Information gathering and the final analysis

Chapter 42 Information gathering and the final analysis

As first-hand experimental evidence is not likely to be generally available to the normal complementary healthcare professional, it is important to know where to go to find reliable information and how to use it.

Professional Journals

Many of these are available online and in many instances, providing the embargo date has passed, there is free online access to articles. Note: just because a paper is published in a professional journal does not mean it is flawless.

How is it Possible to make Sense of the Information Available and Place it in a Clinical Setting?

As a clinician exploring the subject of pharmacology, you will probably come across two main types of paper:

• Evidence-Based Medicine

Evidence-based papers can be:

• Scientific Experiments

These are done in a laboratory environment, which is much easier to control than the conditions under which evidence-based medicine investigations are carried out. However, scientific experimentation is not without its problems. Most serious is that the results of scientific experiments, because of the way the experiments are conducted, are far removed from the conditions encountered in everyday life.

In many cases, at the start of an experiment an assumption is made regarding a drug or an active plant metabolite that might not apply to the normal consumption of that compound. The experiment then proceeds as follows:

Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Information gathering and the final analysis

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