18 Endocrine disease
For some time now I have been confused regarding tests for acromegaly.
2. Your book says the ‘glucose tolerance test [GTT] is diagnostic’. Does this mean GTT with growth hormone (GH) evaluation or that a patient who is clinically an acromegalic with a positive GTT (diabetic) can be labelled as acromegalic?
1. Breathlessness can be a feature of acromegaly. What are the characteristics of this breathlessness?
Thyroxine is a peptide hormone used to treat thyroid deficiency and other thyroid disorders. It is taken orally. Peptides are broken down into amino acids before being absorbed. What factors cause the thyroxine to remain stable in the digestive tract so that it is absorbed without being digested?
In the diagnosis of Cushing’s disease using the high-dose dexametha-sone suppression test, how can the exogenous steroid suppress adrenocorticotrophic hormone (ACTH) when the grossly elevated serum cortisol levels fail to do so?