CHAPTER 38 Hypertrophic Scars and Keloids
Tissue destruction techniques used for treating keloids can incite further keloid formation. Cryotherapy, however, has been used with good results in 65% to 75% of cases. Both liquid nitrogen and nitrous oxide methods can be efficacious (see Chapter 14, Cryosurgery, Fig. 14-4). The more recent the keloid, the better the response to cryotherapy. A 10- to 15-second freeze with liquid nitrogen (−189° C) is usually required for keloids on most sites other than the mid-sternal region (small scars will take less time). Freezing for more than 10 to 15 seconds with liquid nitrogen can produce persistent post-treatment hypopigmentation. A 30- to 45-second freeze is usually adequate for most keloids when nitrous oxide (−89° C) is used. A better guide for any modality is to continue the freeze until 1 to 2 mm of normal tissue is involved and the complete thaw time is 1.5 to 2 minutes. During each treatment visit, the entire lesion must be treated with two to three freeze/thaw cycles.
After cryotherapy (see Chapter 14, Cryosurgery, Fig. 14-4), tissue edema will develop in 20 to 60 minutes. Within hours a significant bulla (blister) will appear. A rather copious serous discharge may follow. A moist environment (semiocclusive dressing) will aid healing. In southern and temperate climate areas, particularly during the summer months, occlusive therapy may prolong healing and increases the likelihood of secondary infection. Depending on the size of the lesion, five to eight treatments may be needed at 6-week intervals. Start conservatively and increase the freeze times if there are no untoward adverse effects.
Corticosteroid Injections
Another method of injecting steroids is to use the MadaJet Injector (see Pearl no. 8 in Appendix H, Pearls of Practice). The same concentration is used. The spring-loaded “gun” fires (dispenses) the solution, which is under pressure, into the lesion. No needles are involved, and there is less pain. Injections may again need to be repeated every 4 to 6 weeks to gain maximum benefit. The same dilutions are used.