What organs can be palpated in each abdominal area?
When examining the abdomen, the surgeon must ask three questions:
1. Is there any surgical disease or process involving the skin (layer 1)?
2. Is there any abdominal wall pathology (layer 2)?
3. Is there any pathology arising from the abdominal cavity (layer 3)?
Layer 1: What skin changes should be identified?
Scars (previous surgery), stomas, sinuses, fistulas, lacerations
Trauma: haematomas or ecchymosis
Infective: erythema, cellulitis, abscesses
Tumours: benign or malignant growths
Layer 2: What abdominal wall changes should be identified?
Soft tissue masses
Where should hernias be identified?
A hernia is ‘an abnormal protrusion of an organ or tissue through the wall of the cavity in which it is contained’. Hernias must be actively sought out and excluded through inspection and palpation in the following areas:
inguinal canal
femoral canal
obturator canal
peri- or intraumbilical area
pararectal space (Spigelian hernia)
midline of the abdomen (epigastrium)
deep to scars (incisional)
Patients can be asked to cough or lift their head or feet off the bed in order to raise intra-abdominal pressure and make hernias apparent.
Any abdominal, flank or groin incision needs to be examined to rule out incisional herniation.
Midline ventral hernias (midline fascial defects) must be differentiated from divarication of the recti (lateral displacement of abdominal recti muscles with stretching of the underlying connective tissues but absence of a fascial defect).
Desmoid tumours are rare causes of pain originating in the abdominal wall. They are fibrous tumours originating in muscular or aponeurotic tissue. Although rare, these are usually found in scar tissue, at the site of previous trauma or in the rectus abdominis muscle. On examination, they are fixed to abdominal wall structures and have normal overlying skin. They occur in Gardner’s syndrome (familial polyposis coli, desmoid tumours, osteomas of the mandible and multiple sebaceous cysts).
What is the purpose of light palpation?
Light palpation aims to determine whether there is:
Peritoneal irritation: generalised or localised pain, rigidity or rebound guarding
Distension: 5 Fs (see below)
What is the purpose of deep palpation?
Deep palpation investigates tenderness or changes in individual organs in the nine abdominal regions.
What are the causes of abdominal distension?
The 5 Fs:
Faeces (constipation)
Flatus (gas, i.e. obstruction)
Fluid (ascites, haemorrhage)
Fetus (pregnancy; also note other gynaecological causes of distension such as fibroids or large ovarian cysts)
Where can the small and large bowel be palpated?
Large and small bowel can be palpated in any part of the abdomen, as they are mobile, partially fixed structures. In the context of bowel obstruction, the abdomen will be distended and resonant on percussion due to gas-filled bowel loops. Alternatively, the abdomen may be dull on percussion if the bowel loops are filled with intestinal fluid or blood.
How is visceral abdominal pain explained from an embryological perspective?
Epigastric pain: viscera arising from the foregut give rise to midline dull epigastric pain
Periumbilical pain: viscera arising from the midgut give rise to midline dull periumbilical pain
Suprapubic pain: viscera arising from the hindgut give rise to midline dull suprapubic pain
What are the anatomical origins of abdominal pain?
In craniocaudal order: