Chapter 1 Plants in medicine
the origins of pharmacognosy
The universal role of plants in the treatment of disease is exemplified by their employment in all the major systems of medicine irrespective of the underlying philosophical premise. As examples, we have Western medicine with origins in Mesopotamia and Egypt, the Unani (Islamic) and Ayurvedic (Hindu) systems centred in western Asia and the Indian subcontinent and those of the Orient (China, Japan, Tibet, etc.). How and when such medicinal plants were first used is, in many cases, lost in pre-history, indeed animals, other than man, appear to have their own materia medica. Following the oral transmission of medical information came the use of writing (e.g. the Egyptian Papyrus Ebers c. 1600 BC), baked clay tablets (some 660 cuneiform tablets c. 650 BC from Ashurbanipal’s library at Nineveh, now in the British Museum, refer to drugs well-known today), parchments and manuscript herbals, printed herbals (invention of printing 1440 AD), pharmacopoeias and other works of reference (first London Pharmacopoeia, 1618; first British Pharmacopoeia, 1864), and most recently electronic storage of data. Similar records exist for Chinese medicinal plants (texts from the 4th century BC), Ayurvedic medicine (Ayurveda 2500–600 BC) and Unani medicine (Kitab–Al–Shifa, the Magnum Opus of Avicenna, 980–1037 AD).
Pharmacognosy is closely related to botany and plant chemistry and, indeed, both originated from the earlier scientific studies on medicinal plants. As late as the beginning of the 20th century, the subject had developed mainly on the botanical side, being concerned with the description and identification of drugs, both in the whole state andin powder, and with their history, commerce, collection, preparation and storage. In his series A History of British Pharmacognosy (1842–1980), E. J. Shellard (Pharm. J., 1980, 225, 680) wrote:
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