extent; similarly, all substances are capable of being adsorbed, some much more readily than others. This phenomenon of selective adsorption is the fundamental principle of adsorption chromatography, the general process of which may be described with reference to one of Tswett’s original experiments.

A light petroleum extract of green leaves is allowed to percolate slowly through a column of powdered calcium carbonate contained in a vertical glass tube. The pigmented contents of the solution are adsorbed on the substance of the column and undergo separation as percolation proceeds. The more strongly adsorbed pigments, xanthophyll and the chlorophylls, accumulate in distinct, characteristically coloured bands near the top of the column, while the less strongly adsorbed pigments, the carotenes, accumulate lower down.

Frequently, complete separation of all the constituents into distinct bands does not result during the first ‘adsorption stage’, but the bands remain crowded together near the top of the column. Such a column may be developed by allowing more of the pure solvent to percolate through the column when the adsorbed materials slowly pass downwards and the separate bands become wider apart. In many cases the process may be rendered more efficient by the use of a different solvent, one from which the substances are less strongly adsorbed. If, for example, light petroleum containing a little alcohol is percolated through the chromatogram obtained in the experiment described above, the bands become wider apart and pass down the column more rapidly than when pure light petroleum is used. As percolation continues, the lower bands reach the bottom of the column and disappear; the pigment is then obtained in the solution leaving the bottom of the column. This process of desorption is termed elution and the solution obtained is the eluate.

It was from such classic experiments of Tswett on the separation of coloured compounds that the term ‘chromatography’ arose and it has remained to describe this method of fractionation although its application to colourless substances is now universal.

Substances are more readily adsorbed from non-polar solvents such as light petroleum and benzene, while polar solvents—alcohol, water and pyridine, for example—are useful eluting media; many substances are adsorbed at one pH and eluted at another.

Various substances may be used as adsorbing materials; alumina is the most common and other materials include kaolin, magnesium oxide, calcium carbonate, charcoal and sugars.

When colourless substances are chromatographed, the zones of adsorbed material are not visible to the eye, although they may, in some cases, be rendered apparent as fluorescent zones when the column is examined under ultraviolet light. Failing this, it becomes necessary to divide the chromatogram into discrete portions and elute or extract each portion separately. Sometimes it is more convenient to collect the eluate from the whole column in fractions for individual examination.

The apparatus required is simple and consists essentially of a vertical glass tube into which the adsorbent has been packed; a small plug of glass wool or a sintered glass disc, at the base of the tube, supports the column. With volatile developing solvents it is usually preferable to use a positive pressure at the head of the column. Numerous modifications of the apparatus are used for large-scale operations, for use with heated solvents and for chromatography in the absence of air or oxygen.

Adsorption chromatography has proved particularly valuable in the isolation and purification of vitamins, hormones, many alkaloids, cardiac glycosides, anthraquinones, etc. It is commonly employed as a ‘clean-up’ technique for the removal of unwanted materials from plant extracts prior to assay.

Thin-layer chromatography with adsorbents such as alumina is an adaptation of the method and is discussed separately in this chapter.

Partition chromatography

Partition chromatography was introduced by Martin and Synge in 1941 for the separation of acetylated amino acids and was first applied to the separation of alkaloids by Evans and Partridge in 1948. The method has now been largely superseded by the more sophisticated HPLC (see below) but it retains the advantage of being inexpensive to set up and operate. The separation of the components of a mixture is, as in counter-current extraction, dependent on differences in the partition coefficients of the components between an aqueous and an immiscible organic liquid.

The aqueous phase is usually the stationary phase and is intimately mixed with a suitable ‘carrier’ such as silica gel, purified kieselguhr or powdered glass and packed in a column as in adsorption chromatography. The mixture to be fractionated is introduced on the column, in a small volume of organic solvent, and the chromatogram is developed with more solvent or successively with different solvents of increasing eluting power. When water is the stationary phase, the solutes undergoing separation travel down the column at different speeds depending on their partition coefficient between the two liquid phases; the use of a buffer solution as aqueous phase widens the scope of the technique, as ionization constants and partition coefficients are exploited in effecting separation.

The separated zones may be located by methods similar to those employed in adsorption chromatography. With water as the aqueous phase, the positions of separated zones of acids or alkalis may be shown by employing a suitable indicator dissolved in the water. This method is clearly not applicable to buffer-, acid- or alkali-loaded columns, and in these cases complete elution (elution development) of the separated zone is often necessary. The eluate is collected in aliquot portions and estimated chemically or physically for dissolved solute. A graph of the analytical figure (titration, optical rotation, optical density, refractive index, etc.) for each fraction of eluate may then be plotted to show the degree of separation of the solutes.

The fractionations obtained in partition chromatography are influenced to a considerable degree by the displacement effect of one solute on another and advantage is taken of this in displacement development, in which the chromatogram is developed with a solution of an acid or a base that is stronger than any in the mixture to be separated. The effect is for the stronger acids or bases to displace the weaker ones, resulting in a rapid clear-cut separation of the constituents. For the elution development of these separated zones it is essential that there is no distortion of the zones, since the front of one band follows immediately on the tail of the preceding less acidic or less basic component.

There have been several theoretical treatments of partition chromatography, all involving certain approximations, since a theory taking into account all known variables would be extremely complicated. For general purposes, one of the most satisfactory treatments of columns loaded with water is that of Martin and Synge, in which the theoretical plate concept of fractional distillation is applied to partition chromatography. In this theory, diffusion from one plate to another is taken as negligible and the partition of solute between two phases is independent of concentration and the presence of other solutes.

Partition chromatography on paper

In 1944 Consden, Gordon and Martin introduced a method of partition chromatography using strips of filter paper as ‘carriers’ for the analysis of amino acid mixtures. The technique was extended to all classes of natural products, and although to a large measure replaced by thin-layer chromatography (TLC), it remains the method of choice for the fractionation of some groups of substances.

The solution of components to be separated is applied as a spot near one end of a prepared filter-paper strip. The paper is then supported in an airtight chamber which has an atmosphere saturated with solvent and water, and a supply of the water-saturated solvent. The most satisfactory solvents are those which are partially miscible with water, such as phenol, n-butanol and amyl alcohol. Either the paper may be dipped in the solvent mixture so that the solvent front travels up the paper (ascending technique) or the trough of solvent may be supported at the top of the chamber, in which case the solvent travels down the paper (descending technique). The BP 2007 gives details of both methods. As the solvent moves, the components also move along the paper at varying rates, depending mainly on the differences in their partition coefficients between the aqueous (hydration shell of cellulose fibres) and organic phases. After the filter-paper strips have been dried, the positions of the separated components can be revealed by the use of suitable developing agents: ninhydrin solution for amino acids; iodine solution (or vapour) or a modified Dragendorff’s reagent for alkaloids; ferric chloride solution for phenols; alkali for anthraquinone derivatives; antimony trichloride in chloroform for steroids and some components of volatile oils; aniline hydrogen phthalate reagent for sugars. The relative positions of the components and the size of the spots depend upon the solvent, and this should be selected to give good separation of the components with well-defined, compact spots. Improved separation of mixtures can often be obtained by adjusting the acidity of the solvent with ammonia, acetic acid or hydrochloric acid or by impregnating the paper with a buffer solution or formamide solution.

For the separation of some substances it is necessary to use a two-dimensional chromatogram: first one solvent is run in one direction, then, after drying of the paper, a second solvent is run in a direction at right angles to the first—this is particularly applicable to mixtures of amino acids.

The ratio between the distance travelled on the paper by a component of the test solution and the distance travelled by the solvent is termed the RF value and, under standard conditions, this is a constant for the particular compound. However, in practice, variations of RF often occur and it is desirable to run reference compounds alongside unknown mixtures.

The quantity of substance present determines the size of the spot with any one solvent and can be made the basis of quantitative evaluation. Also, the separated components of the original mixture can be separately eluted from the chromatogram, by treating the cut-out spots with a suitable solvent, and then determined quantitatively by some suitable method—for example, fluorescence analysis, colorimetry or ultraviolet adsorption. Drugs so evaluated include aloes, digitalis, ergot, hemlock, lobelia, nux vomica, opium, rauwolfia, rhubarb, broom, solanaceous herbs and volatile oils.

High-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC)/high-speed LC

HPLC is a liquid column chromatography system which employs relatively narrow columns (about 5 mm diameter for analytical work) operating at ambient temperature or up to about 200°C at pressures up to 200 atm (20 000 kPa).

The columns are costly and it is usual to employ a small precolumn containing a cartridge of packing material to remove adventitious materials which might otherwise damage the main column. Normal flow rates of eluate are 2–5 ml min−1 but can be up to 10 ml min−1, depending on the diameter of the column and the applied pressure. The apparatus is suitable for all types of liquid chromatography columns (adsorption, partition by the use of bonded liquid phases, reversed phase, gel filtration, ion exchange and affinity). The arrangement of such an apparatus, suitable for use with two solvents and giving graded elution, is illustrated in Fig. 17.1. Detection of the often very small quantities of solute in the eluate is possible by continuous monitoring of ultraviolet absorption, mass spectrum, refractive index, fluorescence and electrical conductance; nuclear magnetic resonance can now be added to this list. To improve detection, solutes may be either derivatized before chromatography (this technique can also be used to improve separations) or treated with reagents after separation (post-column derivatization). A transport system for monitoring is commercially available; in this a moving wire passes through the flowing eluate (coating block) and the dissolved solute, deposited on the wire, is pyrolysed and its quantity automatically recorded. It will be noted that, for any particular fractionation, some detector systems would be selective for certain groups of compounds and others would be universal.

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