Interstitial Lung Disease
The term interstitial lung disease (ILD) refers to a broad category of lung diseases rather than a specific disease entity.1,2 It includes a variety of illnesses with diverse causes, treatments, and prognoses. These disorders are grouped together because of similarities in their clinical presentations, plain chest radiographic appearance, and physiologic features.
Because there are more than 100 separate disorders, it is helpful to group them based on cause, disease associations, or pathology. An organizational scheme is presented in Figure 1. First, the diseases are broken down into those with known causes or associations and those of unknown cause. Diseases with known causes are further classified based on specific exposure, association with systemic disease, or association with a known genetic disorder. These groups are further divided into specific disease entities. Using this organizational scheme, one can perform a careful and complete history, working toward an accurate diagnosis and appropriate therapy.
Radiographic Features
There is considerable variability among the specific diseases in the character and distribution of radiographic abnormalities. However, for most ILDs, the plain chest radiograph reveals reduced lung volumes with bilateral reticular or reticulonodular opacities. The ready availability of high-resolution computed tomography (HRCT) has highlighted significant radiographic differences between diseases that have similar plain chest radiographic patterns.3 HRCT has the ability to better define the specific characteristics of lung parenchyma seen in each disease, increasing the chance of making a confident diagnosis.4
The plain chest radiograph and HRCT features of idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis (IPF) are important patterns to recognize because, next to sarcoidosis, IPF is the most common ILD, several other ILDs have a similar appearance, and IPF images are the prototypic pattern of fibrotic injury response in the lung. The plain radiograph and HRCT in IPF reveal bilateral, peripheral and basilar predominant disease with reticulonodular infiltrates, often with honeycomb, cystic changes. Figure 2 shows a plain radiograph with bibasilar reticulonodular infiltrates. Note the overall volume loss and poorly demarcated pleural-parenchymal borders along the hemidiaphragms and heart, indicating parenchymal abnormalities extending to the pleura. Figure 3 shows an HRCT image of IPF, with distortion of the lung architecture and traction bronchiectasis, especially at the lung bases. As predicted by the plain radiograph, the abnormalities are strikingly located in the subpleural and dependent areas of the lung. Ground glass abnormalities, increased attenuation of the lung tissue without distortion of the underlying blood vessels or bronchi, are absent or minimal in classic IPF. Pleural disease and significant lymphadenopathy are not seen, although up to two thirds of IPF patients have mild mediastinal adenopathy.5 As the burden of disease increases, the chest x-ray examination can reveal multiple tiny cysts in the most markedly involved regions. This cystic pattern, called honeycombing, reflects end-stage fibrosis and is a feature of many end-stage ILDs.
In contrast to the fibrotic type of injury, some diseases cause an inflammatory abnormality with a much different radiographic image. In cellular nonspecific interstitial pneumonia, the predominant abnormality is ground glass without distortion of the lung architecture or loss of volume, as seen in Figure 4. In addition, the central and mid lung zone locations of abnormalities are distinct from IPF. Understanding these two patterns as ends of an extreme, we shall see how the clinician is able to evaluate other diseases in a similar context.
Physiologic Features
Similar to the radiographic findings, among the specific diseases there can be considerable variability in the physiologic abnormalities seen. However, a restrictive physiologic impairment is the common finding.6 Thus, both forced expiratory volume in one second (FEV1) and forced vital capacity (FVC) are diminished, and the FEV1/FVC ratio is preserved or even supranormal. Lung volumes are reduced, as is the diffusing capacity of the lung for carbon monoxide (DLCO). This reduction in diffusing capacity reflects a pathologic disturbance of the alveolar-capillary interface.
Less often, physiologic obstruction may be the pattern seen. This can be the result of the primary disease process (e.g., lymphangioleiomyomatosis, pulmonary Langerhans cell histiocytosis; some sarcoid patients) or concomitant emphysema or asthma.7 Thus, if ILD develops in a patient with significant emphysema, the opposing physiologic effects of the two diseases can result in deceptively normal spirometry and lung volume measurements, as well as apparently normally compliant lungs. However, because both emphysema and ILD result in impaired gas exchange, the DLCO is significantly decreased.
Exposure-Related Interstitial Lung Disease
Occupational Exposure
The three most common types of occupational ILD are asbestosis, chronic silicosis, and coal worker’s pneumoconiosis (CWP). Predictable clinical and radiographic abnormalities occur in susceptible patients who have been exposed to asbestos.8 These abnormalities include pleural changes (plaques, fibrosis, effusions, atelectasis, and mesothelioma), parenchymal scarring, and lung cancer. Asbestos exposure alone increases the risk of lung cancer only minimally (1.5-3.0 times). Asbestos exposure and cigarette smoking, however, act synergistically to greatly increase the risk of cancer.
The term asbestos-related pulmonary disease may be used to encompass all of these entities, and asbestosis is reserved for patients who have evidence of parenchymal fibrosis. Most patients with asbestosis have had considerable asbestos exposure many years before manifestation of the lung disease. Exposure is often associated with occupations such as shipbuilding or insulation work. Patients report very slowly progressive dyspnea on exertion9 and have crackles on lung examination. Physiologic testing shows restrictive impairment, with reduced DLCO. The chest x-ray examination reveals bilateral lower-zone reticulonodular infiltrates similar to those seen in IPF. With an appropriate exposure history, the presence of radiographic pleural plaques or rounded atelectasis can indicate asbestos as the cause of the ILD, although neither of these findings is required for establishing the diagnosis.
It is important to recognize the association of silicosis with lung cancer and active tuberculosis.10 Patients with silicosis are at increased risk for lung cancer, and the risk is increased when combined with exposure to tobacco smoke, diesel exhaust, or radon gas. Silicosis patients develop active tuberculosis 2- to 30-fold more often than coworkers without silicosis. This association is especially important in societies with a high incidence of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, which markedly increases the risk of silicosis-associated active tuberculosis.
Medication, Drug, and Radiation Exposure
Many drugs have been associated with pulmonary complications of various types, including interstitial inflammation and fibrosis, bronchospasm, pulmonary edema, and pleural effusions.11 Drugs from many different therapeutic classes can cause ILD, including chemotherapeutic agents, antibiotics, antiarrhythmic drugs, and immunosuppressive agents (Box 1). There are no distinct physiologic, radiographic, or pathologic patterns of drug-induced ILD, and the diagnosis is usually made when a patient with ILD is exposed to a medication known to result in lung disease, the timing of the exposure is appropriate for the development of the disease, and other causes of ILD have been eliminated. Treatment is avoidance of further exposure and systemic corticosteroids in markedly impaired or declining patients.
Box 1 Drugs Associated with the Development of Interstitial Lung Disease
Data from Camus P: Drug induced infiltrative lung diseases. In Schwarz MI, King TE (eds): Interstitial lung disease, 4th ed. Hamilton, Ontario, BC Decker, 2003, pp 485-534.
