Measures of Effect

CHAPTER 19 Measures of Effect

When we estimate a parameter, we are often attempting to estimate the strength of a relationship or the magnitude of an effect of one variable upon another. Even if we have determined that the data support a significant effect, it is helpful to estimate the extent of that effect. For example, in a study comparing a Standard of Care Drug with a New Drug, both interventions may have a positive result but we would like to know the degree of benefit of one pathway over the other. The measures that are used depend on the design of the study.


This type of measure is used in case–control studies. In the metaphor of the train station, case–control studies start out at the Disease destinations such as Cancer and No Cancer. We then look back to see what the individuals in these groups had packed in their suitcases (or what they were exposed to). We compare the number of individuals in each group who have packed a certain item, such as cigarettes.

The odds of having an exposure is the probability of having had an exposure divided by the probability of not having had the exposure. For example, in patients with a certain type of lung cancer, the odds of having been exposed to cigarettes are:


The same calculation can be done for subjects who are healthy. Both groups have some degree of exposure. When we compare the fractions, as shown in Figure 19-1, we are comparing the odds that cancer subjects were exposed to cigarettes versus the odds that the healthy controls were exposed. This is known as the odds ratio.

If there is no difference in exposure, the result will be close to 1, which supports the conclusion that the exposure has no association with the disease. The farther the odds ratio is from 1, the stronger the association. Using the formula in Figure 19-1, a number greater than 1 supports an association between cigarette exposure and lung cancer. In some cases, the exposure may be protective, such as the exposure of seat belt use in subjects who suffered car crash mortalities versus those who lived. In this case, the odds ratio would be smaller than 1, which would indicate that the odds of having used a seat belt in car crash mortality victims are less than the odds of seat belt use in those who survived a car crash.

The odds ratio is not a measure of risk. Recall that risk is the rate of occurrence of an event over time. Case–control studies cannot provide this information; since they are retrospective studies, there is no true starting point in time. However, the odds ratio in a retrospective study will approximate the risk of disease if the incidence of the disease is fairly low in the population.

It is also possible to use a prospective study to calculate an odds ratio. This scenario is shown in Figure 19-2. The relative odds in both case–control and cohort studies results in the same number. It is an effective way to measure whether a specific exposure is associated with a disease.

The odds ratio is often reported as a single number followed by a confidence interval in parentheses. On a graph, the confidence interval may be represented by a bar. If the range of the confidence interval includes the number 1, then the result was not found to be statistically significant. Figure 19-3 is an illustration of the odds ratios from a few studies that looked at short-term mortality in patients with acute myocardial infarction (AMI) and the benefit of starting a medication called an angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) inhibitor in these individuals.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Measures of Effect

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