Whereas elastic behavior is independent of history and enables total recovery of stored energy, this is not so in the opposite extreme of viscous behavior, for which the response depends on the history of applied stresses and no energy is recoverable. Viscous materials dissipate energy; friction is one manifestation of viscous behavior. Most materials have properties that are in part elastic and in part viscous, and as such are viscoelastic. We will examine models describing such viscoelasticity.
We will need to distinguish between the intensive and extensive properties of the body component (or any other object). Let us say we were to examine a 100 cm
ball of solid iron that has a 787 g mass. Obviously, the iron ball has a mass density of 787 g/100 cm
. This property per unit volume is an intensive property. It does not depend on the size or shape of the ball and applies to any object composed of this type of iron. An extensive property of this ball is that it has a mass of 787 g; another is its 100 cm
volume. Such extensive properties depend on the intensive property of the object and the size and shape of the object.

Why do some people’s bones break more readily than others? There are several reasons: (a) They could have different intensive properties . For example, they could be more porous and concomitantly have lower damage thresholds—such as for those with osteoporosis , which is common in older people who have lost much calcium. (b) They could have different extensive properties, such as thinner bones. Part of this is clearly genetic in origin, but some is developmental. Bones become thicker in children who are physically active, and who are consequently applying loads to them while they are growing [30, 41, 42]. In fact, the bones in the arm wielding the tennis racket can be
% thicker than those in the other arm in adults who played tennis as youngsters [35]. (c) They could have bad luck. Reason (a) is related to why body materials are complex. They are composite materials, composed of different types of materials on a microscopic basis, that depend on life experiences. Bone is a composite composed of calcium-based inorganic matter and organic matter.

We have already seen the implications of several of these mechanical properties. In analyzing running in Chap. 3 we saw that about a third of the kinetic energy lost each time the foot hits the ground goes into stretching the Achilles tendon, and that most of this energy is recoverable (which is consistent with nearly elastic behavior). In modeling throwing a ball, we neglected any friction about the elbow joint during the throwing motion. This followed our discussion of the very low coefficient of friction in synovial joints . In our discussion of collisions, we saw that the tibia can break if we jump stiff-legged from a height of only 1 m (which is fracture). Our model of throwing a ball used the force generated by the biceps brachii (which is an active element).
Interesting references for these materials properties include [6, 8, 9, 22, 27, 31, 45, 47, 56, 57, 59, 61]. Reference [64] examines quite extensively the materials of the body and materials used in medicine. Mechanical properties are given in [1, 17, 79].
4.1 Material Components of the Body
We will briefly characterize some of the major structural components of the body: bones, and several soft materials, such as ligaments, tendons, and cartilage, and then analyze their mechanical properties. More generally, there are four categories of tissues:
(1) Epithelial tissue covers the body and lines organs or secretes hormones. It has closely packed cells, little intercellular material, nerves, and no blood vessels (and so it is avascular).
(2) Connective tissue includes bone, cartilage, dense connective tissue (such as ligaments and tendons), loose connective tissue—such as “fat”—and blood and lymph vascular tissue. Most connective tissue has nerves and scattered cells in a background called a matrix. There are many blood vessels in bone and at the periphery of the menisci—and so they are highly vascularized, but tendons, ligaments, and (the bulk of) cartilage are not. The matrix consists of fibers and ground substances . The fibers include collagen fibers (made of the protein collagen) that are tough and flexible; elastic fibers (made of the protein elastin) that are strong and stretchable; and reticular, web-like fibers. The ground substance includes cell adhesion proteins to hold the tissue together and proteoglycans to provide firmness.
Epithelial membranes consist of epithelial and connective tissue. These line the body (skin (cutaneous membrane)), internal organs ( serous membranes of the heart (pericardium), lungs ( pleura), and abdominal structures (peritoneum)), cavities that open to the outside world (mucous membranes of the nasal cavity, and the respiratory, gastrointestinal, and urogenital tracts), and cavities at bone joints (synovial membranes).
(3) Nervous tissue, for body control, consists of neurons to transmit electrical signals and neuroglia (or glial cells) to support the neurons, by insulating them or anchoring them to blood vessels.
(4) Muscle tissue controls movement, and includes passive components (such as in the connective tissue) and active, motor-like components. Its structure and properties will be detailed in Chap. 5.

Fig. 4.2
Typical composition of several human musculoskeletal structural components by fractional total and dry weight. (Based on [4])
The different fractions of the common building blocks in these components are shown in Fig. 4.2.
4.1.1 Bone
Bones provide a structural framework to attach muscles and organs, enable movement through the attachment of muscles, provide physical protection of organs (such as the skull for the brain and the rib cage for the lungs), store minerals (calcium and phosphorus) and some fats (in the yellow marrow), and produce red blood cells (in the red marrow). The stiff nature of bone clearly enables it to form a semirigid framework, enable motion (because how could muscles do their job with flexible bones?), and provide organ protection. We will see it also means that large bones can serve these functions and still be hollow and filled with the soft marrow. There are long bones, as in the arms and legs; short cube-like bones; flat bones, as in the skull and ribs; and irregularly shaped bones, as in the pelvis and vertebrae.

Fig. 4.3
Structure of a long bone, as exemplified by the femur, with a a schematic of the frontal section, b photo of the proximal epiphysis, and c schematic of the cross-section of the diaphysis. (b) is a photograph of a coronal section of the upper end of the femur of a 31-year-old male. The cut passes through the head, neck, greater trochanter, and part of the shaft, and is off-center between the middle and posterior thirds. The uniform sections are compact bone, while the meshed regions are trabecular bone. (From [75] (for (a), (c)) and [77] (for (b)))
Bone is a complex composite material, with living and nonliving matter. The living matter includes the cells osteoblasts and osteoclasts, which, respectively, make new bone and resorb (erode) existing bone, and osteocytes, which are former osteoblasts buried in bone they have made. Bone experiences net growth during childhood (with osteoblasts outperforming osteoclasts), steady state during most of adulthood (with the effects of osteoblasts and osteoclasts balancing each other), and net decrease in older age (with osteoclasts outperforming osteoblasts), leading to osteoporosis [71]. Excluding water , the nonliving matter of bone is 40% by weight (60% by volume) collagen and 60% by weight (40% by volume) calcium hydroxyappatite (
). The
nm rod or plate crystals with hexagonal symmetry of the ceramic-like calcium hydroxyappatite are bound by the elastomer-like collagen. The inorganic ceramic component gives compact bone its large strength (a large elastic constant Y) and a large ultimate compressive stress (UCS). The collagen component makes bone much more flexible than a ceramic and much more stable under tension and bending. If you let a turkey leg sit for 24 h in 1 M HCl it becomes very flexible because the ceramic crystals have been dissolved and all that remains is a collagen structure [10]. About 1% of the organic component is proteoglycans (mucopolysaccharides). About 25% of the volume of bone is water,
% of which is bound to the collagen. Spongy (or trabecular) bone has voids with lateral dimensions of 50–500

Figure 4.3a shows the structure of a typical long bone, such as the femur. It has a long tubular shaft, the diaphysis (die-a’-phi-sus), which is a relatively thin shell of compact, cortical, or dense bone for strength. We will see later in this chapter that this type of hollow design maintains much of the strength of the corresponding solid structure, but with much less weight. At either end, the shaft broadens to form the epiphyses (e-pi-fi-sees’), where there is an overlayer of articular cartilage for lubrication and inside the bone, beneath the compact bone, is trabecular, cancellous, or spongy bone, which is a porous mesh of trabeculae (tra-bic’-you-lee) that can absorb shock. This porous bone is also found in the bones in the spinal column, where it provides some structural support and absorbs shock. Figure 4.3b shows that the layer of cortical bone in the shaft is thick and it becomes relatively very thin at the proximal end, where it surrounds the trabecular bone. There is bone marrow in the hollow shaft, the diaphysis. In short and irregular bones, spongy bone is encircled by a thin layer of compact bone, while in flat bones it is sandwiched by it.
4.1.2 Ligaments and Tendons
Ligaments and tendons are dense connective tissue with a dense network of fibers, with few cells and little ground substance. Ligaments are tough bands of fibrous connective tissue. They are 55–65% water and 35–45% dry matter, which consists of 70–80% collagen (mostly type I), 10–15% elastin, and a small amount, 1–3%, of proteoglycans. The collagen (Fig. 4.4) gives ligaments their high tensile strength. The collagen helices assemble into microfibrils (4 nm in diameter), which assemble into subfrils (20 nm in diameter), which assemble into fibrils (50–500 nm in diameter), and then into collagen fibers (100–300
m in diameter) with fibroblast cells that synthesize the collagen.

The dry weight of tendons is 75–85% collagen (95% type I and 5% type III or V),
elastin, and 1–2% proteoglycans. The structural hierarchy (Fig. 4.5) is like that of ligaments except they are arranged into packets called fascicles. Also, the bundles of collagen fibers are more parallel in tendons than in ligaments, as seen in Fig. 4.6.

In contrast, the dry matter of skin is 56–70% collagen (mostly type I), 5–10% elastin, and 2–4% proteoglycans.
In each of these soft materials, the collagen gives it tensile strength, while the elastin gives it elasticity, which is more important in ligaments than in tendons.

Fig. 4.6
4.1.3 Cartilage
There are three types of cartilage: Hyaline (high’-uh-lun) cartilage, the most common in adults, is found in the ventral ends of ribs and covering the joint surfaces of bones. Elastic cartilage is more flexible, and is found in the external ear and eustachian tubes. Fibrocartilage occurs in the intervertebral disks. Cartilage that lines the bones in synovial joints (1–6 mm thick) is also called articular cartilage; it serves as a self-renewing, well-lubricated load bearing surface with wear prevention. It is most often hyaline cartilage, except in joints, such as the knee (the menisci), which contain fibrocartilaginous disks.
Articular cartilage is not meant to serve as a shock absorber to cushion forces or slow joint rotation [45], because it is so thin that it can absorb very little energy even though it is less stiff than cortical bone. In fact, it absorbs much less energy than muscles resisting joint rotation (eccentric contractions, Chap. 5) or the bones on either side of the joint (see Problem 4.12). About 30% of cartilage by mass is a solid matrix of collagen (40–70% of the dry mass,
type II collagen and several other types: V, VI, IX, X, and XI) and proteoglycan (15–40% of the dry mass) and 70% is water and inorganic salts (as seen the structure in Fig. 4.7). Chondrocyte cells that manufacture the cartilage organic material comprise less than 5–10% of the volume. Cartilage is viscoelastic because it is a very flexible, porous material (50 Å voids) with voids that are filled with water. The water dissipates energy as it flows through the voids under compression.

Fig. 4.7
Structure of articular cartilage, showing its inhomogeneity and solid—fluid constitution. The inset shows the local molecular organization of cartilage. (From [34])
In tension the collagen of the solid phase carries most of the load, while in compression both the solid and liquid phases carry the load. The viscoelasticity of cartilage is controlled by the exudation of the fluid through the pores in this biphasic material that is responsible for the lubrication of synovial joints.
4.2 Elastic Properties
4.2.1 Basic Stress–Strain Relationships
In the harmonic regime, elastic materials are modeled as perfect springs obeying Hooke’s Law. This is usually expressed as

where F is the force felt by an object attached to a spring, with spring constant k, when the spring is extended a distance x. When the spring is extended a distance x, say to the right, the attached body feels a restoring force kx to the left (Fig. 4.8).


Fig. 4.8
Spring model of elastic materials, a relaxed, b under tension, c under compression. The text calls the material length L instead of x

Fig. 4.9
Cylinder of relaxed length
a under tension and b under compression

In examining such Hookean materials we will need to alter this viewpoint a bit. There is a length of spring or material for which there is no restoring force. We will call this equilibrium length
. In (4.1), x is implicitly the deviation from this equilibrium length, the deformation . For reasons that will become clear soon, we prefer to refer x to this equilibrium length and so

Also, in studying problems with springs, we usually examine the effect of the spring forces on other masses. Here we are concerned with the effect of other forces on materials modeled as springs. Therefore we consider the force applied to the spring-like object,
, which is the negative of the above force F felt by the object attached to the spring, and is

We have also changed notation so that length of the material is L and its relaxed length is



the material is relaxed. When there is a positive
(Figs. 4.8b and 4.9a), the material is under tension and
(Figs. 4.8c and 4.9b), the material is under compression and

Equation (4.3) represents the extensive properties of the material. While this is very important, we first want to examine the intensive properties of the material. If the object has a cross-sectional area A and length L, we can rewrite (4.3) as

Each fraction represents an intensive parameter. The applied force/area,
, is called the stress
. The fractional increase in length,
, is called the strain (or the engineering strain)
is the elongation. The normalized spring constant,
, is called either Young’s modulus or the elastic modulus and is represented by Y (or E). This modulus is a fundamental intensive property of the material. Consequently,

This linear constitutive relationship describing this material is valid only for small strains. It is usually valid for
, but the range of validity really depends on the type of material. We have ignored any change in cross-sectional area. There is usually a change in A with a change in L (see below), which we will usually ignore here.



As seen in Fig. 4.8, tensile stress means
0$$” src=”http://basicmedicalkey.com/wp-content/uploads/2017/06/A114622_2_En_4_Chapter_IEq30.gif”>. A compressive stress means
and leads to a compressive strain
. For such elastic materials in the proportional (or harmonic or Hookean) regime the stress–strain relation is linear, as is seen in Fig. 4.1. The units of stress
and modulus Y are both those of force/area, such as N/m
Pa) or the more convenient unit of N/mm
MPa); we will usually use these last two equivalent units. Strain,
, is unitless. Remember from Table 2.6 that

Fig. 4.11
Shear and torsion forces. a Shear. b Torsion
4.2.2 Other Stress–Strain Relations
In addition to these linear relations between stress and strain, there are other types of deformations (Fig. 4.10). Figure 4.11a shows the geometry of shear deformations with force F and shear stress
. (
is not torque here.) The response is the shear strain
, and for small deviations
. The shear stress and strain are related by

where G is the shear modulus. This shear deformation is related to the torsion of the top of a cylinder, with the bottom fixed, as seen in Fig. 4.11b, where the torsion T is related to the deformation angle


Let us consider the deformation of a cylinder with the long axis along the z-axis. We have already called the axial strain response in the z direction
, but because stresses lead to strain deformations in different directions, we could be more specific (for the moment) and call it
. We assumed earlier that the cross-sectional area of such a cylinder does not change under tension or compression, but it does to a certain extent. We will call the fractional strains in these lateral x and y directions—the lateral or transverse strains—
, respectively. (In more advanced discussions, these three x , y, and z components of strain are really referred to as
, and
.) For the linear deformation described above, symmetry implies that
. For a given material there is a relationship between these longitudinal and lateral strains provided by Poisson’s ratio

For isotropic materials, the range of possible
, although materials with negative
are not found in nature. For anisotropic materials, such as many materials in the body,
can exceed 0.5. For metals and many engineering materials
, but it tends to be higher for biological materials. For bone,
ranges from 0.21 to 0.62 [47]. For tissues like those in the brain,


Fig. 4.12
Changes in lateral dimensions during (b) tension and (c) compression, as determined by Poisson’s ratio, compared to those with no forces applied in (a)
After this deformation the new volume is the old one
, when each strain has magnitude
(Fig. 4.12). Using Poisson’s ratio, the new volume is
the old volume and the fractional change in the volume is
. For example, with
this fractional volume change is
. If
, there is no volume change even with the change in shape. Similarly, after deformation the new cross-sectional area is the old one
, and the fractional change in area is

Like Y and G,
is an intensive property of the material. For isotropic materials they are interrelated by

For example, if
, the shear and elastic moduli are related by


4.2.3 Bone Shortening
How much do our bones shorten under compression? We will assume that the relation
is valid until the stress reaches its maximum just before fracture occurs, which is called the ultimate compressive stress (UCS) and which is 170 MPa for compact bone; this is a good approximation for this calculation. Then
and the bone shortens by

and fractionally by

How much does the femur shorten when you stand on one foot? With no stress the femur is
mm long. The body weight of 700 N (70 kg) is distributed over the femur cross-sectional area
, so
MPa. The femur shortens by only
. This corresponds to a strain of
. In units of microstrain (
), this is 100 microstrain (or



The maximum stress in compression is the UCS. What is the strain at the UCS (assuming linear behavior)? At the breaking limit the bone shortens by
, which corresponds to a fractional shortening of
. The femur shortens by ((
or 0.5 cm. This is a fractional decrease of
, and a microstrain of 10,000

4.2.4 Energy Storage in Elastic Media
There are several essentially equivalent ways to determine the potential energy stored in elastic materials. From (4.1), in a spring the potential energy (PE) is

Changing to coordinates relative to the equilibrium position and changing the length to L gives

, and
, we see that
. Therefore

where the volume
. Because
, this can be expressed as

The potential energy per unit volume
is an intensive quantity.





This is equivalent to integrating


where the last integral equals the area under the curve in Fig. 4.13 and can be obtained by replacing
and integrating to get



Fig. 4.13
Potential energy from area under a force–length and b stress–strain curves for a harmonic system
Designing Optimal Energy Storage Media
How can we design the best elastic storage medium for the body, such as would be desired for tendons? We would want (1) to store the maximum amount of potential energy for a given applied force
and (2) the medium to withstand as large a
as possible.

(1) The stored energy is

so we would want to maximize the length
, minimize the cross-sectional area A, and minimize Y.


(2) However, to withstand a large
we need to keep
below the threshold for damage (which for tension is called the ultimate tensile stress, UTS), so we have a limit for how small we could make A to keep
UTS. Also, there is a limit to how much the element can be lengthened
for a large
, given its motion requirements, such as that for a tendon. Because
, there are limits on how large both
can be. This sets a limit on the length
and, because
, a limit on how small Y can be.

There is a tradeoff in the optimal values of
, A, and Y set by these two criteria. We want long and thin tendons with a small Y, but there are limits. In this design problem we also have to recognize that the medium, such as a tendon, is not perfectly harmonic or even elastic; all materials are really viscoelastic.

Energy Storage in Tendons and Long Bones
Let us return to the example of running in Fig. 3.34 [2]. The force on the Achilles tendon is 4,700 N. With a cross-sectional area of
, we see that
MPa. Given the maximum stress for tendons, the UTS, is
MPa, during running the stress in these tendons is not far from the damage threshold. It is not surprising that the Achilles tendons of athletes occasionally snap, either partially or totally.

Using the stress–strain relation shown in Fig. 4.14, this stress leads to a strain of
. The length of the Achilles tendon is
mm, so this strain corresponds to the tendon lengthening by 15 mm and

This is exactly the amount of energy we stated was being stored in the Achilles tendon during every step of a run.



Fig. 4.14
Stress–strain (or force–length) for a human big toe flexor tendon, using the instrument on the left, with a 2-s-long stretch and recoil cycle. (From [2]. Copyright 1992 Columbia University Press. Reprinted with the permission of the Press)
How much energy is stored in the bones during this step? Let us examine the largest bone, the femur. We will use
mm and
, and so
. Also
. The upward normal force in Fig. 3.34 is 6,400 N, which we will assume is transmitted all the way to the femur. The stress is

If the same enegry is stored in the tibia and fibula, then at most
3–4 J is stored in these long bones, which is a very small fraction of the 100 J kinetic energy lost per step.



Elastic energy recovery from tendons and ligaments may be important in motion, which means the energy storage is mostly elastic, it can be recovered in phase (which often means fast enough) to assist the motion, and failures due to stresses at high loading values and repetitive actions are not attained [66]. Longer tendons, such as Achilles tendons in the lower limb (
mm long), can stretch more and tend to store more energy than shorter tendons (why?), but recoil and release the energy slower. These shorter tendons include the shoulder internal rotator muscle tendons used in throwing (
mm) and the patellar tendon (
mm). While the shorter tendons in the shoulder store less energy per tendon, there are many in parallel so much energy can still be stored in them and in shoulder ligaments, and with faster release.

4.3 Time-Independent Deviations in Hookean Materials
The Hookean (harmonic, linear) stress–strain relation is valid in tension and compression up to a limiting stress, corresponding to a strain
that varies for different materials. Figure 4.15 shows a more realistic stress–strain relation. There is elastic Hookean behavior up to the point P, the proportional limit. The slope up to this stress is constant, the Young’s modulus Y. The higher the Y, the stiffer or the less compliant the material (Fig. 4.16). At higher stresses, the stress–strain relation is nonlinear. Up to the elastic limit , denoted by E
, the object returns to its initial length when the stress is removed and there is no permanent deformation. In the linear and nonlinear elastic regimes, the stretched bonds relax totally and there is no rearrangement of atoms after the load is released.

For stresses beyond the elastic limit, there is permanent or plastic deformation and the length and shape of the object are different after the stress is removed. The yield point or limit, denoted by Y
, is at a stress somewhat higher than the elastic limit; above it much elongation can occur without much increase in the load. (Some do not distinguish between the elastic limit and the yield point.) Because it is often difficult to determine, the yield point is usually estimated by the intersection of the stress–strain curve with a line parallel to the linear part of the stress–strain curve, but with an intercept set at a strain of
(or 0.002). This offset method is illustrated in the inset in Fig. 4.15. The yield point occurs at the yield stress (or strength), YS.

Fig. 4.15
General stress–strain relationship. The engineering stress is plotted here, which is the force divided by the initial area; it decreases after the UTS. The true stress, which is the force divided by the actual area increases after the UTS, due to the necking of the material. The inset shows the offset method to determine the yield point

Fig. 4.16
Stress–strain curves of different types of materials with different levels of strength, ductility, and toughness. The engineering stress is plotted here. Strong materials fracture at very large ultimate tensile (or compressive) stress (UTS or UCS) (in Pa). Brittle materials have a small ultimate percent elongation (UPE) (unitless) and ductile materials have a large UPE. Tough materials can absorb much energy (when work is done on them) before they fracture, and so have a large work of fracture
(in J/m
) or toughness, which is the shaded region under the stress-strain curve up to the point of fracture. Stiffer or less elastic materials have a larger Young’s modulus Y (in Pa)

For tension, the material remains intact for larger stresses until the ultimate tensile stress (UTS), which is also called the tensile strength (TS) or, less commonly, the tensile breaking strength (TBS). The larger the breaking strength, the stronger is the material. Application of this stress leads to fracture at point F, which occurs at a strain called the ultimate strain or the ultimate percent elongation (UPE).

Fig. 4.17
Stress–strain curves for different types of materials under tension
In Figs. 4.15 and 4.16, the actual type of stress being plotted is called the engineering stress. It is the force divided by the initial area, which is the area before any force is applied. Past the UTS, the engineering stress decreases as the material becomes narrower as it is pulled apart and the actual area becomes progressively smaller than this initial area, which is called “necking”. (This narrowing is much, much more than that expected from the lateral strain, from Poisson’s ratio.) The true stress, which is the force divided by the actual area, increases after the UTS, due to this necking.
Figure 4.17 shows that these stress–strain relations look qualitatively different for ceramics, metals, and elastomers because of their very different microscopic structures. Ceramics have a linear stress–strain relation with large slope Y. The fracture point appears only a little into the nonlinear elastic regime, and for smaller values of strain
. To first order, bone (Fig. 4.18) is like a ceramic. (It is actually more complicated than that, as we will see.) Metals have a smaller Y, a larger nonelastic and plastic regime, and a larger UPE
(in %). Elastomers (rubber, polymers) distort greatly even with small stresses because in this regime long, tangled chain molecules are straightened out at low stress in this toe region (the region of positive curvature at low strain, as in Fig. 4.25 below). The stress–strain curve is not linear. We will examine this again later. It takes much larger stresses to increase strain further after all of the chains have been straightened, because now bonds must be stretched. These materials have a very large UPE, typically
. Blood vessels are elastomers.

There are striking differences in the plastic deformation regimes of the curves in Fig. 4.17. Ductile materials , such as modeling clay, chewing gum, plastic, and most metals, have an extensive plastic deformation phase (metals, elastomers, Fig. 4.17). Nonductile or brittle materials, such as glass, ceramics (stone, brick, concrete, pottery), cast iron, bone, and teeth, have a limited or essentially no plastic phase (ceramics, Fig. 4.17). They break easily when they are dropped; cracks easily propagate in them. The bonding in ductile materials allows layers of atoms to slip or shear past each other, as in the bonding of metals. When thin rods of ductile materials are pulled at either end, they narrow in the center, forming a neck. In nonductile materials the covalent bonding is directional and does not permit this type of distortion. Typically, brittle materials have a small UPE and ductile materials have a large UPE.
Figures 4.15, 4.17, and 4.18 show the effects of tension. Under compression
, and the stress–strain slope is the same Y for many conventional materials. For biological materials, like cartilage, they can be very different because of their complex nature. In cartilage, tension is resisted by the solid phase, while compression is resisted by the solid and liquid components. For ligaments and tendons, there is resistance to tension, but not to compression. For larger stresses the dependence is different even for many common nonbiological materials, and fracture occurs at the ultimate compressive stress (UCS), also called the compressive strength (CS) or the compressive breaking strength (CBS), which is different from the UTS in general (Table 4.1).

Table 4.1
Mechanical properties of common materials
Material | Y ( ![]() ![]() | UCS (MPa) | UTS (MPa) |
Hard steel | 207 | 552 | 827 |
Rubber | 0.0010 | – | 2.1 |
Nylon 66 | 1.2–2.9 | – | 59–83 |
Gold | 78 | – | – |
Tungsten | 411 | – | – |
Granite | 51.7 | 145 | 4.8 |
Concrete | 16.5 | 21 | 2.1 |
Southern Pine (select structural) ![]() | 11 | 25 | 19 |
Southern Pine (No. 2 grade) ![]() | 10 | 20 | 10 |
Oak | 10.0 | 59 | 117 |
Fused quartz | 73 | – | 69 |
Diamond | 965 | – | – |
Porcelain | – | 552 | 55 |
Alumina ( ![]() | 220 | 1,620 | 125 |
Alumina ( ![]() | 385 | 2,760 | 205 |
Compact bone | 17.9 | 170 | 120 |
Trabecular bone | 0.076 | 2.2 | – |
Table 4.1 gives the Y , UCS, and UTS for several types of materials. Note the very wide range of Y. Some ceramic-type materials, such as granite, porcelain, and concrete, can take much larger stresses in compression than in tension (UCS
UTS). In others, UCS
UTS. The two types of bones listed have a different porosity and very different properties. Compact bone, also known as cortical, or dense bone, has a large Young’s modulus that is comparable to that of other strong materials (Fig. 4.18). It can withstand more stress in compression than in tension, but unlike the ceramics it has a fairly large UTS. Trabecular bone, also known as spongy or cancellous bone, is more porous and has a very small Y, almost as small as that of rubber (Fig. 4.19a).

Typical stress–strain curves for structural materials in the body under tension are shown in Fig. 4.20. Yamada [79] has published extensive measurements of stress–strain relations for many components of the human body. Table 4.2 lists several elastic constants determined from these data. Fig. 4.21 shows one series of these stress–strain relations, for different sections of the small intestine. Note that these curves are very nonlinear for a given stress, as are many soft human tissues [7, 28, 51]; this is discussed more below.

Table 4.2
Elastic properties of organs under tension (human, unless otherwise specified)
Organ | UTS (MPa) | UPE (%) | Y (MPa) |
Hair (head) | 197 | 40 | 12,000 |
Dentin (wet teeth) (compression) | 162 | 4.2 | 6,000 |
Femoral compact bone (compression) | 162 | 1.8 | 10,600 |
Femoral compact bone | 109 | 1.4 | 10,600 |
Tendons ( ![]() | 54 | 9.0 | 250 |
Nail | 18 | 14 | 160 |
Nerves | 13 | 18 | 10 |
Intervertebral disc (compression) | 11 | 32 | 6.0 |
Skin (face) | 3.8 | 58 | 0.3 |
Vertebrae | 3.5 | 0.8 | 410 |
Elastic cartilage (external ear) | 3.1 | 26 | 4.5 |
Hyaline cartilage (synovial joints) | 2.9 | 18 | 24 |
Intervertebral disc | 2.8 | 57 | 2.0 |
Cardiac valves | 2.5 | 15 | 1.0 |
Ligaments (cattle) | 2.1 | 130 | 0.5 |
Gall bladder (rabbit) | 2.1 | 53 | 0.05 |
Umbilical cord | 1.5 | 59 | 0.7 |
Vena cava (longitudinal direction) | 1.5 | 100 | 0.04 |
Wet spongy bone (vertebrae) | 1.2 | 0.6 | 200 |
Coronary arteries | 1.1 | 64 | 0.1 |
Large intestine (longitudinal direction) | 0.69 | 117 | 0.02 |
Esophagus (longitudinal direction) | 0.60 | 73 | 0.03 |
Stomach (longitudinal direction) | 0.56 | 93 | 0.015 |
Small intestine (longitudinal direction) | 0.56 | 43 | 0.2 |
Skeletal muscle (rectus abdominis) | 0.11 | 61 | 0.02 |
Cardiac muscle | 0.11 | 64 | 0.08 |
Liver (rabbit) | 0.024 | 46 | 0.02 |
To first order, bones, teeth, and nails, all hard materials, have similar stress–strain curves that are ceramic-like. Tendons , cartilage, resting muscle, skin, arteries, and intestines all have more elastomer-like properties because they have much more collagen; they are really non-Hookean materials. This is also seen in Fig. 4.20. Each of these body materials has viscoelastic properties, as we will address below.
Compact bone in different long bones in the human body has slightly different properties (Table 4.6 below). These properties can be anisotropic (Fig. 4.22, Table 4.3), meaning that the properties are different along different directions. For example, this is true of bone and of the esophagus and small intestine, which are composed of very different materials. The small intestine stretches much more easily in the transverse direction than the longitudinal direction, as seen in Fig. 4.21 [7, 28, 51]. Many biological materials are anisotropic, as are many common materials, such as wood due it is grain structure. Some materials are fairly isotropic.
Several elastic properties vary with age. These properties also change with density, which is a main reason why people with osteoporosis often fracture bones during a fall. Figure 4.19b shows the UCS decreases roughly as the square of bone density. (These changes with age are, in part, linked to such changes in density and the thinning of the bones. When your long bones are thicker due to heavy physical activity in childhood and adolescence, the chance for fracture decreases even with the loss of density [42]. Exercise that loads the long bones, can slow decreases in bone porosity and thickness with advancing age [30].) Fig. 4.23 shows that the mechanical properties of soft tissues, in this case the anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) in the knee, also depend on age, as well as direction (also see Fig. 4.21.)
Material properties in the body change with time for reasons aside from aging and injury. The tissue in the cervix softens during pregnancy , with the modulus (measured at
% strain) being
0.1–1 MPa before and during the early stages of pregnancy, to contain the fetus well, and decreasing to
1–10 kPa at term (beyond 37 weeks of gestation), to enable expansion and easy delivery [53]. (This modulus is technically the tangent modulus of elasticity, which is defined later this chapter.)

We have seen that materials in the body are sometimes composed of different structures (i.e., they are composite materials), are anisotropic, and are sometimes layered. Moreover, a given material in a given organ or part of the body can also be very nonuniform. One example is seen in our teeth. Teeth are composed of pulp, which is mostly surrounded by dentin, which itself is overlayed by enamel. The enamel is very stiff and hard, and has very nonuniform properties [44]. Near the surface of the tooth (the occlusal surface), of say the second molar, the Young’s modulus approaches 120 GPa, and it decreases to approximately 55 GPa near the enamel–dentine surface. It is also somewhat larger on the lingual (tongue) side than the buccal (cheek) side.

Fig. 4.21
Stress–strain curves for material in different sections of the small intestine of persons from 20 to 29 years of age, under tension in the longitudinal and transverse directions. The closed circles are the fracture points. (Based on [79])

Table 4.3
Mechanical properties of human cortical bone
Young’s modulus, Y (GPa) | |
Longitudinal | 17.4 |
Transverse | 9.6 |
Bending | 14.8 |
Shear modulus (GPa) | 3.51 |
Poisson’s ratio | 0.39 |
Yield stress (MPa) | |
Tensile—longitudinal | 115 |
Compressive—longitudinal | 182 |
Compressive—transverse | 121 |
Shear | 54 |
Ultimate stress (MPa) | |
Tensile—longitudinal | 133 |
Tensile—transverse | 51 |
Compressive—longitudinal | 195 |
Compressive—transverse | 133 |
Shear | 69 |
Bending | 208.6 |
Ultimate strain | |
Tensile—longitudinal | 0.0293 |
Tensile—transverse | 0.0324 |
Compressive—longitudinal | 0.0220 |
Compressive—transverse | 0.0462 |
Shear | 0.33 |
Bending | (0.0178 bovine) |
What is the strongest part of the body? If we were to define strength as the largest UTS, then of the body components in Table 4.2 it is not bone and not dentin in the teeth , but hair. (Of course, if we were to include tooth enamel, which is not in this table, it would beat out hair for this distinction. It is the hardest biological material in the body.)
4.3.1 Non-Hookean Materials
Many body materials cannot be modeled as Hookean springs, even for small stresses. This is typically true for collagenous tissues, such as tendons, skin , mesentery (which are the folds attaching the intestines to the dorsal abdomen), the sclera , cartilage, and resting skeletal muscle. Experimentally, for resting muscles and the materials shown in Fig. 4.21 it is found that for larger strains

This is very different than that for materials such as bone for which
, with a
that is independent of stress. Instead they are characterized by the slope of the stress-strain curve, d
, which is called the tangent modulus of elasticity , which is a function of stress or strain, as in (4.22).


Equation (4.22) can be integrated after bringing the
terms to opposite sides of the equation

is a constant. Exponentiating both sides gives

. Because
, we see that
and so

This is illustrated in the passive curves in Fig. 5.21. (See Appendix C for more information about this method of solution.)




Sometimes the Lagrangian strain
is defined, where L is the length and
is the length with no stress. Equation (4.26) becomes



Fig. 4.24
Scanning electron micrographs (
) of a unloaded and b loaded collagen fibers from human knee ligaments, showing them straightening out under the tensile load. (From [39]. Used with permission)

At larger strains this exponential form may not work well. In the neo-Hookean regime, finite strain,
, is defined, which for small deformations approaches the small-strain approximation,
. Soft, neo-Hookean materials tend to follow a linear relationship between stress and
(or E), and not a linear or exponential relationship between stress and
). This neo-Hookean regime and other more general ways to define strain are described in Problems 4.20–4.22.

Such non-Hookean stress–strain curves are typical for materials with fibers. As mentioned earlier, there are large strains for small stresses where the tangled fibers are being aligned (in this toe regime), but much larger stresses are required to achieve much higher strains where the already-aligned fibers are being stretched (Fig. 4.24). Try this by stretching yarn. The fibers begin to tear at the UTS, corresponding to the load seen in Fig. 4.25.
For tendons (Fig. 4.14) and ligaments (Fig. 4.25) the tangent modulus of elasticity increases with strain at low strain (in the toe region) and then becomes constant (in the linear region) until it ruptures (and so, before rupture it is not well described by (4.22)). For tendons, the linear regime begins when they are stretched
% (range from 1.5–4%) or stressed to
MPa (5–30 MPa), and in the linear regime the tangent modulus is
GPa (0.6–1.7 GPa) [80].

We will now return to the deformation of Hookean materials, like bone. We will revisit the properties of these non-Hookean materials in the discussions of viscoelasticity and muscles.
4.4 Static Equilibrium of Deformable Bodies (Advanced Topic)
We now examine the deformation of bones under the action of forces in more detail. We have seen how they can be pulled (tension) and squeezed (compression); now we will see how they can bend. This analysis will help us understand how bones fracture when they are bent, such as during slipping and skiing accidents. We will also learn why long bones, like the femur, are strong even though they are hollow. As an added benefit, we will derive a scaling law that will help us understand some aspects of metabolism.
Physics classes usually describe the motion of point objects or more extended objects that never deform. However, no object is a point and objects do deform. Such extended objects are treated in great detail in mechanical and civil engineering curricula for obvious reasons. We will examine how such finite bodies bend to understand bone fracturing better, and will follow the treatment of [6]. The derivations in this section can be treated as a more advanced topic. They can be skipped and the final results can be used.
Let us consider the beam of length L shown in Fig. 4.26. It has a constant cross-section throughout its length; the cross-section need not be rectangular or circular. It is supported at both ends and a force F is applied to the center at the top as shown. We expect the beam to bend. For beams composed of most materials, we expect it to bend to a shape with a top surface that is somewhat cylindrical, and have a circular arc cross-section in the plane of the paper. If this were a rubber band, we would expect a more triangular deformation. Because we want to learn about bones, we anticipate some small degree of bending.
In this two-dimensional problem, in equilibrium
(2.8) for the entire beam. There are no forces in the x direction. We are assuming that in the equilibrium bent position, the amount of bending is small, so nothing interesting is happening in the x direction. The downward force F (which is the negative y direction) that is applied to the center of the beam is countered by the forces F / 2 at the two supports, as is shown. The total torques on this beam are zero about any axis.

So far, this is how we treated the statics of rigid bodies in Chap. 2. Now let us examine the static equilibrium for only a part of the beam. As seen in Fig. 4.27, we consider the right side of the beam, from the right end to a distance x to the left of this end. The three equilibrium conditions also apply to this section, as well as to any other section. We can again ignore the x direction because there are no forces in that direction. For this example, with
for now, there is apparently only one force acting on this piece of the beam, the upward force F / 2 at the right support. This force also causes a torque and so

We have chosen the torque axis normal to the page at the left end of this portion of the beam (at a distance x from the right end). Because this portion of the beam is static, both terms must sum to zero. Something is wrong. What? We have excluded the force on this section from the other part of the beam. These internal forces must be
to balance the effect of the external force F / 2 (Fig. 4.28). This “internal vertical force,” often called the “internal shear force” or just the “shear force,” supplied at the border with the other section is similar to the “normal” or “reaction” force felt by an isolated part of the body, as that on the leg from the hip. There must also be an internal torque applied by the other part of the beam equal to
. This “internal torque” is also called the “internal bending moment” or just the “bending moment.”

For longer sections, with
, the section feels the upward force at the right support F / 2 and also the applied force
at the center. Both lead to torques. Excluding internal forces and torques

and so the internal force is F / 2 and the internal torque is
. The internal vertical force and torque are plotted versus x in Figs. 4.29 and 4.30. When we include these internal forces and torques, each portion of the beam is in static equilibrium. For now assume that
; extension to
is straightforward.


How do the internal torques arise? With the applied force, the beam deforms to that in Fig. 4.31 (in which the deformation is greatly exaggerated for a long bone). Clearly, the top portion is compressed and has a length
, while the bottom portion is under tension and has a length
and bend it into a circular arc.) Somewhere in the middle (in the y direction) there is no compression or tension, so the length in this neutral axis is L. (The neutral axis is in the center (in the y direction) for symmetrical cross-sections.) For the top to be compressed there must be an internal force at the top in the
direction pushing into the section from the other portion (Fig. 4.32). Similarly, for the bottom to be under tension there must be an internal force at the bottom in the
direction, pulling into the section from the other portion. As shown in this figure, there is a smooth variation of this force from the top (called point A) to the bottom (point C), with it being zero at the neutral axis (point O). Clearly, the sum of these internal forces in the x direction must be zero.

Each of these internal forces causes a torque in the z direction,
, and each of these leads to a clockwise, or negative, torque about point O (Fig. 4.33). With forces to the right called positive, clearly
, and with
, we find that the torque contributions from points A and C,
, are equal in symmetrical situations. We can sum all of these internal torques to arrive at
, and then