
chapter 13


Fine-needle aspiration (FNA) is a mainstay in the evaluation of liver masses. It is usually performed percutaneously with guidance by computed tomography (CT), ultrasound, or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI), and its principal value is in the diagnosis of malignancies. (The large core needle biopsy is generally reserved for diffuse liver diseases such as hepatitis and cirrhosis, for which large-scale architectural details are important.) The sensitivity of FNA ranges from 71% to 94% and specificity from 87% to 100%, with an accuracy of 90% to 94%.121 False-positive diagnoses are very uncommon; hepatic dysplasia, bile duct hamartoma, and focal nodular hyperplasia (FNH) have been misdiagnosed as malignant.7,22,23 Cell block preparations facilitate the subtyping of tumors.24

Obtaining brushings during endoscopic retrograde cholangiopancreatography (ERCP) is preferred for diagnosing tumors at the hilum of the liver, particularly cholangiocarcinoma.25,26 When brushings are negative or inconclusive, endosonography-guided FNA is used.1618,25,27, 28 In a recently described technique, a sample is obtained using a small forceps biopsy; histology is combined with cytology of tissue squashed between two slides (smash technique).29

FNA has also been used in the routine monitoring of liver transplants for acute cellular rejection.3036 Slides are air-dried and stained with a Romanowsky stain. Lymphocytes are examined for evidence of activation (enlargement, “blast” forms), and hepatocytes for signs of injury (swelling, vacuolization, necrosis) and cholestasis.35 The technique is not useful for diagnosing causes of chronic rejection.32

Complications of liver FNA are rare and include hemorrhage,18,37,38 pain,18 bile peritonitis, infection,39 and anaphylactic shock (after aspiration of an echinococcal cyst). FNA is associated with a very low risk (0.1% to 0.6%) of tumor seeding38,4045 and recurrence of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) after liver transplantation.46 Procedure-related death is very uncommon (mortality rate of 0.6%).18,4750

The Normal Liver

Benign liver cells are often seen in aspirates of liver masses and even, occasionally, in aspirates of adjacent organs such as the pancreas, right kidney, right adrenal gland, and the right lower lobe of the lung, when the liver is penetrated en route to the target organ. The components of a normal liver aspirate commonly include hepatocytes, bile duct epithelium, Kupffer cells, and sheets of mesothelial cells.

The first four conditions listed in the differential diagnosis have characteristic clinical and/or imaging findings and should be considered when an FNA of the liver is composed entirely of normal liver cells (predominantly hepatocytes) and the patient has a focal lesion. The possibility of sampling error must also be considered. In steatosis (fatty metamorphosis), many hepatocytes have large cytoplasmic vacuoles filled with lipid (Fig. 13.3). This alteration of the liver is seen with toxic-metabolic injuries such as those caused by alcohol consumption, diabetes, obesity, drugs (e.g., methotrexate), total parenteral nutrition, post jejunoileal bypass surgery, and hepatitis C. Although this is usually a diffuse liver abnormality, some cases of steatosis show areas of low attenuation on CT scan that suggest an infiltrative tumor. Steatosis can be a component of focal nodular hyperplasia and hepatic adenoma; thus correlation with imaging and clinical findings is essential.


Hepatic Abscess

Hepatic abscesses can be bacterial, fungal, or amebic, the last principally due to Entamoeba histolytica. Bacterial abscesses result from ascending cholangitis and sepsis. The most common organisms are streptococci, staphylococci, and enteric bacteria. Fungal abscesses are most common in immunocompromised patients. Candida species are the most common pathogens.

Amebic abscesses are rare in the United States but common in other countries, particularly developing nations. They are caused by the protozoan Entamoeba histolytica and are usually a sequela of colonic infection.

A careful search for malignant cells is essential whenever an aspirate shows abundant necrotic debris or acute inflammation, or both. Microbiologic culture helps to confirm a presumptive diagnosis of infection. For this reason, an on-site evaluation is crucial to ensure that aspirated material is sent for culture.

Echinococcal Cyst (Hydatid Cyst)

The larval form of Echinococcus granulosus, a dog tapeworm, causes infection in a variety of organs in humans, chiefly the liver. In one series of hepatic cysts 4 cm or larger in diameter, 10% were echinococcal cysts.51 The disease is endemic in the countries bordering the Mediterranean and Baltic seas, in South America, and in Australia and New Zealand. It is also seen in North America. Infection can be asymptomatic. Imaging studies reveal a solitary cyst, often with a fluid level. An outer, acellular, laminated membrane lines the cyst. The internal, germinal layer gives rise to daughter cysts, each of which contains scolices with numerous hooklets. Hooklets resist degeneration, but scolices can be lost in longstanding cysts with degeneration.

Although anaphylactic shock has been reported as an occasional complication of FNA,47 its incidence has not been established, and successful aspiration without serious complications has been observed.34,5254 Other parasitic diseases that manifest with a liver mass include schistosomiasis, clonorchiasis, and visceral larva migrans.55

Other Infections

Infection by the hepatotropic viruses (hepatitis A, B, and C viruses) is generally not evaluated by FNA, because the diagnostic changes of acute, subacute, and chronic hepatitis caused by these viruses are primarily architectural and not cytologic. Immunocompromised patients can develop hepatitis caused by cytomegalovirus (CMV) and herpesviruses, but such cases also result in diffuse liver disease and are rarely diagnosed by FNA.

Granulomas are seen in miliary tuberculosis, sarcoidosis, primary biliary cirrhosis, Hodgkin lymphoma, and drug reactions. Cytologic features are described elsewhere (see Figs. 2.15 and 2.4). The differential diagnosis of granulomatous inflammation includes a hepatic angiomyolipoma (AML) because the myoid cells of an AML have a syncytium-like appearance similar to that of epithelioid histiocytes. The presence of adipocytes and extramedullary hematopoiesis are clues to the diagnosis of AML.

Benign Lesions

Solitary Cysts

Solitary, nonparasitic cysts of the liver include the simple unilocular cyst, which is lined by cuboidal or columnar epithelium that resembles biliary epithelium. The aspirated fluid is typically hypocellular and nondiagnostic.

The ciliated foregut cyst is also solitary and unilocular and is lined by respiratory-type epithelium.

Bile duct cystadenomas and cystadenocarcinomas are multilocular tumors lined by mucinous epithelium and filled with watery or viscous fluid. The cystadenoma is lined by a single layer of benign mucin-producing cells, whereas the cystadenocarcinoma shows nuclear pleomorphism and stromal infiltration; the latter cannot be evaluated on cytologic preparations.


Cirrhosis, whether caused by alcoholic hepatitis, viral hepatitis, or other diseases, results in a disruption of normal liver architecture, with bands of fibrosis separating nodules of regenerating hepatocytes. Some regenerative nodules are larger than others and, on imaging studies, raise the specter of malignancy, primarily that of hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC), because patients with cirrhosis are at increased risk for developing HCC. Focal lesions in the setting of cirrhosis are often biopsied by FNA, although accuracy may be higher with needle biopsy or a combination of the two.2

The distinction between a cirrhotic nodule and a well-differentiated HCC can be problematic. When hepatocyte atypia is due to cirrhosis, there is a wide morphologic spectrum ranging from normal hepatocytes to markedly atypical ones, whereas an HCC is generally more monomorphic. Other features of HCC, rare or absent in cirrhosis, include an increased nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, a thickened trabecular arrangement of hepatocytes surrounded by endothelial cells, acinar architecture, and atypical naked nuclei. Larger tissue fragments composed of normal hepatocytes are characteristic of cirrhosis, whereas trabeculae of variable thickness are seen in HCC.56 The hepatocyte dysplasia of cirrhosis features loose hepatocyte clusters with minimal or no endothelial wrapping, cellular enlargement with preservation of a normal nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio, and cytoplasmic basophilia.57 A combination of features permits the diagnosis in most cases of HCC.23,58, 59

Specimens composed of hepatocytes without atypia are cytologically indistinguishable from the remainder of the conditions listed in the differential diagnosis; the diagnosis requires clinical-pathologic correlation. Nodular regenerative hyperplasia is a poorly understood condition in which small nodules of regenerating liver are scattered diffusely throughout the liver. Unlike cirrhosis, these nodules are not separated by bands of fibrosis, but patients often have portal hypertension and ascites.

Focal Nodular Hyperplasia

FNH is a benign liver lesion that possibly results from focal vasculopathy. It usually manifests as a solitary mass or, less commonly, several masses. Most patients are women in their third or fourth decade. The nodules usually contain a central scar, which can be appreciated on imaging studies. Histologic examination reveals nodules of hepatocytes that are separated by radiating fibrous septae that contain bile ductules.

These conditions are cytologically indistinguishable, and radiologic and clinical correlation is necessary. FNHs express the usual markers of hepatocellular differentiation, including HepPar1, thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1) (cytoplasmic staining), arginase-1 (ARG-1), and CAM5.2, and canalicular staining for polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA). A core biopsy can help by suggesting or confirming the diagnosis of FNH if bile ductules are present within the lesion: Bile ductules rule out an adenoma. Thus if FNH is suspected on the basis of imaging findings, and the rapid on-site assessment shows only normal hepatocytes and/or ductal cells, the cytologist can recommend a concurrent core biopsy.

The distinction between FNH and hepatic adenoma is a difficult but important one, inasmuch as hepatic adenomas, unlike FNH, have an increased risk of life-threatening hemorrhage and are linked to HCC. Molecular studies have confirmed the distinction between FNH and hepatic adenoma and have identified at least three different subtypes of hepatic adenoma.60,61 Data from molecular studies have led to the application of selected immunohistochemical markers (glutamine synthetase, liver fatty acid–binding protein, serum amyloid A or C-reactive protein, and β-catenin) in the distinction between FNH and hepatic adenoma in needle biopsies.62 For example, glutamine synthetase has a characteristic maplike staining pattern in FNH. They have not been widely applied to FNAs, however, and interpretation of these markers, especially in limited samples, can be problematic and is best deferred to specialists with experience in liver biopsies.

Hepatic Adenoma

Hepatic adenomas are rare benign neoplasms usually encountered in women under the age of 30, especially those with a history of long-term use of oral contraceptives. Patients often present with abdominal pain.63 These lesions may rupture through the liver capsule, resulting in intraperitoneal hemorrhage, and they have been linked to HCC. Malignant transformation to HCC is rare but well documented.61 Histologically, they lack portal triads and are composed exclusively of hepatocytes. So-called naked arterioles—arterioles surrounded by scant connective tissue without bile ducts—are characteristic.

Hepatic adenomas express the usual markers of hepatocellular differentiation, including HepPar1, TTF-1 (cytoplasmic staining), ARG-1, and CAM5.2, and canalicular staining for polyclonal CEA. With regard to the distinction between FNH and hepatic adenoma, the presence of bile duct epithelium in the lesion helps to exclude hepatic adenoma,64 but in practice clinical and radiologic correlation is necessary. Molecular studies have confirmed the distinction between FNH and hepatic adenoma and have identified several different subtypes of hepatic adenoma.60,61 If needed, immunohistochemical markers (glutamine synthetase, liver fatty acid binding protein, serum amyloid A or C-reactive protein, and β-catenin) can aid in the distinction between FNH and hepatic adenoma in needle biopsy specimens,62 but interpretation is best deferred to specialists with experience in liver biopsies.

The cells of HCC have a higher nuclear-to-cytoplasmic ratio and more architectural derangement than is seen in adenomas.

Bile Duct Hamartoma and Adenoma

The bile duct hamartoma (von Meyenberg complex) is characterized by multiple small nodules dispersed throughout the liver and composed of haphazardly arranged bile ductules and fibrous stroma. The bile duct adenoma is usually a solitary subcapsular nodule less than 1 cm in diameter.


The hemangioma is the most common benign tumor of the liver. Histologically, dilated vascular spaces are lined by benign endothelial cells. Most hemangiomas are recognized radiologically with sufficient accuracy and an FNA is not necessary. Occasional hemangiomas have unusual imaging features, however, and an FNA is performed to exclude a more significant lesion. If the lesion is well sampled, cytologic findings are characteristic. Some of these tumors, however, show only blood or benign hepatocytes.65 If a spindle cell lesion of the liver is encountered, it is most likely a hemangioma. The next most likely lesions are metastatic gastrointestinal stromal tumor (GIST), metastatic leiomyosarcoma, and granulomatous hepatitis.66 Epithelioid hemangioendothelioma is rare in the liver, with larger, epithelioid cells and greater cytologic atypia and dyshesion.67


AML is the most common benign tumor of the kidney. It is seen less often in other locations but does occur in the liver, mediastinum, heart, spermatic cord, vaginal wall, fallopian tube, oral cavity, pharynx, nasal cavity, skin, and parotid gland. Of the extrarenal sites, the liver is the most common; to date, more than 100 hepatic AMLs have been reported worldwide.68

Hepatic AML shares many clinical features with its renal counterpart. The average age at diagnosis is about 50 years. Although 60% of patients are symptomatic, many tumors, particularly small ones, are diagnosed incidentally by imaging studies. Hepatic AMLs can rupture spontaneously, just like their renal counterparts, but this is uncommon. Some patients with a hepatic AML have tuberous sclerosis as do some patients with a renal AML.

AMLs of the liver range in size from 0.3 to 36 cm in diameter (mean 9 cm) and are well circumscribed. Hemorrhage, necrosis, and calcification are rare. As with AMLs of the kidney, many are not biopsied, because their high fat content permits an accurate diagnosis by CT or MRI studies. Only the radiologically atypical AMLs (usually due to low fat content) undergo biopsy. One study of 49 sporadic hepatic AMLs found no loss of heterozygosity or microsatellite instability in any of the cases.69

The proportions of the components vary considerably from patient to patient. Some tumors are composed predominantly of adipose tissue, whereas others have virtually no fat and are almost exclusively myoid. The myoid cells may cause diagnostic difficulty because they can be epithelioid and markedly pleomorphic with bizarre giant cells, and they may show mitotic activity. In contrast with renal AMLs, extramedullary hematopoiesis is a frequent feature, seen in 40% of cases.

Hepatic AMLs can be diagnosed accurately by FNA.70 The correct diagnosis rests on identifying the triad of fat, vessels, and smooth muscle, but the myoid component is the only specific and diagnostic component of AML. The myoid cells have indistinct cell membranes and abundant granular cytoplasm. Sheets of myoid cells, therefore, have a syncytium-like appearance that resembles that of a granuloma. Adipose tissue is not consistently present.71 The positivity of the myoid cells for HMB-45 and Melan-A is a very helpful diagnostic feature (see Fig. 15.4D).72 Almost one half of AMLs of the liver have extramedullary hematopoiesis, a striking finding that should make one consider the diagnosis of an AML.

The differential diagnosis includes hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC). The cells of HCC have distinct cytoplasmic borders, unlike the myoid cells of AML, which have a fibrillar cytoplasm with indistinct cell membranes. Because hematopoietic elements are seen in many hepatic AMLs, the differential diagnosis also includes myelolipoma and nodular hematopoiesis of the liver, but cytologic samples from these lesions lack the myoid cells of AML. Because the myoid cells vary widely in their appearance, they can mimic a variety of spindle and epithelioid cell neoplasms of the liver. Their indistinct cell membranes and arrangement in nodular aggregates may cause them to be mistaken for the epithelioid histiocytes of granulomas, especially when hematopoietic elements are interspersed. Ultimately, the diagnosis rests on showing that the large neoplastic cells are positive for HMB-45 and/or MelanA (Mart-1).

Because a small percentage of hepatic AMLs rupture, a patient who is symptomatic or has a large tumor or does not have a definitive diagnosis may be considered for resection. Nevertheless, the majority of patients are spared surgical resection, and their tumors are monitored by periodic imaging studies.

Malignant Tumors

Hepatocellular Carcinoma

HCC accounts for 90% of all primary cancers of the liver. It is less common in the Unites States and Western Europe than in Africa and Asia. In the United States, a majority of cases are seen in the setting of cirrhosis. Most patients are over the age of 50, but children and younger adults can be affected. An alpha-fetoprotein (AFP) serum level greater than 4000 ng/mL is highly suggestive of HCC, but elevated titers are not present in all cases.

The tumor can manifest as a solitary nodule, as multiple nodules, or as diffuse liver enlargement. Histologically, HCCs are divided into classical and “special types.”61 The classical HCC has three architectural patterns that often occur in combination and can be appreciated cytologically, especially with cell block preparations: trabecular, pseudoglandular (acinar), and compact. In addition, classical HCC has myriad cytologic variants, including pleomorphic cells, clear cells, spindle cells, and fatty change. Bile is prominent in a minority of tumors, and a variety of cytoplasmic inclusions are occasionally encountered (Mallory hyaline bodies, globular hyaline bodies, pale bodies, and ground glass). The special types of HCC include fibrolamellar carcinoma, scirrhous HCC, undifferentiated carcinoma, lymphoepithelioma-like carcinoma, and sarcomatoid HCC.

There is a wide range of differentiation, from well-differentiated tumors that resemble normal liver, to poorly differentiated ones with marked nuclear pleomorphism and tumor giant cells (Fig. 13-9A and B). Because the cytomorphology and differential diagnosis are distinctly different at the two ends of the spectrum of HCC (i.e., well-to-moderately versus poorly differentiated), they are presented separately. HCCs express the usual markers of hepatocellular differentiation, including HepPar1, TTF-1 (cytoplasmic staining), ARG-1, and CAM5.2, and show canalicular staining for polyclonal CEA.

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Jun 16, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Liver

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