How to Succeed on the Surgical Clerkship

Chapter 7 How to Succeed on the Surgical Clerkship

Thoughts on Expectations, Feedback, and Stress


Success on a surgical clerkship is built on hard work. Achieving success requires that you be ADEPT.

Attention to Detail. Careful attention to detail is key to your success. Knowing your patients and keeping up to date on their daily progress is your primary responsibility. You need to be your patients’ champion and ensure that you have the most reliable information available for participating in decisions about their care. Additionally, a competent physician is well read and well informed about his or her patients’ diseases.

Dependability. Being on time, prepared, and following through on assigned tasks is the cornerstone of professionalism and is vital to the well-being of your patients. You won’t be expected to know everything; however, if you are asked a question and you don’t know the answer, be honest. Say, “I don’t know,” find the answer to the question, and report back.

Effort. Giving your best physically, emotionally, and intellectually when you are working extraordinary hours may at times seem a Herculean task. However, effort you invest will affect how you experience the clerkship and how you are perceived by your team.

Privilege. Being a physician is a privilege. You will have intimate knowledge about your patients and they will count on your integrity. Patients and their families will remember your words, the tone of your voice, and the way you looked, and these impressions will impact how your patients perceive you and trust the care that you provide.

Team Player. Be the person that everyone wants on their service. Do what is asked of you, and go the extra mile. If a team member needs help, ask what you can do. A highly synchronized team is the key to optimal patient care.

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Mar 20, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on How to Succeed on the Surgical Clerkship

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