Image-Guided Breast Biopsy

Chapter 43 Image-Guided Breast Biopsy


Increased utilization of mammography screening is believed to have resulted in a relative increase in breast abnormalities of sufficient risk to warrant a biopsy. It is estimated that approximately 1.5 million breast biopsies are performed each year in the United States. Many of these biopsies are for nonpalpable lesions and, therefore, require some type of image guidance. A significant number of these biopsies will be performed for benign disease because the average positive predictive value for mammography is only 20% (range 15%–35%).14 If traditional methods for histologic confirmation were utilized, all women with nonpalpable breast lesions would proceed to the operating room after a wire localization procedure was performed in the radiology suite. Percutaneous image-guided breast biopsy has become an effective minimally invasive alternative to open surgical breast biopsy for the diagnosis of both palpable and nonpalpable image-detected abnormalities.57 Although the risk of bleeding and infection may be comparable with those of open surgical breast biopsy, some potential difficulties are unique to image-guided breast biopsy.8

With the early introduction by the Karalinski Institute in 1989 of stereotactic-guided fine-needle aspiration cytology of nonpalpable breast abnormalities,9 image-guided percutaneous breast biopsy has been shown to provide a secondary level of screening in a less-invasive, cost-effective manner to obtain a histologic diagnosis without sacrificing accuracy.57,10 The evolution of the biopsy tools used with image guidance (stereotaxic, ultrasound, and recently, magnetic resonance imaging [MRI]) has added to the accuracy of minimally invasive image-guided breast biopsy,11,12 keeping a greater portion of women with probably benign disease out of the operating room for a diagnostic procedure. However, advancement in technology has also added to the potential procedural risks.13

Stereotactic Breast Biopsy

Stereotaxis mammography determines the position of a nonpalpable breast abnormality by utilizing computerized triangulation of the targeted lesion visualized with two stereo images, separated by a 30° arc.5,15 The equipment for performing a stereotactic breast biopsy is either a dedicated prone table or an add-on unit, which utilizes a targeting and biopsy platform attached to a standard upright mammogram system.15,16 Add-on stereotactic breast biopsy units have been traditionally less popular because the upright patient position and patient visualization of the procedure have the potential for producing increased syncopal episodes.5,17 The advantages of the prone position include gravity to assist the technologist with posterior lesions and a greatly enhanced workspace beneath the table.18 Both are important for positioning and access, which limit many of the potential difficulties in achieving a successful biopsy.


Evaluating the Mammogram and the Patient and Choosing the Approach to the Breast

Choosing an Inappropriate Mammogram Lesion Type for Biopsy

Failure to Recognize Patient Characteristics that Will Result in an Unsuccessful Stereotactic Breast Biopsy

Not Choosing the Ideal Approach to the Breast

Obtain Scout and Stereo Digital Images

Acquisition of the first digital image is the 0°, scout image. Regardless of the approach to the breast (CC, ML, LM, or caudocranial), this image is taken perpendicular to the compressed breast. Next, the technologist obtains a set of stereo images by rotating the tube head to the +15° and the −15° positions to yield an arc of separation between the two stereo images of 30°.

Failure to Recognize the Depth of a Lesion in the Breast


Targeting the Lesion

A target is chosen on the abnormality in each of the stereotactic images. The computer software determines the horizontal, parallax shift of the lesion from stereo image number one to stereo image number two. The software then calculates the horizontal, vertical, and depth coordinates. The software can either use the 30° separation of stereo images or substitute the 15° between the stereo and the scout images when using the “target on scout” technique.

It may be important to consider the biopsy device type when placing the target on the lesion in each of the stereo images. If the abnormality in the breast is small, the size of certain devices when inserted into the breast may hinder visualization of the lesion. Therefore, placing the targets inferior to the lesion will allow the lesion to appear superior to the biopsy device once it is in position and easily visualized.

A Negative Stroke Margin

Prepare the Breast: Skin Preparation, Local Anesthesia, and Skin Incision

The appropriate level of local anesthesia is crucial to limit patient discomfort and resultant movement. The position of the biopsy device to the calculated horizontal and vertical coordinates determines the entry site into the breast. The physician makes a small skin incision with usually a No. 11 blade scalpel. The incision size may vary from just a few millimeters to slightly greater than 1 cm, depending on the biopsy device and whether the incision is oriented vertically.

Injecting Too Much Local Anesthetic

Insertion of the Biopsy Device

The physician inserts the biopsy device into the breast to the depth determined by the system software.

Assess Appropriate Alignment between the Lesion and the Biopsy Device on Prebiopsy and/or Postbiopsy Alignment Stereo Digital Images

Failure to Recognize Targeting Errors

Adequately Sample the Lesion for Diagnosis and/or Potential Therapeutic Removal

Failure to Choose the Correct Biopsy Device


The tools for specimen acquisition have evolved from fine-needle aspiration, automated Tru-Cut core needle, VAB devices to large-intact sampling instruments, and the technologic advancements have closely paralleled the acceptance of image-guided breast biopsy.19 Fine-needle aspiration has long been recognized to have several potential pitfalls. This includes insufficient sampling, as high as 38% in some series, with sensitivity ranges between 68% and 93% and specificity between 88% and 100%.18,19 Cytology rarely provides a specific benign diagnosis and cannot distinguish between invasive and in situ carcinoma. The automated Tru-Cut core needle has a lower false-negative rate compared with that of fine-needle aspiration.57 Standard use of the 14-gauge needle essentially eliminated the issue of insufficient sampling.

Several different gauge needles have been evaluated for Tru-Cut biopsy. The lower rate of insufficient sampling and increased sensitivity, without increased complications, has led to a minimum size of 14-gauge as a standard.5,19 The issue of how many cores are needed was addressed by Dr. Laura Lieberman from Sloan-Kettering in New York.20 In this study, 145 lesions were biopsied: 92 were nodular densities, and 53 were microcalcifications. Five cores with a 14-gauge automated Tru-Cut needle yielded a diagnosis in 99% of biopsies for breast masses. Five cores yielded a diagnosis in only 87% of the microcalcification cases, and more than six cores yielded a diagnosis in 92% of the cases.

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Jun 21, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Image-Guided Breast Biopsy

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