In the late 1960s and early 1970s, two friends from Santa Cruz began a short-lived outdoor cannabis breeding experiment that would profoundly influence all marijuana cultivation for the following 40 years. Their cannabis variety was called Haze and it combined the finest narrow-leafleted sativas gathered from Mexico, Thailand, India, and Colombia into the first superstar cannabis variety. Haze quickly gained a reputation as the world’s finest cannabis. Each individual ounce of Haze was delivered in a redwood box emblazoned with a custom label. Each season a new version of Haze was introduced: Magenta, Gold, Silver, Purple, and Blue.
As varieties hailing from tropical climes, the Hazes did not flower in greenhouses until mid-December. One variety flowered until mid-January. This long flowering time ensured phenomenal psychoactivity, but also risks to the cultivator. By the late 1970s, state and federal marijuana eradication programs made large-scale cultivation of long-flowering tropical varieties nearly impossible. A serious case might be made for Haze, along with Kona Gold, as consistently the greatest cannabis variety of all time.
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