Menstrual cycle disorders

45 Menstrual cycle disorders

Once a girl reaches puberty, various physiological events occur, leading to the onset of menstruation, or the menarche. The average age of the menarche has decreased to around 12.5 years and a halt in this trend towards earlier menarche is not evident. This decline has been attributed to an improvement in nutrition and overall health. Body weight is linked to menarchal age and it is possible that as body fat increases so does serum leptin (hormone which influences calorie intake) which in turn may increase the pulsatile release of gonadotrophin-releasing hormone (GnRH).

Menstruation is an event that occurs relatively late in puberty and 95% of girls reach the menarche between the ages of 11 and 15 years. One UK study has shown that one girl in eight begins to menstruate whilst still at primary school. Even before the first ovulatory cycle has taken place, childhood ovarian activity will have gradually increased the production of oestrogen, leading to the development of the secondary sexual characteristics. These events are probably initiated by the central nervous system (CNS) which ultimately triggers the necessary gonadal changes that will eventually lead to the establishment of the menstrual cycle. It may take up to 2 years for the hypothalamic–pituitary–gonadal axis to mature and for regular ovulation to take place. In girls who only start to menstruate when they are older, it may take even longer. This should be considered when taking a patient’s medical history.

Menstruation itself occurs as a result of cyclic hormonal variations (Fig. 45.1). During the first half or follicular phase of the menstrual cycle, the endometrium thickens under the influence of increasing levels of oestrogen (most notably estradiol, which at the peak of its preovulatory surge reaches around 2000 pmol/L) secreted from the developing ovarian follicles. Once the serum oestrogen level has surpassed a critical point it triggers, by positive feedback, the anterior pituitary to release, about 24 h later, a surge of luteinising hormone (LH; up to 50 iu/L) and after 30–36 h, ovulation follows.

After ovulation, which occurs around day 14 of a 28-day menstrual cycle, and as the luteal phase progresses, the endometrium begins to respond to increasing levels of progesterone. Both progesterone and oestrogen are secreted from the corpus luteum which is formed from the remains of the ovarian follicle after ovulation. The lifespan of the corpus luteum is remarkably constant and lasts between 12 and 14 days; hence, the length of the second half or the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle is between 12 and 14 days. Between days 18 and 22 of a 28-day cycle, both sex steroids peak, with levels of progesterone reaching around 30 nmol/L. As progesterone has a thermogenic effect upon the hypothalamus, basal body temperature increases by about 1 °C in the second half of an ovulatory cycle (Fig. 45.2). Most ovulatory cycles range from 21 to 34 days.

These synchronised changes mean that about a week after ovulation, the endometrium is prepared for implantation, providing fertilisation has taken place. If conception does not occur, then luteolysis begins and steroid levels fall. This means that the endometrium cannot be maintained, there is a loss of stromal fluid, leucocyte infiltration begins and there is intraglandular extravasation of blood. Finally, endometrial blood flow is reduced and this leads to necrosis and sloughing, that is menstruation. Initially, the blood vessels that remain intact after sloughing are sealed by fibrin and platelet plugs; subsequent haemostasis is probably achieved as a result of vasoconstriction of the remaining basal arteries. Nitric oxide may be involved in the initiation and maintenance of menstrual bleeding by promoting vasodilation and inhibiting platelet aggregation. The myometrium is the muscular layers of the uterus that contract spontaneously throughout the menstrual cycle, the frequency of these contractions being influenced by the hormonal milieu. The myometrium is also more active during menstruation. The average blood loss per period is between 30 and 40 mL.

There is evidence which suggests a physiological and pathological role for the local hormones, known as prostaglandins, in the process of menstruation. Prostaglandins are 20-carbon oxygenated, polyunsaturated bioactive lipids, which are cyclo-oxygenase-derived products of arachidonic acid. Indeed, both the myometrium and the endometrium are capable of synthesising and responding to prostaglandins. A potential role for another family of autocoids, the leukotrienes, in the regulation of uterine function remains uncertain, although it is known that leukotrienes can also be synthesised from arachidonic acid by lipoxygenase enzymes (Fig. 45.3).

Disorders associated with menstruation are a major medical and social problem for women which also impact upon their families.

Premenstrual syndrome (PMS)

PMS encompasses both mood changes and physical symptoms. Symptoms may start up to 14 days before menstruation, although more usually they begin just a few days before and disappear at the onset of, or shortly after, menstruation. However, for some women, the beginning of menstruation may not signal the complete resolution of symptoms. Numerous studies have demonstrated that this condition can cause substantial impairment of normal daily activity, including reduced occupational activity and significant levels of work absenteeism. Severity varies from cycle to cycle and may be influenced by other life factors such as stress and tiredness. The most severe form of PMS may be referred to as premenstrual dysphoric disorder (PMDD) as defined by the Modified Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders appendix IV, or DSM-IV (American Psychiatric Association, 2000) and for which the criteria are set out in Box 45.1. Other bodies (American College of Obstetricians and Gynecologists, 2000) have published diagnostic criteria for PMS (Box 45.2). There is considerable overlap between PMS and PMDD.


PMS is not seen before puberty, during pregnancy or in postmenopausal women, and therefore, the ovarian hormones have been implicated. The mineralocorticoids, prolactin, androgens, prostaglandins, endorphins, nutritional factors (e.g. pyridoxine, calcium and essential fatty acids) and hypoglycaemia may be involved. In addition, changes in CNS function have been implicated as cerebral blood flow in the temporal lobes is decreased premenstrually in PMS sufferers, and noradrenergic cyclicity is disrupted. As symptoms vary so much from cycle to cycle, and from individual to individual, it is likely that different aetiological factors apply to different women, all of which may be affected by extenuating emotional circumstances. There is some evidence that predisposition to PMDD may be familial.


The cyclicity of PMS suggests an ovarian involvement. This is substantiated by the fact that it is still experienced after hysterectomy if the ovaries are left intact and that it disappears during pregnancy and after the menopause. One theory attributes PMS to luteal phase progesterone deficiency leading to a progesterone/estradiol imbalance, but there is no direct clinical evidence to support this in terms of serum progesterone levels. However, the problem could lie at the cellular level, that is, a paucity of functional steroid receptors leading to differential sensitivity to hormones. Alternatively, it could be a central control defect, as ovarian suppression by GnRH analogues can alleviate symptoms in some women; however, the use of these drugs is generally not recommended because of their unwanted effects associated with production of a hypo-oestrogenic state.

The central actions of the sex steroids or their neuroactive metabolites are important. Research into the complex relationship between the steroids and the CNS is ongoing, and progressing with the advent of new tools such as the progesterone receptor modulators. Estradiol increases neuronal excitability possibly via increasing the activity of glutamate (an important excitatory neurotransmitter). Progesterone, and its metabolites, can bind to the γ-aminobutyric acid A (GABAA) receptor, and this interaction would induce an effect similar to that evoked by benzodiazepines. The mineralocorticoid, aldosterone, may be associated with the increase in fluid retention as serum levels of this hormone are elevated in the luteal phase. However, no significant difference in blood levels of this mineralocorticoid has been found between PMS sufferers and non-sufferers. In contrast, one study has found that baseline levels of cortisol were elevated during the luteal phase in PMS sufferers.

Prolactin is secreted from the decidual cells at the end of the luteal phase of the menstrual cycle as well as from the anterior pituitary. This hormone has a direct effect upon breast tissue and hence may be associated with breast tenderness. Prolactin is also associated with stress and has an indirect relationship with dopamine metabolism and release in the CNS. It promotes sodium, potassium and water retention. However, there are no consistent differences in hormone blood levels of prolactin between PMS sufferers and non-sufferers. Again, the differences could lie at the receptor level. Local hormones such as the prostaglandins may also be implicated in the aetiology of PMS as synthesis of these autocoids can be affected by the sex hormones as well as substrate availability. Prostaglandin imbalance is implicated in PMS as increased synthesis of certain prostaglandins, for example, PGE2, have antidiuretic and central sedative effects as well as promoting capillary permeability and vasodilation. Deficiencies of others, for example, PGE1, which can attenuate some of the actions of prolactin, may also contribute to the syndrome.


Symptoms occur 1–14 days before menstruation begins and disappear at the onset or shortly after menstruation begins. For the rest of the cycle, the woman feels well. Symptoms are cyclical, although they may not be experienced every cycle, and can be either physical and/or psychological (see Boxes 45.1. and 45.2 for symptomatology). The lives of the 5% or so of women who are severely affected may be completely disrupted in the second half of the menstrual cycle. The symptoms of PMS tend to decrease as a woman gets closer to the menopause as her ovulatory cycles become less frequent.


The first step in the management of PMS is recognition of the problem and realisation that many other women also suffer. Keeping a menstrual diary is useful and will establish any link between symptoms and menstruation, and this will provide a cornerstone for diagnosis. After a few months, it will allow the patient to make predictions and help her deal with changes when they arrive. The effectiveness of medical intervention depends upon which symptoms are being experienced, underlining the importance of a menstrual diary and experimentation. In terms of treatment, self-help and perseverance will be required in the management of PMS. The wide variety of symptoms may require exploring a number of treatment options before optimal relief can be achieved.

Non-pharmacological strategies

Maintenance of good general health is important, especially with respect to diet and possible deficiencies. Dietary modifications that may be helpful include restricting caffeine and alcohol intake. Smoking can also exacerbate symptoms. Exercise may help, as may learning simple relaxation techniques. If fluid retention is a problem, then reducing fluid and salt intake may be of value. Increasing the intake of natural diuretics such as prunes, figs, celery, cucumber, parsley and foods high in potassium such as bananas, oranges, dried fruits, nuts, soya beans and tomatoes may all be useful. Hypoglycaemia may also be involved in premenstrual tiredness, so eating small protein-rich meals more frequently may help.

Results from clinical trials involving pyridoxine (vitamin B6) have shown conflicting results. However, some women do respond to pyridoxine and show improvement, particularly with respect to mood change, breast discomfort and headache. A typical dosage regimen would be 50 mg twice daily after meals or 100 mg after breakfast. The dose should not exceed 100 mg a day. Gastric upset and headaches have been reported at doses greater than 200 mg. High doses over long periods have also been associated with peripheral neuropathies. Pyridoxine should be commenced 3 days before symptom onset and continued for 2 days after menstruation has started.

Calcium supplementation has shown some activity in reducing emotional, behavioural and physical symptoms. Likewise, there is limited evidence that supplementation with γ-linolenic acid, found in evening primrose oil, gives relief from physical symptoms, especially breast tenderness.

Pharmacological management

Combined oral contraceptives (COC)

Some women are helped by the COC pill because it prevents ovulation from taking place. However, the use of exogenous oestrogen may be contraindicated because it can increase the risk of venous thromboembolism. This occurs because oestrogen decreases blood levels of the potent natural anticoagulant antithrombin III and at the same time increases serum levels of some clotting factors. Women with other risk factors for thromboembolic disease should also avoid this form of therapy. The incidence of venous thromboembolism in healthy, non-pregnant women who are not taking an oral contraceptive is about five to ten cases per 100,000 women per year. For those using COCs containing second-generation progestogens, for example, levonorgestrel, this incidence is about 15 per 100,000 women per year of use. Some studies have reported a greater risk of venous thromboembolism in women using preparations containing the third-generation progestogens desogestrel and gestodene. The incidence in these women is about 25 per 100,000 women per year of use. However, it should be noted that the absolute risk of venous thromboembolism in women using COCs containing these third-generation progestogens remains very small and well below the venous thromboembolism risk associated with pregnancy.

It is thought that use of third-generation progestogens is associated with increased resistance to the anticoagulant action of activated protein C. Oral contraceptive treatment diminishes the efficacy with which activated protein C down regulates in vitro thrombin formation. This is known as activated protein C resistance and is more pronounced in women using the COC pills containing desogestrel than in women using those containing levonorgestrel. However, it has also been recognised that women who do react to third-generation progestogens with venous thromboembolism may be revealing a latent thrombophilia. There are several conditions, congenital or acquired, that can cause thrombophilic alterations. A genetic factor known as factor V Leiden mutation is the most common inherited cause of thrombophilia, and this mutation results in resistance to the effects of activated protein C. Carriers of this mutation have more than a 30-fold increase in risk of thrombotic complications during oral contraceptive use, although this has been disputed (Farmer et al., 2000) because no increase in risk of venous thromboembolism was found with the third-generation progestogens. In conclusion, if there is a history of thromboembolic disease at a young age in the immediate family, then disturbances of the coagulation system must be ruled out.

The combination of ethinylestradiol with drospirenone is also available as an oral contraceptive and appears to be useful in the management of PMS. Drospirenone is a derivative of spironolactone, with affinity for progesterone receptors, but it also acts as a mineralocorticoid antagonist. This progestogen, therefore, alleviates some of the salt-retaining effects of the ethinylestradiol.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Menstrual cycle disorders

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