
chapter 26 Diabetes


Diabetes mellitus is classified into several types:

The role of the general practitioner is in identifying those at risk of diabetes and advising on preventive and early intervention strategies when impaired glucose tolerance, prediabetes or diabetes is identified.

Once a diagnosis of diabetes is established, management of diabetes is aimed at secondary prevention strategies through control of blood sugar levels, correction of micronutrient deficiencies and active risk factor management. The long-term effects of diabetes are largely due to its effect on blood vessels leading to both micro and macro vascular disease.


In order to establish advice for patients on how to prevent or delay the onset of diabetes, it is important to:


Type 2 diabetes

Type 2 diabetes constitutes around 90–95% of cases of diabetes. Aetiological factors are the following:

Type 2 diabetes, being strongly related to lifestyle, is most common in affluent countries, where there is abundant food along with sedentary occupations and a significant uptake of labour-saving devices. Within those affluent countries, however, type 2 diabetes is more common among lower socioeconomic groups, where poor-quality food, social disadvantage and poorer education have their impact. In either case, the cause of the condition being largely lifestyle related also means that it is preventable and can be managed with appropriate and sustained lifestyle change. To illustrate how important simple lifestyle factors are in diabetes prevention, never smoking, having a BMI < 30, exercising moderately for 3.5 hours per week and following a few healthy dietary principles (high intake of fruit, vegetables and wholegrain bread, and low meat consumption) compared with not having any of those four factors was associated with a 93% reduced risk of developing type 2 diabetes over 8 years of follow-up.3

The challenge in type 2 diabetes management, as with other chronic illnesses related to lifestyle, is to motivate the patient to make the necessary changes. From a sociological perspective, the solution also requires that we address the social, economic and educational conditions that make it easier for a condition like type 2 diabetes to flourish. This needs motivated healthcare practitioners as well as educators, health promoters, legislators and policy makers. No single solution will work in isolation from the others.


Nutritional and environmental

Pre-conception counselling and pregnancy

Maternal malnutrition and overnutrition during pregnancy are associated with subsequent type 2 diabetes in the offspring.5 Primary prevention needs to start with pre-conception counselling of women planning pregnancy, with advice on exercise and nutrition to maintain optimal weight and nutritional status during the pregnancy.

Infant supplements

A systematic review of observational studies found that giving infants vitamin D supplements could protect them from type 1 diabetes.6 Infants given the supplement had an almost 30% reduced risk of diabetes compared with those who were not supplemented. This is particularly important in breastfed infants of vitamin-D-deficient mothers.

Case detection




The aim of initial management is to establish glycaemic control, normalise lipid and lipoprotein levels and motivate the patient to make significant and lasting changes to their lifestyle, including exercise and weight control.

A significant feature of the initial management phase includes patient education in self-monitoring, symptom awareness (including signs of hypoglycaemia), diet and exercise, and self-care.

A decision needs to be made about appropriate medication and supplements (see below).


As is the case with the successful management of any chronic disease, the healthcare professional acts as informed advisor to the patient. It is the person living with diabetes who has to ‘walk the walk’, deciding on their level of compliance with recommended treatments. This involves ‘big picture’ decisions like starting oral hypoglycaemic agents or insulin treatment, or wholesale lifestyle adjustment, as much as the micromanagement of individual risk factors, such as choice of exercise program and the finer details of dietary components. For this reason, management plans must have mutually agreed, achievable goals.

The primary aim of treatment of diabetes is to optimise blood sugar control in order to increase longevity and quality of life, and to minimise complications of the disease. When devising a management plan, you will need to consider the patient’s level of education, cultural beliefs, preferences and financial resources. For example, although a personal trainer might be a desirable way to motivate a person to exercise regularly, this would not be affordable for many. A walking group might be an option.

Education also needs to include significant others in the patient’s life. Whoever has responsibility for food shopping and preparation in the household will need to be involved in education about dietary changes. Exercise programs will need to involve the encouragement of significant others, to aid compliance.

Home blood glucose monitoring is an essential part of the management of diabetes, initially under close supervision. In the early stages after diabetes is diagnosed, BGL readings three or four times a day are recommended. Once blood glucose levels stabilise, monitoring can be reduced to once or twice a day, one or two days a week.

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Jun 3, 2017 | Posted by in GENERAL SURGERY | Comments Off on Diabetes

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