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Note: Page numbers followed by f indicate figures, t indicate tables, and b indicate boxes.



chromatic, 374–375, 374f

spherical, 374–375, 374f

Acanthocytes, 134–135, 135–136, 135f

Acceptable tolerances, 7

Acetest, 109, 109f

Acetic acid, dilute, 362, 362t, 400b, 401t

Acetic acid stain, 130

Acetoacetate, 108

Acetyl coenzyme, 107

Acholic stools, 339

Achromats, 374–375

Acid-base balance, and kidney, 89

Acid-base equilibrium, regulation of, 39–42, 40f, 41f, 42f

Acid-fast stain, 279

Acidic urine, 165–169

amorphous urate crystals, 165

calcium oxalate crystals, 168–169, 168f, 169f, 170f

hippuric acid, 169

monosodium urate crystals, 165–167, 167f

uric acid crystals, 167–168, 167f, 167f

Acidosis, renal tubular, 224–225, 224t


preservative, 24t

removal, tubular secretory function for, 65–66

safe handling of, 11

Active transport, in tubular function, 38

Acute diarrhea, 335, 336t

Acute glomerulonephritis, 218t, 219–220, 221t

Acute interstitial nephritis (AIN), 139, 225t, 227

Acute poststreptococcal glomerulonephritis, 219–220

Acute pyelonephritis, 225t, 226

Acute renal failure, 227–228

Acute tubular necrosis, 222–223, 224t

Acyclovir crystals, 178, 178f

Adenine phosphoribosyltransferase (APRT) deficiency, 174


in peritoneal fluid, 277f

in pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluid, 277

Adult-onset diabetes, 235

Afferent arteriole, in renal circulation, 31

Albumin, in cerebrospinal fluid, 260

Albuminuria, 94–96

screening for, 64

Alkaline tide, 89

Alkaline urine, 129, 165, 169–172

ammonium biurate crystals, 171–172

amorphous phosphate crystals, 169–170

calcium carbonate crystals, 172

calcium phosphate crystals, 170–171, 171f

magnesium phosphate crystals, 170, 171f

triple phosphate crystals, 170

Alkalis, safe handling of, 11

Alkaptonuria, 233–234

American Cancer Society, in colorectal cancer, 342

American College of Obstetrics and Gynecology (ACOG), 326

Amine (whiff) test, 311t, 315

Amino acid disorders, 230–235

alkaptonuria, 233–234

cystinosis, 232

cystinuria, 232

maple syrup urine disease, 232

melanuria, 235

phenylketonuria, 232–233, 233f, 234f

tyrosinuria, 234, 234f

Aminoaciduria, 230

Ammoniacal silver nitrite, 230t

Ammonia (NH3), in acid-base equilibrium, 41

Ammonium biurate crystals, 171–172, 172f, 203f

Ammonium chloride test, oral, 65–66

Ammonium ions (NH4+), in acid-base equilibrium, 41, 42f

Ammonium sulfate precipitation method, 98

Amniocentesis/amniotic fluid analysis, 323, 332b

chemical examination, 326–330

amniotic fluid bilirubin, 328–330, 329f

fetal lung maturity tests, 326–328, 327t

fetus in utero, 324f

Liley’s three-zone chart, 330f

physical examination, 325–326

color, 325

turbidity, 325–326

Queenan chart, 330f

specimen collection, 324–325

collection and specimen containers, 325

specimen transport, storage, and handling, 325

timing of/Indications for, 324–325, 324t

urine aspiration during, 25

urine, differentiation from, 325

Amniostat-FLM, 327–328

Amniotic fluid

blood in, 326, 326, 327, 327–328, 328, 330

determination of ΔA450 in, 328–330, 329f

differentiation from urine, 25

formation of, 324

function of, 323–324, 324f

physiology and composition, 323–324

volume of, 324

Amniotic fluid bilirubin (ΔA450) determination, 328–330

Amorphous phosphates, 169–170, 171f

Amorphous urate crystals, 165

Amoxicillin crystals, 178

Ampicillin crystals, 178, 178f

Amyloidosis, glomerular disease and, 222

Anaerobic microbes, avoidance of specimen contamination, 22

Analyte, stability of, 25

Analyzer filter, 380–381, 380f

Annular diaphragm, 378f

Antidiuretic hormone (ADH)

mechanism controlling, 46f

in tubules, 37–38

in water reabsorption, 44–46

Anuria, 52

Aperture diaphragm, condenser, 372–373, 372f

Apochromats, 374–375

Appropriate manual reagent strip testing technique, 87, 87b

Arachnoid granulations, 248

Arginine vasopressin, 37–38

Aromatic amine, 102

Arthritis, 284–285

Arthrocentesis, 285

Artifacts/contaminants, 195, 195f, 196f

Artifacts, in synovial fluid analysis, 291–292

Ascites, 269

Ascitic fluid (peritoneal fluid), 269

Ascorbic acid, 115, 115f

bilirubin and, 111

clinical significance of, 114–115

method for, 115t, 116

reagent strip

principles, 392t–393t

sensitivity and specificity, 393t–395t

in urine, 105, 114–116

false-negative nitrite results and, 102

reducing substances, 106b

Ascorbic acid interference

in blood reagent strips, 99–100

mechanisms of, 115, 115t

Atrophic vaginitis, 311t, 317

Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), phenylketonuria and, 233

AUTION HYBRID flow cytometers, 354

Automated analysis

of body fluid, 358–359, 358t

cell counts, 358–359

of urinalysis, 350–358

automated microscopy analyzers in, 352–356

digital flow morphology, 352–354, 353f, 353t

fully automated urinalysis systems in, 356–358, 357t

iQ200 urine microscopy analyzer in, 352–354, 353f, 353t

urine chemistry analyzers in, 350–352, 352t

Automated instruments, reagent strips read by, 88

Automated microscopy analyzers, 352–356

digital flow morphology, 352–354, 353f, 353t

iQ200 urine microscopy analyzer in, 352–354, 353f, 353t

Auto-particle recognition (APR) process, 353, 353f

Azo dye, 102

Azurophilic granules, 100


Bacteria, 211f

particle detection categories of, 355t

in reproductive tract, 306

in urine, 131f

bacterial casts, 153

identification of, 157

in vaginal secretions, 311t

Bacterial casts, urinary, 153

Bacterial flora, vaginal, 313, 314f

Bacterial infection, kidneys/urinary tract, 100

Bacterial pericarditis, 278

Bacterial vaginosis, 311t, 315–316

Bacteriuria, 100

Barrier (emission) filter, 386

Barriers, standard use of, 8–9

Basement membrane, in glomerulus, 34–35

Basophils, 275–276

Bence Jones proteins, See Immunoglobulin light chains

Benedict’s test, 230t

Bilirubin, 109–114

altered, principal mechanisms of, 110, 112f

in amniotic fluid, 328–330

clinical significance of, 110–111

crystals, 172, 173f

diagnostic utility of, 111t

formation of, 109–110

methods for, 111–113

Diazo tablet test (Ictotest method), 111–113

physical examination as, 111

reagent strip test as, 111, 113t

reagent strip

principles, 392t–393t

sensitivity and specificity, 393t–395t

in urine, 72

Bilirubin crystals, 203f

Bilirubin-stained renal tubular epithelial cells, 209f

Bilirubinuria, 110

Biliverdin, 325

Biohazard symbol, 10f


infectious waste, disposal of, 10

seminal fluid, 301

universal symbol, 10f

Biological hazards, 8–11

Birefringence intensity, 383t

Birefringent materials, of substance, 378, 380

Bladder diversion, 146–147

Bleb formation, 137f

Blom’s (eosin-nigrosin) stain, 305f, 306


clinical significance of, 96–98, 97t

method for, 98–100

reagent strip, 99t

principles, 393t–395t

sensitivity and specificity, 96–100, 393t–395t

Bloodborne pathogens, 8

Bloodborne Pathogens Standard (BPS), 8, 9t

Blood-brain barrier, 248–249

Blood-buffer system, in blood pH, 40

Blood cancers, 277

Blood casts, 152

Blood fluke (Schistosoma haematobium), 161

Blood reaction pad, 115

Bloodstream, bilirubin release into, 109

Body fluid analysis, 361

automation of, 358–359, 358t

cytocentrifugation for, 366–368, 366f, 367b, 367f, 367t

differential, slide preparation for, 366–368, 366–368, 368

hemocytometer for, 361–366

calculations for, 363–364, 365b

cell count in, 363, 364b, 365f

slide preparations for, 367f, 368

Body fluids

under Standard Precautions, 8–9

use of barriers for handling, 8

Body Substance Isolation (BSI), 8, 9t

Bowman’s capsule, 30

Bowman’s space, 30

Brain tissue, 258, 258f

Brightfield microscope, 370–375, 370f

condenser, 372–373, 372f

eyepiece, 372, 372f

illumination system, 373

mechanical stage, 372

objectives, 374–375, 374f

Brightfield microscopy, 128, 145, 377

cholesterol and starch using, appearance of, 382t

conversions of

to darkfield microscopy, 385–386

to differential interference contrast microscopy, 384–385

to phase-contrast microscopy, 377–378

to polarizing microscopy, 378–382

synovial fluid analysis and, 290

Bromelain solution, 402b


Calcium carbonate crystals, 172, 173f, 204f

Calcium oxalate crystals, 168–169, 168f, 169f, 169f, 170f, 204f, 291

Calcium oxalate dihydrate crystals, 168f, 169f, 291, 292f

Calcium oxalate monohydrate crystals, 291, 292f

Calcium phosphate crystals, 170–171, 171f, 206f, 207f

Calcium pyrophosphate dihydrate (CPPD) crystals, 288t, 289, 290f

Calculations, for hemocytometer, 363–364

approaches for, 365b

sperm count using diluted semen, 366

using diluted body fluid, 365–366

using undiluted body fluid, 364–365

Calculi, 228–230

composition of, 228–229, 228t

formation of, factors influencing, 229

pathogenesis of, 228–229, 228t

prevention of, 229–230

treatment of, 229–230

Calyx, 29


adenocarcinoma cells

in peritoneal fluid, 277f

in pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluid, 277

American Cancer Society in, 342

blood cancers, 277

carcinoembryonic antigen, 279

tumor marker and, 279

colorectal, 342

drugs use for treatment of, 108

leukemias, 277

Candida species, C. albicans, 158–159

Candidiasis, 311t, 316–317

Carbohydrate disorders, 235–236

diabetes insipidus, 236

galactosemia, 235–236

glucose and diabetes mellitus, 235

porphyrias, 236–238

Carbohydrates, ketones and, 107

Carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA), 279

tumor marker and, 279

Cell count, in hemocytometer, 363, 364b, 365f

Cell types, in pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluid, 273

Cellular casts, 151–153, 198f, 199f, 200f

Cellular inclusions, 149b

Cerebrospinal fluid, 248, 262f

albumin and immunoglobulin G in, 260

chemical composition of, 259–262

myelin basic protein in, 261

physiology and composition of, 248–250, 248f, 248f

protein electrophoresis of, 260–261, 261f

reference intervals, 249t, 398t

total protein in, 259–260

Cerebrospinal fluid analysis, 247, 266b, 266b

chemical examination for, 259–262

glucose in, 261

lactate in, 261–262

protein in, 259–261

immunologic methods for, 263

lumbar puncture for, 250b, 250f

microbiological examination for, 262–263

culture in, 262–263

smears in, 262, 262f

microscopic examination for, 252–259

nucleated cell differential, 253–259, 255f, 255t

red blood cell (erythrocyte) count in, 252–253

total cell count in, 252

white blood cell (leukocyte) count in, 253, 254t

physical examination for, 251–252

specimen collection for, 250–251, 250b, 251t

Chemical examination

amniotic fluid analysis and, 326–330

amniotic fluid bilirubin, 328–330, 329f

fetal lung maturity tests, 326–328, 327t

fecal analysis and, 342–346

fecal blood in, 342–344, 343t

fecal carbohydrates in, 345–346

fetal hemoglobin in feces (Apt test) in, 344

guaiac-based fecal occult blood test in, 342–344, 343b, 343f

immunochemical fecal occult blood test in, 344

porphyrin-based fecal occult blood test in, 344

quantitative fecal fat in, 345

of pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluid analysis, 278–279

amylase in, 278

carcinoembryonic antigen (CEA) in, 279

glucose in, 278

lipids (triglyceride and cholesterol) in, 278–279

pH of, 279

serous fluid specimen requirements in, 269t

total protein and lactate dehydrogenase ratios in, 278

synovial fluid analysis and, 292–293

glucose and, 285t, 292

lactate and, 293

total protein and, 293

uric acid and, 293

Chemical hazards, 11–13

Chemical Hygiene Plan (CHP), 11

Chemical spills, 11–13

handling of, 11–13

Chemical testing technique, 88–116

with reagent strips, 87–88, 87b

with tablet and chemical tests, 88

Chemical tests, 88–116

for ascorbic acid, 114–116, 115f, 115t

for bilirubin and urobilinogen, 109–114, 111t

for blood, 96–98, 97t

for glucose, 103–107, 104f, 104t, 105t

for ketones, 107–109, 107b, 107f, 108t, 109f

for leukocyte esterase, 100–101, 100t

for nitrite, 101–103, 102t

for pH, 88–90, 89t

for protein, 90–96, 94t

for specific gravity, 88, 88t

Chemical waste, disposal of, 13

Chemstrip, 108–109

reagent strips, 85

for urobilinogen, 114


appearance of, 382t

levels, of pleural fluids, 279

in pleural, pericardial, and peritoneal fluid, 279

in urine, 132, 176f

Maltese cross pattern, 132, 132f

Cholesterol crystals, 174–176, 176f, 205f, 288t, 290

Chondrocalcinosis, 289

Choroid plexus, 248, 258f

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