Fluids and Irrigation Solutions

Make it Simple

Remember to use your medical terminology skills to understand the prefixes “hyper-” and “hypo-” (as described in Chapter 8), with “hyper-” meaning excessive or above normal and “hypo-” meaning below or less than normal.


icon Caution

IV potassium can cause severe and potentially fatal cardiac rhythm disturbances. Thus patients should be carefully monitored, and when possible, oral potassium in liquid, tablet, or capsule form is preferable.

Sodium controls distribution of water in the body and maintains fluid and electrolyte balance. Sodium is the principal cation of ECF and vital to neuromuscular function. Normal sodium levels are 135 to 145 mEq/L. If there is too much sodium in the body, the condition is called hypernatremia. This condition frequently results from a relative water loss, and the cells become dehydrated. If there is too little, it is called hyponatremia. This results from excessive water ingestion or retention or inadequate sodium intake.

Intravenous Fluids


icon Quick Question

Using the information in the previous paragraph, what is the IV solution described as D10W?

Common Intravenous Fluids Administered in Surgery

TABLE 11-2

Common Intravenous Fluid Components

Component Abbreviation
Dextrose D
Lactated Ringer’s (or Ringer’s lactate) LR (or RL)
Normal saline (0.9%) NaCl, NS
Saline S
Sodium chloride NaCl
Water W
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Jul 22, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Fluids and Irrigation Solutions

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