Oxidative stress markers
Changes in oxidative stress markers
CPAP results
Christou et al. (2003)
Human adults
Antioxidant capacity, TEAC
In severe OSAS, TEAC reduced
Not measured
Ip et al. (2000)
Human adults
Nitric oxide
Increased synthesis
Not measured
[23, 24]
Volna et al. (2011)
Human adults
Cu, MMP-9, hsCRP, ODI
High positive correlation with markers and OSAS
Not measured
Gozal (2009)
Positive correlation
Not measured
Htoo et al. (2006)
Human adults
Positive correlation with OSAS severity
Decreased after CPAP
Simiakakis et al. (2012)
Human adults
Derivatives of reactive oxygen metabolites, biological antioxidant capacity
No association between markers and OSAS
Not measured
Baysal et al. (2012)
Human adults
Increased oxidative stress markers and decreased circulating antioxidant enzymes
Not measured
There is strong evidence supporting the involvement of oxidative stress in the pathophysiology of hypertension. As ROS are mediators of the major physiological vasoconstrictors, like Ang-II and ET-1, OSAS-related hypertension is a result of both an increased carotid chemoreflex and decreased baroreceptor activity (Dumitrascu et al. 2013). Oxidative stress plays an important role in the development and progression of cardiovascular dysfunction associated with hypertensive disease. In addition, disorders in cell functioning can lead to systemic alterations in a chain reaction. Typically, several factors can impair cell function, triggering the same pathophysiological pathway or different ones (Gjorup et al. 2008; Volna et al. 2011; Gozal et al. 2007b; Simiakakis et al. 2012).
23.4 Inflammatory Responses in OSAS
The redox-sensitive transcription factor inflammatory response affects the whole organism. Oxidative stress in OSAS initiates the overexpression of adhesion molecules in blood and endothelial cells. Animal studies have revealed that adhesion molecules are involved in prothrombotic and pre-inflammatory events (Lavie and Lavie 2006; Panes and Granger 1998). An increment in the levels of adhesion molecules can damage the endothelium and promote cytotoxicity against endothelial cells.
23.4.1 Proinflammatory Cytokines
The activation of redox-sensitive transcription factors triggers the production of proinflammatory cytokines, which regulate inflammatory responses such as macrophage activation, nitric oxide production, and smooth muscle cell proliferation. The most studied cytokines are tumor necrosis factor (TNF), IL-6, and interleukin-8 (IL-8), which are regulated by the activation of NF-κB and AP-1 (Lavie and Lavie 2006; Panes and Granger 1998; Haddad and Harb 2005). Elevated levels of proinflammatory cytokines, adipokines, and adhesion molecules also show activation and acquired prothrombotic phenotype in blood cells and endothelial cells of patients with OSA (Lavie 2009).
23.4.2 Diagnosis and Treatment of OSAS
Studies have shown that sleep apnea increases atherogenic events. This process seems to start at the onset of sleep apnea syndrome. Although the patients referred to clinics after developing the major symptoms of OSAS tend to be in the fifth decade of life, Wisconsin studies revealed that of men in the third decade of life, 17 % have mild and 6.2 % have moderate sleep apnea (Young et al. 1993). People with disordered breathing are likely to develop hypertension within 4 years (Lavie and Lavie 2006). These findings show that the cardiovascular damage in OSAS is progressive and accumulates over time. When the diagnosis is late, the risks of mortality and morbidity are higher (Lavie and Lavie 2006).
23.5 Treatment of OSAS and Its Effects on Oxidative Stress
23.5.1 Continuous Positive Airway Pressure
CPAP therapy is the preferred treatment option for patients with OSAS. CPAP treatment is usually delivered via a nasal mask and helps to maintain upper airway patency, so it is a treatment, not a cure for the disease, and CPAP treatment has many benefits, such as decreasing daytime sleepiness, improving neurocognitive function, and reducing cardiovascular disease (Friedman et al. 2012). Barcelo et al. (2006) studied the effects of CPAP treatment on oxidative stress in patients with OSAS and found that continuous CPAP treatment improves the antioxidant defense. As oxidative stress and endothelial dysfunction are important predictors of an increased risk of cardiovascular disease, this might explain the decrease in cardiovascular disorders after CPAP treatment (Barcelo et al. 2006). Tothova et al. demonstrated that evening concentrations of the salivary thiobarbituric acid-reacting substances (p < 0.001), advanced glycation end products (p < 0.001), and advanced oxidation protein products (p < 0.01) were significantly lower than morning values during the diagnostic night. However, they found that salivary concentrations of none of the oxidative stress markers were significantly influenced by the CPAP treatment. No changes in salivary antioxidant status after CPAP therapy were found (Tothova et al. 2013).
23.5.2 Antioxidant Treatment and OSAS
Sadasivam et al. (2011) suggested that oral intake of the antioxidant N-acetylcysteine improves sleep parameters and produces beneficial effects on oxygen saturation.
23.5.3 Surgical Treatment and Oxidative Stress
Skelly et al. (2013) studied the oxidative stress in upper airway muscles; they found that intermittent hypoxia and hypoxia reoxygenation have an equivalent negative inotropic effect on isolated rat sternohyoid muscle force. A superoxide scavenger TEMPOL increases sternohyoid muscle sensitivity to electrical stimulation and was modestly effective in preventing muscle weakness, but, however, failed to recover decreased upper airway muscle performance during sustained hypoxia. Akpinar et al. (2012) studied on the salivary myeloperoxidase levels in the saliva of the OSAS patients and normal controls; they found that salivary myeloperoxidase was higher in OSAS patients which may show the local inflammation. According to these studies, it can be supposed that OSAS is both a systemic and local oxidative stress disorder.
Lee et al. (2009) studied on the effects of uvulopalatopharyngoplasty (UPPP) on serum levels of nitric oxide derivatives (NOx) and endothelial function by endothelium-dependent flow-mediated dilation (FMD) in OSAS. They found that success of the procedure was correlated with renormalization of NOx levels and FMD. These results are consistent with the measurement of NOx levels in patients whose OSAS was successfully treated with CPAP.
Gozal et al. (2007c) have shown that nonobese children with OSA are at risk for endothelial dysfunction which has a correlation with circulating levels of sCD40L in these children. The marker for endothelium-related activation and dysfunction is soluble CD40 ligand (sCD40L), which binds CD40 on the surface of various cell types; such as endothelial cells, and triggers the increment in the expression of inflammatory mediators, growth factors, and the procoagulant tissue factor. They concluded that the effective treatment of OSA by adenotonsillectomy may not be associated with reversibility of the functional endothelial deficits.
23.6 Genetic Studies
The studies of genetic alterations in OSAS reveal that the expression of specific genes is responsible for hypoxia-dependent ROS, resulting in physiological and sometimes pathological consequences. The expression of these genes depends on redox-sensitive processes. Some of the genes studied are HIF-1, NF-κB, AP-1, early growth response-1 (EGR-1), nuclear factor-interleukin-6 (NF-IL6), and Sp-1 transcription factor (Sp-1) (Lavie 2003).
NF-κB and AP-1: NF-κB is needed for the expression of TNF-α and IL-1, chemokines, growth factors, and adhesion molecules, which have an importance in inflammatory responses and atherosclerosis (Lavie 2003). NF-κB initiates inflammatory pathways and regulates the production of adhesion molecules, inflammatory cytokines, and adipokines. Moreover, NF-κB is also associated with obesity and the metabolic syndrome, and in both conditions, induces inflammatory and atherosclerotic sequelae, (Lavie 2009).
NADPH Oxidases: NADPH oxidases are the main source of ROS in the vascular system. Several polymorphisms related to NADPH oxidase expression or activity have been identified. Pierola et al. (2011) compared the distribution of the allelic frequencies of A-930G and C242T polymorphisms in patients with OSAS and in a control group without OSAS. They found that the A-930G polymorphism of the p22phox gene may have an important role in genetic susceptibility to OSAS and the C242T and A-930G polymorphisms of the p22phox gene may be involved in the development of oxidative stress in OSAS patients.
HIF-1: HIF-1 activates transcription of genes responsible for adaptive responses to reduced O2 by the carotid body. HIF-1 is a global regulator of oxygen homeostasis that controls multiple key developmental and physiological processes including angiogenesis and erythropoiesis (Semenza and Prabhakar 2007).
TNF-α gene is associated with sleep latency reduction and excessive daytime sleepiness. The proinflammatory cytokines TNF-α, interleukin (IL)-6, and IL-1α were more highly expressed in the OSA-derived tonsils of children (Tan et al. 2013).
23.7 Conclusion
OSAS is a systemic disorder that affects the cardiovascular and neurocognitive systems. Patients with OSAS have increased oxidative stress levels and reduced antioxidant enzyme activities. Increased oxidative stress in OSAS patients may explain some of the associations among OSAS, hypoxia, and the risk of cardiovascular disease in OSAS patients. Further studies about oxidative stress and its genetic etiology are needed to define the role of oxidative stress in these associations in OSAS.
Systemic inflammation is another aspect of pathological mechanisms for the consequences of OSAS. There is usually a coexistence with cardiovascular disease, type 2 diabetes, asthma, and smoking, all of which have effects on systemic inflammation and oxidative stress.
Future studies should deal with the confounding effect of obesity and the coexistence of other conditions that affect the same mechanisms as OSAS does. Most studies indicate that oxidative stress increases in OSAS and that it can be partially improved by CPAP treatment. However, there are still conflicts about the biomarkers of oxidative stress and effects of surgical treatment (Arnardottir et al. 2009).
Akpinar ME, Yigit O, Altundag A, Demirel GY, Kocak I (2012) Salivary and serum myeloperoxidase in obstructive sleep apnea. J Otolaryngol Head Neck Surg 41(3):215–221PubMed

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