description, morphology and anatomy

Chapter 41 Plant description, morphology and anatomy

Plant form ranges from unicellular plants—for example, yeasts and some green algae—to the strongly differentiated higher plants. Examples of pharmaceutical interest may be found in most of the larger groups and a quick perusal of the families involved in Chapter 5 of this textbook illustrates this point.

Characteristically the higher plants consist in the vegetative phase of roots, stems and leaves with flowers, fruits and seeds forming stages in the reproductive cycle. Modifications of the above structures are frequently present—rhizomes (underground stems), stolons (runners with a stem structure), stipules, bracts (modified leaves), tendrils (modified stems), etc. Certain organs may appear to be missing or much reduced—for example, the reduction of leaves in some xerophytic plants.

It is most important that students acquire the ability to interpret morphological and anatomical descriptions of crude drugs as found in pharmacopoeias and allied works and also to record adequately the features of whole or powdered drugs and adulterants of commercial significance.

As indicated in Chapter 2, for convenience of study, drugs may be arranged not only according to families and chemical constituents, but also into such morphological groups as barks, roots, leaves, seeds, etc. Some drugs constitute more than one morphological part—for example, whole herbs and commercial ‘roots’, which may consist of both rhizomes and roots.


These consist of stems (often limited in their girth by ‘official’ requirements) and leaves often associated with flowers and young fruits. All portions of such drugs need to be described.

Structure of the aerial stem

The primary stem (Fig. 41.1A) shows the following structure: epidermis, cortex, medullary rays, medulla and a vascular system taking the form of a dictyostele. The epidermis is composed of a single layer of compactly arranged cells and bears stomata. The cortex is usually parenchymatous, the outer layers of cells in aerial stems containing chloroplasts. The layers of cortex cells immediately underlying the epidermis may be collenchymatous, constituting a hypodermis. The endodermis is usually not well-differentiated in aerial stems, although a layer of cells containing starch (starch sheath) and corresponding in position to the endodermis may be defined. Underground stems often resemble roots in showing a more or less well-differentiated endodermis with characteristic Casparian strips (thickenings).

The pericycle may take the form of a complete or a discontinuous ring of fibres or may be parenchymatous and ill-defined. Pericycle fibres may form a cap outside each primary phloem group.

The vascular bundles of the dictyostele are usually collateral, but are in some cases bicollateral (Cucurbitaceae, Solanaceae, Convolvulaceae) (Fig. 41.1E–H). The xylem is differentiated centrifugally and the protoxylem is endarch; the phloem is differentiated centripetally and the protophloem is exarch (cf. the root). The differentiation, in dicotyledons, is usually incomplete, so that a zone of meristematic cells (the intrafascicular cambium) separates the primary vascular tissues. Such a bundle is described as open, in contrast to the closed bundle typical of monocotyledons. In the bicollateral bundle the intrafascicular cambium occurs between the xylem and the outer phloem group.

Secondary thickening is initiated by tangential divisions in the intrafascicular cambium. The daughter cells cut off on the inner side differentiate into xylem and those cut off to the outside into phloem. The amount of secondary xylem produced in both stems and roots, in general, exceeds the amount of secondary phloem. As the process of secondary thickening of the stem proceeds, its dictyostele is converted into a solid cylinder of secondary tissues. The intrafascicular cambia become linked to form a continuous cambial cylinder by the development of interfascicular cambia in the ray tissue (Fig. 41.1B, C). The cambial activity may spread out from the intrafascicular cambia across the rays, or in other cases cambial activity may originate at a median point in the ray and then by lateral extension from both intrafascicular and interfascicular cambia the cambial cylinder may be completed.

In woody perennials the cambial divisions are arrested during the winter but are renewed each spring. The xylem produced at different seasons varies in texture. The spring wood is characterized by abundance of relatively thin-walled large conducting elements; the autumn wood, by a high proportion of thick-walled mechanical elements such as wood fibres. A similar alteration between sieve tissue and phloem fibres may occur in the secondary phloem. With increase in girth the central core of xylem may become non-functional, dark in colour and packed with metabolic byproducts forming a heartwood or duramen. Sandalwood is the heartwood of Santalum album and is packed with volatile oil. The blocking of the vessels in the formation of heartwood occurs by the development of tyloses (see Fig. 42.6P).

The secondary increase in diameter of the vascular cylinder is accompanied by changes in the outer tissues. The epidermis and part or all of the primary cortex may be shed. A phellogen may arise in the epidermis, cortex or pericycle and give rise externally to cork and internally to a variable amount of phelloderm (Fig. 41.1D).

For the investigation of the anatomy of stems, transverse sections and radial and tangential longitudinal sections should be prepared from the drug previously moistened or soaked. For a study of the individual elements, disintegrated material should be used (see Chapter 43).

The following structures are constantly present in powdered stems: cork and vascular tissues in varying amount; abundant parenchyma often containing starch. Calcium oxalate and other cell inclusions may be present. Aleurone grains are absent.

The relative amounts, size, shape and form of the structural elements are of first importance in identification. The xylem elements, which are well-preserved in dry drugs, are of particular importance.


As understood in commerce, barks consist of all tissues outside the cambium. In botany the term ‘bark’ is sometimes restricted to the ‘outer bark’—that is, the periderm and all tissues lying outside it.

A young bark (Fig. 41.1) is composed of the following tissues.

In commercial barks the above structures have been modified by the activity of the cambium and the cork cambium or phellogen. Growth of the new tissues produced by the cambium causes the tissues of the primary bark to be tangentially stretched, compressed or torn. As these cells are stretched tangentially they may be divided by radial walls—for example, in the medullary rays. During this dilatation groups of parenchymatous cells in the cortex and phloem may be thickened into sclerenchymatous cells. The cambium produces secondary phloem, which often consists of alternating zones of sieve elements and phloem fibres. The pericycle is frequently ruptured, and parenchymatous cells which grow into the spaces may develop into sclerenchyma.

The cork cambium or phellogen may arise in the epidermis (e.g. willow), primary cortex or pericycle. The phellogen produces on its outer side cork, and on its inner side chlorophyll containing suberized cells which form the secondary cortex or phelloderm. These three layers are known as the periderm. If the cork cambium develops in or near the pericycle, a part of the whole of the primary cortex will lie outside the cork and will be gradually thrown off. Lenticels replace stomata for purposes of gaseous exchange; and as the cork increases, the amount of chlorophyll-containing tissue decreases.

The natural curvature of the bark increases when the bark is removed from the tree and dried. Large pieces of trunk bark, especially if subjected to pressure, may be nearly flat. Terms used to describe the curvature are illustrated in Fig. 41.2. Some commercial barks (e.g. cinnamon and quillaia) consist of the inner bark only. In quillaia the dark patches often found on the outer surface are known as rhytidome (literally, ‘a wrinkle’). This term is applied to plates of tissue formed in the inner bark by successive development of cork cambia.

Barks may be described under the following headings.


The cork cells in transverse section are often tangentially elongated and arranged in regular radial rows. In surface view they are frequently polygonal. The cell walls give a suberin reaction; the cell contents frequently give a positive tannin reaction. The cortex is usually composed of a ground mass of parenchyma. An outer band of collenchyma often occurs. Secretion cells, sclereids and pericyclic fibres may occur scattered or in groups in the cortex. The cortical cells often contain starch or other typical cell inclusions such as calcium oxalate.

Sieve tubes, companion cells, phloem parenchyma and medullary ray cells are always present in the phloem, but these soft tissues may not be well-preserved in medicinal barks. The sieve tubes, unless well-developed, are observed only after special treatment. Secretion cells, phloem fibres and sclereids may or may not be present in the phloem.

Xylem tissue is usually absent but may be present in small amounts on the inner surface of the bark.

The following should all be carefully noted in the anatomical examination of barks: the presence or absence of outer bark (cork, phellogen, phelloderm); the structure, amount and site of origin of the cork; the extent, cell structure and cell contents of the cortex; the presence or absence and, if present, the distribution, size and form of sclereids, phloem fibres and secretion cells; and the width, height, distribution and cell structure and contents of the medullary rays. When calcium oxalate is present, its crystalline forms and their distribution should be studied.

Transverse and longitudinal sections should be prepared. The size and form of sclereids and phloem fibres are best studied in disintegrated material. Preparations treated with cellulose, lignin, starch, callus, oil, suberin and tannin stains should be examined.

The cell types mentioned above are discussed in Chapter 42.


Although few drugs consist solely of wood, no description of a stem or root is complete without an account of its wood. Wood consists of the secondary tissues produced by the cambium on its inner surface. The cells composing these tissues—the vessels, tracheids, wood fibresand parenchyma—are not necessarily all lignified. In some cases (e.g. the wood of belladonna root) non-lignified elements predominate. The distribution of the lignified elements may be ascertained by treating smoothed transverse, radial and tangential surfaces or sections with phloroglucinol and hydrochloric acid. In trees, the cells of the old wood frequently become coloured as they fill with waste products such as resins, tannins and colouring matters. This central region is called the heartwood, while the outer wood, which still retains its normal appearance and functions, is called the sapwood. Commercial guaiacum wood and logwood consist of heartwood.

In transverse section woods usually show annual rings each of which normally represents a season’s growth. In some tropical species the annual rings are not well-marked, owing to the absence of a seasonal interruption in growth. The so-called false annual rings found in, for example, quassia are irregular rings formed by alternating zones of wood parenchyma and fibres. The width and height of medullary rays are of diagnostic importance in the case of Jamaica and Surinam quassias and rhubarbs. The grain of wood primarily results from the arrangement of the annual rings and medullary rays, but is modified by the wavy course of the wood elements which causes the wood to split irregularly. Irregular splitting is largely dependent on the number of lateral branches which cause knots in the wood.

Woods may be described under the following headings.

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