Extracellular Messengers

Chapter 16 Extracellular Messengers

Cells must respond to their environment. Attachments to neighboring cells and the surrounding extracellular matrix provide signals from the immediate environment, but signals from distant sources have to be transmitted by soluble extracellular messenger molecules.

Hormones are synthesized either by specialized endocrine glands or by “ordinary” tissues such as heart, kidney, intestine, and adipose tissue. They are transported by the blood and induce physiological responses in distant targets.

Paracrine messengers are not transported by the blood but act on neighboring cells in their tissue of origin. Many paracrine messengers also act on the synthesizing cell itself. This is called autocrine signaling.

Neurotransmitters are released by neurons at specialized cell-cell contacts called “synapses.” Rather than broadcasting a message, they transmit a message between two individual cells.

This chapter describes the metabolism of extracellular messengers. The actions of these agents on their target cells are discussed in Chapter 17.

Progestins are the biosynthetic precursors of all other steroid hormones

The precursor relationships of the steroid hormones can be summarized as follows:

The very first reaction (Fig. 16.1) is catalyzed by the mitochondrial side chain cleavage enzyme, also known as desmolase. It hydroxylates carbons 20 and 22, followed by cleavage of the carbon-carbon bond. This reaction produces pregnenolone, which is converted to progesterone by a nicotinamide adenine dinucleotide (NAD)-dependent enzyme. Progesterone is the major product of the corpus luteum and the placenta. The other endocrine glands convert pregnenolone and progesterone to other steroid hormones.

The adrenal cortex processes the progestins into corticosteroids, including the major glucocorticoid cortisol (10–20 mg/day) and the major mineralocorticoid aldosterone (0.10–0.15 mg/day). The most important reactions of corticosteroid synthesis (Fig. 16.2) are hydroxylations with the overall balance


These reactions take place in the inner mitochondrial membrane or the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) membrane. They always require the heme-containing subunit cytochrome P-450. Molecular oxygen binds to the ferrous heme iron of P-450. An electron is then transferred from NADPH to the heme-bound oxygen, converting the oxygen into a highly reactive form that reacts with the substrate. In the microsomal enzyme complexes (those located in the ER), the electron is transferred through a flavoprotein that contains both flavin adenine dinucleotide (FAD) and flavin mononucleotide (FMN):

The mitochondrial forms of cytochrome P-450 receive their electrons through an FAD-containing flavoprotein and the iron-sulfur protein adrenodoxin:

Testosterone is the major testicular androgen. About 5 mg is produced by the Leydig cells in the testis every day. In the target tissues and, to a lesser extent, in the testis itself, testosterone is converted to dihydrotestosterone (DHT) by the enzyme 5α-reductase. The plasma level of DHT is only 10% of the testosterone level, but DHT is a considerably more potent androgen than is testosterone. Therefore testosterone acts in part as a precursor, or prohormone, of the active hormone DHT.

The adrenal cortex contributes approximately 20 mg of androgen per day. Adrenal androgens include dihydroepiandrosterone and androstenedione, but only trace amounts of testosterone. The adrenal androgens have a keto group instead of a hydroxy group at C-17 and therefore are far less potent than testosterone, but they are a major source of androgenic activity in females (Figs. 16.2 and 16.4).

The granulosa cells of the ovarian follicles process testosterone into the potent estrogen estradiol. Postmenopausal women no longer make estradiol but still have the weak estrogen estrone, which is made from the adrenal androgen androstenedione. These reactions are catalyzed by the microsomal enzyme system aromatase.

Men produce only 65 μg/day of estrone from androstenedione and 45 μg of estradiol from testosterone. A small quantity of estradiol is synthesized in the testes, but most estrogen in the male is produced in adipose tissue, liver, skin, brain, and other nonendocrine tissues. Therefore testosterone is a precursor of two other hormones, DHT and estradiol:

Abnormalities in androgen synthesis lead to disorders of sexual development (Clinical Examples 16.2 and 16.3).

CLINICAL EXAMPLE 16.2: Congenital Adrenal Hyperplasia

In the adrenal cortex, 21-hydroxylase and 11β-hydroxylase are required for the synthesis of corticosteroids but not androgens (see Fig. 16.2). Recessively inherited deficiencies of either of these enzymes leads to congenital adrenal hyperplasia, also known as adrenogenital syndrome (incidence 1:10,000, 90% of this is 21-hydroxylase deficiency).

Ordinarily, the desmolase reaction in the adrenal cortex is stimulated by adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) from the pituitary gland, and the glucocorticoids inhibit ACTH release. In adrenogenital syndrome, the deficiency of glucocorticoids enhances ACTH release. The excess ACTH causes adrenal hyperplasia and stimulates the desmolase reaction. With the pathway of corticosteroid synthesis blocked, the overproduced progestins are diverted into androgen synthesis (Fig. 16.5). This disorder produces ambiguous external genitalia in girls and precocious puberty in boys.

Complete or near-complete deficiency of 21-hydroxylase leads to life-threatening hyponatremia and hyperkalemia due to aldosterone deficiency. The opposite is seen in deficiency of 11β-hydroxylase because 11-deoxycorticosterone accumulates. This 21-hydroxylated metabolite acts as a mineralocorticoid, and, because of its high levels, it causes signs of mineralocorticoid excess despite the absence of aldosterone.

Both the virilization and electrolyte imbalances can be cured by orally administered corticosteroids.

Thyroid hormones are synthesized from protein-bound tyrosine

The thyroid hormones are the only constituents of the human body that contain organically bound iodine:

The typical dietary intake of iodine, in the form of the iodide anion, is approximately 100 μg. Its plasma concentration is only 0.2 μg/dl, but the thyroid gland actively accumulates iodide from the blood by means of sodium cotransport. This carrier is inhibited by several inorganic ions including nitrate, perchlorate, pertechnetate, and isocyanate. Isocyanate is present in some foods, including cabbage and cassava, and can cause goiter when large quantities of these foods are consumed in the context of low dietary iodine.

Iodide enters the lumen of the thyroid follicle by facilitated diffusion from the follicular cells (Fig. 16.6). Here it meets the second ingredient for hormone synthesis, thyroglobulin. This large glycoprotein (two subunits, 2 × 330,000 D) is secreted into the lumen of the thyroid follicle by the follicular cells. Up to 40 tyrosine side chains in thyroglobulin become iodinated, but only 8 to 10 of them are processed to the active hormones.

Iodination of the tyrosine side chains requires the oxidation of iodide by the heme-containing enzyme thyroperoxidase on the apical (luminal) surface of the plasma membrane (see Fig. 16.6). The iodine reacts with tyrosine side chains, and the coupling of two iodinated tyrosines produces the protein-bound hormones (Fig. 16.7).

The hormones are released when thyroglobulin is taken up into the cell by pinocytosis, followed by the complete breakdown of thyroglobulin in lysosomes. The hormones leave the cell, and iodine from iodinated but uncoupled tyrosine is recycled.

More than 99% of triiodothyronine (T3) and more than 99.9% of thyroxine (T4) in the blood are bound to plasma proteins. Protein binding protects the hormones from enzymatic attack and renal excretion. Therefore their biological half-lives are remarkably long: 6.5 days for T4 and 1.5 days for T3. The T4 level in the plasma is 50 times higher than the T3 level (80 ng/ml vs 1.5 ng/ml), but the concentrations of free, unbound hormone are more balanced because T3 is less extensively bound to plasma proteins than is T4. The concentration of the unbound hormone, not the total hormone, determines the biological effects on the tissues.

Ninety percent of the released hormone is T4, and 10% is T3. In the target tissues, some T4 is converted to active T3, and some is converted to the inactive reverse T3 (Fig. 16.8). Eighty percent of the circulating T3 does not come directly from the thyroid gland but is produced from T4 in peripheral tissues. Of the two hormones, T3 is about four times more potent than T4. Therefore T4 is a prohormone for the more potent T3, much as testosterone is a prohormone for the more potent dihydrotestosterone.

Both hypothyroidism and hyperthyroidism are common disorders

The deficiency of thyroid hormone is called hypothyroidism. In adults, it is characterized by widespread subcutaneous edema due to excessive amounts of hyaluronic acid (“myxedema”), decreased basal metabolic rate, bradycardia, and sluggish thinking. Hypothyroidism in infants leads to severe and irreversible mental deficiency, stunted growth, and multiple physical deformities. This condition is called cretinism.

Iodine deficiency causes endemic hypothyroidism in areas of the world where the soil and the plants grown on it are deficient in this mineral. In the Alps, the condition was common until the early years of the twentieth century. Iodine deficiency now is rare in most countries because of the routine use of iodized salt, although there is still an extensive “goiter belt” in the Himalaya Mountains.

Autoimmune thyroiditis, also known as Hashimoto disease, is the most common form of adult hypothyroidism in areas with sufficient iodine, with a prevalence of at least 2% in women and 0.4% in men. It is characterized by episodes of inflammation with lymphocytic infiltration that can present with either hypothyroidism or hyperthyroidism. As the thyroid gland is progressively destroyed, lasting hypothyroidism finally develops.

The thyroid gland is stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH) from the pituitary gland. TSH release, in turn, is suppressed by thyroid hormones:

This feedback loop maintains a constant level of thyroid hormone under ordinary conditions. In autoimmune thyroiditis and iodine deficiency, the thyroid gland cannot make its hormones. The thyrotrophs of the pituitary gland are disinhibited, and the TSH level soars. TSH not only stimulates the biochemical steps in thyroid hormone synthesis but also causes hyperplasia of the follicular cells. This condition is called goiter.

Graves disease, which afflicts about 1% of women and 0.1% of men, is the most common cause of hyperthyroidism. It is an autoimmune disease in which an abnormal immunoglobulin G antibody binds to the TSH receptor. The antibody stimulates the receptor, causing excessive hormone secretion (thyrotoxicosis) and enlargement of the gland.

Jun 18, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Extracellular Messengers

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