CHAPTER 46 Introduction to Aesthetic Medicine
Facial Aging Process
As we age, our skin matures (chronologic aging). This is generally accelerated because of a process known as photo-aging. Photo-aging refers to premature aging from sun exposure, smoking, and genetic predisposition. Healthy skin is defined as skin that is smooth, firm, glowing, clear of blemishes and vascular lesions, and plump with natural moisture. Unhealthy skin is defined as skin that is uneven, blotchy with pigmentation, poor in tone and elasticity (thin), leathery, dull, and covered with age spots, telangiectases, fine lines, and wrinkles. These unwelcome changes are brought about by the pull of gravity and the cumulative damage to DNA, collagen, and cell membranes by free radicals produced from normal cellular metabolism, environmental elements, and sun exposure. (Also see the discussion of aging skin in Chapter 59, Skin Peels.)
Initial Cosmetic and Aesthetic Assessment Visit
Regardless of the reason for the initial visit, it is essential that a full evaluation be made of the overall health status. The general health history questionnaire can be used for an overview, but specific questions should then be asked about the skin (Fig. 46-1). It is important to determine exactly what it is the patient is concerned about because another procedure may be more appropriate than what the patient has requested.