chapter 9 Exercise as therapy
The renowned exercise biologist, Professor Frank Booth, described in great detail the importance of exercise for maintaining normal function and health, in his extensive review of the research literature.1 The basic tenet is that the human genome has not changed appreciably in the past 45,000 years and developed in an environment of high levels of physical activity. While our lifestyles have become predominantly sedentary in our working and leisure environments, our underlying biology expects stimuli involving physical work for extended periods, possibly dawn until dusk, as well as high-force and high-power activities such as would have been required to carry water, children, food, construction materials and tools as well as to run after animals that we sought to kill, or run away from animals desiring to eat us.
Despite the strong research evidence indicating that regular physical exercise is essential for human health, rates of sedentary and low exercise levels in Australia remain very high, at around 70% of the population over 15 years of age.2 This has not changed appreciably in the past 10 years despite the best efforts of government and organisations such as the Cancer Council and Heart Foundation to address this societal problem. The rate of no or low physical exercise is higher in females (73%) than in males (66%), and higher in the oldest age group of 75 years and over, at 83%. The rate is lowest in people aged 15–24 years but still frighteningly high at 62%.
The 2007 Australian National Children’s Nutrition and Physical Activity Survey is one of the most extensive investigations of exercise patterns in children aged 2–16 years conducted to date, with some 4487 participants. It was encouraging that most children aged 9–16 years met the Department of Health and Ageing recommendation that children aged 5–18 years accumulate at least 60 minutes, and up to several hours, of moderate to vigorous physical activity every day. According to the survey, there was a 69% chance that any given child would achieve this recommendation. With regard to gender, girls met the guidelines less frequently than boys, both boys and girls were less likely to meet the requirement as they got older, and this drop-off was much higher in older girls.3
The application of exercise for prevention and management of some specific health problems will be described later in this chapter. To establish the importance of exercise for general health, quality and quantity of life, the overall effects of exercise are summarised in Table 9.1.
TABLE 9.1 Effects of regular exercise on health
Health parameter | Effect of regular exercise | Preferred exercise mode |
Hypertension | Reduction of systolic and diastolic blood pressure | Aerobic predominantly but some research indicates anabolic also effective |
Cardiac function | Increased stroke volume and maximum cardiac output | Aerobic exercise |
Cardiorespiratory fitness | Increased efficiency and maximum capacity | Aerobic exercise |
Haemoglobin | Increased | Aerobic exercise |
Cholesterol | Reduces LDL, elevates HDL, lowers total cholesterol and triglycerides | Aerobic exercise |
Glucose metabolism | Glucose tolerance and insulin sensitivity improved | Aerobic and anabolic exercise |
Bone density | Increased bone mineral density, bone mineral content, cortical thickness and fracture threshold | Anabolic and ground-based impact exercises (e.g. skipping, bounding, jumping) |
Body fat | Reduced percentage body fat | Aerobic and anabolic combined |
Muscle mass | Increased muscle cross-sectional area, increased fibre size | Anabolic exercise |
Strength | Increased | Anabolic exercise |
Physical functioning | Gait speed, stair climb, sit to stand, balance, falls risk all improved | Anabolic and aerobic exercise |
Quality of life | Improvement in both general and disease-specific QOL measures | Anabolic and aerobic exercise |
HDL: high-density lipoprotein; LDL: low-density lipoprotein; QOL: quality of life.
Cardiorespiratory capacity or fitness relates to the ability to perform large-muscle-group, dynamic, moderate-to-high intensity exercise such as walking or cycling for prolonged periods.4 Exercise prescription for cardiovascular fitness is based on mode, intensity, duration and frequency of the activity. The activities prescribed most frequently are walking, cycling, jogging, running, rowing, swimming and hiking. It is suggested that individuals should choose activities that they enjoy and are enthusiastic about continuing, as this will increase program compliance.
The other major form of exercise critical to long-term health is anabolic exercise, which is also termed ‘resistance training’ or ‘weightlifting’. This form of exercise involves performing movements against resistance such as barbells, dumbbells, resistance machines or elastic resistance, such that the number of repetitions that can be completed is limited to 12 or less. This is a very important stipulation of intensity. If the movement can be completed more than 10–12 times then the resistance is too light and must be increased. Without such resistance the positive anabolic effects on muscle and bone will not be realised and the hormonal changes that are so neuro-protective will not result.
This concept may seem a little ‘out there’ for people who have not exercised previously or even lifted weights before but the research evidence in support of regular anabolic exercise is huge, demonstrating marked improvements in muscle mass, bone strength, functional capacity and positive effects on mental health and cognitive function. The recommendation of the American College of Sports Medicine is for people aged over 65 years to complete resistance training two to three times per week. The precise prescription is presented in Boxes 9.1 and 9.2.
Do moderately intense aerobic exercise 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week
Do vigorously intense aerobic exercise 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week
Do 8–10 strength-training exercises, 10–15 repetitions of each exercise 2–3 times per week
If you are at risk of falling, perform balance exercises
Source: Nelson et al 20065
BOX 9.2 Physical activity guidelines for healthy adults under 65 years
Do moderately intense cardio 30 minutes a day, 5 days a week
Do vigorously intense cardio 20 minutes a day, 3 days a week
Do 8–10 strength-training exercises, 8–12 repetitions of each exercise, twice a week
Source: Haskell et al 20076
For healthy adults over age 65 or adults aged 50–64 with chronic conditions, the physical activity guidelines in Box 9.1 are recommended.
The American College of Sports Medicine and the American Heart Association released a combined position stand in 2007. The recommendation on physical activity for healthy adults under 65 years of age is shown in Box 9.2.
One of the most common excuses people provide for their low level of physical activity is that they simply do not have the time. As can be seen in Boxes 9.1 and 9.2, the total commitment required is only 150 minutes of aerobic exercise per week and 90 minutes of strength training. This is less than 4% of a person’s total waking minutes per week. The key is to be flexible in how this is scheduled. Exercise can be undertaken at any time of day or night, and organised into any preferred blocks of effort, with little decrement in health benefit. So whether the patient completes a single bout of 30 minutes of aerobic exercise in a given day or three blocks of 10 minutes, the effect is essentially the same.
Many medical insurers and government-funded programs around the world include exercise physiologists and may require referral from the GP to the exercise physiologist for the patient to receive a medical insurance rebate, depending on the particular nationalised insurance system. Most private health insurers now cover exercise physiologist services.
Warm-up facilitates the transition from rest to exercise; it may reduce susceptibility to musculoskeletal injury by improving joint range of motion, and reduce the risk of adverse cardiovascular events.4 Regardless of training mode, exercise sessions should start with 5–10 minutes of low-intensity exercise incorporating stretching exercises and/or progressive lower-intensity aerobic activity. For example, participants who use 20 kg in a chest press exercise for 12 repetitions might have a warm-up set using 5–10 kg for 15 repetitions before initiating this particular exercise. Similarly, participants who use brisk walking or jogging might conduct a warm-up phase using a slow walk before initiating the training program. Implementing a gradual transition from rest to intense exercise is critical in reducing the risk of an adverse event, such as muscle strain or even a cardiovascular event. The body is much more comfortable with gradual changes in exercise intensity.
Specific phase
Cardiorespiratory training includes 20–60 minutes of continuous or intermittent (minimum of 10-minute bouts accumulated during the day) of aerobic activity training at 60–90% maximum heart rate (MHR) or 50–85% MHR reserve.7 Anabolic resistance exercises include performing 1–4 sets per muscle group training at 50–80% of 1 RM (repetition maximum) or 6–12 RM.7 Flexibility or range-of-motion training includes performing 2–4 sets per muscle group at 30–60 seconds stretching time.7
Exercise order
The ordering of anabolic exercises should generally follow these rules:
This phase provides a gradual recovery from the specific activity performed and includes exercises using lower intensities. For example, participants can use slow walking when completing higher-intensity aerobic activity or lower-intensity stretching when completing a resistance training session. The cool-down allows appropriate circulatory adjustment of heart rate and blood pressure to near-resting values, facilitates dissipation of heat, reduces potential post-exercise hypotension and promotes removal of lactic acid.4

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