Metabolism and pharmacokinetic optimization strategies in drug discovery

Chapter 10 Metabolism and pharmacokinetic optimization strategies in drug discovery


Optimization of drug metabolic and pharmacokinetic properties is an integral component of the modern drug discovery process. The objective of the drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) discipline in drug discovery is to aid design and selection of candidate drugs with properties that yield the required efficacy and safety for effective clinical use. The roles of DMPK at the various stages of drug discovery are summarized in Table 10.1. DMPK in vitro and in vivo information are used throughout the drug discovery process to facilitate target validation and safety assessment, and to guide the conversion of early screening hits and leads into drug candidates. Indeed, the frontloading of DMPK in drug discovery has resulted in a reduction of drug attrition rate due to undesirable DMPK properties from approximately 40% in 1990 to 10% in 2000 (Kola and Landis, 2004).

Table 10.1 Roles of drug metabolism and pharmacokinetics (DMPK) in various phases of drug discovery

Discovery phase DMPK roles
Target identification
Hit identification
Lead identification
Lead optimization

To help drug hunting teams focus on the key issues and goals, in a multitude of screening options, it is important to prescribe, as early as possible, a candidate drug target profile in terms of efficacy, potency, safety and ease of use. DMPK plays a central role in defining this target profile. For instance to be commercially attractive in terms of ease of use, a compound has to be orally active, has a convenient dosing regimen and be able to be administered without effect from food and other medications. The physicochemical and DMPK attributes that will allow a compound to meet this target profile would be: good solubility and permeability, high oral bioavailability, low clearance and reasonable half-life (if PD half-life is not much longer than PK half life), and absence of ‘drug–drug interaction’ potential. Likewise to be orally active, a compound should have good oral bioavailability and able to reach the target organ at high enough concentration to engage the target.

In this chapter, strategies to optimize key DMPK challenges using appropriate in silico, in vitro and in vivo DMPK tools during drug discovery are presented. The rational use of these strategies will help ‘drug hunting’ projects to advance drug candidates with attractive DMPK target profile and with low potential for failure in development due to DMPK issues. In addition, as prediction of human PK and safe and effective dose is probably the most important activity in drug discovery to ensure that the candidate drug has the attribute to test the biological hypothesis in patients, strategy to integrate information in discovery to holistically predict PK properties in man will be discussed.

Optimization of DMPK properties

Optimization principles are described for six key DMPK areas:

The following sections summarize current understanding/available tools and suggest best practice for each of the above. Each section introduces the challenges, outlines tactics for dealing with them and identifies areas requiring caution.

Absorption and oral bioavailability


As the preferred route of administration for most indications is oral, it is important to characterize oral bioavailability (F) of a compound during drug discovery. In addition, F must be optimized, as a low F is often associated with poor and variable exposure and lack of efficacy. F is defined as the percentage of dosed drug that reaches the systemic circulation compared to the IV route. As shown below, it can be considered to be dependent on three serial steps: the fraction of dosed drug absorbed (fa), the fraction escaping intestinal metabolism (fg) and the fraction extracted by the liver as it passes from the portal vein to the systemic circulation (fh) (see Rowland and Tozer, 1989):


fa is influenced by a number of factors including the gastrointestinal (GI) solubility (dose, particle size, pH solubility profile and formulation), the effective permeability (both passive permeability and active transport processes) and GI stability. fg and fh are affected by metabolic enzymes in the intestinal wall and liver, respectively. In addition, fh can be influenced by transporters if a drug is excreted unchanged into the bile. Both metabolic and active transport processes are saturable, generally obeying Michaelis–Menten kinetics. Hence, fa, fg and fh can all be non-linear if relevant concentrations are above the Michaelis–Menten constant (Km) for the particular enzyme/transporter–drug interaction.

In humans, the combinations of high to low solubility and permeability have led compounds to be characterized according to the Biopharmaceutical Classification System (Amidon et al., 1995). Class 1 compounds, with high solubility and permeability, generally have very good absorption properties. Those in Class 4, with poor solubility and permeability, are likely to present significant formulation challenges and/or variable and poor exposure. It can be important to characterize the maximum absorbable dose (MAD) of a compound relative to its predicted therapeutic dose, as this will determine the risk of being able to deliver an efficacious dose to humans and guide whether high exposure in safety studies is achievable.

Table 10.2 gives guidance on acceptable pharmaceutical properties for typical oral drug candidates.


In theory, it is relatively simple to obtain good absorption and to ensure that solubility and permeability fall within the right ranges. However, the reality is more complex. From an in vivo perspective, the product of absorption and intestinal metabolism is often assessed by accounting for first-pass hepatic clearance in bioavailability estimations:


If fa x fg is low, it is important to understand the relative contribution of both fa and fg to F so that this can be designed out of the project. Generally it is simplest to estimate the likely fa and if this does not account for the poor fa x fg value, fg should be investigated. Poor absorption can be a result of slow dissolution rate, low solubility in the GI tract, poor effective permeability (passive or active efflux), or instability in GI fluids or in the wall of the GI tract. If absorption is adequate but bioavailability is poor, hepatic clearance (metabolic or biliary elimination) and/or intestinal metabolism may need to be optimized.

When maximizing the chances of good absorption, the starting point is to ensure that the physicochemical properties of the compound/series are in the optimal space as described by Lipinski and others (Lipinski et al., 1997; Wenlock et al., 2003; Johnson et al., 2009; Waring, 2009). Generally, this requires minimizing the number of H-bond donors and acceptors, restricting lipophilicity in the range LogD7.4 0 to 3, and limiting molecular weight to <500. Both the solubility and passive permeability of a compound should be assessed prior to any in vivo study. Predictive models for these should be assessed for suitability in each project and considered in compound design if either is an issue for a chemical series.

The primary in vitro tool for assessing absorption is the cell based Caco-2 permeability assay, although MDCK-MDR1, PAMPA (parallel artificial membrane permeability assay), or in silico predictions may also provide valuable information about efflux transporter risk and permeability. This permeability assessment, in combination with a solubility measurement (ideally using crystalline material), is used to estimate fa using commercially available modelling tools like GastroPlus ( or SIMCYP ( For actively transported (efflux or uptake) compounds, bi-directional permeability assays can be used as a guide to possible in vivo effects. However, it should be noted that it is often difficult to extrapolate the results from these in vitro transport assays to accurately quantify effects in vivo. Because of its reasonable throughput, the Caco-2 assay can be positioned as an early screen if absorption or permeability/efflux is found to be an issue in the project. If further evaluation of absorption or efflux is warranted, it is possible to use more physiological models such as sections of intestinal tissue in an Ussing Chamber (Ungell et al., 1998), or transfected cell lines over-expressing particular efflux transporters (e.g. P-gp in the MDCK-MDR1 cell line). The Ussing Chamber technique can help in understanding cross-species differences and, because the tissue used is enzymatically competent (metabolic and transporters), the output represents the product of fa and fg.

Compounds with low hepatic clearance in the rat, good solubility and high effective permeability should exhibit good oral absorption and bioavailability in that species. However, if this is not the case, the troubleshooting decision tree in Figure 10.1 can be used to help determine the cause(s) of poor absorption, identify assays to aid in optimizing compound design and understand if the compound is of sufficient quality to progress in the value chain, despite its non-optimal absorption properties.

Table 10.3 is an aid to selecting the assays and techniques to use in the decision tree (Figure 10.1), to explain potential issues and risks, and the parameter (fa, fg and/or fh) the assays impact on.

Table 10.3 Assays and techniques used when troubleshooting absorption

Assay/technique Potential issue/risk addressed Impacted
Intestinal microsomes or S9 fraction Assess cross species differences in intestinal metabolism. Nature and source of metabolites can give key information about potential for gut metabolism, as CYP3A and UGTs account for most gut metabolites fg
Absorption profiling on Caco-2 cells Varying apical to basolateral pH gradient
Concentration dependency
Use of proteins (e.g. BSA) at various percentages in apical chamber
Use of efflux transporter inhibitors
PAMPA Passive permeability fa
High dose PK studies Saturation of efflux or metabolism fa, fg, fh
Ussing chamber technique Effective permeability (including transporters)
Intestinal tissue metabolism
fa, fg
GI stability test Degradation of drug in stomach or intestinal lumen is possible explanation (usually the case if predicted F much greater than measured F) fa
Human metabolic phenotyping Gut metabolism fg, fh
In situ/in vivo portal vein cannulation preparation Determine amount of drug and metabolites passing through intestine fa, fg
SIMCYP; GastroPlus Predict absorption rate and extent (software methods) fa
Transfected cell lines; vesicles expressing specific transporters; Caco-2 efflux assay with and without specific transporter inhibitors Determine involvement of specific efflux transporters fa, fh
Knock-out (KO) animals; chemical KO with inhibitors Determine involvement of specific efflux transporters fa, fg, fh


As scaling factors for intestinal microsomes or other subcellular intestinal fractions are currently not available, it is difficult to make an accurate quantitative assessment of the contribution of intestinal metabolism to in vivo fa. However, attempts have been made to use CLint from human liver microsomes or S9 fraction to estimate the relative contributions of fa and fg to F (Gertz et al., 2010).

It is often very difficult to pinpoint why compounds have poor absorption characteristics and, therefore, to resolve this design issue. Thus, it is often reasonable to prioritize series with good fa x fg, in early discovery even if other properties (e.g. potency, clearance) are less attractive.

Typically, oral doses are formulated as suspensions which, on many occasions, may be derived from amorphous material. However, it is important to assess absorption periodically using crystalline material, as physical form may have substantial effects on absorption profiles.

Particularly for compounds likely to proceed into development, it is important to determine the effect of the polymorphic solid states on absorption. It is also important to ensure that the formulations used are discussed with Pharmaceutical Development (see Chapter 16), and are appropriate for safety and early clinical development studies.

If in vitro and in vivo (rat and dog) assessments of fa do not agree, the risk of an inaccurate estimate of absorption in man will increase. Sometimes other species have been investigated to mitigate this risk, but we caution that there can, for example, be marked discrepancies in fa x fg between cynomolgus monkeys and humans (Takahashi et al., 2009).

Avoidance of PK based drug–drug interactions


Competitive (reversible) CYP inhibition

Two main types of CYP inhibition assays with different capabilities are in general use. Fluorescence based assays are relatively cheap and have enhanced throughput, but in a small but significant number of cases can lead to misrepresenting DDI risk (Bell et al., 2008). They are best used for initial profiling of large numbers of compounds, with the data being acceptable in the early phase such as lead generation. LCMS based assays are more expensive, have lower throughput, but are more predictive. They should be used in optimization cycles once CYP inhibition issues have been identified, and for generating compound profiles during more advanced project phases.

Inhibition of the five major CYP isoforms 1A2, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6 and 3A4, should be evaluated in the earliest phases, while later it would be prudent to assess potential interactions with isoforms 2B6, 2C8 and 3A5.

Reduction of CYP inhibition potential is facilitated by the fact that strong QSAR relationships are often obtained. Various computational models that allow prediction of CYP DDI risk are available within most drug development companies. It is well established that lipophilicity, aromaticity and charge type are major drivers for inhibiting various CYP enzymes (Gleeson et al., 2007).

The risk of DDIs based on Phase 2 metabolism (e.g. glucuronidation and sulphation) is usually small, resulting in less than a two-fold increase in area under the concentration versus time curve (AUC), and they are rarely observed, possibly due in part to the nature of the enzymatic reaction (high Vmax and moderate to high Km values). Such DDIs are not generally evaluated in lead optimization (Williams et al., 2004). Evidence suggesting the need to do so at this stage should prompt re-evaluation of the risk.

The decision tree in Figure 10.2 can be used to assess the potential DDI risk of a competitive CYP inhibitor. Hits identified in a fluorescence-based assay should be confirmed with an LCMS-based assay using druglike substrates as probes for the different CYP isoforms. Although the ratio Cmax/Ki,u can be used to obtain a preliminary estimate of the DDI risk, more accurate evaluation should be conducted using PBPK modelling (e.g. SIMCYP platform) to predict the potential clinical risk (expanded below in ‘Prediction of DDI risk’ ”).

Mechanism-based/time-dependent CYP inhibition

The inhibition of CYP enzymes may be irreversible (due to irreversible or covalent binding to the prosthetic haem or the enzyme) or quasi-irreversible (due to the formation of transient complexes with the iron of the haem prosthetic group). Time-dependent inhibition (TDI) methods can be used to determine this (Riley et al., 2007; Fowler and Zhang, 2008). During early phases of drug discovery, a medium throughput screening assay can be used to screen for TDI. However, for selecting candidates at later phases, the method employed should provide accurate determination of Kinact and Ki to properly evaluate the DDI risks of compounds in which preliminary screening indicated the potential for TDI. A positive TDI finding also suggests that the compound or its metabolites may be reactive, and further evaluation should be conducted as specified by reactive metabolite strategies.

A decision tree to help evaluate the potential DDI risk of a TDI CYP inhibitor is shown in Figure 10.3. If a compound is found to be at risk for CYP inhibition (IC50 <20 µM) or is flagged to have a potential liability for reactive metabolites, it should be screened for TDI. If it is found to have potential TDI risk based on screening data, Ki and Kinact values should be generated to help accurately predict the risk using prediction tools like SIMCYP.

Uptake and efflux transporter inhibition

Uptake transporter inhibition assays are emerging as being of real value (Ward, 2008), but they are highly dependent on chemotype (e.g. acids being primarily transported by organic anion transporters (OATs)) and likely co-medications (e.g. OCT2 and metformin). Acids and zwitterions should be assessed for inhibition of OATP1B1 during drug discovery. Other inhibition assays (OAT1, OAT3, OATP1B1, OCT1 and OCT2) should be used on a case-by-case basis.

Efflux transporters are believed to serve a protective function, and prevent molecules perceived as foreign from gaining entry in cells or tissues. Of the various efflux transporters, P-glycoprotein (P-gp) is the most prevalent and well understood. As specific locations of the P-gp transporter include small intestine enterocytes, hepatocytes, the kidney and the blood–brain barrier, P-gp can affect oral bioavailability, biliary and renal clearance, and brain uptake of compounds that are substrates of P-gp. In addition, compounds that modulate P-gp can influence the clearance and distribution of drugs that are substrates of P-gp. The bi-directional transport assay using either Caco-2 (P-gp, BCRP, and MRP2) or MDCK-MDRI (specifically for P-gp) cells is widely available. Evaluation of the potential to inhibit P-gp should be evaluated in early discovery using a bi-directional transport assay with a probe P-gp substrate (e.g. digoxin). If a compound is found to be a P-gp inhibitor, its potential impact for P-gp inhibition in the liver or in the gut can be estimated based on its estimated local exposure and the IC50.

Determination of clearance mechanism and CYP phenotyping

The potential for a compound to be a victim of a DDI with a co-medication is greatly reduced if there are multiple clearance mechanisms, particularly involving metabolism by multiple CYP enzymes. This should be a consideration if the therapeutic window is low or if the clinical/marketing disadvantage of the interaction would be significant. Quantitative assessment of multiple clearance mechanisms and phenotyping of CYP metabolism should be established for any candidate drug. Methods for phenotyping the individual CYP enzymes responsible for a drug’s metabolism include the use of (1) specific chemicals or antibodies as specific enzyme inhibitors, (2) individual human recombinant CYPs, and (3) a bank of human liver microsomes characterized for CYP activity prepared from individual donor livers. At nomination of a candidate drug, human phenotyping work should include all eight major CYPs (1A2, 2B6, 2C8, 2C9, 2C19, 2D6, 3A4/3A5), and be followed by other enzymes if necessary. Another way to investigate clearance mechanisms in vitro is a so-called ‘fractional Clint’ assay. In such an assay the rate of parent disappearance is measured in human hepatocytes with and without the presence of an enzyme inhibitor. Most common is the addition of ketoconazole to block out the CYP3A4 contribution to metabolism. The remaining rate of metabolism in such an assay can be attributed non-CYP3A4 pathways like phase 2 enzymes, other CYPs or any other possible mechanism.

CYP induction mediated risk for DDI

Induction of specific CYP enzymes may not only change a drug’s metabolic profile but also have toxicological consequences as CYP enzymes are also involved in the metabolism and synthesis of important endogenous compounds. Although close collaboration with Safety Assessment (see Chapter 15) is needed to evaluate the full impact of CYP induction, it is DMPK’s primary responsibility to predict the DDI potential caused by CYP induction in man. This should be done during optimization with the use of HepaRG cells which are a good surrogate of primary human hepatocytes for AhR-mediated CYP1A induction and PXR- and CAR-mediated CYP3A4 and CYP2B6 induction. If higher throughput is needed during the optimization phase, the PXR reporter gene assay may be used to minimize PXR-dependent CYP3A4 induction liability.

Prediction of DDI risk

Once inhibition (of CYP enzymes and/or transporters) potential has been assessed in vitro, a risk assessment is made by examining the data in relation to the likely clinical exposures. At candidate drug nomination, a thorough evaluation of CYP-based DDI risk (both reversible and irreversible) should be made using PBPK modelling (e.g. SIMCYP platform). PBPK modelling can be used to estimate relevant concentration of inhibitors at the inlet to the liver or in the gut and to assess DDI risks in various patient populations.

During early drug discovery, a simple criterion can be used to determine if CYP inhibition presents little or no risk. For this purpose, an IC50 of >20 µM provides a reasonable cut-off. Should the predicted therapeutic exposures be very low, then a lower cut-off might be rationally adopted.

To assess CYP induction potential, the Emax and EC50 obtained from human hepatocytes (e.g. HepaRG cells) induction assays, can be used in conjunction with predicted human exposure (free Cmax or free liver inlet concentration) to calculate a relative induction score. This is then compared against the relative induction scores of known inducers to estimate the percent human AUC change.

A compound is likely to be a victim of clinically relevant DDI with a co-medication if it has a narrow therapeutic window and is a sensitive substrate to an inhibited enzyme/transporter, as indicated by high values of fraction metabolized (fm), fraction of CYP metabolized (fm,CYP), and fraction unbound (fu), and by plasma and hepatic extraction. This risk can be reduced by ensuring that the clearance mechanism in question represents <50% of total clearance (resulting in less than a two-fold change in the AUC of the victim compound). At candidate drug nomination, software tools such as SIMCYP could be used to evaluate the impact of known inhibitors or inducers on the relevant candidate compounds if their clearance is driven mainly by a single enzyme or transporter. Figure 10.4 is a decision tree to help in assessing the potential risk that a compound will be a DDI victim. A compound is deemed to have this potential risk if it has a narrow therapeutic window or is cleared predominantly by a single CYP enzyme. A simple Excel based DDI template or SIMCYP should be used to estimate the risk. If the CYP enzyme involved is polymorphic, evaluate the impact of polymorphism to identify high-risk populations.

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