Chapter 5 Immunocytochemistry of effusion fluids: introduction to SCIP approach
Effusion cytology is one of the most challenging areas in diagnostic cytopathology. As illustrated in Chapters 2 and 4, reactive mesothelial cells exhibit a remarkably wide morphologic spectrum, which overlaps with various benign and malignant processes.1–4 Similarly, most of the examples of diffuse malignant epithelioid mesothelioma (DMEM) may not exhibit unequivocal malignant features and may instead resemble reactive mesothelial cells at one end of the spectrum and well to moderately differentiated adenocarcinomas (responsible for the bulk of malignant effusions) at the other.1–4 Due to these limitations, some of the effusion fluids are difficult to interpret with objective certainty by cytomorphology alone. The proportion of cases in this category may vary from institution to institution depending on the patient demographics (such as type of prevalent diseases, predominant sex and age group), quality of technical support for cytopreparatory processing, and level of training or experience of the interpreter. Immunocytochemistry is an extremely valuable adjunct for objective interpretation. It may be used along with other ancillary techniques as indicated. Ongoing refinement in immunostaining technology with an ever-increasing number of immunomarkers is pushing it further to the forefront.
a. The pattern of cancer cells in effusions varies from solitary scattered cells to small, cohesive groups. It may be more difficult to find the same cells or groups of cells in adjacent serial sections on different slides. Most of the individually scattered, abnormal cells, however, will be present in at least a few 4 μm thick serial sections (see Figures 5.3, 5.5, 5.8). It is important to know the sequence of these serial sections and to have them identically oriented on the slides to identify more precisely the same cell (or small group of cells) for evaluation (Figure 5.1). To achieve this, we routinely orient all serial sections identically on slides and label them sequentially (Figures 5.2, 5.3). This simple approach can help in some unexpected situations where the immunostaining pattern is not straightforward and calls for more careful scrutiny. If done routinely, it expedites and simplifies the immunocytochemical evaluation of effusion fluids.

Figure 5.1 Basic immunopanel for evaluation by subtractive coordinate immunoreactivity pattern (SCIP) approach.
b. The most effective approach for diagnosis of metastatic effusions is the confirmation of a ‘second-foreign’ non-inflammatory population of cells other than mesothelial cells. This approach, however, will not help to distinguish between reactive and neoplastic mesothelial cells. The interpretation of epithelioid mesothelioma should be based on other features after demonstrating the abnormal cells to be mesothelial in nature (see Chapter 8).
For reproducible results, it is important to select any immunopanel which will fundamentally identify most of the mesothelial and inflammatory cells to create the basic map for confirmation of a ‘second-foreign’ population by the subtractive coordinate immunoreactivity pattern (SCIP) approach, described later in this chapter (see Figure 5.1).
c. The challenge of distinguishing cells of epithelioid mesothelioma from reactive mesothelial cells has to be approached differently and must be based on the quantity (numerous vs a few) and the quality (numerous large groups vs a few small groups) of abnormal cells with proper clinical and radiologic correlation. Once it is determined that the cytologic features favor mesothelioma rather than reactive mesothelial cells, it is relatively simple, with the aid of immunocytochemistry to exclude adenocarcinoma (Figure 5.4).

Figure 5.4 Algorithm for immunocytochemical evaluation of effusions (in conjunction with Figure 5.1).
d. The final interpretation of any immunoprofile is the result of comparative evaluation of the database accumulated from the information in reported studies that were predominantly performed by using most of the commercially available antibodies on formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections. The immunoreactivity pattern for a variety of immunomarkers may not remain the same when other fixation and processing protocols are used.5
Consequently, it is prudent to perform immunocytochemistry on formalin-fixed cell block sections only and to avoid other protocols such as the evaluation of various cytology smears (direct smears—wet fixed in alcohol or acetone; air-dried fixed with alcohol; air-dried smears rehydrated and post-fixed in formol alcohol; liquid-based cytology smears—SurePath or ThinPrep, Cytospin smears, etc.).6,7
Thus, for reproducible results, a standardized protocol with steps comparable to the processing of formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections is essential.8–11 Deviating from such a practice may lead to suboptimal results with loss of reproducibility, which is frequently observed in clinical practice and related publications. The recommended approach is described in Chapters 14 and 15.
e. For the objective confirmation of an immunoprofile highlighting different types of cells in the effusion, it is important to see a coordinate pattern of immunoreactivity in the same cells (see Figure 5.1). This is not possible with cytology smears since the same cells cannot be followed on different smears. In contrast, however, serial sections of cell blocks allow evaluation of immunoreactivity by different immunomarkers in same cells in adjacent serial sections (coordinate immunoexpression).12,13
g. Discrepant results between formalin-fixed paraffin-embedded tissue sections of surgical pathology material and effusion fluid cell block sections are not uncommon. The variables responsible for such discrepancies include sample size (tiny cell groups or single cells), selection of fixatives, antigen retrieval methods (i.e. heat-induced epitope retrieval, enzyme digestion, etc.), antibody clones used, antibody titer, and other variations in immunostaining protocols. Additional causes for variable results reported by different studies include variation in laboratory sensitivities and study size.14,15 Furthermore, both the qualitative (pattern of immunostaining—membranous, cytoplasmic, nuclear, etc.) (Table 5.1) and quantitative criteria for interpretation of immunoreactivity may vary between pathologists and different institutions.16
Table 5.1 Characteristic immunostaining pattern with immunomarkers in effusion immunocytochemistry
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Cell blocks offer dual benefits of easy morphologic interpretation and better standardization, with results comparable to those with surgical pathology specimens. Multiple sections from a single cell block allow for a large number of immunomarkers to be evaluated. Additionally, the cell blocks may be archived and made available for other types of testing in the future.
The frequency of using cytology smears for immunocytochemical testing for different applications is increasing.17–19 With the advent of heat-induced epitope retrieval techniques, the quality of immunostained cytology smears has improved remarkably. Immunocytochemical evaluation of effusion smears has also been reported and discussed5,7 (see also Chapter 15). However, most experts do not recommend immunostaining of cytology smears of effusion fluids as a routine practice.5
On rare occasions, however, performing immunocytochemistry on effusion smears may be justified: e.g. patients with a known primary neoplasm showing a distinct immunoreactivity pattern. Immunostaining may be performed on cytology smears in such cases, if only a scant effusion specimen is available and cell blocks are not possible. However, applicable limitations, such as the inability to evaluate the coordinate immunoreactivity pattern in cytology smears and possible lack of cross-verification should be weighted prior to final interpretation.

Some of these variables are of less significance than others. For example, submission of effusions in fixative, delayed transportation at room temperature, and the picric acid method for cell block preparation are deleterious for most of the immunomarkers.
For optimal results, the immunostained cell block sections of effusion fluids should be evaluated in a manner similar to hematoxylin and eosin (HE)-stained sections, where we consider numerous qualitative and quantitative morphologic features to reach a final interpretation. All aspects of individual and complementary immunomarkers should be considered collectively (see Figures 5.1 and 5.4), rather than applying a reflexive positive–negative approach.
Many immunomarkers can be applied to distinguish reactive and neoplastic mesothelial cells from cells of metastatic neoplasms, which are predominantly adenocarcinomas. Immunomarkers for the evaluation of effusions secondary to lymphomas, melanomas, sarcomas, and unknown primaries are also discussed in relevant chapters. More details about immunomarkers related to the evaluation of neoplasms associated with serous cavities may be found in specific reviews.6,20–23 Due to the continuous advances in this area with frequent updates, application of the basic principles described in this chapter to contemporary immunomarkers after relevant adjustments is recommended.
‘Positive’ mesothelial markers
Currently, calretinin, cytokeratin 5/6, and WT-1 appear to be the best immunomarkers for reactive and neoplastic mesothelial cells. Although calretinin and cytokeratin 5/6 are more sensitive than WT-1, immunoreactivity for all of these markers may be observed in a minority of carcinomas. WT-1 is slightly less sensitive, but is not expressed in lung adenocarcinomas and most other adenocarcinomas. WT-1 may be considered more specific in non-peritoneal settings because it is also immunoexpressed in ovarian/peritoneal carcinoma and desmoplastic small round cell tumor,24 thus decreasing the specificity of WT-1 in the peritoneal fluid.
D2-40 was initially reported as a lymphatic endothelial marker with a membranous immunostaining pattern. Recently, it has been reported to be as sensitive as calretinin and more sensitive than cytokeratin 5/6 and WT-1 for the differential diagnosis of malignant mesothelioma and adenocarcinoma.25 The report concluded that D2-40 is a sensitive ‘positive’ immunomarker for cells of mesothelial origin.23 Podoplanin is another immunomarker reported to be a specific positive marker for mesothelial cells.23,26,27 However, recently it has been reported that a commercially available mouse monoclonal antibody, D2-40, specifically recognizes human podoplanin.27a,27b,27c These immunomarkers may be routinely included in the future as additional ‘positive’ immunomarkers for reactive and neoplastic mesothelial cells. However, as these immunomarkers are being evaluated, they also have shown some overlap with other neoplasms, especially ovarian neoplasms.28,29
Because of the overlap between mesothelial and non-mesothelial cells, other immunomarkers such as thrombomodulin, mesothelin, HBME-1, N-cadherin, OV632, and CD44S, which were initially reported as mesothelial markers, are not recommended as a part of the routine diagnostic immunopanel for evaluation of effusion fluids. They are both less sensitive and less specific. Similarly, rabbit polyclonal antibody AMAD-2 with granular cytoplasmic immunoreactivity has been reported to be specific for mesothelial cells.30 Vimentin and cytokeratin 7 are additional mesothelial immunomarkers with high sensitivity but lower specificity. Further refinement and standardization of the aforementioned immunomarkers may allow for some of them to be used as reliable ‘positive’ immunomarkers for mesothelial cells in the future.
‘Negative’ mesothelial markers
Additional less-sensitive but relatively specific ‘negative’ mesothelial immunomarkers for the differential diagnosis of adenocarcinoma include thyroid transcription factor-1 (TTF-1), prostate-specific antigen (PSA), calcitonin, and estrogen receptor. In specific clinical settings, they may be useful for identifying unknown primary neoplasms (Table 5.2).
Table 5.2 Immunoreactivity patterns of ‘second population’ of neoplastic cells suggesting possible primary sites (modified from ref 13).
Possible primary site(s) | Immunoreactivity pattern of second population |
Immunomarkers suggestive of a subset of specific tumors | |
Biliary tract, mucinous ovarian, and transitional cell ca | CK 20+, CK 7+ |
Breast, lung, endometrial, and non-mucinous ovarian ca | CK 20-, CK 7+ |
Thyroid, endometrial, and renal ca | Co-expression of Vim and CK |
Breast and non-mucinous ovarian ca | ER/PR/Ar+ |
Immunomarkers for specific tumors | |
Breast (29) | CK7+, ER/PR/AR+ (even if ER/PR/CK7−), Mammaglobin+ |
Lung | CK7+TTF-1+, CK20− |
Gastric | CK 7+, MUC5AC+, CK 20− |
Small cell ca | Neuroendocrine (NE) markers+ (Synaptophysin, Chromogranin, CD56) |
Merkel cell ca (30) | Globular CK20+, NE markers+ |
Thyroid ca | Vim+, CK+, Tff-1, Thyroglobulin+ |
Medullary ca (19) | Calcitonin+ TTF-1+ |
Prostate ca | PSAP+, PSA+, CEA− |
Choriocarcinoma | HCG+ |
Colon ca (32) | CK 20+, CK7−, CDX2+(nuclear), diffuse pCEA+, MUC5AC− |
Hepatocellular ca | pCEA+ canalicular pattern, AFP+, Hep Par 1+, MUC5AC− |
Cholangiocarcinoma | CK 7+, MUC5AC+, pCEA− / diffuse (non-canalicular)+, AFP− |
Seminoma | PLAP+ |
GIST | CD117+, CD34+ |
Desmoplastic small round cell tumor (24) | CK Globular+, Desmin Globular+, Vim+/− |
Melanoma (22, 28) | S-100 protein +, MCW melanoma cocktail +, HMB45+, CK−, Calretinine- |
Differential between two types of tumors | |
Prostatic adenocarcinoma versus transitional cell ca (31) | PSA/PSA/Leu 7 versus CK 7 & 20+, CK 903 (24bE12)+ |
Small cell ca lung versus Merkel cell ca | CK 7+, CK 20−, TTF-1 + versus CK 20+ |
Thyroid ca versus medullary ca of thyroid | Thyroglobulin+ versus Calcitonin+ |
Breast ca versus colon ca | ER/PR/AR/CK 7+ versus CK 20+, CDX2+ |
Ovarian mucinous ca versus appendiceal mucinous ca | CK 7+ versus CK 20+, CDX2+ |
Hepatocellular ca versus cholangiocarcinoma (32) | pCEA canalicular+, Hep Par 1+, Albumin+ versus CD5+, CD7+ MUC1+ CK 17+ |
Mesothelioma versus lung ca | Calretinin+ (nuclear) versus TTF-1+(nuclear) |
Endocervical ca versus endometrial ca (74) | p16 (INK4)+, mCEA+, Vim− versus p16(INK4)−, mCEA+/−, Vim+ |
Stromal tumors versus leiomyosarcoma | CD10+ versus SMA+ |
Pancreatobiliary adenocarcinomas versus extra-pancreatobiliary nonmucinous adenocarcinomas (32) | MUC1+, CK17+ versus MUC2/CDX2+ |
ca, carcinoma; CK, cytokeratin; pCEA, polyclonal carcinoembryonic antigen; PSAP, prostate-specific acid phosphatase; PSA, prostate-specific antigen; Vim, vimentin; HCG, human chorionic gonadotropin, GIST, gastrointestinal stromal tumors.

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