– Inflammation and Cytokines

  Injury – leads to exposed collagen, platelet-activating factor release, and tissue factor release from endothelium

  Platelets bind collagen – release growth factors (platelet-derived growth factor [PDGF]); leads to PMN and macrophage recruitment

  Macrophagesdominant role in wound healing; release important growth factors (PDGF) and cytokines (IL-1 and TNF-α)



•  Chemotactic and activates inflammatory cells (PMNs and macrophages)

•  Chemotactic and activates fibroblasts → collagen and ECM proteins

•  Angiogenesis

•  Epithelialization

•  Chemotactic for smooth muscle cells

•  Has been shown to accelerate wound healing

  EGF (epidermal growth factor)

•  Chemotactic and activates fibroblasts

•  Angiogenesis

•  Epithelialization

  FGF (fibroblastic growth factor)

•  Chemotactic and activates fibroblasts → collagen and ECM proteins

•  Angiogenesis

•  Epithelialization

  PAF (platelet-activating factor) – is not stored, generated by phospholipase in endothelium; is a phospholipid

•  Chemotactic for inflammatory cells; ↑ adhesion molecules

  Chemotactic factors

•  For inflammatory cells – PDGF, IL-8, LTB-4, C5a and C3a, PAF

•  For fibroblasts – PDGF, EGF, FGF

  Angiogenesis factors – PDGF, EGF, FGF, IL-8, hypoxia

  Epithelialization factors – PDGF, EGF, FGF

  PMNs – last 1–2 days in tissues (7 days in blood)

  Platelets – last 7–10 days

  Lymphocytes – involved in chronic inflammation (T cells) and antibody production (B cells)

  TXA2 and PGI2 – see Chapter 2 (Hematology)



•  Have IgE receptors that bind to allergen

•  Release major basic protein, which stimulates basophils and mast cells to release histamine

•  Eosinophils are increased in parasitic infections


•  Main source of histamine in blood; not found in tissue

  Mast cells – primary cell in type I hypersensitivity reactions

•  Main source of histamine in tissues

  Histamine – vasodilation, tissue edema, postcapillary leakage

•  Primary effector in type I hypersensitivity reactions (allergic reactions)

  Bradykinin – peripheral vasodilation, increased permeability, pain, pulmonary vasoconstriction

•  Angiotensin-converting enzyme (ACE) – inactivates bradykinin; located in lung


  Has arginine precursor (substrate for nitric oxide synthase)

  NO activates guanylate cyclase and increases cGMP, resulting in vascular smooth muscle dilation

  Is also called endothelium-derived relaxing factor

  Endothelin – causes vascular smooth muscle constriction (opposite effect of nitric oxide)


  Main initial cytokine response to injury and infection is release of TNF-α and IL-1

  Tumor necrosis factor-alpha (TNF-α)

•  Macrophages – largest producers of TNF

•  Increases adhesion molecules

•  Overall, a procoagulant

•  Causes cachexia in patients with cancer

•  Activates neutrophils and macrophages → more cytokine production, cell recruitment

•  High concentrations of TNF-α can cause circulatory collapse and multisystem organ failure


•  Main source also macrophages; effects similar to TNF-α and synergizes TNF-α

•  Responsible for fever (PGE2 mediated in hypothalamus)

  Raises thermal set point, causing fever

  NSAIDs decrease fever by reducing PGE2 synthesis

•  Alveolar macrophages – cause fever with atelectasis by releasing IL-1

  IL-6 – increases hepatic acute phase proteins (C-reactive protein, amyloid A)


  Released by lymphocytes in response to viral infection or other stimulants

  Activate macrophages, natural killer cells, and cytotoxic T cells

  Inhibit viral replication


  IL-6 – most potent stimulus

  IncreasedC-reactive protein (an opsonin, activates complement), amyloid A and P, fibrinogen, haptoglobin, ceruloplasmin, alpha-1 antitrypsin, and C3 (complement)

  Decreasedalbumin, pre-albumin, and transferrin


  SelectinsL-selectins, located on leukocytes, bind to E- (endothelial) and P- (platelets) selectins; rolling adhesion

  Beta-2 integrins (CD 11/18 molecules) – on leukocytes; bind ICAMs, etc., anchoring adhesion

  ICAM, VCAM, PECAM, ELAM – on endothelial cells, bind beta-2 integrin molecules located on leukocytes and platelets. These are also involved in transendothelial migration

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Jun 24, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on – Inflammation and Cytokines

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