Facial x-ray

Mandible radiograph showing an oblique fracture of the left mandible at the angle (arrow).

Examination notes

What are the three McGrigor’s lines?

Line 1

Upper lines: zygomaticofrontal sutures (laterally), upper orbits (centrally) and frontal sinuses

Line 2

Middle line: zygomatic arches (laterally), inferior orbits (medially) and bridge of nose (midline)

Line 3

Lower line: mandibular condyle and coronoid processes (laterally), lateral and medial walls of maxillary antra (medially) and floor of nose / upper teeth (midline)33

McGrigor’s lines.

What vertical line should be checked?

Midline: nasal septum and mandibular symphysis.

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Feb 18, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Facial x-ray

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