Endocrine disease

10 Endocrine disease

Endocrinology concerns the synthesis, secretion and action of hormones. These are chemical messengers released from endocrine glands that coordinate the activities of many different cells. Endocrine disease, therefore, has a wide range of manifestations in many organs.


Although some endocrine glands (e.g. the parathyroids and pancreas) respond directly to metabolic signals, most are controlled by hormones released from the pituitary gland. Anterior pituitary hormone secretion is controlled in turn by substances produced in the hypothalamus and released into portal blood which flows down the pituitary stalk. Posterior pituitary hormones are synthesised in the hypothalamus and transported down nerve axons to be released from the posterior pituitary. Hormone release in the hypothalamus and pituitary is regulated by numerous nervous, metabolic, physical or hormonal stimuli, in particular feedback control by hormones produced by target glands (thyroid, adrenal cortex and gonads). These integrated endocrine systems are called ‘axes’ (Figs 10.1, 10.2).

The classical model of endocrine function involves hormones which are synthesised in endocrine glands and are released into the circulation, acting at sites distant from those of secretion. However, most major organs also secrete hormones or contribute to the metabolism and activation of prohormones; many hormones act on adjacent cells (paracrine system, e.g. neurotransmitters) or even back on the cell of origin (autocrine system); and the sensitivity of target tissues is regulated in a tissue-specific fashion. Some hormones (e.g. insulin, adrenaline (epinephrine)) act on specific cell surface receptors. Other hormones (e.g. steroids, triiodothyronine, vitamin D) bind to specific intracellular receptors, which in turn bind to response elements on DNA to regulate gene transcription.


Patients with endocrine disease present in many ways, to many different specialists, reflecting the diverse effects of hormone deficiency and excess. Presenting symptoms are often non-specific and long-standing (Box 10.1). In many patients, endocrine disease is asymptomatic and detected by routine biochemical testing. The most common classical presentations are of thyroid disease, reproductive disorders and hypercalcaemia. In addition, endocrine diseases are often part of the differential diagnosis of other disorders, including electrolyte abnormalities, hypertension, obesity and osteoporosis. Although diseases of the adrenal glands, hypothalamus and pituitary are relatively rare, their diagnosis often relies on astute clinical observation in a patient with non-specific complaints, so it is important that clinicians are familiar with their key features.


Diseases of the thyroid affect 5% of the population, predominantly females. The thyroid axis is involved in the regulation of cellular differentiation and metabolism in virtually all nucleated cells, so that disorders of thyroid function have diverse manifestations. Follicular epithelial cells synthesise thyroid hormones by incorporating iodine into the amino acid, tyrosine. The thyroid secretes predominantly thyroxine (T4) and only a small amount of triiodothyronine (T3), the more active hormone; ∼85% of T3 in blood is produced from peripheral conversion of T4. They both circulate in plasma almost entirely (>99%) bound to transport proteins, mainly thyroxine-binding globulin (TBG). The unbound hormones diffuse into tissues and exert diverse metabolic actions. The advantage of measuring free over total hormone is that the former is not influenced by changes in TBG concentrations; in pregnancy, for example, TBG levels are increased and total T3/T4 may be raised, but free thyroid hormone levels are normal.

Production of T3 and T4 in the thyroid is stimulated by thyroid-stimulating hormone (TSH), a glycoprotein released from the thyrotroph cells of the anterior pituitary in response to the hypothalamic tripeptide, thyrotrophin-releasing hormone (TRH). There is a negative feedback of thyroid hormones on the hypothalamus and pituitary such that in thyrotoxicosis, when plasma concentrations of T3 and T4 are raised, TSH secretion is suppressed. Conversely, in primary hypothyroidism low T3 and T4 are associated with high circulating TSH levels. TSH is, therefore, regarded as the most useful investigation of thyroid function. However, TSH may take several weeks to ‘catch up’ with T4/T3 levels, e.g. after prolonged suppression of TSH in thyrotoxicosis is relieved by antithyroid therapy. Common patterns of abnormal thyroid function tests (TFTs) are shown in Box 10.2.




Definitive treatment of thyrotoxicosis depends on the underlying cause (see pp. 343–346) and may include antithyroid drugs, radioactive iodine or surgery. A non-selective β-blocker (propranolol 160 mg daily) will alleviate symptoms within 24–48 hrs.

Atrial fibrillation (AF) in thyrotoxicosis: AF is present in ∼10% of all patients with thyrotoxicosis (more in the elderly). Subclinical thyrotoxicosis is also a risk factor for AF. Ventricular rate responds better to β-blockade than digoxin. Thromboembolic complications are particularly common so anticoagulation with warfarin is indicated. Once the patient is biochemically euthyroid, AF reverts to sinus rhythm spontaneously in ∼50% of patients.

Thyrotoxic crisis (‘thyroid storm’): This is a medical emergency with a mortality of 10%. The most prominent signs are fever, agitation, confusion, tachycardia or AF, and cardiac failure. It is precipitated by infection in patients with unrecognised thyrotoxicosis and may develop after subtotal thyroidectomy or 131I therapy.

Patients should be rehydrated and given broad-spectrum antibiotics.


The prevalence of primary hypothyroidism is 1 in 100, with a female : male ratio of 6 : 1.


Most patients require life-long thyroxine therapy. A replacement regimen is:

Thyroxine has a half-life of 7 days, and so 6 wks should pass before repeating TFTs following a dose change. Patients feel better within 2–3 wks; resolution of skin and hair texture and effusions may take 3–6 mths.

The long-term correct dose of thyroxine restores TSH to within the reference range. This usually requires a T4 level in the upper normal range because the more active T3 is derived exclusively from peripheral conversion of T4 without the usual contribution from thyroid secretion. Some physicians advocate combined T4/T3 replacement but this approach remains controversial. TFTs should be checked every 1–2 yrs once the dose of thyroxine is stabilised.

Thyroxine requirements may increase with co-administration of other drugs (e.g. phenytoin, ferrous sulphate, rifampicin) and during pregnancy. In non-compliance, if thyroxine is taken just prior to clinic, the anomalous combination of a high T4 and high TSH may result. Around 40% of patients with angina cannot tolerate full replacement thyroxine despite the use of β-blockers. Exacerbation of myocardial ischaemia, infarction and sudden death are well-recognised complications. In known ischaemic heart disease, thyroxine should be introduced at low dose and increased under specialist supervision. Coronary intervention may be required to allow full replacement dosage. Most pregnant women with primary hypothyroidism require a ∼50 μg increase in thyroxine dose. This is due to increased TBG. Inadequate maternal T4 therapy may be associated with impaired cognitive development in offspring.

Myxoedema coma: This is a rare presentation of hypothyroidism in which there is depressed consciousness, usually in an elderly patient who appears myxoedematous. Body temperature may be low, convulsions are not uncommon, and CSF pressure and protein content are raised. The mortality rate is 50% and survival depends upon early recognition and treatment.

Myxoedema coma is a medical emergency and treatment must begin before biochemical confirmation of the diagnosis. Triiodothyronine is given as an i.v. bolus of 20 μg followed by 20 μg 8-hourly until there is sustained clinical improvement. After 48–72 hrs, oral thyroxine (50 μg daily) may be substituted. Unless the patient has primary hypothyroidism, the thyroid failure should be assumed to be secondary to hypothalamic or pituitary disease and treatment given with hydrocortisone 100 mg 8-hourly, pending TFT and cortisol results. Other measures include slow rewarming, cautious i.v. fluids, broad-spectrum antibiotics and high-flow oxygen with or without assisted ventilation.


Palpable thyroid enlargement affects 5% of the population but a minority seek medical attention. Multinodular goitres and solitary nodules sometimes present with acute painful enlargement due to haemorrhage into a nodule. There are several causes of thyroid enlargement (Box 10.5). Whereas diffuse and multinodular goitre are invariably benign, there is a 1 : 20 chance of malignancy in a solitary lesion. TFTs should always be performed.

Diffuse goitre: In the absence of thyrotoxicosis or hypothyroidism, a diffuse goitre rarely needs further investigation unless it is very large, causing cosmetic symptoms or compression. Absence of autoantibodies in a younger patient suggests a simple goitre. Thyroxine therapy may help to shrink the goitre.

Solitary thyroid nodule: It is important to determine whether the nodule is benign or malignant. Cervical lymphadenopathy increases the likelihood of malignancy, as does a solitary nodule presenting in the elderly. Rarely, a metastasis from renal, breast or lung carcinoma presents as a painful, rapidly growing solitary nodule.

TFTs should be measured in all patients with a solitary nodule. Undetectable TSH is suggestive of an autonomously functioning benign follicular adenoma, which can only be confirmed by thyroid isotope scanning. For euthyroid patients, fine needle aspiration (FNA) of the nodule is undertaken. Aspiration may be therapeutic if the swelling is a cyst. Cytological examination will differentiate benign (80%) from suspicious nodules (20%), of which 25–50% are confirmed as cancer at surgery. The advantage of FNA over isotope scanning is that a higher proportion of patients avoid surgery. However, FNA cannot differentiate between follicular adenoma and carcinoma, and 10–20% of specimens are inadequate.

Solitary nodules with either inconclusive or malignant cytology are treated by surgical excision. Benign lesions are sometimes excised but the majority of patients can be reassured.

Multinodular goitre: The clinical diagnosis is confirmed using 99mTc scintigraphy or USS. Sometimes one nodule is larger than others (dominant); if ‘cold’ on isotope scanning, it is investigated as a solitary nodule since there is a risk of malignancy.



The most common manifestation is thyrotoxicosis with or without a diffuse goitre. Clinical features are described in Box 10.3. Graves’ disease also causes ophthalmopathy and rarely pretibial myxoedema. These features can occur in the absence of thyroid dysfunction. Graves’ disease most commonly affects women aged 30–50 yrs.


Symptoms respond to β-blockade but definitive treatment requires control of thyroid hormone secretion. The different options are compared in Box 10.6. For patients <40 yrs old many centres prescribe a course of carbimazole and recommend surgery if relapse occurs, while 131I is employed as first- or second-line treatment in older patients. It is unclear whether 131I increases the incidence of some malignancies; the association may be with Graves’ disease rather than its therapy. In many centres, however, 131I is used more extensively, even in young patients.

Antithyroid drugs: The most commonly used are carbimazole and propylthiouracil. These drugs reduce thyroid hormone synthesis by inhibiting tyrosine iodination. Antithyroid drugs are introduced at high doses (carbimazole 40–60 mg daily, propylthiouracil 400–600 mg daily). There is subjective improvement within 2 wks and the patient is biochemically euthyroid at 4 wks, when the dose can be reduced. The maintenance dose is determined by measurement of T4 and TSH. Carbimazole is continued for 12–18 mths in the hope that permanent remission will occur. Unfortunately, thyrotoxicosis recurs in at least 50% within 2 yrs of stopping treatment. Adverse effects of antithyroid drugs include rash and idiosyncratic but reversible agranulocytosis.

Subtotal thyroidectomy: Patients must be rendered euthyroid before operation. Potassium iodide, 60 mg 8-hourly orally, is given for 2 wks before surgery to inhibit thyroid hormone release and reduce the size and vascularity of the gland, making surgery technically easier. Complications are uncommon (see Box 10.6). One year post-surgery, 80% of patients are euthyroid, 15% are hypothyroid and 5% remain thyrotoxic. Hypothyroidism within 6 mths of operation may be temporary. Long-term follow-up is necessary, as the late development of hypothyroidism and recurrence of thyrotoxicosis are well recognised.

Radioactive iodine: 131I is administered as a single dose (185–370 MBq, 5–10 mCi) and is trapped and organified in the thyroid. It is effective in 75% of patients within 4–12 wks. Symptoms can initially be controlled by β-blockade or with carbimazole. However, carbimazole reduces the efficacy of 131I therapy and should be avoided until 48 hrs after radio-iodine administration. If thyrotoxicosis persists after 12–24 wks, a further dose of 131I should be employed. The majority of patients eventually develop hypothyroidism, necessitating long-term follow-up.





Occasionally, simple goitres become multinodular over 10–20 yrs. These nodules grow at varying rates and secrete thyroid hormone ‘autonomously’, thereby suppressing TSH-dependent growth and function in the remaining gland. Ultimately, complete TSH suppression occurs in ∼25% of cases, with T4/T3 levels often within the normal range (subclinical thyrotoxicosis) but sometimes elevated (toxic multinodular goitre). The nodules may represent multiple adenomas or focal hyperplasia.


Patients with thyroid tumours usually present with a solitary nodule (p. 341). Most are benign and a few (toxic adenomas) secrete excess thyroid hormones. Primary thyroid malignancy is rare (<1% of all carcinomas). As shown in Box 10.7, it can be classified according to the cell type of origin. With the exception of medullary carcinoma, thyroid cancer is more common in females.

Apr 3, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL & FAMILY MEDICINE | Comments Off on Endocrine disease

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