Endocrine System

Endocrine System

Anatomy and Physiology

The endocrine system is composed of several single and paired ductless glands that secrete hormones into the bloodstream. The hormones regulate specific body functions by acting on target cells with receptor sites for those particular hormones only. See Fig. 15-1 for an illustration of the body with the locations of the endocrine glands.

Pituitary Gland

The pituitary (pih TOO ih tare ree) gland, also known as the hypophysis (hye POFF ih sis), is a tiny gland located behind the optic nerve in the cranial cavity. Sometimes called the master gland because of its role in controlling the functions of other endocrine glands, it is composed of anterior and posterior lobes, each with its own functions.

The anterior lobe, or adenohypophysis (add uh noh hye POFF ih sis), is composed of glandular tissue and secretes myriad hormones in response to stimulation by the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus sends hormones through blood vessels, which cause the adenohypophysis either to release or to inhibit the release of specific hormones. The adenohypophysis has a wide range of effects on the body, as Fig. 15-2 and the table above illustrate.

The posterior lobe (neurohypophysis) of the pituitary gland is composed of nervous tissue. The hormones that it secretes are produced in the hypothalamus, transported to the neurohypophysis directly through the tissue connecting the organs, and released from storage in the posterior lobe by neural stimulation from the hypothalamus. The two hormones released by this lobe are antidiuretic hormone (ADH) and oxytocin (OT). See the following table and Fig. 15-2 for the hormones secreted by the neurohypophysis and their effects.

Adrenal Glands (Suprarenals)

The adrenal (uh DREE nul) glands, also called the suprarenals, are paired, one on top of each kidney. Different hormones are secreted by the two different parts of these glands: the external portion called the adrenal cortex (uh DREE nul KORE tecks) and an internal portion called the adrenal medulla (uh DREE nul muh DOO lah).

The adrenal cortex secretes three hormones that are called steroids.

The adrenal medulla is the inner portion of the adrenal gland. It produces sympathomimetic hormones that stimulate the fight-or-flight response to stress, similar to the action of the sympathetic nervous system.


The pancreas, located inferior and posterior to the stomach, is a gland with both exocrine and endocrine functions. The exocrine function is to release digestive enzymes through a duct into the small intestines. The endocrine function, accomplished through a variety of types of cells called islets of Langerhans (EYE lets of LANG gur hahnz), is to regulate the level of glucose in the blood by stimulating the liver. The two main types of islets of Langerhans cells are alpha and beta cells. Alpha cells produce the hormone glucagon that increases the level of glucose in the blood when levels are low. Beta cells secrete insulin (IN suh lin) that decreases the level of glucose in the blood when levels are high. Insulin is needed to transport glucose out of the bloodstream and into the cells. In the absence of glucose in the cells, proteins and fats are broken down, causing excessive fatty acids and ketones in the blood. Normally, these hormones regulate glucose levels through the metabolism of fats, carbohydrates, and proteins.

image Exercise 1: Endocrine Anatomy and Physiology

Fill in the blanks.

1. The pituitary gland, or the __________________________________, is called the master gland because of its control over other endocrine glands.

2. The pituitary gland is controlled by the _________________________________________________________.

3. The anterior lobe of the pituitary gland is also known as the _____________________________________.

4. The thyroid gland is responsible for regulation of the body’s __________________________________ and controls the amount of __________________________________ deposited into bone.

5. Adrenal glands are named for their location above the ___________________________________________.

6. The inner part of the adrenal gland is the adrenal __________________________________, whereas the outer part of the adrenal gland is the adrenal ____________________________________________________.

7. The endocrine function of the pancreas is to regulate glucose in the blood through its hormones __________________________________ and __________________________________.

8. Fatty acids and __________________________________ are produced if glucose cannot pass out of the bloodstream and into the cells to be metabolized.

9. The thymus gland is located in the __________________________________ above the heart and is responsible for stimulating key cells in the __________________________________ response.

10. The __________________________________ gland is located in the center of the brain, functioning to secrete the hormone _________________, thought to be responsible for inducing _________________.

Match the endocrine word parts with their definitions.

_____ 11. -al

_____ 12. aden/o

_____ 13. hypophys/o

_____ 14. lob/o

_____ 15. thalam/o

_____ 16. thyr/o

_____ 17. calc/o

_____ 18. parathyroid/o

_____ 19. adren/o

_____ 20. ren/o

_____ 21. cortic/o

_____ 22. medull/o

_____ 23. pancreat/o

_____ 24. gluc/o

_____ 25. thym/o

_____ 26. ket/o

_____ 27. gonad/o

_____ 28. trop/o

_____ 29. endo-

_____ 30. supra-

_____ 31. exo-

_____ 32. hypo-

_____ 33. -crine

_____ 34. -logy

_____ 35. -us

a. kidney

b. above

c. to secrete

d. calcium

e. outside

f. turning

g. sugar

h. structure

i. gland with exocrine and endocrine functions

j. reproductive organ

k. gland

l. the study of

m. medulla

n. within

o. ketone

p. gland in mediastinum

q. pertaining to

r. master gland

s. under

t. suprarenal gland

u. cortex

v. gland regulating metabolism

w. glands regulating calcium in the blood

x. lobe

y. thalamus

Decode the terms.

image Exercise 2: Endocrine Glands

Label the drawing below with the correct anatomic terms and accompanying combining forms where appropriate.


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