CHAPTER 10 At the end of this chapter, the reader should be able to do the following: 1. Determine the approximate increase in hematocrit and hemoglobin in patients receiving packed red blood cells. 2. Calculate the expected decrease in prothrombin and partial thromboplastin time in patients receiving fresh frozen plasma. 3. Calculate the approximate increase in platelet count in patients receiving pooled platelet concentrate or a platelet pheresis pack. 4. Calculate the appropriate dose of Rh-immune globulin to be given to Rh-negative patients. 5. Determine the percentage of compatible (or incompatible) units of blood in 100 random donors when patients have multiple antibodies. The expected hemoglobin would be 8 g/dL. The expected hemoglobin would be 7 g/dL. The expected hematocrit would range from 23% to 27%. The expected hematocrit would range from 22% to 25%. The prothrombin time would be lowered to between 32 and 34 seconds (15% to 20% lower).
Immunohematology Laboratory
Determining Hemoglobin Increments
Example 10–1
Calculate the expected hemoglobin concentration if a patient had a hematocrit of 15%, a pretransfusion hemoglobin of 5 g/dL, and was given 3 units of packed RBCs.
Calculate the expected hemoglobin concentration if a patient had a hematocrit of 18%, a pretransfusion hemoglobin of 6 g/dL, and was given 1 unit of packed RBCs.
Calculate the expected hemoglobin concentration if a patient had a hematocrit of 20%, a pretransfusion hemoglobin of 7 g/dL, and was given 3 units of packed RBCs.
Determining Hematocrit Increments
Example 10–2
Calculate the expected hematocrit in a patient with a pretransfusion hematocrit of 15% and pretransfusion hemoglobin of 5 g/dL if given 4 units of packed RBCs.
Calculate the expected hematocrit in a patient with a pretransfusion hematocrit of 16% and pretransfusion hemoglobin of 6 g/dL, if given 3 units of packed RBCs.
Calculate the expected hematocrit in a patient with a pretransfusion hematocrit of 24% and pretransfusion hemoglobin of 8 g/dL, if given 2 units of packed RBCs.
Determining Fresh Frozen Plasma Increments
Example 10–3
A patient hemorrhaged after surgery, which elevated the prothrombin time to 40 seconds. If the patient was given 2 units of fresh frozen plasma postoperatively, estimate the effect on the prothrombin time.
Calculate the effect on the prothrombin time if a patient was given 4 units of fresh frozen plasma if the prothrombin time was elevated to 60 seconds.