chapter 5 Herb–drug interactions
Complementary medicines such as herbal medicines are available through a variety of channels such as supermarkets, pharmacies, health-food stores, clinic rooms, internet sites and mail order companies. Many people self-select their products and do not receive professional advice about their safe and appropriate use.1,2 When using a complementary medicine, many do not discuss its use with their medical practitioner, either in the community or in the hospital setting.1,3–14 Importantly, people using complementary medicines tend to have poorer health than the general community15 and are not generally dissatisfied with conventional medicine but use complementary medicines as an adjunct to conventional medical care.1,4,16,17 This raises the possibility of dual care from both complementary and conventional practitioners and the concomitant use of herbs and pharmaceutical medicines. Widespread use, self-selection and poor disclosure suggest that many people feel sufficiently confident that over-the-counter (OTC) herbal medicines are beneficial and that their safety is assumed. This assumption is supported by several Australian studies.1,18
Australia’s risk-based regulatory process for therapeutic goods (including herbal medicines) provides some safeguard. Clinicians can feel reassured that OTC herbal medicines allocated an AUST L number have been produced according to the Code of Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP) and their ingredients assessed for safety. Alternatively, potentially unsafe herbal medicines have warning labels and may even be restricted from sale via the scheduling system, much like pharmaceutical medicines (more information about the regulation of herbal products can be found in Ch 4).
Despite this, it has become apparent over the past decade that some commonly used OTC herbal medicines are capable of causing significant drug interactions, which must be identified and managed to optimise patient safety. Open communication, familiarisation with the most commonly used complementary medicines and understanding the interaction mechanisms involved are vital first steps in promoting patient safety. This chapter provides an introduction to herb–drug interactions; detailed information about specific herb–drug interactions is beyond the scope of this chapter. Comprehensive drug–herb interaction charts and further information are available in Herbs and natural supplements—an evidence-based guide by Braun & Cohen.19
Herbs contain a chemically complex cocktail of naturally occurring ingredients. In this way, they are very different from pharmaceutical medicines. The pharmacological effect of a herbal medicine is the end result of an interplay between various interactions. There are intra-herbal interactions between constituents, interactions between the herb and the vehicles it is mixed with during processing and manufacture, and then the final interaction between the product and person receiving it. Interactions can also occur between the foods, drugs and other herbal medicines being taken by that individual. As you can see, interactions are unavoidable and should not present any clinical problem unless they are unanticipated.
Considering the great variation in physical properties and pharmacological effects of the numerous substances used as medicines, together with the variable nature of herbal medicines, a virtually endless number of interactions is possible. Interaction mechanisms can be broadly categorised as pharmacodynamic or pharmacokinetic interactions (Fig 5.1). Regardless of the interaction mechanism at work, there are three possible outcomes:
A reduced rate of absorption can lead to a ‘sustained release’ effect, whereas a reduced extent of absorption is particularly problematic for drugs with a narrow therapeutic index (NTI). Gums and mucilages (such as guar gum and psyllium) are examples of substances known or thought to affect drug absorption. For example, a double-blind study found that guar gum slowed the absorption rate of digoxin but did not alter the extent of absorption, whereas penicillin absorption was both slowed and reduced.20 This brings into question the effects of other gums and highly mucilaginous herbal medicines such as Ulmus fulvus (slippery elm), Althea officinalis (marshmallow) and Plantago ovata (psyllium). Poorly lipid soluble, the mucilaginous content forms an additional physical barrier that needs to be traversed before the medicine can enter systemic circulation. Whether this will have clinically significant effects on the rate and/or extent of absorption of other medicines is uncertain and remains to be tested.
More research has been conducted on the way in which nutrients interact and alter the absorption of other medicines. The interactions between iron and mineral-based antacids are a useful example. Separating the intake of iron and the last antacid dose by at least 2 hours reduces the risk of interaction.19
Enzyme inhibition is an immediate response, with effects seen rapidly.21 It can be reversible, quasi-reversible or irreversible. In practice, most inhibition is reversible, ceasing when use of the inhibitor agent is discontinued. The result of CYP enzyme inhibition is elevated serum levels of those drugs chiefly metabolised by the affected enzyme. Medicines with narrow therapeutic margins, such as digoxin, are of particular concern as small elevations in serum levels have the potential to produce toxic effects. In practice, enzyme inhibition is not always harmful and has been manipulated to raise serum drug levels without the need to increase the dose administered. The result has obvious cost advantages when expensive drugs are involved and has been used in some hospitals for medicines such as cyclosporin. Grapefruit is one example of a natural product having significant enzyme inhibition effects.
Unlike enzyme inhibition, enzyme induction is a relatively slow process and results in reduced serum levels of the drugs chiefly metabolised by the affected CYP enzyme. Many different medicines and everyday substances have been found to be capable of inducing CYP enzymes—examples are broccoli, brussel sprouts, chargrilled meat, high-protein diets and alcohol.19
St John’s wort is a good example of a herbal substance capable of interacting with a variety of drugs through this mechanism. Clinical studies have confirmed that long-term administration of St John’s wort has significant CYP inducer activity, particularly CYP3A4.22–25 This is significant because CYP3A4 is responsible for the metabolism of many pharmaceutical drugs. Studies have isolated the hyperforin component as a potent ligand for the pregnane X receptor, which regulates expression of CYP3A4 mono-oxygenase. In this way, hyperforin increases the availability of CYP3A4, resulting in enzyme induction.26 Examples of CYP3A4 substrates are alprazolam, codeine, erythromycin and simvastatin. Importantly, low-hyperforin St John’s wort extracts such as Ze 117 do not significantly induce CYP3A4, 2D6, 2C9, 1A2 or 2C19, according to human pharmacokinetic studies.27–29 As such, the Ze 117 extract may present a safer treatment option for patients taking multiple drugs at the same time.
A pharmacodynamic interaction occurs when one substance alters the sensitivity or responsiveness of tissues to another substance. This type of interaction results in additive, synergistic or antagonistic drug effects. Pharmacodynamic interactions can also occur when therapeutic substances with overlapping side effects or toxicities are used together, leading to more serious side effects than when either substance is used alone. A good understanding of the pharmacological activity of the therapeutic substances involved can help to theoretically predict potential interactions and optimise therapy.

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