Main location
Amyloid protein
Mother protein
Associated state or disease
Different organs
Monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain
Local monoclonal plasma cell clone
Different organs
Monoclonal immunoglobulin heavy chain
Very rare
Local monoclonal plasma cell clone
Islets of Langerhans
Aging, type 2 diabetes
Anterior pituitary
Parathyroid glands
Cardiac atria
Atrial natriuretic factor (peptide)
Aging, atrial fibrillation?
Endocrine tumors
Polypeptide hormones
Common in many tumors
Seminal vesicles
Semenogelin 1
Lichen amyloidosus, macular amyloidosis
Iatrogenic at site of injection
Iatrogenic at site of injection
Skin tumors
Tumors and dysplasia
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic tumor; unerupted tooth follicles
Odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein
Common in tumors
Thoracic aorta, other arteries
Aging, aortic aneurysm, and dissection?
Arterial intima
Cardiac valves
AApoAI, +?
Apolipoprotein AI
Joints, cartilageb
AI, transthyretin
Corneal dystrophies
Corpora amylacea of lung, prostate
Generally, there is a distinction in pathogenesis between localized and systemic amyloidosis in that the fibril protein in the former is synthesized close to the deposition site, while in the latter, the fibril precursor is produced in one or several organs, and then transported in soluble form by the blood plasma to the site where amyloid fibrils form, by mechanisms that are not yet understood. An exception may be the amyloid in atherosclerotic plaques and in cardiac valves, which, although localized, originates from the plasma.
There are many reports in the scientific literature on single organ manifestations of systemic amyloidosis, and sometimes these forms are claimed to be examples of localized amyloidosis. Thus, the cardiac manifestation of wild-type transthyretin (senile systemic) amyloidosis has been called senile cardiac amyloidosis in some publications. Careful analysis of such cases, however, shows a more widely spread amyloidosis, at least affecting arteries in many organs (see below).
The morphology of the localized amyloids does not differ from that of the systemic. Both have the same hyaline appearance in routine sections and vary in their affinity for Congo red and the appearance of yellow to green birefringence. Their principal ultrastructural morphology is also similar. The pathogenesis of localized amyloid deposits may vary between the biochemical types, but certain possible mechanisms may be mentioned. Overexpression of the fibril protein is probably often of importance and is particularly evident in some polypeptide hormone-producing tumors and in localized AL amyloidosis. In the latter, there is a local production of a monoclonal, amyloidogenic immunoglobulin light chain. Aberrant processing or abnormal cleavage of a precursor may release an amyloidogenic segment, normally buried in a larger molecule. The loss of chaperone molecules may cause a fibrillogenic molecule to misfold and aggregate into amyloid fibrils. Since amyloidogenesis in general is a nucleation-dependent process [1], seeding may be a mechanism but this has so far not been definitely shown. Changes in the microenvironment, e.g., salt concentration or pH, may also theoretically play a role. However, in general, very little is known about the pathogenesis of the localized amyloidoses.
Localized AL Amyloidosis
There are probably few conditions that have resulted in so many case reports as localized AL amyloidosis. It is uncommon but not extremely rare and can cause some diagnostic problems, particularly in the sense that it has to be distinguished from the systemic form. The amyloid deposits often cause a tumor-like process, where the type is sometimes known as “amyloidoma,” and the microscopic diagnosis is usually a surprise. In most cases, the alteration is initially suspected to be a tumor and the diagnosis becomes clear only after microscopic analysis of a biopsy, where more or less cell-free hyaline areas are seen. A Congo red stained section, examined in polarized light, reveals the amyloid diagnosis. A more diffuse localized pulmonary amyloidosis has also been described, but the AL nature was not proven [2]. Diffuse pulmonary amyloidosis should always be suspected of being part of a systemic disease [3]. Among the localized forms, localized AL amyloidosis is probably the one that is most easily mistaken for systemic amyloidosis. The distinction is very important since, although systemic amyloidosis is often life-threatening, in most cases, localized AL amyloidosis is not. Localized AL amyloid can develop at any site, including the central nervous system, or even multiple sites of the same organ, e.g., bronchi. Deposits are most commonly seen in the respiratory tract (paranasal sinuses-larynx—bronchi-lungs), the urinary tract (renal pelvis-urethra), skin, and conjunctiva. In the urinary tract, the bladder is most commonly involved, followed by the ureter, the urethra, and the renal pelvis [4]. There is most often one mass, but bilateral amyloid deposits may occur, e.g., in the bronchi or in the conjunctiva. These lesions are still designated as localized. As in systemic AL amyloidosis, the amyloid is composed of a monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain, which is usually C-terminally truncated [5]. This specific light chain, varying from case to case, is synthesized at the site of deposition by a local clone of plasma cells that are usually benign. Why this happens is not clear but, initially, it may be a result of antigenic stimulation causing a chronic inflammation [6]. Sometimes, clonality is quite obvious from an immunohistochemical staining for light chains (Fig. 7.1), but very often there is a mixture of kappa- and lambda-producing plasma cells, making the clonality less evident. However, clonality may be demonstrated by analysis of immunoglobulin heavy chain gene rearrangements [7–9]. There is not the same strong predominance of lambda chains as in systemic AL amyloidosis, and localized AL kappa amyloidosis is comparably common. The reason for this is unknown but may point to important differences in pathogenesis. Marginal zone lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymphoid tissue (MALT) often contains deposits of amyloid, and the distinction between this neoplasm and “amyloidoma” is not always sharp [10, 11].


Fig. 7.1
Localized amyloid in the lung, immunolabeled with pwlam, a monoclonal antibody against amyloid proteins of AL lambda type [183]. Amyloid (A) and plasma cells (P) are strongly labeled. Close to the amyloid are several multinucleated giant cells (arrows), a characteristic finding in localized AL amyloid
The microscopic findings vary with the localization. Deposits may be quite small, as is often seen in the larynx and in the conjunctiva. On the other hand, deposits at some other locations, such as the lungs or urinary bladder, may be quite large. Typically, there are almost acellular amyloid areas intermingled with spots with inflammatory cells, notably plasma cells (Fig. 7.1). An almost constant feature of localized AL amyloidosis is the presence of multinucleated giant cells of foreign body type, mentioned in many of the great number of case reports of this kind of lesion. These cells are usually interpreted as a sign of tissue reaction of the deposited material. However, as an alternative, it is possible that the giant cells directly participate in the generation of fibrils by processing the monoclonal immunoglobulin light chain, produced by plasma cells in the vicinity [12, 13]. Amyloid, close to giant cells, is often more brightly stained with Congo red and shows a particularly bright green birefringence, probably indicating extensive organization of the fibrils (Fig. 7.2). Calcifications and metaplastic bone formation are commonly found, particularly in bronchial deposits.


Fig. 7.2
Localized AL amyloid, stained with Congo red and examined under polarized light for birefringence. A strongly birefringent amyloid deposit is apparent
Appearance of abnormal nodules, bleedings, and results of obstruction are the most common symptoms of localized AL amyloidosis. Localized AL amyloidosis of the urinary tract most commonly presents with macroscopic hematuria, but other symptoms such as anuria or acute renal failure may occur [4]. Very often, the lesions are initially strongly suspected for cancer. This is particularly true for lesions in the trachea-bronchial region and in the urinary tract. The rare localized AL amyloidosis of the breast is also very easily mistaken for malignancy and may even show micro-calcifications visible at X-ray examination [14]. In most cases, localized amyloidosis is not life threatening, but there are exceptions. In the respiratory tract, where the deposits often are multiple and bilateral [15], the amyloid can cause severe hemorrhages and even death [16, 17]. In most instances, the condition is long-lasting and not curable but may be kept under control by repeated endoscopical intervention [4, 15, 18]. However, a more radical surgical treatment is sometimes necessary and may even include cystectomy for urinary bladder amyloid or nephrectomy for localized amyloidosis in the renal pelvis. The risk of progression to systemic amyloidosis is very small [4], but AL amyloid tumors may appear in patients with systemic amyloidosis [19]. A careful clinical investigation is therefore important.
Amyloid in Endocrine Organs and Tumors
Small deposits are common in certain endocrine organs and their tumors. In general, these amyloid deposits are composed of specific polypeptide hormones or fragments thereof. The importance of the deposits themselves may vary, but it is likely that most of them are fairly innocent, at least when small. However, there is strong evidence that some of them are pathogenically important, both when appearing as large deposits and during their formation, then as toxic oligomers. The best studied example is the amyloid in the islets of Langerhans, but there are other deposits which may play a pathogenic role.
Islet of Langerhans
Localized amyloid deposits, restricted to the islets of Langerhans, are very commonly seen. Such amyloid may appear as an age-dependent phenomenon and is found in >10 % of subjects over the age of 70 years. Usually, the deposits are quite small, not detectable in routine stained sections and not affecting more than a few percentages of the islets in the pancreatic body and tail. When more pronounced, a “hyalinization” of the islets may be obvious (Fig. 7.3a) and may then also be noticed in H&E stained sections. Extensive and widespread islet amyloid deposits often occur in conjunction with type 2 diabetes (not type 1; exception, see below).


Fig. 7.3
(a) An H&E stained section of pancreas from a type 2 diabetic individual. In this routine section, large amounts of amyloid already are apparent in the islets. (b) An example of a similar islet, stained with Congo red. Note the residual endocrine cells. (c) An amyloid-rich islet immunolabeled with antibodies against insulin. In spite of the large masses of amyloid, there are many heavily granulated, albeit defective beta cells
Islet amyloid is the most typical pancreatic lesion found in type 2 diabetes and seen in >90 % of individuals. The deposits are restricted to the islets, and no amyloid occurs in the exocrine parenchyma (Fig. 7.3b). The amyloid deposits occur in close association with the insulin-producing beta cells, which may show some degenerative signs. Although islets may become more or less converted into amyloid, there are always some endocrine cells left in the masses, which may be shown by the application of antibodies against the major islet polypeptide hormones (Fig. 7.3c). A common finding is an irregular involvement of different parts of the pancreas. Generally, most amyloid is seen in the body and tail. Sometimes, small lobules of the pancreas contain a lot of islet amyloid while other parts may be spared.
Although islet amyloid does not occur in the type 1 diabetic pancreas, it has recently become a topic of interest in this form of diabetes. Islet amyloid develops frequently and rapidly in normal human islets, transplanted into the portal system of type 1 diabetic individuals [20] and may constitute an important cause of the gradually decreasing function of these islets.
The fibril protein in islet amyloid is islet amyloid polypeptide (IAPP, or amylin), which is a product of the beta cells. IAPP was discovered by analysis of amyloid deposits taken from an insulinoma [21, 22] and, subsequently, from islet material [23, 24]. IAPP is stored together with insulin in the secretory vesicles, and the two polypeptides are released together at exocytosis. As in the case of insulin, IAPP is expressed as a prohormone, which is then processed by the two converting enzymes PC 1/3 and PC2 at double basic amino acid residues (for review, see [25]). The processing takes place in the golgi and in the secretory vesicles. The concentration of IAPP is much lower than insulin and the plasma levels are less than 10 % of that of insulin. IAPP is a 37 amino acid residue peptide belonging to the calcitonin gene-related peptide family (which also contains calcitonin, adrenomedullin, and intermedin). IAPP is a very fibrillogenic peptide that is difficult to keep non-aggregated in solution. Insulin is an inhibitor of the fibrillogenesis and may be an important physiological chaperone within the beta cell. IAPP’s physiological role is not fully understood, but it has both para- and autocrine effects on islet cells and peripheral effects [25].
It is not understood why IAPP forms amyloid in type 2 diabetes. Overexpression of IAPP is probably important but other factors, including loss of balance with insulin production and aberrant processing of proIAPP, may be involved in the pathogenesis. The effect of the amyloid has been a matter of discussion for many years, but there is an increasing understanding that the deposition of islet amyloid is followed by a loss of insulin-producing beta cells [26]. Therefore, the IAPP amyloid is suspected of playing an important role in the gradual loss of beta cell function during the course of type 2 diabetes. Whether islet amyloid is involved in the initial stages of type 2 diabetes is less well understood. As with the situation in Alzheimer’s disease, it is not known whether it is the mature amyloid fibrils that are pathogenically important. There is increasing evidence that prefibrillar IAPP aggregates (oligomers) exert toxic effects on the beta cell, leading to beta cell death [25]. However, recent studies have indicated that beta cell death is due to intracellular aggregation of IAPP, affecting autophagic pathways rather than extracellular aggregates exerting toxic effects [27, 28]. It is possible that the mature amyloid fibrils are more inert since there are always endocrine cells remaining in direct contact with the amyloid (Fig. 7.3c).
Parathyroid Glands
Amyloid in the parathyroid glands probably belongs to the least studied forms and almost all papers on the subject are fairly old. Microdeposits are, however, commonly found both in normal and hyperplastic glands as well as in adenomas [29, 30]. Amyloid is found in follicles and may have a laminated structure. Also, intracellular amyloid may occur [31]. Parathyroid glands are often involved in systemic amyloidosis but the distribution is different, with a major involvement of vessels. In apparently normal parathyroid glands, the prevalence of localized amyloid increases with age and there is no sex difference [29].
The nature of the parathyroid amyloid is not known but the small parathyroid hormone (84 amino acid residues) may be a good candidate, and labeling with antibodies against parathormone has been reported [30].
Amyloid in the Cardiac Atria
In the older literature, cardiac amyloid deposits associated with aging were regarded as one entity, starting in the atria and sometimes subsequently spreading to the ventricles [32]. However, in 1979, it was shown that there is one distinctive localized form of amyloid specific for the cardiac atria and that deposits in the ventricles are different [33] and part of a systemic amyloidosis, most often wt ATTR (senile systemic) amyloidosis in which wild-type transthyretin constitutes the fibrils [34]. This latter form may also involve the atria, as may all kinds of systemic amyloidosis.
Localized atrial amyloidosis, also termed isolated atrial amyloidosis (IAA), is always limited to the atria. The fibril protein is atrial natriuretic factor (or peptide) (ANF) [35, 36], a 28 amino acid residue polypeptide hormone, expressed by atrial myocytes. ANF is stored as a 126 amino acid residue prohormone in cytoplasmic vesicles in the myocytes. When released, the prohormone is cleaved to yield the mature peptide by the cardiomyocyte membrane protease corin [37]. There is immunohistochemical evidence that the propeptide, or a part thereof, is also associated with the amyloid fibrils [38].
AANF amyloid only affects the atria, including the auricles and the myocardial sleeves of pulmonary veins [33, 39, 40]. The amyloid is not evenly spread but often patchy. Most commonly, both atria are affected [39, 41]. The distribution is quite typical, with fine streaks covering individual cardiomyocytes (Fig. 7.4) and often the subendocardial layer. There are often amyloid deposits within the walls of small vessels [33], and this should not be taken as evidence for systemic disease. Most of the amyloid is extracellular, but intracellular deposits have been found within cardiomyocytes [42, 43]. The amyloid never forms the large, homogeneous deposits seen in many other biochemical forms of amyloidosis and will be missed if special stains are not applied to sections.


Fig. 7.4
Typical appearance of AANF amyloid in cardiac atria. (a) in ordinary light and (b) under polarized light
AANF amyloid is one of the most prevalent senile types of amyloidosis and both prevalence and severity increase with age [39]. The published prevalence numbers vary, and it has been found in up to 90 % in octogenarians [44]. One has to be careful when examining atria for AANF amyloid since the atria are easily overstained with Congo red or other amyloid dyes. This fact probably explains some very high prevalence numbers in the literature.
Atrial AANF amyloidosis is more common in women than men and affects the left atrium more commonly than the right [44, 45]. The pathogenesis is unknown but increased expression of proANF is most probably of importance, and the presence of AANF amyloid deposits is particularly common in subjects with atrial fibrillation and in patients undergoing mitral valve replacement [44, 46, 47]. AANF amyloid was found in 90 % of patients with severe congestive heart failure undergoing heart transplantation [48]. Whether or not the amyloid itself is of pathogenic importance for the diseases is unclear, but it is reasonable to believe that the intra- and extracellular aggregates may influence electric impulse conduction.
From a practical point of view, AANF amyloid must be distinguished from deposits of systemic amyloidosis. Usually, the pure morphological criteria are enough to make this distinction. If there is any problem, immunohistochemical labeling with antibodies against ANF (which are commercially available) may be applied and will solve the issue.
Pituitary Gland
Occurrence of small amyloid deposits in the pituitary is a well-known phenomenon in association with aging, and this amyloid belongs to the “classical” senile forms. The deposits are limited to the adenohypophysis where they appear as small, elongated, and thin streaks between capillaries and epithelial cells [49] (Fig. 7.5). Intracellular aggregates may also exist [31]. Age-related pituitary amyloid is a very common autopsy finding and, in Japanese material, it was found in more than 90 % of cases over 70 years of age [50]. Similar figures have been found by others.


Fig. 7.5
Adenohypophysis of an elderly individual. Amyloid is a very common finding but may be difficult to recognize due to its loose arrangement and weak affinity for Congo red. Partially crossed polars
By purification, amino acid sequence analysis, and further immunohistochemistry, the main fibrillar protein was identified as being derived from prolactin [51]. Prolactin, one of the major pituitary hormones, is comprised of 198 amino acid residues; there were no indications of cleaved protein products in the amyloid.
Nothing is known regarding abnormalities associated with the formation of pituitary amyloid nor is there any evidence of a functional consequence.
Amyloid in Endocrine Tumors
“Amyloid stroma” is a typical finding in some kinds of polypeptide hormone-producing tumors. An analysis of well-characterized endocrine tumors showed that certain hormone-producing cells are associated with amyloid, particularly those giving rise to C-cell tumor medullary carcinoma of the thyroid and insulinoma of the pancreas [52]. Other endocrine tumors may also contain amyloid, and it is possible that there are other hormones that are amyloid-forming in addition to those presently known. In addition, there are occasional reports on tumors without known endocrine activity that have an amyloid stroma [53]. It is possible that such tumors produce an aberrant peptide.
Medullary Carcinoma of the Thyroid
Medullary thyroid carcinoma is a tumor derived from the calcitonin-producing C-cells. It constitutes about 5 % of the thyroid carcinomas. Deposition of amyloid in the stroma is a fairly typical finding and was seen in 82 % of tumors in a large series of medullary carcinomas [54] and is one of the useful markers for this carcinoma. There may be conspicuous amounts of amyloid in some tumors (Fig. 7.6). Fine needle aspiration biopsies stained with Congo red may assist in the diagnosis of medullary thyroid carcinoma.


Fig. 7.6
Lymph node metastasis of a medullary carcinoma, rich in amyloid. (a) Congo red in ordinary light and (b) the same field between crossed polars. (c) is a close-up showing tumor cells in close contact with amyloid
Analysis of the fibrils in one medullary carcinoma showed procalcitonin as the main protein [55]. Studies by others have revealed only mature calcitonin [56]. Antibodies against the hormone can be used to label this amyloid form. Calcitonin-derived amyloid has only been described in tumors.
Interestingly, two different studies, analyzing large series, have shown that medullary thyroid carcinomas with amyloid have a better prognosis than tumors without [57, 58]. A possible reason is that aggregated calcitonin, either as oligomeric aggregates or as mature fibrils, exert a toxic effect on tumor cells and, thereby, kill them [59]. If this is the case, the same thing should be true of other tumors with amyloid as well, e.g., insulinomas, but no such studies seem to have been performed.
Insulinoma of the Pancreas
Insulinomas are derived from islet beta cells and typically produce insulin as well as other beta cell peptides, including the amyloidogenic IAPP. In a study of 12 insulinomas, 7 had amyloid deposits, some large amounts [52]. IAPP was originally purified from the amyloid of an amyloid-rich insulin-producing tumor [21, 22]. A very large insulinoma, in 70 % consisting of amyloid, has been described [60] as well as other giant insulinomas with amyloid [61].
Similar to the amyloid in the islets of Langerhans, the amyloid found in insulinomas consists of IAPP (Fig. 7.7). It is not clear whether proIAPP is an important ingredient in some cases. Aggregated IAPP in a pre-amyloid form is toxic against cells in vitro. It is therefore possible that the formation of amyloid is of benefit to the patient. However, an elevated production of IAPP from a malignant insulinoma was associated with the development of diabetes, putatively dependent upon the effects of IAPP on islet release of insulin [62].


Fig. 7.7
Amyloid-rich insulinoma, immunolabeled with antibodies against IAPP. The amyloid (arrows) is strongly IAPP-positive while tumor cells vary in their reaction with the antibody
Pituitary Adenoma
There is an unusually large number of case reports on amyloid in pituitary adenomas. One reason may be that the amyloid sometimes forms fairly large globules (or sphaeroids), which are easily seen already in routine sections [63, 64]. Most commonly, amyloid (with globules) is reported in prolactinomas [64–67], but it has also been described in adenomas producing growth hormone [68] and melanocorticotropin [69].
Amyloid at Sites of Peptide Injection
As was demonstrated in the 1940s, by repeated heating and freezing, insulin can easily be converted into amyloid-like fibrils in vitro [70]. In later years, there have been an increasing number of reports showing that amyloid may develop at the sites of repeated subcutaneous insulin injection [71–74]. Initially this was believed to be due to the use of foreign insulin (porcine or bovine), but nowadays only human insulin is used. As seen by a recent publication, insulin amyloid formation is not rare [75]. The amyloid appears as subcutaneous nodules, which may become quite large. Histological examination reveals amyloid masses with a typical Congo red staining reaction. Sometimes, foreign body giant cells may be present. A correct diagnosis can be obtained by immunohistochemistry.
It is important to think about the possibility of iatrogenic insulin amyloid when there are localized deposits subcutaneously in the abdomen. Putatively, this kind of amyloidosis may be a pitfall since it may easily be mistaken for a manifestation of systemic amyloidosis, particularly since the abdominal subcutaneous adipose tissue is a commonly used site for the diagnosis of systemic disease. Alternatively, due to its nodular appearance, the insulin amyloid may be mistaken for a localized AL amyloidosis.
Enfuvirtide is a 36 amino acid residue synthetic anti-HIV peptide, acting through inhibition of binding between the virus particle and CD4+ cells. It is particularly rich in leucine, glutamic acid, and glutamine. Two cases of enfuvirtide-derived localized amyloid deposition have been described [75].
Localized Amyloid Deposits in the Skin
The skin is one of the principal sites for localized AL amyloidosis, described above, but other forms of amyloid deposits are even more common. Small, or sometimes very small, amyloid deposits occur subepidermally in the two related and, most probably, biochemically identical amyloid forms, lichen amyloidosus (LA) and macular amyloidosis (MA). LA, MA, and some related variants are in the dermatological literature collectively often referred to as “primary localized cutaneous amyloidosis” (PLCA). LA appears as slightly elevated, irregular papules, or plaques, often affecting the shins, but it may also appear elsewhere. Amyloid is seen as irregular, small masses in the papillary dermis. Very often the amyloid is seen to contain a number of macrophages with engulfed melanin (melanophages) (Fig. 7.8). There is no amyloid in the reticular dermis or in the walls of blood vessels. Transepidermal elimination of amyloid may occur [76]. The deposits are moderately Congophilic. MA appears as irregular areas with a rippled hyperpigmentation, and is most commonly encountered on the upper back, between the shoulder blades or over one of them. In this form, the amyloid is sometimes so scanty that the deposits are difficult to see, particularly since their affinity for Congo red is weak and green birefringence is difficult to demonstrate. Staining methods other than Congo red are therefore often used, e.g., the fluorescent dye thioflavin S (or T). In Japan, the dye Pagoda red (Dylon, Japan) is often used, although its properties when complexed with amyloid are less well known than Congo red. Also, in MA, melanophages are quite typical and are of help for diagnosis. There are usually no other inflammatory cells, unless there are secondary changes due to scratching. LA and MA are closely related and are sometimes seen in the same patient where they are then referred to as “biphasic amyloidosis.” Both types tend to run a chronic course and generate an intractable pruritus.


Fig. 7.8
Macular amyloidosis stained with H&E. Amyloid (arrows) appears as small, often sharply demarcated corpuscles. Note the many melanophages, a typical feature of lichen amyloidosus and macular amyloidosis
In addition to LA and MA, there are other very rare clinical forms of localized subepidermal amyloidosis, sometimes with the appearance of poikiloderma [77].
Morphological studies on the origin of the amyloid have indicated a close relationship between the basal cell layer and the amyloid fibrils, strongly indicating a keratinocyte origin of the fibril protein [78]. A direct, secretory mechanism has been suggested from electron microscopic findings [79, 80] as an alternative to the possibility that the amyloid derives from degenerative keratinocytes [81]. Most studies on the biochemical nature of the fibrils in LA and MA have been performed by the application of antibodies against known proteins. These studies have repeatedly reported reactions with antibodies against basic keratin variants, and CK5 antibodies have been suggested for diagnostic work [82, 83]. A pathogenesis involving processing of keratin from apoptotic keratinocytes has also been suggested [84]. However, recent research including mass spectrometric analysis of extracted amyloid has indicated that the fibril protein is not derived from keratin but from galectin-7 [85, 86]. Galectin-7 is a carbohydrate binding protein specifically expressed by keratinocytes. It is a small protein of 136 residues arranged as a β-sandwich [87], which makes it a good amyloid fibril protein candidate.
LA and MA are relatively rare in the Western world but are more prevalent in Southeast Asia and in South America. It has been repeatedly suggested that LA and MA may be induced by long-term scratching, particularly with a nylon towel or brush. This may be doubtful since these conditions sometimes do not produce itching. There is often a family history, and also a connection between LA and multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 2A has been established [88, 89]. The mutated gene is RET located on chromosome 10. A linkage study in Chinese families with LA and/or MA has indicated a locus on chromosome 1 [90] and another in a Brazilian family identified a mutated oncostatin M (OSM) receptor β which is a receptor for OSM and interleukin-31 [91]. A number of families with LA and mutations in the interleukin-31 receptor protein genes have been described [92]. Interleukin-31 is involved in the genesis of itching, but the precise connection between mutations in this gene and the pathogenesis of amyloid is still unknown. The recent discoveries of amyloid protein and mutations in LA and MA indicate that the pathogenesis may be complicated.
MA belongs to a group of related conditions which, in addition, include notalgia paresthetica and macular posterior pigmentary incontinence (also called “posterior pigmented pruritic patch”) [93]. These latter conditions have similarities in symptoms and clinical appearance but lack amyloid. Interestingly, macular posterior pigmentary incontinence (without amyloid) was present in several members of a kindred with multiple endocrine neoplasia syndrome 2A [94].
Amyloid in Skin Tumors
Small amyloid deposits are exceedingly common in certain skin tumors, particularly basal cell carcinomas, and in precancerous lesions such as actinic keratosis and Bowen’s disease. In a Swedish study of 260 basal cell carcinomas, Olsen and Westermark found amyloid in 75 % of tumors [95] while Looi found amyloid in 66 % of sections of tumors with different ethnic origins [96]. Those of the nodular type, particularly, develop amyloid [95, 97] (Fig. 7.9). Basal cell papillomas (seborrhoic keratosis) also often contain amyloid, but somewhat less frequently [95]. Amyloid may also occur in other skin tumors. The amyloid is situated in the tumor stroma and is, in most cases, scant, but tumors with more pronounced amyloid infiltration do occur. The affinity for Congo red is relatively weak in most cases.


Fig. 7.9
Amyloid in a basal cell carcinoma. Congo red with partially crossed polars
In actinic keratosis and Bowen’s disease, amyloid is commonly found in the papillary dermis [98] where the deposits resemble those found in macular amyloidosis. Also, some other skin lesions, such as porokeratosis, may demonstrate similar amyloid deposits [99].
The nature of the amyloid fibril protein is not known, but it is probably the same in all of these tumors. It has hitherto been believed that it is a keratinocyte protein, and keratin has been suspected from immunohistochemical results [100]; however, direct biochemical characterization is still lacking.
Calcifying Epithelial Odontogenic Tumor
Calcifying epithelial odontogenic (Pindborg) tumor is a rare mandibular or maxillar benign neoplasm that typically contains amyloid deposits in association with the tumor cells [101]. Analysis of the purified main protein revealed a previously unknown sequence, showing that the amyloid is unique [102]. The 264 amino acid residue protein has been given the name “odontogenic ameloblast-associated protein” and the amyloid protein, therefore, AOAAP. OAAP is believed to be important in odontogenesis and, remarkably, small amyloid deposits of AOAAP can be found in unerupted tooth follicles [103]. OAAP is expressed in other tissues as well but is not known to form amyloid deposits and has been suggested as a breast cancer biomarker [104].
Wild-type Transthyretin (Senile Systemic) Amyloidosis and Peripheral Vascular Amyloid
Wild-type Transthyretin Amyloidosis
Wild-type transthyretin (wt ATTR) amyloidosis (senile systemic amyloidosis1) is a systemic amyloid variant that is included in this chapter since it was, in the past, often called senile cardiac amyloidosis, indicating a localized form [106]. This misinterpretation depended on the fact that, when pronounced, the cardiac deposits are strongly predominating (Fig. 7.10a) although there is a more general arterial occurrence of amyloid deposits, in many other organs [107]. Particularly in the lungs, there may be quite widely dispersed amyloidosis, which often has a typical appearance of small nodules in alveolar vessels [107, 108] (Fig. 7.10b). There are very often fairly large amounts of amyloid in the renal medulla, particularly the papillae, while the glomeruli are spared [109]. When the disease gives rise to clinical symptoms, these are usually cardiac although carpal tunnel syndrome may be the first manifestation, depending on deposition of amyloid in the tissue around the median nerve [110, 111]. Whether wt ATTR amyloid deposits can occur in the carpal tunnel as a strict local phenomenon is not known. There is also novel research that indicates that deposits in the spinal canal in wt ATTR amyloidosis may cause spinal stenosis [112, 113]. When pronounced, the cardiac amyloid causes a restrictive cardiomyopathy and, typically, the diagnosis is established after endomyocardial biopsies on a patient with unexplained cardiomyopathy and enlarged heart [106]. The biochemical nature of the amyloidosis may be obtained by immunohistochemistry or by western blot on an extract of amyloid-containing tissue, e.g., subcutaneous adipose tissue [114] (Fig. 7.10c) or prostate (Fig. 7.10d).


Fig. 7.10
Senile systemic amyloidosis. (a) shows a cardiac section with moderate amounts of amyloid, immunolabeled with antibodies against a transthyretin-derived polypeptide. (b) shows a lung section, labeled with the same antibodies. In (c), immunoreactive amyloid (arrow) is demonstrated in subcutaneous adipose tissue. Vascular amyloid deposits (arrows), as a sign of senile systemic amyloidosis is a not uncommon finding in prostate samples (d)
The amyloid fibril protein in wt ATTR amyloidosis is only wild-type transthyretin [34]. Although full length protein is present in the amyloid, fragments predominate [34, 115]. These N-terminally truncated transthyretin fragments start at positions 46, 49, and 52 [34, 116].
The appearance of the deposits in the myocardium is often quite typical. When the amyloid is sparse and probably non-symptomatic, small but distinctive amyloid spots appear between muscle cells (Fig. 7.10a). These spots tend to increase in size and number and may finally coalesce into more diffuse amyloid infiltration. The conduction system is relatively spared [117] which may be an important difference from Swedish ATTRM30V amyloidosis [118, 119]. The amyloid seems to be strictly extracellular, in contrast to some other forms, including familial ATTRV30M amyloidosis where some amyloid may be seen intracellularly [116].
Wt ATTR amyloidosis is by far the most common form of systemic amyloidosis, found in 25 % of individuals above the age of 80 [41] and 37 % above the age of 85 [120]. In most cases, there are only small, but sometimes widely spread, vascular deposits; however, in some individuals, mostly men, a severe disease may develop (Fig. 7.11). Earlier, wt ATTR amyloidosis was almost only diagnosed at autopsy [117], but its diagnosis during life is now increasingly common. It is also evident that the disease is not restricted to the very old; in quite a few cases, the cardiomyopathy has been found in patients in their 60s and even earlier. Distinction of this entity from systemic AL amyloidosis is important since wt ATTR amyloidosis usually runs a much more slowly progressive course [121–123] and is treated differently.


Fig. 7.11
Cross section of a heart from a patient with severe senile systemic amyloidosis. The heart is evenly infiltrated with amyloid
Aorta and Other Arteries
Congophilic angiopathy is a well-known, usually Aβ-derived, cerebral, amyloid form, but amyloid deposits restricted to vessels are also common outside the brain and are of a different biochemical nature. Typically, segments of vessels, mainly small arteries, have pronounced amyloid deposits, replacing most of, or the whole of, the media layer. Such deposits are most commonly parts of a systemic amyloidosis rather than tissue-limited.
There are amyloid forms that may be found in different sites in the body but are limited to the vascular walls. In a way, these forms fall between the systemic and localized amyloids but, for practical reasons, they are generally classified as localized. At least the most common of them, AMed amyloid, has a fibril protein, which is synthesized at the place of deposition, similar to other localized amyloid types. Amyloid appearing in atherosclerotic plaques may be an exception in that the fibril protein might be derived from the blood plasma.
Faint deposits of amyloid in arteries, particularly the aorta and associated with aging, have been known for a long time. With the introduction of immunohistochemistry, it was found that the aging aorta is the target of three common and biochemically distinct forms of amyloid, which form deposits principally in the adventitia, media, or intima [124]. The adventitial deposits were found to be a manifestation of senile systemic amyloidosis (wild-type transthyretin derived) while the two others were confined to the vessel walls.

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