Introduction to pharmacology

1 Introduction to pharmacology

Molecular basis of pharmacology


Receptors are the means through which endogenous ligands produce their effects. A receptor is a specific protein molecule that is usually located in the cell membrane, although intracellular receptors and intranuclear receptors also exist.

A ligand that binds and activates a receptor is an agonist. However, a ligand that binds to a receptor but does not activate the receptor, also prevents an agonist from doing so. Such a ligand is called an antagonist.

The following are naturally occurring ligands:

Each cell expresses only certain receptors, depending on the function of the cell. Receptor number and responsiveness to messengers can be modulated.

In many cases there is more than one receptor for each messenger, so that the messenger often has different pharmacological specificity and different functions according to where it binds (e.g. adrenaline is able to produce different effects in different tissues).

Using conventional molecular biology techniques it is now possible to clone receptors and express them in cultured cells, thus allowing their properties to be studied. In particular, amino acid mutations can be reproduced so that the relation between protein structure and function can be evaluated.

There are four main types of receptor (Fig. 1.2).

2 G-protein linked receptors

G-protein linked receptors (Fig. 1.4) are involved in relatively fast transduction. G-protein linked receptors are the predomínant receptor type in the body; muscarinic, ACh, adrenergic, dopamine, serotonin and opiate receptors are all examples of G-protein linked receptors.


Figure 1.5 illustrates the mechanism of G-protein linked receptors:

This whole process results in an amplification effect because the binding of an agonist to the receptor can cause the activation of numerous G-proteins which in turn can each, via their association with the effector, produce many molecules of product.

Many types of G-protein exist. This is probably attributable to the variability of the α subunit. Gs and Gi/Go cause stimulation and inhibition, respectively, of the target enzyme adenylyl cyclase. This explains why muscarinic ACh receptors (Gi/Go linked) and β-adrenoreceptors (Gs linked) located in the heart produce opposite effects. The bacterial toxins cholera and pertussis can be used in order to determine which G-protein is involved in a particular situation. Each has enzymic action on a conjugation reaction with the α subunit, such that:

Targets for G-proteins

G-proteins interact with either ion channels or secondary messengers. G-proteins may activate ion channels directly, e.g. muscarinic receptors in the heart are linked to potassium channels which open directly on interaction with the G-protein, causing a slowing down of the heart rate. Secondary messengers are a family of mediating chemicals that transduces the receptor activation in to a cellular response. These mediators can be targeted and three main secondary messenger systems exist as targets of G-proteins (Fig. 1.6).

Drug–receptor interactions

Most drugs produce their effects by acting through specific protein molecules called receptors.

Receptors respond to endogenous chemicals in the body that are either synaptic transmitter substances (e.g. ACh, noradrenaline) or hormones (endocrine, e.g. insulin; or local mediators, e.g. histamine). These chemicals or drugs are classed as:

Electrostatic forces initially attract a drug to a receptor. If the shape of the drug corresponds to that of the binding site of the receptor, then it will be held there temporarily by weak bonds or, in the case of irreversible antagonists, permanently by stronger covalent bonds. It is the number of bonds and goodness of fit between drug and receptor that determines the affinity of the drug for that receptor, such that the greater the number of bonds and the better the goodness of fit, the higher the affinity will be.

The affinity is defined by the dissociation constant, which is given the symbol Kd. The lower the Kd, the higher the affinity. Kd values in the nanomolar range represent drugs (D) with a high affinity for their receptor (R):


The rate at which the forward reaction occurs depends on the drug concentration [D] and the receptor concentration [R]:


The rate at which the backward reaction occurs mainly depends on the interaction between the drug and the receptor [DR]:


Ka is the association constant and is used to quantify affinity. It can be defined as the concentration of drug that produces 50% of the maximum response at equilibrium, in the absence of receptor reserve:


Drugs with a high affinity stay bound to their receptor for a relatively long time and are said to have a slow off-rate. This means that at any time the probability that any given receptor will be occupied by the drug is high.

The ability of a drug to combine with one type of receptor is termed specificity. Although no drug is truly specific, most exhibit relatively selective action on one type of receptor.

Apr 8, 2017 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Introduction to pharmacology

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