Enzymes as Drug Targets


New Terminology105

Enzyme Kinetics107

Enzymes as Drug Targets109

Reversible Enzyme Inhibition112

Irreversible Enzyme Inhibition117

Intracellular Effects of Enzyme-Active Drugs120


This chapter considers how enzymes can be therapeutic drug targets. The most common therapeutic approach to enzyme control is inhibition; there are four general classes of enzyme inhibition based on the relative affinity of the inhibitor for the enzyme and the enzyme–substrate complex. Competitive inhibition describes inhibitors that have exclusive affinity for the enzyme and compete for substrate binding. Mixed inhibitors bind to the enzyme and the enzyme–substrate complex with different affinity. Non-competitive inhibitors bind equally well to the enzyme and enzyme–substrate complex. Uncompetitive inhibitors bind only to the enzyme–substrate complex. There are special considerations for the blockade of enzymes in cells in that concentrations may differ (from the extracellular medium). In addition, enzyme inhibitors may have no effect until the enzyme is active metabolically under in vivo conditions. Finally, the topic of irreversible enzyme inhibition, enzyme activation and the special cases of drug action on intracellular enzymes is considered.


catalysis, competitive inhibition, irreversible inhibition, mixed inhibition, non competitive inhibition, substrate inhibition, suicide inhibitor, tight-binding inhibitor, uncompetitive inhibition.


New Terminology

Catalysis: The process of an enzyme producing a product from a bound substrate.

Competitive inhibition: The inhibitor and substrate compete for the substrate binding site.

Covalent bond: Chemical bond formed between the inhibitor and enzyme through alkylation.

Irreversible inhibition: The inhibitor has a neglible rate of dissociation from the enzyme once it binds.

Km: Michaelis–Menten constant referring to the sensitivity of an enzyme to a given substrate; it encompasses substrate binding and catalysis.

Mechanism-based inhibition: The enzyme creates an active species through catalysis which then goes on to alkylate the enzyme and inactivate it.

Mixed inhibition: The inhibitor has different affinities for the enzyme and enzyme–substrate complex.

Non-competitive inhibition: The inhibitor has equal affinity for the enzyme and the enzyme–substrate complex.

Suicide inhibitor: The inhibitor binds to the enzyme active site and irreversibly inactivates the enzyme when it does so.

Tight-binding inhibitor: The inhibitor has a neglible rate of dissociation from the enzyme once it binds, although the bond between the inhibitor and enzyme may not be covalent.

Uncompetitive inhibition: The inhibitor binds only to the enzyme–substrate complex.

Vmax: The maximal rate of enzyme hydrolysis (characteristic for an enzyme–substrate pair).

Enzyme Kinetics

The model used to describe enzyme kinetics is shown in Fig. 6.1 A. Thus, a substrate binds to an enzyme (with a standard rate of association k1 and dissociation k2) and then a process of catalysis occurs (with a new rate constant kcat) which results in a product (formed from the substrate) and regeneration of the enzyme. The enzyme thus acts as a catalyst to reduce the energy barrier that separates the substrate from the product (Fig. 6.1B). Enzymes can modify a single molecule or catalyze a reaction between two molecules; this can form a single product or there can be an exchange of atoms to produce two or more different products. The formal kinetic model used to describe enzyme reactions is the Michaelis–Menten model according to the equation (see Derivations and Proofs, Appendix B10):


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where [S] is the substrate concentration. Vmax is the maximal rate of enzyme reaction and this, along with the magnitude of the amount of enzyme in the cell (and where it is located) describes the capacity of the enzyme system for catalysis. The Km is a constant describing the sensitivity of the enzyme reaction to substrate. In molecular terms, the Km is further defined (see Fig. 6.1A) as:


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The affinity of the substrate for the enzyme is described (as for binding in the Langmuir adsorption isotherm; see equation 2.1) as Kd=k2/k1, but since this isn’t a static binding process (the reaction continues to formation of product), kcat must be included to describe the influence of catalysis on the binding process; kcat is the collective rate constant for the forward progress of the chemical steps in catalysis. Therefore, Kd does not equal Km unless kcat<<k2.

Figure 6.1C shows a graphical representation of equation 6.1; there are notable features in this relationship. For low substrate concentrations, enzyme velocity→(kcat/Km)[E][S] where [E] is the enzyme concentration. Thus the velocity of the reaction depends upon both the substrate concentration and the amount of enzyme present. Under these circumstances the reaction resembles a bi-molecular reaction with a pseudo second-order rate constant of kcat/Km. Efficient enzymes have values of kcat/Km approaching 108 to 1010M−1s−1 (this becomes diffusion-limited). With high substrate concentrations ([S]>>Km) the enzyme velocity is Vmax=kcat[E]. Under these circumstances the rate of reaction depends only on the amount of enzyme present (unimolecular reaction with pseudo first-order rate constant kcat).

The graphical relationship between substrate concentration and enzyme velocity according to the Michaelis–Menten equation (equation 6.1) is shown in Fig. 6.1C. Here it can be seen that the maximal velocity is Vmax and the half-maximal velocity is the Km (as a substrate concentration). Historically, a linear double reciprocal metameter of equation 6.1 has been used to analyze enzyme reactions according to the equation:


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Termed the Lineweaver–Burk equation, this yields a straight line with abscissal intercept of −1/Km, an ordinate intercept of 1/Vmax and a slope of Km/Vmax (see Fig. 6.1D). Before the widespread availability of computers able to fit data directly to non-linear functions, linear transformations such as the Lineweaver–Burk plot were used to estimate parameters; these could be calculated through linear regressional analysis. However, the availability of techniques to fit data directly to the Michaelis–Menten equation has supplanted the use of linear transformations as the latter, being double reciprocal plots, can lead to seriously skewed estimates of parameters and are highly unreliable for the estimation of enzyme constants. It will be seen in future sections, however, that the Lineweaver–Burk plot can still be useful as an identifier of type of enzyme inhibition.

Enzymes as Drug Targets

Enzyme inhibitors have been used as therapeutic drugs throughout pharmacological history (see Box 6.2). There are numerous scenarios where drug intervention into an enzyme reaction can yield therapeutically favorable outcomes. These are:

1. Enzyme inhibition to alter levels of normal physiological cellular molecules. For example, the enzyme phosphodiesterase degrades the physiologically active second messenger cyclic AMP in cardiac cells; this controls cardiac contractility and sinus rhythm. In failing hearts (congestive heart failure), a useful augmentation of contractility can be obtained by blockade of enzymatic degradation of cyclic AMP; phosphodiesterase inhibitors such as milrinone are useful in congestive heart failure. Augmentation of cardiac contractility can also be gained from blockade of ATPase enzymes in heart muscle (e.g., using digitalis) and erectile dysfunction can be treated by blockade of cyclic GMP degradation by phosphodiesterase V inhibition (sildenafil).

3. Blockade of an enzyme that exclusively takes part in a pathophysiological process. After HIV infection and in the progression process to AIDS, HIV-1 utilizes the enzyme HIV reverse transcriptase to catalyze the production of viral DNA from the viral RNA template to facilitate further infection; drugs such as AZT (azidothymidine) effectively block this process. Penicillin is a suicide substrate that selectively blocks the enzyme that controls bacterial wall integrity to selectively destroy bacteria with no harm to the host (see Box 6.3). Similarly sulfa drugs such as sulfanilamide block dihydropteroate synthetase to prevent bacteria from synthesizing required folic acid; this is lethal to bacteria but not humans, providing a useful selective bacteriostatic action.

Aug 21, 2016 | Posted by in PHARMACY | Comments Off on Enzymes as Drug Targets

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