Elements and compounds, chemistry and life

chapter 1 Elements and compounds, chemistry and life


All physical objects and all compounds in our environment, both living and non-living, are made from matter. Matter can be defined as any substance which has mass and occupies space. This matter is made from the atoms of elements which are combined in a multitude of different ways to produce all the substances found in the environment.

Elements are substances which cannot be broken down into other substances by chemical reactions. There are 92 naturally occurring elements, each of which has a symbol that is usually derived from Latin or German, and that can be abbreviated using one or two letters. For example, the symbol for sodium is Na, from the Latin word natrium, whereas the symbol for tungsten is W, from the German name of the mineral wolframite from which it was isolated.

A compound is a substance made from two or more elements that are combined in a fixed and definite ratio. For example, if one atom of the reactive metal sodium combines with one atom of the poisonous gas chlorine, then sodium chloride (NaCl) is formed. All sodium chloride contains sodium and chloride in a 1:1 ratio. Compounds have characteristics different from their parent elements.

Elements in living organisms

Only a small fraction of the naturally occurring elements are found in living matter. The major elements—carbon, oxygen, hydrogen and nitrogen—make up approximately 96% of the human body (Table 1-1). Seven lesser elements make up the remaining 4%. Other elements, referred to as trace elements, are required in very small amounts. For example, calcium, a lesser element, makes up about 1.5% of the human body whereas trace elements like selenium, copper and zinc make up less than 0.01% of the body’s mass.

Why are elements the way they are?

All elements are made from atoms, the smallest unit of matter that still retains the properties of the element. The symbol for an element can also represent a single atom. Atoms are very small, ranging in size from 0.04–0.24 × 10−9 m (0.04–0.24 nm). While there is little variability in the sizes of different atoms, their masses vary considerably. In fact, atoms of one element are distinguished from those of a second element by the fact that they have different masses.

Each atom is composed of smaller components called subatomic particles which consist of neutrons, protons and electrons. Each proton has one unit of positive charge, an electron has one unit of negative charge, and a neutron, as its name suggests, does not carry a charge. Protons and neutrons are packed together at the centre of atoms to form the atomic nucleus. The electrons circulate around the nucleus, with the attraction between opposite charges keeping the electrons close to the nucleus (Fig 1-1). Neutrons and protons have roughly the same mass of about 1.7 × 10−24 g. However, such measurements are not very useful so we use a unit called a dalton instead. Thus, neutrons and protons are said to have a mass of 1 dalton (also called an atomic mass unit—amu). Electrons have negligible mass (1/2000th that of a proton/neutron) and are not used to calculate the total mass of an atom.


All the atoms of an element have the same number of protons, but sometimes the number of neutrons varies. These different forms of a single element are referred to as isotopes. For example, carbon naturally occurs as a mixture of three isotopes with atomic masses of 12, 13 and 14. The most common form is 126C which accounts for 99% of naturally occurring carbon. The remaining 1% consists mainly of 136C (6 protons and 7 neutrons) with a small amount of 146C (6 protons and 8 neutrons).

Both carbon-12 and carbon-13 are stable isotopes whose nuclei do not lose particles. However, carbon-14 is unstable and is radioactive. Radioactive isotopes have nuclei which spontaneously lose particles and give off energy. This process is often referred to as radioactive decay, and can result in a change in the atomic number such that a different element is formed. For example, 14C decays to produce stable nitrogen.

In this decay reaction a neutron becomes a proton, which remains in the nucleus, an electron, and excess energy, which is released.

Radioactive isotopes can be useful in clinical diagnosis and in therapy. Isotopes that are intentionally introduced into the body are called radiopharmaceuticals. Depending on the type, the isotope will collect in one or more areas of the body. Since the isotope emits radiation, it is easily tracked and can be followed through the body and used to check if organs are healthy. Radioactive isotopes are also given to cancer patients in an attempt to damage cancerous tissue. However, radiation from decaying isotopes can also damage healthy tissues leading to cellular injury, often resulting in cellular death.

Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on Elements and compounds, chemistry and life

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