labelled leukocyte scan sensitive diagnostic test for acute osteomyelitis and soft-tissue infections
laceration torn/jagged cut/wound
Lachman’s test see test, anterior drawer
lamina flat layer of tissue, e.g. arrangement of dorsal horn of spinal cord)
lance drain pus from an abscess, by perforation of overlying tissue
lancet small, sharp-pointed, two-edged blade; used to incise an abscess
lancinating sharp, shearing, shooting pain
lansoprazole; Zoton see proton pump inhibitors
last wooden or plastic model over which shoe upper and sole are formed during manufacture (see Tables C22 and F7)
latency time period between stimulus delivery and evoked response
lateral opposite to medial, i.e. away from central sagittal plane
lateral column calcaneum, cuboid, fourth and fifth metatarsals and respective digital phalanges; see medial column
lateral compartment of lower leg see compartments of the lower leg; Table O8, Figure C2
lateral cuneiform most lateral cuneiform; lies within medial column; see cuneiform, lateral
lateral cutaneous nerve see sural nerve
lateral longitudinal arch low-profile lateral border bony arch; ‘keystone’ formed by cuboid
lateral medio-oblique projection see Table R1
lateral plantar nerve terminal division of sciatic nerve, subserving plantar sensation; its first branch forms Baxter’s nerve; see Table H11; its deep branch innervates adductor hallucis, lateral three lumbricals, medial two plantar interossei and medial three dorsal interossei
lateral projection lateral radiograph of foot; X-ray tube is angled at 90° to sagittal plane with beam centred on hindfoot (see Table R1)
lateral support padding soft splintage/strapping applied as medial support padding (see Figure M2) + individual straps applied to maintain heel eversion; short-term therapeutic management of lateral ankle pain or trauma
lateral talocalcaneal ligament; LTCL an ankle joint collateral ligament
laterality preferred foot/hand in relation to contralateral cerebral dominance
lateromedial oblique projection see Table R1
latex technique orthoses see latex shields
lavage wound flushing with e.g. “Warmasol”
layer tissue sheet of uniform thickness
epidermal layers see epidermis; skin
LDL see low-density lipoprotein
Box L1 Effects of limb length discrepancy
treatment of minor LLD (i.e. <1 cm LLD) heel rise to shorter leg
Legg–Calvé–Perthe’s disease see disease, Legg–Calvé–Perthe’s
lemniscus bundle of nerve fibres ascending from spinal cord sensory nuclei to the thalamus
lepra cells tissue histiocytes that engulf leprosy bacilli (Mycobacterium leprae)
leproma discrete circumscribed focus of granulomatous inflammation, caused by Mycobacterium leprae infection
leprosy; Hansen’s disease see disease, Hansen’s
lesion wound, injury or pathological tissue changes
lesser metatarsalgia pain (due to a range of causes) in lesser metatarsals area, affecting any tissue within that area (see Table M11)
lesser rays columns of bones + associated joints forming the forefoot (except first ray)

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