Hamartomatous Polyps, Juvenile

Hamartomatous Polyps, Juvenile

Amitabh Srivastava, MD

Gross photograph shows multiple polyps in a patient with juvenile polyposis syndrome. The larger polyps image are pedunculated and multilobulated, while the smaller ones are sessile and smooth image.

Juvenile polyps are characterized by marked stromal expansion and cystically dilated crypts. The stroma is loose, edematous, and inflamed, while the cysts are filled with inspissated mucin image.



  • Juvenile polyp (JP)

  • Juvenile polyposis syndrome (JPS)


  • Hamartomatous polyp

    • May occur sporadically

    • May be manifestation of inherited familial polyposis syndrome

  • Patients with JPS have increased risk of colorectal carcinoma

  • No increase in cancer risk in sporadic JP


  • Germline mutations in SMAD4 (DPC4) gene on 18q21 present in about 20% of JPS patients

    • Exon 9 deletion is most common abnormality

    • Patients with SMAD4 germline mutations more likely to have

      • Polyps in upper gastrointestinal tract

      • Positive family history

  • Germline mutations in BMPR1A gene on 10q23 present in similar proportion of JPS cases

    • Variety of mutations have been identified in JP families

  • Mutations in SMAD4 and BMPR1A genes interfere with TGF-β signaling pathway



  • Hematochezia

  • Anemia

  • Diarrhea

  • Prolapse

  • Juvenile polyps occur in distinct clinical settings

    • Sporadic juvenile polyp

      • 90% of all polyps in children

      • 20-50% may have more than 1 polyp

      • No increase in risk of colorectal carcinoma

      • Polyps histologically identical to those in JPS patients

    • Juvenile polyposis coli

      • Most common inherited form

      • Present clinically in 1st decade

      • Polyps confined to colon

    • Generalized juvenile polyposis

      • Diffuse involvement of gastrointestinal tract

      • Colon, stomach, and small intestine involved

    • Gastric juvenile polyposis

      • Rare form of disease

      • Polyps confined to stomach

      • Patients may present with protein-losing enteropathy and mimic Cronkhite-Canada syndrome

    • Juvenile polyposis of infancy

      • Rare, autosomal recessive disease

      • Usually associated with death in infancy

  • Diagnostic criteria for juvenile polyposis syndrome

    • More than 5 juvenile polyps (most patients have between 50-200)

      • Any number of polyps in patient with positive family history

    • Extracolonic juvenile polyps are almost always syndromic

  • Extracolonic manifestations present in about 2/3 of JPS patients

    • Macrocephaly, hydrocephalus, and mental retardation

    • Congenital heart disease

    • Pulmonary arteriovenous malformation

    • Cleft palate and polydactyly

    • Malrotation and Meckel diverticulum

    • Cryptorchidism

  • Risk of colorectal cancer

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Jul 6, 2016 | Posted by in PATHOLOGY & LABORATORY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Hamartomatous Polyps, Juvenile

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