Management of Opioid-Induced Adverse Effects

Chapter 19

Management of Opioid-Induced Adverse Effects

Chapter outline

IN opioid-naïve patients, common opioid adverse effects include constipation, nausea and vomiting, sedation, pruritus, and mental confusion and clouding. Respiratory depression is less common but is the most feared adverse effect. As the patient becomes opioid tolerant, these adverse effects, except for constipation, tend to subside. Other less common opioid adverse effects include urinary retention, dry mouth, sweating, orthostatic hypotension, delirium, myoclonic jerks, and seizures. The underlying mechanisms of opioid adverse effects, even the most common, are not completely understood (Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004). A number of factors influence the development of opioid adverse effects including patient age, co-morbidities, prior opioid exposure, concurrent administration of other drugs, and route of administration (Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004). This explains why there is great individual variation in their development, and why most must be managed by using an individualized approach.

Prevention rather than treatment of opioid adverse effects is an important principle of pain management. Most adverse effects are dose dependent (Sinatra, 2009; Zhao, Chung, Hanna, et al., 2004). Therefore a practical approach includes the use of nonsedating analgesics that have an opioid dose-sparing effect, such as nonopioids and local anesthetics, so that the lowest effective opioid dose can be given. For some patients, simply decreasing the opioid dose is sufficient to eliminate or make an adverse effect tolerable (Pasero, McCaffery, 2003). Based on clinical experience, a decrease of 25% usually is sufficient to initiate a meaningful reduction in an adverse effect; if this dose change can be tolerated without severe pain, it is reasonable to attempt it. Again, based on clinical observation, a trial of a lower dose is least effective as a strategy for addressing constipation, presumably because the dose that produces constipation is approximately 4-fold less than the analgesic dose (Yuan, 2005) and because the symptom is so commonly multidetermined (see the discussion that follows).

The following is a discussion of many of the opioid adverse effects. Table 19-1 is a guide to preventing and managing the common ones. See Table 11-1 on p. 285 for information on the specific opioid receptor binding sites of each adverse effect.


Table 19-1

Prevention and Management of Opioid-Induced Adverse Effects









bid, Twice daily; BM, bowel movement; cap, capsule; CNS, central nervous system; GI, gastrointestinal; hs, at sleep; IM, intramuscular; IV, intravenous; MR, may repeat; oz, ounce; PO, oral; POSS, Pasero Opioid-Induced Sedation Scale; q, every; qd, once daily; SC, subcutaneous; tab, tablet; tid, three times daily.

1Some of the suggestions for oral treatment of constipation in this table may cause electrolyte imbalance; systematic assessment for signs of imbalance is recommended.

2For acute treatment; rectal therapies are not generally recommended for long-term management of constipation.

3Preventive multimodal antiemetic therapy is recommended for the management of patients at moderate to high risk for PONV. In such cases, combinations of drugs, such as dexamethasone plus droperidol, may be used.

4Remove after 72 hours and if confusion is noted.

5For treatment of pruritus related to advanced disease, see Pittelkow, M. R., & Loprinzi, C. L. (2004). Pruritus and sweating in palliative medicine. In D. Doyle, G. Hanks, N. I. Cherny, et al. (Eds.), Oxford textbook of palliative medicine, ed 3, New York, Oxford Press.

6Pulse oximetry is an unreliable method of monitoring in patients receiving supplemental oxygen as it can produce false high oxygen concentration readings (see text for more on mechanical monitoring).

From Pasero, C., & McCaffery, M. (2011). Pain assessment and pharmacologic management, pp. 484-488, St. Louis, Mosby. Data from Amador, L. F., & Goodwin, J. S. (2005). Postoperative delirium in the older patient. J Am Coll Surg, 200(5), 767-773; Berardi, R. R., Kroon, A. L., McDermott, J. H., et al. (2006). Handbook of nonprescription drugs. An interactive approach to self care, ed 15, Washington DC, American Pharmacists Association; Casarett, D. J., & Inouye, S. K. (2001). Diagnosis and management of delirium near the end of life. Ann Intern Med, 135(1), 32-40; Fine, P., & Portenoy, R. K. (2007). A clinical guide to opioid analgesia. New York, Vendome Group, LLC; Gan, T. J., Meyer, T., Apfel, C. C., et al. (2003). Consensus guidelines for managing postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg, 97(1), 62-71; Gan, T. J., Meyer, T., Apfel, C. C., et al. (2007). Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia guidelines for the management of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg, 105(6), 1615-1628; Golembiewski, J. A., Chernin, E., & Chopra, T. (2005). Prevention and treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Am J Health-Syst Pharm, 62(5), 1247-1262; Dabu-Bondoc, S., Franco, S. A., & Sinatra, R. S. (2009). Neuraxial analgesia with hydromorphone, morphine, and fentanyl: Dosing and safety guidelines. In R. S. Sinatra, O. A. de Leon-Casasola, B. Ginsberg, et al. (Eds.), Acute pain management, Cambridge, NY, Cambridge University Press; Harris, J. D., & Kotob, F. (2006). In O. A. de Leon-Casasola (Ed.), Cancer pain. Pharmacological, interventional and palliative care approaches, Philadelphia, Saunders; Goodheart, C. R., & Leavitt, S. B. (2006). Managing opioid-induced constipation in ambulatory-care patients. Pain Treatment Topics. Available at”constipation”. Accessed July 28, 2007; Hagen, N. A., & Swanson, R. (1997). Strychnine-like multifocal myoclonus and seizures in extremely high-dose opioid administration: Treatment strategies. J Pain Symptom Manage, 14(1), 51-58; Hanks, G., Cherny, N. I., & Fallon, M. (2004). Opioid analgesic therapy. In D. Doyle, G. Hanks, N. I. Cherny, et al. (Eds.), Oxford textbook of palliative medicine, ed 3, New York, Oxford Press; Jacobi, J., Fraser, G., Coursin, D., et al. (2002). Clinical practice guidelines for the sustained use of sedatives and analgesics in the critically ill adult. Crit Care Med, 30(1), 119-141; Kehlet, H. (2005). Preventive measures to minimize or avoid postoperative ileus. Sem Colon Rec Surg, 16(4), 203-206; Kehlet, H., & Holte, K. (2001). Review of postoperative ileus. Am J Surg, 182(5A Suppl), 3S-10S; Kehlet, H., & Wilmore, D. W. (2008). Evidence-based surgical care and the evolution of fast-track surgery. Ann Surg, 248(2), 189-198; Mercadante, S., Ferrera, P., Villari, P., et al. (2009). Frequency, indications, outcomes, and predictive factors of opioid switching in an acute palliative care unit. J Pain Symptom Manage, 37(4), 632-641; Okamoto, Y., Tsuneto, S., Matsuda, Y., et al. (2007). A retrospective chart review of the antiemetic effectiveness of risperidone in refractory opioid-induced nausea and vomiting in advanced cancer patients. J Pain Symptom Manage, 34(2), 217-222; Slatkin, N., Rhiner, M., & Bolton, T. M. (2001). Donepezil in the treatment of opioid-induced sedation: Report of six cases. J Pain Symptom Manage, 21(5), 425-438; Thomas, J. (2008). Opioid-induced bowel dysfunction. J Pain Symptom Manage, 35(1), 103-113; Portenoy, R. K., Thomas, J., Moehl Boatwright, M. L., et al. (2008). Subcutaneous methylnaltrexone for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness: A double-blind, randomized, parallel group, dose-ranging study. J Pain Symptom Manage, 35(5), 458-468; Sheen, M. J., Ho, S. T., Lee, C. H., et al. (2008). Preoperative gabapentin prevents intrathecal morphine-induced pruritus after orthopedic surgery. Anesth Analg, 106(6), 1868-1872; Vaurio, L. E., Sands, L. P., Wang, Y., et al. (2006). Postoperative delirium: The importance of pain and pain management. Anesth Analg, 102(4), 1267-1273; Waxler, B., Dadabhoy, Z. P., Stojiljkovic, L., et al. (2005). Primer of postoperative pruritus for anesthesiologists. Anesthesiology, 103(1), 168-178; Yuan, C. S. (Ed.). (2005). Handbook of opioid bowel dysfunction. New York, Haworth Medical Press. Pasero C. May be duplicated for use in clinical practice.


Opioids work in both the peripheral and central nervous systems to suppress neuronal excitability and inhibit neurotransmitter release from enteric neurons that innervate the secretory glands. This can result in delayed gastric emptying, slowed bowel motility, and decreased peristalsis (Murphy, 2006; Thomas, 2008; Wood, 2005). The result is slow-moving, hard stool that is difficult to pass. At its worst, GI dysfunction can result in unresolved ileus, fecal impaction, and obstruction (Kehlet, 2005; Wood, 2005). GI dysfunction is worsened by the presence of other conditions of advanced disease, such as ascites or tumors (Thomas, 2008).

Constipation is the most common opioid adverse effect and the one that is most often persistent (Gutstein, Akil, 2006; Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004). It requires a preventive approach, regular assessment, and aggressive management if symptoms are detected. Factors contributing to the problem of constipation in patients taking opioids include advanced age, immobility, abdominal disease, and concurrent medications (Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004; Hinrichs, Huseboe, 2001). Most patients placed on ATC opioid analgesics should be directed to take laxatives regularly. Although some clinicians do not endorse prophylactic treatment of a subpopulation that has no other risk factors and is younger, active, and well-nourished, there is general acceptance of the value of prophylaxis in others. A coadministered laxative usually must be continued as long as the patient takes opioids.

The goals of prophylactic treatment of constipation are to maximize stool volume, keep stool soft, and enhance peristalsis (Thomas, 2008). Although it has been suggested that a complete bowel movement at least every 3 days without difficulty is ideal (Goodheart, Leavitt, 2006), the frequency of defecation is less important than comfortable evacuation (Yuan, 2005). Attention to diet and exercise in addition to providing for privacy and convenience for patients are important aspects of bowel management but are insufficient alone to prevent opioid-induced constipation. Natural fiber and large amounts of fluid are a preferred strategy unless intrinsic bowel disease (usually partial obstruction) increases the risk associated with more intraluminal volume, the approach increases adverse effects such as bloating, or the patient finds this strategy unpalatable. Bulk laxatives, such as psyllium (Metamucil), are relatively contraindicated unless fluid intake is adequate, because of an increased risk of fecal impaction and obstruction (Thomas, 2008).

Stool softeners alone appear inadequate, and the usual initial therapy is a combination of stool softener and mild peristaltic stimulant, such as senna (e.g., Senokot-S) (Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004; Thomas, 2008). Stool softeners are detergents and allow better water penetration into stool; stimulant laxatives induce peristalsis (Thomas, 2008).

The simple activity of chewing gum also seems to stimulate bowel motility (Schuster, Grewal, Greaney, et al., 2006). In a small prospective study, 34 patients undergoing elective open sigmoid resections were randomized into two groups: gum chewing or a control group. The patients chewing sugarless gum three times a day for one hour passed flatus, had their first bowel movement, and were discharged significantly sooner than the control group. More studies are needed, but gum chewing appears harmless and may help with constipation. Other tips on managing constipation are listed in Table 19-1. Tables containing the various classifications and properties of laxatives and the amount of fiber in common foods can be found in Curry, C. E., & Butler, D. M. (2006). Constipation. In R. R. Berardi, A. L. Kroon, J. H. McDermott, et al. (Eds.), Handbook of nonprescription drugs. An interactive approach to self care, ed 15, pp. 299-326, Washington DC, American Pharmacists Association. Tools with established reliability and validity for assessment of bowel function and constipation (Downing, Kuziemsky, Lesperance, et al., 2007; Goodman, Low, Wilkinson, 2005; Hinrichs, Huseboe, 2001; McMillan, Williams, 1989) are available. Figure 19-1 provides the Victoria Bowel Performance Scale (BPS), a simple-to-use 9-point tool. See also Form IV-1 on p. 546 at the end of Section IV. It contains valuable information that should be given to all patients receiving opioid therapy.

Opioid Antagonists for Bowel Dysfunction

Although receptors in the central nervous system (CNS) are involved in the pathophysiology of opioid-induced constipation, the effect appears to be mediated predominantly by GI mu opioid receptors (Thomas, Karver, Cooney, et al., 2008). This observation led to a search for a peripherally acting mu opioid antagonist that could specifically reverse opioid-induced bowel dysfunction without reversing analgesia (Thomas, 2008).

When taken orally, the opioid antagonists naloxone, naltrexone, and nalmefene are absorbed systemically, and although they can effectively reverse bowel dysfunction, they can cross the blood-brain barrier, reverse central opioid receptors and analgesia, and produce withdrawal symptoms (Becker, Galandi, Blum, 2007; Goodheart, Leavitt, 2006; Liu, Wittbrodt, 2002; Thomas, 2008). This outcome is least likely to occur with naloxone, which has a very limited oral bioavailability (around 3%). Although there is a risk of systemic absorption with associated return of pain and withdrawal, the risk with this drug is low, and oral naloxone (20 to 40 mg) has been used clinically for refractory constipation (Meissner, Leyndecker, Mueller-Lissner, et al., 2009).

In contrast to these other antagonists, methylnaltrexone (Relistor) and alvimopan (Entereg) have the potential to block opioid actions mediated by peripheral opioid receptors while sparing actions mediated by opioid receptors in the CNS (Portenoy, Thomas, Moehl Boatwright, et al., 2008). Methylnaltrexone has approval in the United States for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness (Wyeth Pharmaceuticals, 2009), and alvimopan is approved for acceleration of the time to upper and lower GI recovery following partial large or small bowel resection with primary anastomosis (GlaxoSmithKline, 2009). Methylnaltrexone is given subcutaneously (8 mg for patients weighing 38 to 62  kg every other day and no more than one dose in a 24-hour period), and alvimopan is taken orally (12 mg 30 minutes to 5 hours prior to surgery, then 12 mg twice daily for up to 7 days for a maximum of 15 doses). Methylnaltrexone is not approved for IV use but has been used by this route for treatment of nausea, pruritus, and urinary retention (Gold Standard Clinical Pharmacology, 2009).

A systematic review of 20 studies that were conducted on the use of methylnaltrexone and alvimopan for treatment of constipation concluded that further research with larger numbers of patients and varying types of pain are required (Becker, Galandi, Blum, 2007). Another analysis of 22 studies concluded that there is insufficient evidence for the safety and efficacy of naloxone or nalbuphine for the treatment of opioid-induced bowel dysfunction and that further research is needed to fully assess the role of alvimopan and methylnaltrexone in therapy (McNicol, Boyce, Schumann, et al., 2008). Following is a discussion of some of the research on methylnaltrexone. See pp. 491-493, Postoperative Ileus, for more on alvimopan.

One of the first studies conducted on methylnaltrexone was a double-blind study of 22 adults who were enrolled in a methadone maintenance program and had methadone-induced constipation (Yuan, Foss, O’Connor, et al., 2000). The subjects were randomized to receive either IV methylnaltrexone (up to 0.365  ) or placebo infusion over 9 minutes. All of the subjects who received methylnaltrexone had abdominal cramping followed by laxation on day 1 or day 2; none of those who received placebo had these effects. The effects of methadone maintenance were not reversed in this study.

A 2-week double-blind trial randomized 133 patients with incurable cancer or other end-stage disease who had been taking stable doses of opioid analgesics for 2 or more weeks to receive either SC methylnaltrexone (0.15  ) or placebo (Thomas, Karver, Cooney, et al., 2008). The median dose of morphine equivalent the patients were taking was 100 mg and 150 mg in the methylnaltrexone and placebo groups, respectively, and the patients were constipated at baseline. Laxation occurred within 4 hours of the first study dose in 48% of those who received methylnaltrexone compared with 15% of those who received placebo, and 52% had laxation without a rescue laxative within 4 hours after two or more of the first four study doses compared with 8% in the placebo group. Adverse effects were mild or moderate (e.g., abdominal pain, flatulence, nausea, increased body temperature, and dizziness) in 8% and 13% of those in the methylnaltrexone and placebo groups, respectively. Life-threatening adverse events were assessed as related to the primary illness. Eighty-nine of the patients in this study entered a 3-month, open-label extension study in which methylnaltrexone was administered to all of them. The response rate in those who had received methylnaltrexone and placebo in the double-blind phase was 45% to 58% and 48% to 52%, respectively. Similar adverse effects occurred in the open-label phase as in the double-blind phase. Analgesia was maintained throughout both phases of this study.

Methylnaltrexone was studied in a randomized, parallel-group, repeated dose, dose-ranging trial that included a one-week double-blind phase followed by an open-label phase for up to 3 weeks (Portenoy, Thomas, Moehl Boatwright, et al., 2008). The patients (N = 33) in this study had terminal or end-stage diseases and were receiving palliative care and long-term opioid therapy with stable doses for at least 2 weeks (mean and median opioid morphine equivalent dose = 289.9 mg and 180 mg, respectively) and reported ongoing constipation. They were randomized to receive 1, 5, 12.5, or 20 mg of SC methylnaltrexone. Doses between 5 mg and 20 mg (0.05 to 0.5  ) induced a bowel movement within 4 hours of drug administration significantly more often than a dose of 1 mg (less than 0.05  ), and there was no dose-response relationship above 5 mg/day. Approximately 50% of the patients responded with doses 5 mg or more within 4 hours and maintained favorable effects with repeated doses. These doses produced effective and rapid relief of constipation without producing pain flare or opioid withdrawal symptoms. All of the patients in this study experienced at least one adverse effect related to treatment; however, most were mild and not related to the dose of methylnaltrexone; abdominal pain was the most common. More recent research (N = 52) showed methylnaltrexone (0.15  ) given SC every other day for 2 weeks to patients with advanced illness resulted in a higher percentage of patient-rated improvements in bowel status, prompt and predictable laxation, and less use of other laxation techniques (e.g., laxatives and enemas) compared with placebo (Chamberlain, Cross, Winston, et al., 2009) (see Table 19-1).

Postoperative Ileus

Postoperative ileus is the temporary impairment of GI motility following surgery (Moore, Kalff, Bauer, 2005). Kehlet (2005) defines it as the time from surgery until passage of flatus or stool and tolerance of diet and describes it as part of the normal pathophysiologic response to surgical injury with multiple underlying mechanisms. As such, it requires a multimodal approach to preventing and treating it (Gannon, 2007; Kehlet, 2005). It is characterized by delayed gastric emptying, dilation of the small bowel and colon, loss of normal propulsive contractile patterns, and inability to pass gas or stool (Moore, Kalff, Bauer, 2005). Unresolved ileus is a postoperative complication that can cause significant discomfort, pulmonary morbidity, delayed rehabilitation, prolonged hospitalization, and increased cost of care (Kehlet, 2005; Mythen, 2005).

The effectiveness of traditional measures to reduce the incidence of postoperative ileus, such as nasogastric (NG) tube drainage and avoidance of early fluid and food intake, have been questioned (Mythen, 2005; Viscusi, Gan, Leslie, et al., 2009; Wilmore, Kehlet, 2008). A systematic review of the literature concluded that routine NG decompression after abdominal surgery did not accomplish any of the intended goals, patients with ileus recovered earlier without an NG tube, and the practice of routine NG decompression should be abandoned in favor of selective use (Nelson, Tse, Edwards, 2005). When used, NG tubes should be removed as soon as possible to avoid adverse effects including fever, atelectasis, and pneumonia (Holte, Kehlet, 2002; Kehlet, 2005; Saclarides, 2006).

Oral intake is traditionally restricted in the early postoperative period, and although a Cochrane Collaboration Review found early feeding to be safe, no significant difference in postoperative ileus could be found between early and delayed oral fluids and food after major abdominal surgery (Charoenkwan, Phillipson, Vutyavanich, 2007). Nevertheless, research is ongoing regarding its impact on ileus (Saclarides, 2006), and postoperative rehabilitation protocols that include early feeding have produced impressive results (Wilmore, Kehlet, 2001). Oral intake has been successfully initiated as early as 6 hours after colonic surgeries that use an anastomosis (Basse, Hjort Jakobsen, Billesbolle, et al., 2000; Basse, Raskov, Hjort Jakobsen, et al., 2002; Muller, Zalunardo, Hubner, et al., 2009).

Gum chewing has been suggested as a novel and inexpensive approach to reducing ileus. More research with larger numbers of patients are needed to clarify a role (Gannon, 2007), but one randomized controlled trial (N = 34) found patients who chewed gum after open sigmoid resection experienced a significantly faster return of GI function and shorter length of stay than those who did not chew gum (Schuster, Grewal, Greaney, et al., 2006). An earlier smaller study (N =19) of patients undergoing laparoscopic colectomy found similar results (Asao, Kuwano, Nakamura, et al., 2002).

Fluid excess can be detrimental to GI motility and should be avoided during and after colorectal surgery (Kehlet, 2005). Further research is needed to clarify the optimal amount and composition of fluid that should be administered for the various surgical procedures (Wilmore, Kehlet, 2008).

Randomized controlled trials demonstrate a reduction in duration of ileus from approximately 5 days to 3 days with the use of laparoscopic surgery (Kehlet, 2005). More randomized controlled research is needed to confirm the impact of laparoscopic techniques, but the additional benefits of reduced pain and opioid requirements can be expected to improve bowel function (Kehlet, 2005; Schwenk, Haase, Neudecker, et al., 2005).

Although early ambulation has not been shown to reduce the duration of ileus, immobility may lead to other complications, so aggressive mobilization is recommended as part of the overall strategy to reduce postoperative ileus (Kehlet, Holte, 2001). To this end, effective pain management is critical. Opioids slow bowel motility and contribute to ileus (Wood, 2005); therefore, administration of the lowest effective opioid dose (or, in some cases, avoiding opioids entirely) during the perioperative period is an important strategy in patients at high risk for ileus, such as those having open colorectal surgery. Continuous epidural analgesia with local anesthetics provides effective pain management for these types of surgeries, produces a positive effect on the stress response, and reduces postoperative ileus (Jorgensen, Wetterslev, Moiniche, et al., 2001). Because inhibitory neural reflexes are mediated through the sympathetic enteric nervous system and contribute to postoperative ileus, mid-to-low thoracic epidural catheter placement is essential (Kehlet, 2005). Very low thoracic and lumbar epidural analgesia and epidural opioids have no positive effects on ileus (Holte, Kehlet, 2002; Kehlet, 2005); however, low-dose opioid (e.g., morphine less than 1 mg/h) added to a sufficient amount of local anesthetic (e.g., bupivacaine 0.25%) epidurally will improve analgesia and preserve the ileus-reducing effect of epidural analgesia (Kehlet, 2005). Epidural analgesia should be provided for 2 to 3 days following major surgery.

For many years, the only effective pharmacologic agent for treatment of ileus was the prokinetic agent cisapride, but it was removed from the market because of potential cardiac adverse effects (Kehlet, 2005; Holte, Kehlet, 2002). Metoclopramide has been used as well but has not been shown to reduce postoperative ileus (Kehlet, Holte, 2001). There are no randomized controlled studies evaluating the use of laxatives to reduce ileus.

Opioid Antagonists for Management of Ileus

A major advance in the management of postoperative ileus is the approval of alvimopan (Entereg) for the acceleration of the time to upper and lower GI recovery following partial large or small bowel resection with primary anastomosis (GlaxoSmithKline, 2009). Alvimopan is a synthetic peripherally acting mu opioid receptor antagonist taken orally (12 mg 30 minutes to 5 hours prior to surgery, then 12 mg twice daily for up to 7 days for a maximum of 15 doses) (Kraft, 2007). Randomized controlled trials have shown that the drug can reduce ileus, shorten hospital length of stay, and is well tolerated with adverse effects similar to placebo after major abdominal surgery (Becker, Blum, 2009; Leslie, 2005; Neary, Delaney, 2005; Sinatra, 2006; Viscusi, Gan, Leslie, et al., 2009; Viscusi, Goldstein, Witkowski, et al., 2006). Methylnaltrexone, another peripherally acting mu opioid antagonist, has also been shown to reduce ileus (Viscusi, Gan, Leslie, et al., 2009) but is approved and used most often for the treatment of opioid-induced constipation in patients with advanced illness (see previous discussion earlier in the chapter). The opioid antagonists naloxone and nalmefene are not selective for the mu opioid receptors in the GI tract and should not be used for the prevention or treatment of ileus (Kraft, 2007).

In summary, postoperative ileus has multiple underlying mechanisms and is influenced by a number of factors. Management requires the implementation of a multimodal approach that focuses on prevention. Strategies include continuous thoracic epidural analgesia, opioid-sparing analgesic techniques, peripheral mu opioid antagonists, laparoscopic surgical techniques, and avoidance of routine NG tube, fluid excess, and immobility (see Table 19-1).

Nausea and Vomiting in Patients Receiving Long-Term Opioid Therapy

Initiating or increasing opioid therapy may cause nausea through both peripheral and central mechanisms that stimulate the chemoreceptor trigger zone in the brain, slowing GI mobility, and sensitizing the labyrinth vestibular system (needed for balance and equilibrium) (Gibbison, Spencer, 2009; Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004; Pleuvry, 2009). Nausea is most common with the initial opioid dose and usually subsides within weeks of opioid therapy (Fine, Portenoy, 2007). In some patients, nausea is persistent and severe. Intractable nausea and vomiting in terminally ill patients have a significant negative impact on quality of life and function (Wood, Shega, Lynch, et al., 2007). Further investigation is warranted if it is suspected that factors other than opioid therapy are the cause.

The incidence and severity of nausea does not justify prophylactic treatment, with the possible exception of those patients who have a history of severe opioid-induced nausea and vomiting (Fine, Portenoy, 2007; Hanks, Cherny, Fallon, 2004). However, nausea should be treated aggressively once it occurs. Once controlled, the antiemetic can be tapered after a week to determine if the patient has developed tolerance to the emetogenic effects of the opioid. If not, treatment should be resumed and another tapering trial attempted again in one week (Fine, Portenoy, 2007).

A variety of antiemetics is available to treat nausea and can be selected based on assumptions concerning the underlying mechanism (see Table 19-1). A dopamine antagonist, such as prochlorperazine, is most often selected, but the occurrence of nausea immediately after eating, or nausea associated with early satiety and bloating, suggests the occurrence of delayed gastric emptying, which in turn, supports a trial of a prokinetic drug, such as metoclopramide (Reglan) (Fine, Portenoy, 2007). A retrospective chart review led researchers to recommend risperidone 1 mg daily for refractory nausea and vomiting in advanced cancer patients (Okamoto, Tsuneto, Matsuda, et al., 2007). When nausea occurs in patients with medical illness and is both severe and presumably determined by several causes, combination therapy should be considered. For example, a prospective, multicenter, phase II clinical trial administered daily IV granisetron (Kytril) (3 mg) and dexamethasone (Decadron) (8 mg) to 24 patients with intestinal obstruction who were refractory to previous antiemetic treatment (Tuca, Roca, Sala, et al., 2009). This regimen controlled nausea and vomiting in 86.9% of the patients.

Slow and steady opioid titration helps to reduce nausea. Eliminating nonessential drugs that may be contributing to nausea may be helpful as well (Fine, Portenoy, 2007). Adjustments in diet and activity plus the use of relaxation techniques can also be effective remedies (Coyle, Cherny, Portenoy, 1995). Table 19-1 outlines approaches commonly used to treat opioid-induced nausea and vomiting.

Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV)

Nausea and vomiting are among the most unpleasant of the adverse effects associated with surgery and are the cause of low patient satisfaction and higher cost of care in patients who have them compared with those who do not (Habib, Gan, 2004; Watcha, 2000). Many patients consider postoperative nausea and vomiting (PONV) to be as debilitating as the pain associated with the surgery. A questionnaire administered to postoperative patients revealed that they place high value on not having PONV and are willing to pay a significant amount for an effective antiemetic (Gan, Sloan, de L Dear, et al., 2001). PONV also is associated with detrimental effects, including aspiration of vomitus, tension on sutures, increased intracranial and intraocular pressure, and fluid and electrolyte imbalance. Not only does PONV have a negative impact on patient outcomes, but it can increase the burden on nursing staff (Miaskowski, 2009). It was once described as the “big little problem” by clinicians who manage it (Watcha, White, 1995).

Opioids are among a number of factors that increase the incidence of PONV. Box 19-1 lists the primary risk factors. A review of the literature described other factors in addition to this established list, including history of migraine, presence of preoperative anxiety, and the use of longer-acting versus shorter-acting opioids (Gan, 2006). It is important to note that postoperative pain, particularly incident pain, is associated with a higher incidence of postoperative vomiting (Chia, Kuo, Liu, et al., 2002; Ho, Gan, 2009).

Box 19-1   Risk Factors for Postoperative Nausea and Vomiting (PONV) in Adults

From Pasero, C., & McCaffery, M. (2011). Pain assessment and pharmacologic management, p. 493, St. Louis, Mosby. Data from Gan, T. J., Meyer, T., Apfel, C. C., et al. (2003). Consensus guidelines for managing postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg, 97(1), 62-71; Apfel, C. C., Laara, E., Koivuranta, M., et al. (1999). A simplified risk score for predicting postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology, 91, 693-700; Sinclair, D. R., Chung, F., & Mezei, G. (1999). Can postoperative nausea and vomiting be predicted? Anesthesiology, 91, 109-118. Koivuranta, M., Laara, E., Snare, L., et al. (1997) A survey of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anaesthesia, 52, 443-449; Apfel, C. C., Katz, M. H., Kranke, P., et al. (2002). Volatile anaesthetics may be the main cause of early but not delayed postoperative vomiting: A randomized controlled trial of factorial design. Br J Anaesth, 88, 659-668; Sukhani, R., Vazquez, J., Pappas, A. L., et al. (1996). Recovery after propofol with and without intraoperative fentanyl in patients undergoing ambulatory gynecologic laparoscopy. Anesth Analg, 83, 975-981; Apfel, C. C., Kranke, P., Eberhart, L. H., et al. (2002). Comparison of predictive models for postoperative nausea and vomiting. Br J Anaesth 88, 234-240; Moiniche, S., Romsing, J., Dahl, J. B., et al. (2003). Nonsteroidal antiinflammatory drugs and the risk of operative site bleeding after tonsillectomy: A quantitative systematic review. Anesth Analg, 96, 68-77; Polati, E., Verlato, G., Finco, G., et al. (1997). Ondansetron versus metoclopramide in the treatment of postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesth Analg, 85, 395-399; Fabling, J. M., Gan, T. J., El-Moalem, H. E., et al. (2000). A randomized, double-blinded comparison of ondansetron, droperidol, and placebo for prevention of postoperative nausea and vomiting after supratentorial craniotomy. Anesth Analg, 91, 358-361; Gan, T. J., Ginsberg, B., Grant, A. P., et al. (1996). Double-blind, randomized comparison of ondansetron and intraoperative propofol to prevent postoperative nausea and vomiting. Anesthesiology, 85, 1036-1042. Pasero C. May be duplicated for use in clinical practice.

Despite being listed as a risk factor in accepted guidelines (see Box 19-1), there is controversy about whether or not the type of surgical procedure influences the incidence of PONV (Habib, Gan, 2010; Scuderi, 2010). Researchers conducted a retrospective review of oncology surgeries from their electronic database to evaluate the impact of type of surgery on antiemetic administration within the first 2 hours of PACU admission and found that patients who underwent neurologic, head or neck, and abdominal surgeries received significantly more antiemetic in the PACU than patients who underwent integumetary-musculoskeletal (e.g., puncture procedures of the skin or muscles) and superficial (e.g., breast or axillary, endoscopic) surgeries (Ruiz, Kee, Frenzel, et al., 2010). In a commentary about this research, Habib and Gan (2010) discuss several limitations of this study and problems with methodology, and they conclude that large well-designed studies are needed to firmly establish the type of surgery as a risk factor (Habib, Gan, 2010).

Consensus guidelines present a number of recommendations for the management of PONV (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2003, 2007). Algorithms that incorporate guideline recommendations are available (American Society of PeriAnesthesia Nurses, 2006; Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007), and the December 2006 focus issue of the Journal of PeriAnesthesia Nursing is devoted entirely to content on PONV. Below is a summary of the major guideline recommendations in adults followed by a more detailed discussion of various antiemetics and strategies for treatment of PONV (see Table 19-1).

• Identify patients at high risk for PONV (see Box 19-1). There is no consensus on how many risk factors a patient must have to warrant the designation of high risk (Apfel, Kranke, Eberhart, et al., 2002; Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2003; van den Bosch, Kalkman, Vergouwe, et al., 2005). A simple scoring system (the Apfel risk score) developed by Apfel and colleagues (1999) is widely used and has been shown to be reliable and valid for this purpose. It is based on four predictors: female gender, prior history of motion sickness or PONV, nonsmoking status, and the use of postoperative opioids. If no or only one factor is present, the incidence of PONV varies from 10% to 21%. If two or more are present, the risk rises to 39% to 78% (Apfel, Laara, Koivuranta, et al., 1999).

• Reduce baseline risk factors, e.g., implement multimodal analgesic strategies to treat postoperative pain so that no opioid or the lowest effective dose of opioid can be given. This may also include the use of effective nonpharmacologic strategies such as relaxation techniques, acupuncture, and acupressure (Lee, Done, 1999; Nunley, Wakim, Guinn, 2008; Roscoe, Bushunow, Jean-Pierre, et al., 2009). Although nondrug interventions may be helpful, the mainstay of PONV treatment is pharmacologic (Wilhelm, Dehoorne-Smith, Kale-Pradhan, 2007). The use of regional rather than general anesthesia is widely recommended to reduce PONV, although some surgical procedures (e.g., cesarean, some major orthopedic surgeries) are associated with a high incidence of PONV despite using regional anesthesia (Borgeat, Ekatodramis, Schenker, 2003).

• Administer PONV prophylaxis using one to two interventions to patients at moderate risk for PONV. For example, administer dexamethasone (Decadron) before anesthesia induction and a serotonin receptor antagonist (e.g., ondansetron [Zofran]) at the end of surgery. It is important to consider that research has shown that single-drug prophylaxis has a high failure rate and is associated with a resultant increased cost of care (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007; Watcha, 2000), so combinations of two antiemetics rather than a single antiemetic prophylactically are preferred.

• Administer PONV prophylaxis using two or more interventions (multimodal approach) to patients at high risk for PONV. For example, administer dexamethasone before anesthesia induction, IV total anesthesia (IVTA) propofol (Diprivan), a serotonin receptor antagonist at the end of surgery, and IV propofol rescue doses in the PACU. A prospective study of 376 patients at high risk for PONV revealed that the administration of three or more prophylactic antiemetics produced the largest reduction in PONV, but despite this aggressive treatment, 30% still experienced symptoms severe enough to interfere with function (White, O’Hara, Roberson, et al., 2008). A prospective observational study concluded similarly that compared with lower Apfel risk scores, a high Apfel risk score (see above) was associated with a higher incidence of emetic sequelae in the first 24 hours after surgery despite the prophylactic administration of multiple antiemetics (White, Sacan, Nuangchamnong, et al., 2008).

• Do not administer prophylactic antiemetic treatment to low-risk patients as this is not supported by current practice (Apfel, Korttila, Abdalla, et al., 2004; Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2003, 2007); however, provide antiemetic treatment to patients with PONV who did not receive prophylaxis or in whom prophylaxis failed.


There are numerous antiemetic drug options available (Carlisle, Stevenson, 2006), and selection should be based on evidence of efficacy and safety as well as consideration of cost (see Table 19-1). A systematic review concluded that no one antiemetic agent is superior to another (Wilhelm, Dehoorne-Smith, Kale-Pradhan, 2007). A multicenter study of over 4000 patients at high risk for PONV (greater than 40% risk per Apfel risk scoring system [Apfel, Laara, Koivuranta, et al., 1999]) and undergoing a variety of types of surgeries were randomized to receive one of the following interventions: ondansetron (4 mg IV) or no ondansetron; dexamethasone (4 mg IV) or no dexamethasone; droperidol (Inapsine) (1.25 mg IV) or no droperidol; propofol or a volatile anesthetic (i.e., isoflurane, desflurane, or sevoflurane); nitrogen or nitrous oxide; and remifentanil or fentanyl. Because propofol has been shown to reduce PONV (see the paragraphs that follow), twice as many patients were assigned to the propofol group to ensure adequate power to compare treatments. All of the antiemetics were similarly effective; ondansetron, dexamethasone, and droperidol reduced risk by approximately 26%, propofol by 19%, and nitrogen by 12%. Droperidol, which has a “Black Box” warning for potential QTc prolongation and torsades de pointes, was safe (see later in the chapter for more on droperidol). The researchers pointed out that the clinical implication of their findings is that, because the interventions were similarly effective, the safest and least expensive treatment should be used first.

The glucocorticoid dexamethasone is an excellent choice antiemetic because numerous studies have shown it to be effective, safe, and inexpensive (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007) (see Table 19-1). It may be given prophylactically before induction of anesthesia as well as for established PONV (Golembiewski, Chernin, Chopra, 2005) and has been shown to have similar efficacy to the serotonin antagonist tropisetron, which is not available in the United States (Wang, Ho, Uen, et al., 2002). Dexamethasone is administered as a single 4 mg to 8 mg IV bolus dose most often and has been combined in multimodal treatment plans with a number of other agents including ondansetron (Zofran) (Paech, Rucklidge, Lain, et al., 2007; Pan, Lee, Harris, 2008), granisetron (Kytril) (Fujii, Saitoh, Tanaka, et al., 1999; Gan, Coop, Philip, et al., 2005), dolasetron (Anzemet) (Coloma, White, Markowitz, et al., 2002; Rusch, Arndt, Martin, et al., 2007), droperidol (Sanchez-Ledesma, Lopez-Olaondo, Pueyo, et al., 2002), metoclopramide (Reglan) (Wallenborn, Gelbrich, Bulst, et al., 2006), and haloperidol (Haldol) (Chu, Shieh, Tzeng, et al., 2008; Rusch, Arndt, Martin, et al., 2007). Adverse effects are rare with short-term use (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007).

The serotonin receptor antagonists dolasetron, granisetron, and ondansetron are most effective when administered at the end of surgery (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007) (see Table 19-1). The newest serotonin antagonist palonosetron (Aloxi) is approved for prevention of chemotherapy-induced nausea and has been shown to significantly decrease PONV in a dose-related manner (0.075 mg IV significantly better than 0.025 mg IV) when administered immediately prior to anesthesia induction (Candiotti, Kovac, Melson, et al., 2008). The serotonin receptor antagonists are often combined with other antiemetics in multimodal PONV prophylaxis regimens. This practice is supported by a meta- analysis of 33 randomized controlled trials (3447 patients), which concluded that various combinations of a serotonin antagonist with dexamethasone or droperidol were equally effective with similar adverse effects, and the combinations were more effective than a serotonin antagonist alone (Habib, El-Moalem, Gan, 2004). A 2001 systematic review of the literature found that the serotonin antagonists available at the time were similarly effective for treatment of established PONV and that lower doses were as effective as higher doses, so the lowest dose in the dosing range was recommended (Kazemi-Kjellberg, Henzi, Tramer, 2001).

The serotonin antagonists are reported to prevent postoperative vomiting better than nausea (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007; Kazemi-Kjellberg, Henzi, Tramer, 2001); however, an analysis of data from 5161 patients concluded that ondansetron prevents both symptoms equally well (Jokela, Cakmakkaya, Danzeisen, et al., 2009). Ondansetron 8 mg twice daily is effective in an orally disintegrating tablet formulation (Zofran ODT) (Gan, Franiak, Reeves, 2002; Grover, Mathew, Hegde, 2009; Hartsell, Long, Kirsch, 2005). The most common adverse effect of the serotonin antagonists is headache (Kazemi-Kjellberg, Henzi, Tramer, 2001).

The anticholinergic scopolamine delivered via a transdermal patch (Transderm-Scop, Transderm-V) has been shown to prevent PONV with minimal adverse effects when applied preoperatively (White, Tang, Song, et al., 2007) (see Table 19-1). One patch (1.5 mg) should be applied behind the ear preoperatively, taking into account its 2- to 4-hour onset of action, and it can provide relief for up to 72 hours. A second patch may be applied after the first is removed at 72 hours. Transdermal scopolamine may be combined with other antiemetics in a multimodal treatment plan (Kranke, Morin, Roewer, et al., 2002). A randomized study of 126 patients undergoing cosmetic surgery found that the transdermal scopolamine patch combined with IV ondansetron (4 mg) was more effective in reducing PONV than ondansetron plus a placebo patch (Sah, Ramesh, Kaul, et al., 2009). Another study also found the combination to be more effective than ondansetron alone (Gan, Sinha, Kovac, et al., 2009). Transdermal scopolamine has also been used to reduce nausea and vomiting associated with intrathecal morphine post–cesarean section (Harnett, O’Rourke, Walsh, et al., 2007). Adverse effects include dry mouth, sedation, and visual disturbances; older patients may be more sensitive to CNS adverse effects, such as dizziness and agitation (Golembiewski, Chernin, Chopra, 2005).

Research in the 1990s demonstrated that the IV sedative hypnotic propofol at subhypnotic doses (5 to 10 mg IV push q 4 to 6 h or 0.5 to 1 per hour continuous infusion) reduced the overall incidence of PONV in patients at high risk for PONV without untoward sedative or cardiovascular (CV) effects compared with placebo (Ewalenko, Janny, Dejonckheere, et al., 1996). Since then, the drug has gained in popularity as a component of multimodal approaches designed to reduce PONV (Eberhart, Mauch, Morin, et al., 2002; Scudieri, James, Harris, et al., 2000) (see Table 19-1). A randomized controlled study administered 90 patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy one of the following regimens: (1) a multimodal management strategy that involved the use of TIVA propofol plus droperidol and ondansetron, (2) IV propofol at induction followed by inspired isoflurane/nitrous oxide-based anesthesia, droperidol, and ondansetron, or (3) TIVA with no other antiemetic prophylaxis (Habib, White, Eubanks, et al., 2004). The droperidol (0.625 mg) was administered at induction and ondansetron (4 mg) was administered at the end of surgery in groups 1 and 2. Complete response rate (no PONV and no rescue antiemetic) at 2 hours and 24 hours after surgery was 90% and 80% in group 1, 63% and 63% in group 2, and 66% and 43% in group 3. Patient satisfaction was also higher in group 1. The researchers noted, however, that the higher cost of propofol compared with volatile anesthetics and its short-lived antiemetic effect (limited to early postoperative period) makes it suitable for use only in patients at very high risk for PONV.

Droperidol and the “Black Box” Warning

Since its approval for use in general anesthesia in the 1970s, the butyrophenone droperidol (Inapsine) has been used to effectively and cost-efficiently treat PONV (White, 2002). In 2001, the United States Food and Drug Administration (U.S. FDA) issued a “Black Box” warning that described the drug’s potential to cause prolonged QTc interval and torsade de pointes, a life-threatening cardiac dysrhythmia (Martinez, Moos, Dahlen, 2006). However, citing a lack of documentation of cardiac adverse events, the FDA warning has been widely criticized by anesthesia experts (Gan, White, Scuderi, et al., 2002; White, 2002). A review of the 273 reported adverse events involving the use of droperidol at doses of 1.25 mg or less (customary for treatment of PONV) revealed extensive use of the drug (over 11 million ampules sold in 2001) (Habib, Gan, 2003). Of the 273 adverse events, 74 and 17 were cases of possible cardiac events and torsades de pointes or prolonged QTc interval, respectively. The researchers concluded that there was no evidence of a cause-and-effect relationship between the occurrence of arrhythmias and small-dose droperidol (1.25 mg or less). A later randomized controlled trial of 120 patients undergoing outpatient surgery found no statistically significant increase in QTc interval compared with placebo during general anesthesia and no evidence of any droperidol-induced QTc prolongation after surgery (White, Song, Abrao, et al., 2005). The drug is recommended in doses less than 1.25 mg as a first-line option in evidence-based PONV management guidelines (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2003, 2007) (see Table 19-1).

Novel Approaches to the Management of PONV

Some novel and relatively inexpensive approaches have been tried for the management of PONV. Researchers applied nicotine patches to patients undergoing laparoscopic cholecystectomy under general anesthesia based on research that shows cigarette smoking reduces risk of PONV (Ionescu, Badescu, Acalovschi, 2007). Patients in this study (N = 75) were randomized according to their cigarette smoking status: (1) nonsmokers, (2) patients who had stopped smoking at least 5 years prior and received one 16.6 mg nicotine patch, and (3) patients who currently smoked. There was a 20% reduction in PONV in patients in group 2 compared with group 1 and no difference between group 2 and group 3.

Intraoperative supplemental oxygen has been suggested as a strategy to reduce PONV, but research is conflicting. One early study showed that the incidence of PONV was significantly reduced in patients following laparoscopic gynecologic surgery who received 80% supplemental intraoperative oxygen (22%) and those who received 8 mg of ondansetron at induction (30%) compared with patients who received 30% supplemental oxygen intraoperatively (44%) (Goll, Akca, Grief, et al., 2001). However, a later study showed that neither 30% nor 80% intraoperative oxygen administration reduced PONV in 100 patients undergoing ambulatory gynecologic laparoscopy (Purhonen, Turunen, Ruohoaho, et al., 2003). Intraoperative supplemental oxygen did not decrease the incidence of PONV post–cesarean section delivery with neuraxial anesthesia either (Phillips, Broussard, Sumrall, et al., 2007).

Studies have shown that wrist acustimulation/acupressure (acupuncture point P6 [pericardium 6]) (ReliefBand®) reduces PONV (Gan, Jiao, Zenn, et al., 2004; Lee, Fan, 2009; Nunley, Wakim, Guinn, 2008; Roscoe, Bushunow, Jean-Pierre, et al., 2009) and that when combined with ondansetron (4 mg), the response rate to acustimulation is increased and quality of recovery and patient satisfaction are improved (Coloma, White, Ogunnaike, et al., 2002; White, Issioui, Hu, et al., 2002). The optimal time to administer acustimulation for antiemetic prophylaxis is after surgery (White, Hamza, Recart, et al., 2005). Figure 19-2 shows the location of acupuncture point P6.

A meta-analysis of research on gum chewing during the early postoperative period following colectomy concluded that the practice may enhance GI recovery and reduce length of stay (Purkayastha, Tilney, Darzi, et al., 2008). Improved GI recovery may contribute to a lower incidence of PONV.

Effective, Safe, and Inexpensive Treatment

By far, the most effective, safest, and least expensive way to treat PONV is to reduce the opioid dose whenever possible. Postoperative opioid orders should include the expectation that nurses will consider decreasing the opioid dose by 25% prior to or in conjunction with pharmacologic treatment of moderate-to-severe PONV (see following patient example and Form 17-1 on p. 464 for an example of how decreases in opioid dose can be included in opioid order sets). Decreasing the opioid dose is facilitated by adding or increasing a nonopioid, such as an NSAID or acetaminophen, or adding a local anesthetic to the epidural opioid solution to provide additional pain relief. If patients are too nauseated to take oral nonopioids, they may be given rectally (see Section III and Chapter 14 in this section for more on rectal administration).

Approaches with Little or No Effectiveness

In their 2007 guidelines, the American Society for Ambulatory Anesthesia concluded that there is a lack or limited evidence of a prophylactic effect for metoclopramide (10 mg IV), ginger root, and cannabinoids for PONV (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007). Metoclopramide is reported to be no more effective than placebo for its treatment (Gan, 2002); however, one randomized controlled study (N = 3140) found doses of 25 to 50 mg of metoclopramide in combination with dexamethasone administered intraoperatively reduced the frequency of PONV without a high incidence of adverse effects (Wallenborn, Gelbrich, Bulst, et al., 2006). Doses this high are not recommended; the drug has been reported to produce extrapyramidal symptoms, even in low doses (i.e., 10 mg) (Moss, Hansen, 2008).

Although promethazine (Phenergan) has been used for many years and has efficacy for the treatment of established PONV (Habib, Breen, Gan, 2005; Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007; Habib, Reuveni, Taguchi, et al., 2007; Moser, Caldwell, Rhule, 2006), it is associated with significant adverse effects, including excessive sedation, respiratory depression, dysphoria, dystonia, and extrapyramidal symptoms (McGee, Alexander, 1979; Sheth, Verrico, Skledar, et al., 2005). Further, significant tissue damage can occur when promethazine is given intravenously (Institute for Safe Medication Practices, 2006a, 2006b). A “Black Box” warning added to promethazine prescribing information describes these injuries and the risk of unintentional intra-arterial injection and recommends deep IM injection of the drug; SC injection is contraindicated (U.S. FDA, 2009c). It is common practice to administer promethazine based on the belief that it will enhance opioid analgesia; however, early research dispelled this misconception (McGee, Alexander, 1979), and the practice is discouraged (Pasero, Portenoy, McCaffery, 1999). If promethazine is used, low doses are recommended, particularly in older adults (Habib, Breen, Gan, 2005; Moser, Caldwell, Rhule, 2006). Doses of 6.25 mg were found to be as effective as higher doses (e.g., 12 mg) (Habib, Reuveni, Taguchi, et al., 2007).

Prochlorperazine (Compazine) provided better relief of nausea and vomiting than promethazine in patients in the emergency department (ED) (Ernst, Weiss, Park, et al., 2000). Prochlorperazine has a faster onset and causes less sedation than promethazine as well (Golembiewski, Chernin, Chopra, 2005).

Another commonly used drug is hydroxyzine (Vistaril), but the doses that would be required to produce analgesia create significant risk of respiratory depression that is not reversible by naloxone (Gordon, 1995). IM hydroxyzine is especially irritating to the muscle and soft tissue and can produce sterile abscesses, so this practice is discouraged as well. Other older drugs—dimenhydrinate (Dramamine) (Kothari, Boyd, Bottcher, et al., 2000) and diphenhydramine (Benadryl)—are occasionally used for PONV but can cause significant sedation and dizziness. Antiemetics with better efficacy and safety should be considered before these drugs are used for treatment of PONV (Gan, Meyer, Apfel, et al., 2007) (see Table 19-1).

The routine use of NG tubes during surgery as a means of reducing PONV is not recommended. A large case control study (N = 4055) evaluated the association between NG tube use and the incidence of nausea, emesis, and overall PONV and showed no reduction in the incidence of these three outcome measures; the incidence of PONV was 44.4% with intraoperative NG tube versus 41.5% in controls (Kerger, Mascha, Steinbrecher, et al., 2009).

Biliary Spasm

Opioids increase smooth muscle tone in the biliary tract, especially in the sphincter of Oddi, which regulates the flow of bile and pancreatic fluids. This can result in a decrease in biliary and pancreatic secretions and a rise in bile duct pressure (Fukuda, 2005). Patients may experience epigastric distress and occasionally biliary spasm from this effect.

All opioids are capable of causing constricture of the sphincter of Oddi and the biliary tract (“biliary spasm”) and do so in a drug- and dose-dependent manner (Fukuda, 2005). This effect is complex with multiple underlying mechanisms (Helm, Venu, Geenen, et al., 1988). Research on this response is somewhat conflicting with regard to differences between the various opioids. The research that has been done has never shown much clinical relevance in humans (Lee, Cundiff, 1998; Spiegel, 2001). Meperidine produces a dual effect on the biliary tract (Fukuda, 2005); at low concentrations it inhibited the response of the common bile duct to electrical stimulation, and in higher concentrations it produced an excitatory effect and increased spontaneous contractions in guinea pigs (Goldberg, Vatashsky, Haskel, et al., 1987). A common misconception is that meperidine causes less constricture of the sphincter of Oddi than other opioids, but research does not support this (see the paragraphs that follow).

Early research showed morphine increased bile duct pressure in animals (Coelho, Runkel, Herfarth, et al., 1986) and humans (Zsigmond, Vieira, Duarte, et al., 1993). A study of 36 patients without common bile duct stones or anatomic abnormalities who were undergoing cholecystectomy demonstrated that morphine increased the frequency of sphincter of Oddi motility more than meperidine (Thune, Baker, Saccone, et al., 1990); however, an earlier study showed fentanyl, meperidine, morphine, and pentazocine caused a rise in bile duct pressure of 99.5%, 61.3%, 52.7%, and 15.1%, respectively in humans (Radnay, Brodman, Mankikar, et al., 1980). In other words, morphine produced less of a rise than both fentanyl and meperidine. Although pentazocine produced the smallest rise in this study, it causes dysphoria, anxiety, nightmares, depersonalization, and hallucinations, has an analgesic ceiling, and is not recommended for the management of any type of pain (see Chapter 13).

Later randomized controlled research showed fentanyl and sufentanil had no effect on common bile duct diameter in 17 patients during cholecystectomy, and the researchers recommended fentanyl and sufentanil in patients in whom spasm of the common bile duct should be avoided (Vieira, Zsigmond, Duarte, et al., 1994). Remifentanil, another lipophilic, short-acting mu opioid, was shown to cause a shorter delay in biliary tract drainage into the duodenum in 6 healthy volunteers than had been previously reported in studies of morphine and meperidine (Fragen, Vilich, Spies, et al., 1999).

The agonist-antagonist opioids (in addition to pentazocine above) have also been researched for their effect on the sphincter of Oddi. One early study showed that fentanyl, morphine, and meperidine increased common bile duct pressure more than butorphanol or placebo in 50 patients undergoing cholecystectomy (Radnay, Duncalf, Novakovic, et al., 1984). Later research found no differences between butorphanol, nalbuphine, and placebo in patients undergoing cholecystectomy (Vieira, Zsigmond, Duarte, et al., 1993); however, a more recent study found that nalbuphine caused a significant stimulatory effect on the sphincter of Oddi in 17 patients with suspected sphincter of Oddi dysfunction when used as a premedication for endoscopy; the researchers recommended against its use for endoscopic diagnosis of this condition (Madacsy, Bertalan, Szepes, et al., 2003). As discussed in Chapter 13, the agonist-antagonists are not recommended as first-line opioid analgesics for the treatment of pain.

The Meperidine Misconception

Although institutional quality improvement initiatives have resulted in a significant decline in the use of meperidine over the years (Gordon, Jones, Goshman, et al., 2000), the drug continues to be a first-choice analgesic of many prescribers (Seifert, Kennedy, 2004). This is particularly true for the management of pain during GI procedures and in patients with pancreatitis or cholecystitis; however, there are many disadvantages to the use of meperidine for pain management, including accumulation of its toxic metabolite with repeated dosing and its inappropriateness in older adults (Latta, Ginsberg, Barkin, 2002) (see Chapter 13).

A review of the literature concluded that morphine may be of more benefit than meperidine by offering analgesia without the risks associated with meperidine and that there are no studies or evidence to indicate morphine is contraindicated for use in acute pancreatitis (2001). Low-dose transdermal fentanyl (12.5 to 25 mcg) caused no significant changes in sphincter of Oddi pressure in patients with pancreatitis in one study and was described as the ideal analgesic for treatment of pancreatitis pain (Koo, Moon, Choi, et al., 2009). An interesting letter to the editor suggested that the choice of meperidine over other opioids is not based on evidence and persists because of the perpetuation of the misconception that meperidine has no effect on the sphincter of Oddi (Lee, Cundiff, 1998). The authors equated this to the “medical equivalent of an urban legend.” The best course of action is to avoid meperidine for all types of pain, including procedural pain and pancreatitis pain, and rely instead on other mu agonist opioids, such as morphine, hydromorphone, or fentanyl.

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