
Chapter 24 Miscellaneous isoprenoids

In addition to the groups of compounds considered in Chapters 22 and 23, there exists in nature a tremendous range of other isoprenoids, some of which have become of increasing interest as medicinal agents. There are also those plant metabolites of ‘mixed’ biogenetic origin which contain an isoprenoid moiety (e.g. some indole alkaloids, the cannabinoids and chlorophylls) and these are considered in other appropriate chapters.


As illustrated in Figures 18.18 and 18.19, the monoterpenes are derived from the C10 geranyl pyrophosphate and constitute important components of volatile oils. Other examples are given below. Monoterpenoid compounds are reviewed regularly in Natural Product Reports (for coverage of the 1990 literature see D. H. Grayson, ibid., 1994, 11, 225).


Gentian (Gentian Root BP, EP, BHP) consists of the dried fermented rhizomes and roots of the yellow gentian, Gentiana lutea L. (Gentianaceae), a perennial herb about 1 m high found in the mountainous districts of central and southern Europe and Turkey. Important districts for its collection are the Pyrenees, the Jura and Vosges Mountains, the Black Forest, former Yugoslavia and the Carpathians.

As it is now a protected plant in some areas, attempts are being made to cultivate it in some EU countries (France, Italy, Germany); for this, the initial selection of plant material is of vital importance.


Gentian contains bitter glycosides, alkaloids, yellow colouring matters, sugars, pectin and fixed oil.

The seco-iridoid gentiopicroside (also known as gentiopicrin and gentiamarin; formula see Fig. 24.1) is the principal constituent and was isolated from fresh gentian root in 1862. It occurs to the extent of about 2% and on hydrolysis yields a lactone (gentiogenin) and glucose. A biphenolic acid ester of gentiopicroside, amarogentin, which occurs in small amount (0.025 to 0.05%) has a bitterness value some 5000 times greater than that of gentiopicroside and is therefore an important constituent of the root; other bitters isolated are sweroside and swertiamarin. The isoprenoid gentiolactone has been separated into its enantiomers (Fig. 24.1) by HPLC involving a chiral column (R. Kakuda et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2003, 51, 885) and the same group of workers (J. Toriumi et al., Chem. Pharm. Bull., 2003, 51, 89) has reported on new triterpenes in addition to α-amyrin, β-amyrin and lupeol.

The yellow colour of fermented gentian root is due to xanthones (Chapter 21) and includes gentisin (also known as gentiamarin) (Fig. 21.16), isogentisin and gentioside (a 3β-primeverosidoisogentisin). Gentian also contains gentisic acid (2,5-dihydroxybenzoic acid) and about 0.03% of the alkaloids gentianine and gentialutine, which may be artefacts of the preparation process.

The bitter principles of G. lutea and G. purpurea have been assayed by HPLC and separated preparatively by overpressure layer chromatography. The official BP bitterness value of the root should be not less than 10 000 when determined by comparison with quinine (200 000).

Gentian is rich in sugars, which include the trisaccharide gentianose, the disaccharides gentiobiose and sucrose. During the fermentationprocess these are partially hydrolysed into glucose and fructose. If fermentation is allowed to proceed too far, the hexose sugars are converted into alcohol and carbon dioxide. Gentian should yield 33–40% of water-soluble extractive (BP not less than 33%), but highly fermented root yields much less.

For references to the chemical composition and to the seasonal variations in the content of secondary metabolites, in the aerial parts of G. lutea, see N. Menkovic× et al., Planta Medica, 2000, 66, 178.

Three monoamine oxidase inhibitors have been located in the bark (H. Haraguchi et al., Phytochemistry, 2004, 65, 2255).


Centaury (BP/EP, BHP), family Gentianaceae consists of the dried flowering aerial parts of Centaureum erythraea Rafn, including C. majus and C. suffruticosum.

The biennial plant, some 30 cm in height, is widely distributed throughout Europe, N. America, N. Africa and W. Asia; it is exported from Morocco, Bulgaria and Hungary.

As seen in the dried drug, the hollow stems are yellowish-green with distinct ribs; the sessile leaves, 1–5 cm long, are light green in colour, obovate or spathulate in outline with an entire margin and an obtuse apex; the inflorescence consists of a tubular five-toothed calyx and a joined five-lobed, white-pinkish corolla, five stamens and a cylindrical ovary having parietal placentation and several small brown seeds.

Features of the above are seen in the powder and include fragments of leaf having sinuous epidermal cells with striated cuticles and prisms, occasionally clusters, of calcium oxalate in the mesophyll cells; pollen grains are about 25–30 μm in diameter with three pores and a pitted exine.

The drug has a very bitter taste due to small amounts of seco-iridoid glycosides. Compounds characterized include centapicrin, swertiamarin, sweroside and gentiopicroside. The BP TLC test for identity uses a swertiamarin/rutin test solution. Other constituents include flavonoids (up to 0.4%), methylated xanthone derivatives, traces of pyridine and actinidine alkaloids (Fig. 24.1), triterpenoids and various acids.

Centaury is employed as a bitter, stimulating the appetite and increasing the secretion of bile and gastric juice.


Three common European plantains are Plantago major L. (common plantain), P. media L. (hoary plantain) and P. lanceolata L.s.l. (ribort plantain, ribwort). They are distributed generally throughout Europe and temperate Asia and have become naturalized in the US and elsewhere; they are common weeds of lawns and cultivated ground. The dried leaves of P. major collected at the time of flowering are included in the BHP 1983 and the leaves and scape of P. lanceolata in the BP/EP (the scape is the leafless ridged pedicel bearing the terminal spike.

The leaves of P. major are 10–30 cm in length, ovate or elliptic, entire or irregularly toothed with the blade abruptly contracting into the long petiole. In the dried drug the leaves are brittle and often folded. P. lanceolata has strongly ribbed, ovate to lanceolate leaves up to 30 cm in length and 4 cm wide with the blade gradually narrowing into the petiole which is about half as long as the blade. The leaf margin is distinctly toothed. The deeply furrowed five- to seven-ribbed scape usually exceeds the leaves in length and terminates in a characteristic spike of bracts and small white flowers, the long stamens of which in the fresh plant are particularly conspicuous.

Both species have similar microscopical features and these, particularly the clothing and glandular trichomes, are fully described in the pharmacopoeias.


The constituents appear similar for both species and include the iridoid aucubin and derivatives (Fig. 24.1), flavonoids, e.g. apigenin and luteolin (see Table 21.5), sugars, mucilage and various organic acids. The BP/EP requires a minimum of 1.5% of total o-dihydroxycinnamic acid derivatives expressed as acteoside and detects contamination of the drug with Digitalis lanata leaves by TLC.


Valerian consists of the rhizome, stolons and roots of Valeriana officinalis L.s.l. (Valerianaceae), collected in the autumn and dried at a temperature below 40 °C. The plant is a perennial about 1–2 m high. It is obtained from wild and cultivated plants in The Netherlands, Belgium, France, Germany, eastern Europe and Japan. It is also cultivated in the USA. Polyploidy occurs in V. officinalis and there are diploid, tetraploid and octoploid types. British valerian is usually octoploid and central European usually tetraploid.


The drug yields about 0.5–1.0% of volatile oil. This contains esters (bornyl isovalerate, bornyl acetate (c. 13.0%), bornyl formate, eugenyl isovalerate, isoeugenyl isovalerate), alcohols, eugenol, terpenes and sesquiterpenes (e.g. valerenal, c. 12%). The latter comprise various acids, esters, alcohols and a ketone (faurinone) some of which are illustrated in the formulae shown (Fig. 24.2).

Also present in the drug are epoxy-iridoid esters called vale-potriates: for example valtrate, didrovaltrate, acevaltrate, and isovaleroyloxyhydroxydidrovaltrate (see formulae).

Valerian also contains alkaloids (0.05–0.1% in the dried root); no structures have been assigned to those (e.g. chatinine and valerine) described in the older literature. Two quaternary alkaloids with a monoterpene structure and which are not identical with those previously isolated have been reported; they are similar to skytanthine and related alkaloids, which occur in widely separated families.

Seasonal variations in the constituents of valerian raised in the Netherlands have been reported. Thus the accumulation of valerenic acid and its derivatives together with valepotriates reached a maximum in February to March whereas the volatile oil remained essentially constant during the period of study. Strains producing 0.9% essential oil and a high content of valerenic acid and derivatives (0.5%) were recognizable (R. Bos et al., Planta Medica, 1998, 64, 143). For the clinical significance of such strains see ‘Action and uses’.

Thirteen valepotriates have been identified in the suspension root culture of V. officinalis; root differentiation promotes production. A new iridoid diester, not present in untransformed roots, has been reported in hairy root cultures of var. sambucifolia which also produce various kessane derivatives, tentatively identified as kessyl alcohol and acetate. (F. Grünicher et al., Phytochemistry, 1995, 38, 103; 40, 142).

Action and uses

Valerian is used as a carminative, and as an antispasmodic in hysteria and other nervous disorders. It is often prescribed with bromides or other sedatives. Considerable quantities of valerian are used by the perfumery industry.

Previously, one problem with valerian preparations was their unreliability of action and this undoubtedly arose from both the unstable nature of the active constituents and the genetic variability of the plant material. The situation was not helped by the lack of success in ascetaining the identity of the sedative components. The volatile oil did not appear to account for the entire action of the drug and the alkaloids were also ruled out in this respect. Subsequent characterization and demonstration of activity in the group of compounds termed valepotriates in the late 1960s and early 1970s appeared in part to resolve the situation and interest turned to these compounds. Nevertheless, it had previously been demonstrated that two sesquiterpene components of the oil, valerenic acid and valeranone, were physiologically active. Further, a related species Nardostachys jatamansi, which is used in Asia for the treatment of nervous diseases, was shown to contain valeranone but lacked valepotriates. In 1978 the pharmacological properties of valeranone were confirmed and Japanese workers concluded that the sedative properties of Japanese valerian could be ascribed to this group of compounds. When, therefore, reports on the cytotoxicity of valtrate and didrovaltrate appeared in 1981 and 1982 (although no side-effects of oral administration of valerian in man have been reported), attention switched to races and species of valerian, as well as selective preparations of the drug, which lacked these compounds.


Devil’s claw BP/EP consists of the cut and dried tuberous secondary roots of Harpagophytum procumbens D.C. and/or H. zeyheri L. Decne. It contains not less than 1.2% harpagoside calculated with reference to the dried drug.

The plant, which derives its name from the characteristic structure of the fruit, is native to Southern and Eastern Africa and is largely obtained from Namibia, with lesser amounts from S. Africa and Botswana. In 2002, at the height of the drug’s popularity, exports from S. Africa amounted to some 1018 tonnes of dried tubers, representing millions of plants. To avoid extinction of the plant, a proposal was made to add it to the CITES list but in deference to the effect on the economy of rural areas this was withdrawn and efforts were initiated to develop microprogation techniques to solve the problem. For a full review, see ‘Further reading’.

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