Chapter 35 I generally always ask about any feeling of heat in the face whenever a pattern of Heat or Empty-Heat emerges from the interrogation. It is important to remember that we should ask about feelings of heat in the face even when the patient presents with all the symptoms of Yang deficiency because there are many situations when contradictory Hot and Cold symptoms appear. A common example of this situation is in menopausal women who suffer from hot flushes of the face occurring against a background of a simultaneous Kidney-Yang and Kidney-Yin deficiency, with a predominance of the former. For other causes of simultaneous hot and cold feeling, see Chapter 43. Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 55 A feeling of heat in the face may be due to either Full- or Empty-Heat of any organ. Full-Heat will manifest with a feeling of heat in the face occurring either mostly in the daytime or throughout the day, whereas Empty-Heat manifests with a feeling of heat in the face occurring mostly in the afternoon and evening. (See Part 5, Chapter 55). Symptoms and Signs, Chapter 55 The facial pain due to invasion of Wind-Heat is characterized by an acute onset, a severe pain on the cheeks or jaws, a feeling of heat of the face, face feeling hot on palpation, headache, sore throat and an aversion to cold and fever. Box 35.1 summarizes the patterns underlying facial pain. The nose was called in Chinese medicine Ming Tang, which means ‘Bright Hall’, signifying that it is an area of concentration of Yang-Qi and a place through which the clear Yang ascends to the head. The Song dynasty’s Chen Wu Ze says: ‘The nose is the opening of the Lungs through which the five odours are detected; it is the place where the Yin and Yang descend and ascend and through which the Clear Qi flows.’1 The nose is the external orifice of the Lungs and it is therefore closely related to breathing, smell and sound (of the voice). The organs influencing the nose are the Lungs, Kidneys, Spleen, Stomach, Gall-Bladder and Governing Vessel. External Wind-Heat invades the body via the nose and mouth. The nose can reflect pathological changes of many different organs, the balance of Yin and Yang, Heat and Cold, Deficiency and Excess, and stasis of Blood.
Feeling of heat of the face
Facial pain