, plays a fundamental role to the TB quality. On the other hand, the connectivity of the trabecular bone network, which can be estimated, for instance, through the Euler-Poincaré characteristic, EPC, and the Young modulus of elasticity, E, have shown to be of major importance to describe the mechanical behavior of the structure. On the other hand, the trabecular bone forms a network that is not a regular lattice of straight lines as a truss, by the contrary, nature has chosen a sinuous structural design presenting a highly connected network of bones with rod and plate aspects. Figure 1 is a picture of a masterpiece of Henrique Oliveira1, a Brazilian artist, that nicely resemble the contrast between a straight grid and a tortuous trabecular structure.
Recently the tortuosity [
38], τ, which reflects the network sinuosity degree of a connected path, has been investigated as a geometrical parameter that also affects the mechanical behavior of the trabecular bone structure. In fact, there are several ways to define tortuosity, τ, according to the specific field of application [
10]. Nevertheless, the simplest mathematical definition is the ratio of the geodesic length between two points in a connected region to the Euclidian distance connecting these two points. This definition implies that the tortuosity is such that

. In a porous medium the tortuosity of the pore space is quite relevant for the fluid flow and permeability. On the other hand, when modeling the trabecular bone as a two phase porous medium, one question that may arise is how the tortuosity of the trabecular network influences the mechanical competence of the structure.
In [
5] a study was conducted, based on the Biot-Allard model, showing the angle dependence of tortuosity and elasticity influence on the anisotropic cancellous bone structure using audiofrequencies in air-filled bovine bone replicas produced by stereolithography 3D printing. In [
31] it has been shown that, based on Fourier transform and finite element methods, the normalized stress-strain behavior of a single collagen fiber is influenced by fiber tortuosity. This effect of tortuosity on the stress-strain behavior can be accounted for by the relationship between fiber tortuosity and the source of fiber stress during straining. The resulting stress in a fiber during an uniaxial pull is the result of two components. The first source component is the stress generated from increasing the bond lengths between the backbones of the polymer chains. The second source component is the stress generated from decreasing the overall tortuosity of the fiber. Nevertheless, the influence of tortuosity on the elasticity of the trabecular bone itself is not yet fully understood.
Currently a debate has been conducted about the influence of aging to the distribution of vertical and horizontal trabeculae; some studies have shown that trabeculae aligned in the direction of most frequent stress play an important role to the bone structural strength [
15]. In particular, it has been observed that with aging the human vertebral bone looses mass and trabecular elements, i. e., losses connectivity, resulting in a weaker bone structure leading to a higher fracture risk. Bone density is the main determinant of bone strength, but the microstructure of the trabecular bone is also important to the mechanical behavior of the structure [
30]. The reduction and slender of osteoporotic horizontal trabeculae turn the vertical ones more susceptible to buckling under compression forces, which is no longer reinforced by the horizontal struts. However, how the trabeculae characteristics may influence the bone strength is still a matter of current interest [
The first imaged-based studies concerning the estimation of trabecular bone network tortuosity were presented in [
40], which reveal a high linear correlation between the trabecular network tortuosity in the main stress direction, that can be assumed as vertical, and the trabecular volume fraction (

), connectivity (
EPC) and Young modulus of elasticity (
E). This indicates that tortuosity is an important feature of the bone quality and plays a role on its resistance to load. However, due to the connectivity of the TB network, the tortuosity along other horizontal directions may as well influences
E in the main stress direction, as load-bearing paths are relevant to spread out applied stress and this is one of the investigation concerns addressed in this paper.
Due to the high coefficients obtained in the linear correlation analysis among these four fundamental parameters, by means of the principal component analysis (PCA) a mechanical competence parameter (
MCP) was defined in [
41], merging the four previous ones, with the intent of grading the trabecular bone structural fragility. The study was initially done using 15
ex vivo distal radius samples obtained by
μCT. Here, to further investigate the consistence of the
MCP and its potentiality as a parameter to grade the TB fragility, we compute the
MCP to two additional cohorts: one also from distal radius obtained
in vivo by magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) and the second one, from L3 lumbar vertebrae obtained by
μCT. The elasticity study was performed in two different ways: simulation by finite element method (FEM) for the first two sample’s set and by actual mechanical test for the third one. These analyses are important because verify tortuosity and
MCP consistences, as they will be applied to different image acquisition methods and resolutions, and for two different Young modulus estimation techniques.
The paper is organized as follows: Section
2 presents the materials and methods involved and includes a brief explanation on the parameters of interest, namely: TB volume fraction, Euler-Poincaré characteristic, tortuosity and Young modulus of elasticity. Section
3 provide all the estimates, correlations and principal component analysis and Sect.
4 presents some discussions, while Sect.
5 provide the conclusions.
2 Material and Methods
This section presents the three cohorts that comprise the set of image samples used in our study and briefly explain the concepts and principal aspects concerning the four representative parameters explored in this work, namely,

EPC, τ and
2.1 Cohort Samples
To further investigate the potentiality of the MCP, the present work considers three different sets of trabecular bone 3D image samples: two sets from distal radius, one of them containing 15 ex vivo μCT samples, and the other one containing 103 in vivo MRI samples; the third one containing 29 ex vivo μCT L3 vertebral samples. The final isotropic resolutions are 34 μm to the μCT and 90 μm to the MRI images, and the main analyzed direction was the axial one (craniocaudal to the vertebrae and distal-proximal to the radius).
μCT distal radius samples, with lateral size 12 mm, were harvested with a mean distance of 9.75 mm from the distal extremity, and volumes of interest (VOI) were selected with sizes which vary according to the material’s clinical analysis. They were imaged with the scanner microCT-20 (Scanco Medical, Brüttisellen, Switzerland) and, to the noise removal, the
μCT 3D images were filtered with a Gaussian 3D filter. In each case, the grayscale histogram of the filtered images has two peaks, corresponding to marrow and bone; so, they were binarized using a global threshold equal to the minimum between the two peaks. The 15 image sets have 239 slices each, with 2D ROIs 212 × 212, 237 × 237, 242 × 242, 252 × 252 e 257 × 257 pixels; the 10 other samples have 268 × 268 pixels. Additional details concerning to the sample’s preparation and acquisition protocols are described in [
A set of 29
μCT vertebral samples were supplied by the Department of Forensic Medicine, Jagiellonian University Medical College. The specimens were taken from female individuals without metabolic bone disease or vertebral fractures. Mean and standard deviation of the individuals age were equal to

years, respectively. Immediately after dissection, all soft tissue was cleaned out and the samples were placed in containers filled with ethanol. An X-tek Benchtop CT160Xi high-resolution CT scanner (Nikon Metrology, Tring, UK) was used to scan the vertebral bodies. The images were segmented into bone and marrow cavity phases with a global thresholding method. The segmentation threshold was selected automatically based on the MaxEntropy algorithm [
26], such that the information entropy consistent with a two-phase model be maximal. The final 3D binarized images have size that vary from 770 until 1088 pixels in
x, from 605 until 876 pixels in
y and from 413 until 713 slices (
z direction), being the size average

The elasticity study with these vertebral samples was performed by mechanical test. An MTS Mini Bionix 858.02 loading system with a combined force/torque transducer with range of 25 kN/100 N.m was used to perform the compression tests. The specimens were located between two stiff steel plates which were firmly mounted to the force/torque transduced and to an upper jaw of the loading system. Prior to mechanical testing each probed specimen was glued with a self-curing denture base acrylic resin between two polycarbonate sheets at its endplate surfaces. This procedure was chosen to create two surfaces which will be as parallel as possible above each endplate to transmit the compressive load from the loading system to each specimen in an uniform way. The polycarbonate sheets were removed from the vertebra endplates before the testing. Each vertebra was loaded in compression with a loading rate of 5 mm/min to a certain level of engineering deformation (at most

of the original height of the specimen). The compressive force was monitored during the test with sample rate of 20 Hz. All data that were measured during the compression tests were transformed to plots of applied force and displacement for each specimen. Compliance of the loading system was measured as well, so, during the post-processing, it was possible to gain a true relation between an applied force and deformation of a vertebra body. The stiffness in the linear part of a loading path for each specimen was evaluated and the Young modulus,
E, was defined as the ratio of the product of the stiffness and the vertebral height to the mean cross section area of the vertebral body.
A set of 103 MRI radius samples were considered from the distal metaphysis and from a group including healthy subjects and a mix of disease stages. The MRI acquisitions were performed in a 3 Tesla system and scanned in 3D using a T1-weighted gradient echo sequence (TE/TR/a=5 ms/16 ms/25 º). The MRI images were acquired with a nominal isotropic resolution of 180
μm. MR image processing and analysis were performed with MATLAB R2012a (The MathWorks, Inc., Natick, MA). The image preparation steps consisted of an initial segmentation using a rectangular region of interest, image intensities homogeneity correction, interpolation and binarization. All the steps were applied as in [
2], with the exemption of the interpolation, which was performed by applying a 3D non-local upsampling algorithm, achieving final resolution of 90
μm [
29]. It has 65 samples with 80 slices, 10 with 120 and, the other ones, vary from 30 until 200 slices, predominantly between 50 and 100. Each 2D image has laterals dimensions varying from 38 up to 206 pixels, predominantly around 70 × 100 pixels.
Finite element method simulations were conducted to estimate Young modulus in all the 103 distal radius samples as well as for the 15
μCT distal radius samples. For that, a mesh was created based on the 3D trabecular bone images using an optimized algorithm [
1] implemented in Matlab R2011a, which converts each voxel to an hexahedron element (brick element). Compression stress-strain tests were numerically simulated by a finite element linear-elastic-isotropic analysis performed in Ansys v11.0 (Ansys Inc., Southpointe, PA). The bulk material properties were set to

, a common value assumed to compact bone, and Poisson’s coefficient

. A deformation of 1 % of the edge length was imposed in all the distal radius compression simulations. Computational cost of the simulations was approximately of 5 h per sample on a computer workstation (Quad Core at 2.83 GHz and 8 GB of RAM). After applying the homogenization theory [
23], apparent Young modulus results were obtained.
In general, most of the papers published in scientific journals are based on the authors’ own set of image samples of subjects and upon them the studies are carried on. Nevertheless, as a normal rule, the set of samples are not made available to the research community and most of the times are not even made available under request. Although all the methods and equipments to get the samples are very well described in the material and methods section, there is a lack of freedom for other researchers to access the image database to work with them. The availability of image sample data would let other researchers to actually see the samples, to reproduce the computations presented in the papers, validating by themselves the algorithms and checking results that were published and, above all, allowing the use of the set of samples to further research that can be carried out either as complementary to the original paper or promoting new developments. In this regard, the image samples that are the basis of our study are free data samples made available upon request.
The computations of

CEP and τ values were done using
OsteoImage, a computer program developed by one of the authors especially to TB image analyses. The statistical analyses were performed with the free software RGui [
34] and the 3D image reconstructions were done with ImageJ (
2.2 Volume Fraction
The TB volume fraction,

, represents the quantity of TB content present in the sample volume and is obtained by the ratio:
V trab is the trabecular volume and
V total is the total sample volume. From a 3D binary image sample, the TB volume fraction may be computed using the number of voxels representing the trabecular bone and the total volume is the number of voxels of the whole sample.
2.3 Euler-Poincaré Characteristic
The trabecular network connectivity can be inferred by the Euler-Poincaré characteristic,
EPC, which can be estimated by automatic counting of isolated parts,
I, redundant connections,
C, and closed cavities,
H [
As the trabeculae have no closed cavities [
18] and the number of isolated parts is approximately 1 in a well structured sample, the
EPC value should be negative and the lower the value the higher the connectivity [
8]; in this case, the connectivity is estimated by its modulus. A positive
EPC value indicates that the sample has more isolated parts than connections, and, therefore, the
EPC indicates that its structure has lost much of its connectedness.
EPC is a zero-dimensional measure, it needs to be estimated by a three-dimensional test; for practical purposes, a couple of parallel 2D images can be used, forming a disector [
47], and the
EPC can be estimated for each one of them inside the volume of interest. In general, the
EPC is given normalized by its volume size,
EPC V . The algorithm to compute the
EPC can be seen in [
2.4 Tortuosity
The tortuosity, τ, characterizes how much an object departures from being straight and this concept has been extended to the trabecular bone network. Geometrically, it is defined as
L G is the geodesic distance between two connected points, say
a and
b, of the trabecular network without passing across other phases (marrow cavity); and
L E is the Euclidean distance between these points, which will be considered here as the distance between two parallel reference planes (see Fig
2) [
50]. This approach allows to classify as tortuous,

, any filamentous structure that is not perpendicular to the reference planes.
Gommes et al. [
19] proposed a geodesic reconstruction (GR) algorithm that can be applied on binary images to estimate the geodesic length. This algorithm was implemented in a previous work [
38] and was used to the solid phase of the bone samples, sweeping the image along the reference plane direction, reconstructing the trabecular bone network voxel by voxel. The number of GR necessary to recover all the trabeculae of an image depends on their sinuosities, exceeding the number of analyzed slices considered as the Euclidean distance; the equality occurs only in the case of a structure completely perpendicular to the sweeping direction.
During the GR process, the algorithm computes and stores the Euclidean,
L E , and the geodesic,
L G , lengths. A distribution of Euclidean and geodesic lengths is generated. Taking the geodesic distance average,

at each Euclidean distance, the tortuosity can be estimated as the slope of the best fit line of points

. This algorithm can be applied directly to 3D binarized
μCT or MRI images. More details of the algorithm implementation can be found in [
2.5 Elasticity
The elasticity is an important property of a material because it reflects its stiffness and flexibility when subject to load. Imposing an uniaxial strain ε to the sample, it is related with the stress σ as follows
E is the Young modulus of elasticity. Usually, σ is obtained from the sample reaction force, divided by the area where it is being applied on. Rigorously, the trabecular structure is not isotropic [
45], hence
E is not a scalar, but a symmetric tensor; nevertheless, considering the complexity of modeling a porous structure, an isotropic model can be reasonably assumed [
The 3D trabecular bone images were meshed to the elastic simulation using an optimized algorithm [
1] implemented in Matlab R2011a (The MathWorks Inc., Natick, MA) which converts each voxel to an hexahedron element (brick element). Compression stress-strain test in each space direction was numerically simulated by a finite element linear-elastic-isotropic analysis performed in Ansys v11.0 (Ansys Inc., Southpointe, PA). The bulk material properties were set to

, a common value assumed to compact bone, and Poisson’s coefficient

. A deformation of 1 % of the edge length was imposed in all the compression simulations. Computational cost of the simulations was approximately of 5 h per sample on a computer workstation (Quad Core at 2.83 GHz and 8 GB of RAM). After applying the homogenization theory [
23], apparent Young modulus results were obtained in each spatial direction (
E x ,
E y ,
E z ).
3 Results
The trabecular volume fraction, the volumetric Euler-Poincaré characteristic, the tortuosity and the Young modulus of elasticity of the three cohort samples were obtained by the procedures stated in the previous section and their values can be found in [
3.1 Influence of Trabecular Tortuosity on Elasticity
1 presents the mean and standard deviation (SD) that were obtained for the distal radius
μCT and MRI trabecular bone cohorts. Firstly, by a simple inspection of the data in Table
1, it is observed that in the
z direction τ has the lowest mean and SD, and the
E has the highest value ones, in both groups. This corresponds to the distal-proximal direction, which is normally the direction that is more frequently submitted to tensile and compressive forces, when compared to the
x and
y ones, corresponding to the horizontal sweeping directions. This evidence is an indication that the trabeculae get aligned to turn the structure stronger, which is in agreement with the very well known fact that the trabecular bone aligns in the direction which it is more frequently mechanically demanded [
Table 1
Tortuosity and
E data of the MRI and
μCT samples;

is the mean ± the standard deviation