DNA, RNA and protein synthesis

chapter 20 DNA, RNA and protein synthesis


Earlier chapters have shown how the cell can use a number of different proteins to create all of its components. Some of these proteins are enzymes and catalyse the formation of other parts of the cell such as lipids. Others are structural proteins that provide a scaffold within the cell. The properties of all of these proteins are determined by the sequence of amino acids within the protein. How then does a cell ‘know’ what that sequence of amino acids should be?

The information that instructs the cell on how to make each and every one of its proteins is encoded in the DNA contained in the cell. As outlined in Chapter 9, DNA is made up of many molecules of the four different nucleotides A, G, C and T joined together as a large polymeric molecule. The information contained in DNA is determined by the sequence of the different nucleotides that arises when moving along the DNA strand.

This chapter explains the way in which this information is organised in the DNA and the way in which the cell uses the information to synthesise proteins.


The DNA in a mammalian cell is contained within the nucleus. The DNA molecules are associated with a number of specialised DNA-binding proteins called histones. When cells are ready to divide the histones and DNA coil up into very dense structures that can be seen under the microscope. These complexes of DNA and histones are known as chromosomes.

In humans there are 23 pairs of chromosomes in a ‘normal’ cell, giving 46 chromosomes in total. For 22 pairs, each chromosome of the pair contains the information for the same genes and are said to be homologous. The exceptions to this are the sex chromosomes. These chromosomes are designated as X and Y. In human females each cell has two copies of X and therefore both copies contain the same information. However, in human males each cell has one X and one Y chromosome and each of these chromosomes contains different information.

When humans reproduce specialised sex cells, or gametes, are made; sperm in males and ova in females. When these cells are made the pairs of chromosomes are split up such that each member of each pair ends up in different cells. When fertilisation occurs the chromosomes from one sperm and one ovum are mixed together to give the full complement of 46 chromosomes in the developing fetus.

The processes in protein synthesis

Using DNA to store the information required for the building of a cell results in two problems. First, DNA does not generally leave the nucleus, yet protein synthesis occurs outside the nucleus in the cytoplasm and the rough endoplasmic reticulum. Second, DNA consists of only four different nucleotides yet proteins can be made from up to 20 different amino acids. Two key processes are used to make sure that the message can leave the nucleus and that the sequence of nucleotides can specify where each of the 20 amino acids sits in the polypeptide chain of a protein.

The first of these processes is known as transcription (see below). In this process the information contained in a gene is copied or transcribed into an RNA molecule, known as messenger RNA (mRNA), which can leave the nucleus.

The second of these processes is known as translation (see below). In this process the copied information in the mRNA is used to define the sequence of amino acids in a protein. To do this the information contained in a gene is grouped into codons. A codon represents a sequence of three nucleotides that specify one amino acid, for example GCG codes for alanine. Each codon can be thought of as a three-letter word and the gene as a sentence made up of a sequence of these three-letter words to constitute the specific protein. Since there are four different bases making up the nucleotides, then there are 4 × 4 × 4 or 64 different code words possible. But there are only about 20 amino acids in nature. So what is the meaning of the remaining code words? The genetic code, or the specific sequence of nucleotides coding for a specific protein, is degenerate. This means that several different codons may specify the same amino acid; for example, GCU, GCC, GCA and GCG all code for alanine. In other words, it does not have a unique set of code words, just as in the English language different words are used to describe the same thing, for example, list, catalogue, inventory, schedule and register. In addition, some codons may indicate start and stop signals, just as a sentence is not complete without punctuation marks.

The flow of information from DNA to protein via mRNA is known as the central dogma of molecular biology.

Jun 11, 2016 | Posted by in BIOCHEMISTRY | Comments Off on DNA, RNA and protein synthesis

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