Chapter 15 How to Break Bad News
Clinical Case Problem 1: A 34-Year-Old Woman Just Diagnosed with Metastatic Malignant Melanoma
Select the best answer to the following questions
1. Regarding the delivery of bad news to patients who are unaccompanied when they come to the office, which of the following statements is true?
2. Which of the following settings is not acceptable for the delivery of bad news?
3. The first step in breaking bad news is to
Clinical Case Problem 2: Communicating Bad News
4. Which of the following were appropriate steps to have taken?
5. Which of the following steps might be considered a communication aid and be helpful to the patient in the days after the diagnosis?
6. Which of the following statements regarding finding out how much the patient wants to know is not true?
7. There are two languages that physicians use in talking to patients: English and “medispeak.” Unfortunately, patients usually only understand English. Which of the following is an example of medispeak?
8. Which of the following statements is false regarding the involvement of family physicians in the care of a patient with cancer?
9. Which of the following is (are) true regarding the delivery of bad news to patients with a serious disease?
10. In an interview in which news of a serious disease is presented, which of the following is the thing to do before the patient leaves the office?
11. When Joanne, a 14-year-old, was diagnosed with leukemia, her mother asked you what Joanne should be told and by whom. You replied how?