Enzymes: catalytic proteins

chapter 7 Enzymes: catalytic proteins


Many of the reactions that make up the metabolic profile of a cell are spontaneous. This means that they can occur without any external energy input. However, the spontaneity of these reactions does not guarantee rapidity. One way to increase the rate of a chemical reaction is to use a catalyst, a substance that speeds up a chemical reaction but which is not consumed in it. Cells use protein-based catalysts called enzymes to speed up cellular reactions that would normally occur spontaneously, but at a much slower rate. Most mammalian cells actually contain many hundreds to several thousand enzymes to give them diverse functionality.

Naming enzymes

Each enzyme has at least two names:

A systematic name that is derived using rules developed by the International Union of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology. This nomenclature classifies enzymes into six major groups, with the name of each group derived by taking a complete description of the reaction catalysed followed by the suffix ‘ase’ (Table 7-1). However, for complex reactions these names can be very cumbersome and not appropriate for general use. For example, the systematic name for alanine transaminase is L-alanine:2-oxoglutarate aminotransferase which, while it gives more information, is much harder to remember and use.

General properties of an enzyme

The general properties of an enzyme are that it:

What slows spontaneous reactions

Chemical reactions involve the breaking of existing bonds and the construction of new molecular bonds. To do this one molecule is often forced into an unstable intermediate before the reaction can occur. To reach this state energy is absorbed from the environment. When the reaction occurs the molecules in the unstable intermediate form rearrange their bonding to generate new products. These products have structures which require less energy to maintain than the unstable intermediates, and the excess energy is released into their surroundings.

The energy needed to form the unstable intermediate form is called the activation energy (EA) of the reaction (Fig 7-2). A chemical reaction can be envisaged as moving a barrel from one side of a hill to the other. First we have to push the barrel to the top of the hill. In doing this we are putting energy into the system, and this is analogous to the activation energy required by a chemical reaction. At the top of the hill the barrel is now unstable and a small push is all that is required to roll it down to the bottom. This is analogous to the unstable intermediate in a chemical reaction. Once the barrel reaches the bottom of the hill and stops rolling, it has reached a stable state. A similar phenomenon occurs in a chemical reaction. The unstable intermediates transform into products that are more stable molecules.

In a test-tube the easiest way to provide the energy to form the unstable intermediate state is to heat up the reaction mixture. Heat makes the molecules less stable by causing their atoms to vibrate to such an extent that their bonds are more likely to break. The molecules themselves also gain speed and collisions between them become more frequent and forceful. Unfortunately the application of heat is not the answer for living systems as cellular macromolecules such as proteins denature and become inactive when excessive heat is applied. This means cells must find another way of providing the activation energy for their reactions at relatively modest temperatures, for example, at about 37°C for humans.

Lowering activation energy

Cells overcome their prevailing conditions by providing alternative reaction pathways which lower the energy required to convert the substrate (lowered energy of activation) to the unstable intermediate prior to formation of the product. These alternative pathways are provided by enzymes whose active sites provide environments which lower the activation energy for reactions (Fig 7-2). These active sites have multiple functions in that they not only have to carry out catalysis, but also have to recognise specific substrate molecules, and be able to release the product. This means that active sites are actually highly complex molecular machines.

The mechanisms of catalysis used by enzymes are as diverse as the chemical reactions they promote. One of the main mechanisms used to increase catalytic efficiency is referred to as transition-state stabilisation. The active site can act as a three-dimensional template that interacts with the substrate to bind it in a form similar to its transition state. This then means that at any time more molecules of substrate are in their transition state, and are able to be readily converted to product, leading to an increased rate of reaction. As well as interacting with the substrate to promote the transition state, functional groups in the active site can also act as proton donors or acceptors. This is termed general acid–base catalysis.

The internal movement of parts of an enzyme’s structure, such as individual amino acid residues, a group of amino acids or even large portions of the protein, can also be related to catalysis. These movements can occur very quickly (10−15 s) or much more slowly (seconds). These movements are vital to many enzymes, but whether small and fast vibrations or larger and slower conformational movements are more important depends on the reaction catalysed. These movements are important in the binding and releasing of substrates and products. However, it is not clear if they accelerate the chemical steps involved in catalysis.

Kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions

Many of the conclusions needed to model the kinetics of enzyme-catalysed reactions were drawn by two researchers, Leonor Michaelis and Maud Menten. They proposed a simple model in which a single substrate transiently combines with the enzyme (the ES complex) which then breaks down to yield the product. It can be represented as:

where E = enzyme, S = substrate, ES = enzyme-substrate complex, P = product, and k1, k–1 and k2 are rate constants for the respective reactions.

They then developed an equation to explain how the rate of reaction varies with substrate concentration. This became known as the Michaelis-Menten equation.

where V0 = the initial reaction velocity, Vmax = the maximal reaction velocity, Km = the Michaelis constant ((k1 + k2)/k–1) and [S] = the substrate concentration.

The derivation of the equation required some assumptions to be made. First, it was assumed that there was a large excess of substrate such that the amount of substrate bound to the enzyme at any time is always a small fraction of the total. Next it was assumed that [ES] does not change over time, that it achieves steady state. This means that the researchers assumed that the rate of formation (E + S → ES) was the same as the rate of breakdown (ES → E + P). Finally, they only used the initial velocity of the reaction which was determined in the laboratory as soon as the enzyme and substrate were mixed (Fig 7-3). This ensured that the concentration of product was negligible and that the reverse reaction (P → S) could be ignored.

Km value of an enzyme

The Michaelis constant (Km) is characteristic of a given enzyme and a particular substrate. Km is equal to the substrate concentration when the reaction rate is half of Vmax. The amount of enzyme does not affect the value of Km.

An enzyme with a low Km (small numeric value) has a high affinity for its substrate since a low concentration of substrate is required to reach half of the maximal velocity. Conversely, an enzyme with a high Km (large numeric value) has a low affinity for its substrate.

When the initial rate (V0) is plotted against substrate concentration a hyperbolic curve is produced. This makes it difficult to determine an accurate value for Km due to the gradual upward curve at high substrate concentrations (Fig 7-4A). This makes it hard to determine Vmax and hence Km. However, if the data is manipulated to give a straight line it is easier to get determinations of Vmax and Km. One way to do this is to use a double-reciprocal (Lineweaver-Burke) plot in which 1/V0 is plotted against 1/[S] (Fig 7-4B).

Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Enzymes: catalytic proteins

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