Imaging in Hepatocellular Carcinoma: Radiologic Assessment

Clinical Task

Radiological findings

Preprocedural assessment

(a) number and size of HCC nodules; (b) number and size of nodules considered at risk for neoplastic degeneration; (c) presence and extension of portal vein neoplastic thrombosis; (d) presence of extrahepatic tumor spread; (e) radiological signs of cirrhosis (including varices and ascites); (f) biliary dilatations; (g) radiological signs of co-morbidities

Treatment planning

(a) features of nodules such as location, degree of vascularization, and presence of pseudocapsule; (b) vascular mapping; (c) technical details of previous treatments

Evaluation of previous treatment

(a) complications; (b) tolerability and compliance; (c) radiological response


It has been demonstrated that radiological imaging plays a critical role in the diagnosis and management of patients with HCC. The radiological features of HCC lesions provide information that is required to determine staging and prognosis, and to select the optimal treatment protocols.



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