Examination of the heart and great vessels

Common scars in cardiac surgery: (A) median sternotomy scar; (B) three chest drain scars associated with cardiac surgery (one draining the pericardial space and one in each pleural cavity); (C) mini sternotomy (aorta and aortic valve access); (D) 2nd intercostal space mini thoracotomy (atrial septal defect or aortic valve surgery); (E) 5th intercostal space mini thoracotomy (minimally invasive CABG).

Median sternotomy: most common incision to access heart and great vessels.

Mini sternotomy: smaller midline scar commonly used to access aorta and aortic valve.

Right 2nd intercostal space mini thoracotomy: access to aortic valve or atrial septal defect (ASD).

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Feb 18, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Examination of the heart and great vessels

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